nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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Based of the new halloween merch, trapinch wearing raihan’s hoodie is too cute not to animate  ( ´ ∀ ` )/
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
Bunjy a question, do you think any cryptids could plausibly exist?
at least one cryptid definitely does exist in the sense that it was an actual creature who encountered and really freaked out a couple of humans- Mothman!
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<art src- Tim Bertelink>
it was a barred owl.
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see, owls have a really bright eyeshine at night, and in a really unusual color- blood red. 
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and barred owls have the brightest eyeshine of them all- so bright you could swear you were looking at the oncoming headlights of the Hellfire Express! 
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at close range, the eyeshine of a barred owl would be almost blinding- like shining a bright flashlight directly into those bicycle spoke reflector things. like this:
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and wouldn’t you know it, barred owls are found in the areas where Mothman was first sighted.
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so what presumably happened was that several people had very close encounters with one or several barred owls, and the red hellfire glare of the owl was so bright that it made the owl’s eyes look the size of fucking softballs!
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and since it was night and the owl was moving the shape of it was too indistinct to make out, so the humans’ brains extrapolated a body outline for this unknown creature that was MUCH bigger than the owl actually was! it’s also stupid difficult to judge distances in the sky at night so they may have thought the owl was further away when it was almost on top of them. and HEY PRESTO, A LEGEND WAS BORN.
but this doesn’t mean that Mothman was never real, quite the contrary! Mothman is real in the only place that matters,,,, in our hearts 
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support owl conservation efforts in your local area though, and you may someday see a Mothman of your own!
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
Bunjy, do you have any fun/cursed facts about sturgeon? They are my favourite fish
sturgeon are probably responsible for most of history’s “lake monster” sightings around the world! these giant fish do sometimes cruise around just under the surface, and from a distance their primordially scaly spines can look like some kind of fantastical serpent, or something. 
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these freshwater fish are generally huge, sure, but some individuals have been recorded as north of 20 feet long, which is frankly ridiculous.
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add that to the fact that a single sturgeon can live for more than a century and you’ve got a lake-monster hypothesis!
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(or sometimes “jesus christ how did a shark get into the Great Lakes?”)
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
I thought it would delight you to know that ants do have a sort of funeral mound for their dead
yes there is a name for this! necrophoresis is a process with social insects where the bodies are taken to a specific location on the outside of ( or within ) the nest - ants tend to keep them all in the same place, and the way an ant is signaled to be "dead" by its other members is through the release of a chemical called oliec acid
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theres even been a few experiments where live ants were coated in the same chemical and other ants treated the live ants....exactly as though they were dead and tried dragging them into the pile
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
was wondering what your thoughts were on the concept of Eleanor taking Delta's consciousness the end of 2? is it strictly just his memories or is he somewhat alive afterwards (maybe it's a part of his soul)? it's been left a little vague and always made me wonder.
Hi! This is a great question- let me explain the way I understand ADAM and the transfer of information before addressing the ending of BS2.
Canonically speaking, we know that ADAM can be used to modify human abilities to almost supernatural levels but can also be utilized to insert new memories and well as aid in overriding old ones. This is mostly seen in the protagonist Jack in the first game, but could easily have been applied to others.
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While ADAM is most notable for its capability for genetic modifications the side effects are numerous and troubling. Outside of the obvious addictive properties, memories can also be shared accidentally via the recycling of genetic matter from previous users. While not specified in-game, I personally understand it as moments with emotional significance transfer easier between ADAM users than insignificant events. Even if the information shared in these memories could be argued as simply unique presentation for worldbuilding, I find my interpretation fits well with the lore regarding ADAM.
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Now, back to the ending of BioShock 2. When Delta lies dying on the roof of Sinclair's lifeboat, Eleanor gives a short speech. The content of her dialogue changes depending on which ending the player has triggered, but for the sake of clarity we'll be quoting the "good" ending.
You will always be with me now, Father, your memories, your drives. And when I need you, you'll be there on my shoulder, whispering.
In my mind, this is essentially a confirmation that Eleanor isn't literally taking Delta's soul, but rather all the genetic memories she can from his ADAM. The ending shot of Delta's fading vision contracting on her face isn't meant to be indicating any sort of spiritual transference- it speaks to Delta's love for her, unshakable s he refuses to close his eyes or even look away from his only daughter as he breathes his last. The change in views at the very end of the extraction isn't meant to be literal either, but rather admitting Delta has passed on and cutting to the surviving party- simply Eleanor and the echoes of a father.
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
new abyss just dropped
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
You guys need some healthy dose of music guy elitism snobbery actually its so annoying seeing people in their 20s unironically calling shit like Taylor Swift 'goth girl music' 'weird ferals hoe scaring music' without a hint of embarassement. Literally u deserve a bunch of rym pretentious dudebros to kidnap u to explain the difference between grindcore and powerviolence for 12hrs straight for this clownery i cant take it anymore
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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I literally cannot stop thinking about this
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
LN Twitter you are killing me
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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LN2 short comic
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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I realized one day I draw their teefs different
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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Barely made it out alive.
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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I did a few rounds of this meme over on my twitter over the past week or so!
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nightmares-on-mars · 3 years
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Phony Swiss Cheese
Place this slab of Cheese between two slices of Rye Bread and serve WATCH THE FUN!
Via SecretFunBlog
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