nightmaresides · 7 months
"You don't have to deal with everything alone" for Thomas and Roman maybe? :)
Warnings: Crying, fear, panic, and talk of being alone.
Apparently, I’m just in an angsty mood for all these prompts, considering I’m four for four so far, lol.
 Thomas couldn’t help but watch the human-Roman, he had learned-as he furiously wrote in his notebook. He looked frustrated and upset. And even from far up in the vent, Thomas could see the tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
 The borrower sighed. Unfortunately, this was a normal occurrence. Almost every night Roman would lock himself in his room and write or draw like he was now. Sometimes, he would calm down, his writing/drawing becoming less emotion driven. Other times, Roman ended up with his head on the desk, crying.
 It seemed like tonight was one of those nights.
 Thomas winced as Roman silently cried into his desk. Multiple times Thomas had watched Roman cry himself to sleep, every time he felt the urge to reach out and help the human intensify.
 But he couldn’t do that. He was a borrower, Roman was a human. He couldn’t reveal himself, who knew what Roman would do to him.
 But his conscious felt guilty about just leaving him like that. Alone and dealing with all too much.
 Thomas’ heart ended up winning over his instincts and he carefully left the vent, walking along in the walls until he came across one of his exits. Conveniently, this exit happened to put him right on top of Roman’s desk.
 He carefully made his way out, wary of being seen even though that was his intention. Roman, however, was still too caught up in crying face first on the desk to have noticed him. Thomas walked on shaking legs towards the human. As he continued to get closer his mind raced, fear grabbing hold of him and begging for him to turn away.
 His heart pushed him forward.
 He stopped right in front of the human’s arm. He raised his hand and placed it on the arm after some hesitation. “Roman…” He said softly. Only to suddenly stumble back as Roman’s head shot up. Their eyes met, Roman’s still full of unfallen tears but now wide with shock and then awe.
 “What-? Who-?” Roman stuttered out. Thomas didn’t know how to answer, but he didn’t even get the chance to try as he saw one of Roman’s arms start to move. Thomas tried to back out of reach, but of course it was no use. Roman’s hand scooped him up so Thomas was sitting in Roman’s open palm.
 Thomas couldn’t help but shake in fear as Roman looked him over. This had been an awful idea. Honestly, what else had Thomas been expecting? As his heart threatened to beat out of his chest, he cursed his kind and sympathetic nature.
 Roman blinked curiously at him, sadness forgotten for the moment. Thomas watched as a smile grew on Roman’s lips. And then the human spoke.
 “Hello there.” His voice shook Thomas’ core and the borrower squirmed, backing up to try and get as far from his face as possible, only stopping when he hit Roman’s fingers. The human continued.
 “I’m Roman. Do you have a name? Can you speak?” Thomas blinked, shocked to find the first question asked was for his name and not for what he was. Thomas thought about pretending he couldn’t speak, but figured things might be worse off if he went along with that plan.
 “I-I’m, uh…I-I..” Thomas tried to speak, but his voice was shaking in so much fear, he couldn’t even get past the first word. Though, this caused Roman to finally notice his fear and his eyes widened.
 “Oh goodness! No, no hey, it’s alright. I’m not going to harm you.” Thomas continued to look at him warily and Roman bit his lip. “Would you like to be put down?” Roman asked and Thomas wasted no time in nodding. To the borrower’s relief and surprise, Roman actually put him back down.
 “Thank-Thank you.” Thomas managed to stutter out. Roman nodded.
 “Of course, I’m sorry for picking you up in the first place.” Roman apologized. They sat there in silence for a few moments, before Thomas finally gained the courage to speak.
 “My name is Thomas.” He said, thankful he didn’t stutter. Roman blinked, before smiling.
 “Nice to meet you Thomas.” He paused for a moment. “I hope I’m not sounding rude, when asking this, but…what…are you? And what are you doing here?” There was the question Thomas had been expecting. But the way Roman had asked…it didn’t sound so bad. He debated with himself on whether or not he should answer.
 “I’m a borrower.” He started off with. “A person only a few inches tall who survive by living off of humans and making sure they don’t find out about us.” Thomas explained further.
 “A borrower?” Roman said out loud, trying the name on his tongue. “But, wait, if you aren’t supposed to be found then…why did you reveal yourself to me?” Roman asked, genuinely curious as to why a borrower, who apparently was supposed to stay hidden, would show himself to a human.
 Thomas looked down. “I’ve…been watching you for a while now and I see how you act around your friends…verses when you are…alone.” Thomas revealed carefully, wondering how the human would react to being watched.
 Roman, for his part, was more embarrassed than anything. “Oh.” He looked away. “You’ve seen all that, huh?” Honestly, he had never meant for anyone to see him break down like that. His friends didn’t-couldn’t know.
 Thomas nodded. “Yeah.” He said simply. He looked to Roman, before taking a deep breath and walking closer. “You asked me why I came and revealed myself even though it goes against everything I’ve ever been taught? Well…it’s because,” Thomas placed a hand on Roman’s arm, just like before. Roman looked back toward him, awaiting his answer.
 “You don’t have to deal with everything alone.” Roman’s eyes widened, but Thomas kept going. “Honestly…I know how it is, being alone. I don’t know many other borrowers and the ones I do know live several houses down. Too many of us in one place is dangerous, so I don’t get to see them often. It’s…hard being all alone sometimes. Especially when I have bad days.” Thomas took another deep breath.
 “So…when I saw you dealing with whatever this was alone, I…wanted to help. No one deserves to deal with these types of things alone. And if that meant revealing myself and potentially walking into my own death, well, I was willing to take that chance.” Thomas finished. He didn’t look up at Roman the entire time, but he could feel the human’s eyes on him.
 Suddenly, Thomas felt something come up from behind him, knocking him off his feet. He yelped and fell back onto the palm of Roman’s hand. He looked up at Roman as he shook with fear, but he froze when he saw the gentle look on the human’s face.
 “Thank you, Thomas. I-You’re right. Dealing with this alone has done much more harm than good. But, with your help,” he smiled. “I think I just might be okay.” Thomas returned Roman’s smile before Roman spoke again.
 “And just know that I will never harm you. You have my word. In fact, you can always come to me if you are having a bad day yourself. Or simply want someone to talk to.” Thomas blinked away his own tears and grinned.
 “Thanks Roman.” Roman shook his head.
 “No, thank you.”
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nightmaresides · 8 months
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nightmaresides · 2 years
Dance With Me
Here’s a quick thing I wrote! I hope you like!
Royality focused LAMP ( @notveryglittery)
Suggestion by @still-waiting-for-cookies 
The rain fell in big drops against the window, Patton smiling softly as he watched. The storm had been going on all day and it was finally starting to lighten up now that it was late in the evening, Patton content to sit wrapped up in a blanket in a comfy chair and listen as it pattered against the glass. He’d been doing this since dinner had ended, his boyfriends having dispersed as they had things that they each needed to do before bed. It was fine with him, he liked having time to just relax sometimes even if being with them was his favorite. 
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nightmaresides · 2 years
Hello! For the platonic sentence starters, maybe "Sing me a song, please?" with Roman and Thomas?
 Here’s the first one of many!
Warnings: Implications of abuse
 Thomas had only caught snippets of Roman singing. Quiet melodies and words that only left Thomas wanting more. But Roman never sang very loud and never when he thought Thomas would be able to hear him.
 It was almost as if…he was scared to.
 Thomas knew he wasn’t the first human Roman had been with. And that whatever had happened with his old ‘owner’ (Thomas hated using that word) had ended in Roman being forcefully taken away from him.
 Thomas still doesn’t know exactly what the man had done or said to Roman. The tiny didn’t like talking about it and Thomas respected those wishes. All Thomas knows was that it took a few weeks to get Roman to know that it was okay to express himself and do what he wanted.
 But even after all the progress he went through, he still refused to sing.
 Thomas thought about bringing it up, but before he could dwell on it further he heard Roman’s faint voice. Being quiet, he opened the door to his room to see Roman on the desk. He was drawing with some pieces of broken crayon and singing as he did so. His voice was soft, quiet, but amazing.
 Thomas stepped into the room, hoping to hear Roman sing more. However, as Roman turned to grab a new color he saw Thomas and froze, his singing cut off abruptly.
 “T-Thomas! How long-I wasn’t doing anything, I swear!” The panic in Roman’s voice broke Thomas’ heart.
 “It’s okay Roman. I’m not upset.” Thomas spoke gently, pulling out the desk chair and sitting down. Roman took a few steps back but looked up at the human with confusion.
 “You’re-You’re not?” He asked hesitantly. Thomas smiled.
 “Nope. In fact, I have to say, your voice is amazing.” Roman’s eyes widened in shock and a slight flush found its way onto his cheeks.
 “R-Really?” Roman squeaked out. Thomas nodded.
 “Yeah.” Thomas paused. “I-I think I might have an idea why you don’t sing a lot. And…whatever happened in the past can stay there. As long as you’re with me you can do whatever you want, and that definitely includes singing.” Thomas assured Roman. Roman blinked and looked away for a moment. He rubbed at his arm.
 “…He hated when I sang.” Roman spoke up after a while. Thomas’ eyes widened but stayed silent and listened as Roman continued. “He hated everything I did actually, but singing was at the top of the list. I-I used to love it and now I’m scared to even hum a melody. Not unless I’m alone and even then…” Roman admitted and it made Thomas’ heart hurt.
 “Roman?” Roman looked up at him. “Could you…sing me a song? Please?” Roman’s eyes widened.
 “Are-Seriously?” Roman stuttered. Thomas nodded.
 “I know it will take some time for you to feel comfortable singing again. But I want you to know that nothing will happen to you if you do. You don’t have to right now, but maybe…in the future?” Thomas sent him a gentle smile and Roman returned it. He nodded.
 A few days later, Roman did.
 And it was one of the best performances Thomas had ever heard.
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nightmaresides · 2 years
Deserved Rest
A/N: So it’s my dear friend, Parker’s birthday today, and I wanted to do something nice for them. It’s only been six months since they first approached me on Tumblr, and it honestly feels like we’ve known each other so much longer. So, Parks. I hope you have a fantastic, wonderful day and you better get spoiled absolutely rotten. Love ya, kiddo. Though much has changed, you are still such an amazing person.
 Happy birthday, @red-the-ruler
Warnings: None that I know of (I know right? Nyx writing a fic with no warnings? What the heckity heck?? Feel free to let me know if I missed any tho!)
Roman didn’t know exactly what was wrong. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe it was everything. But…they just…
What did they want!?
They slumped forward, burying their face in their hands and groaning to themselves in the quiet of their room. It wasn’t like the day went…particularly bad. And it also wasn’t like it went…well. So why did they feel so…bad?
There were things to do…Patton had asked them to do the dishes, since Logan was out working late…but they really didn’t want to leave their room. It was hard to find the motivation when they didn’t know what was wrong.
Roman was used to Logan’s curt, almost stern knock on their door. They were used to Patton’s soft, almost bubbly knock. It always threw them off when Virgil just walked in. Sure, they’d told Virgil to do so whenever he wanted too, they were best friends after all, but they forgot.
Their head snapped up when they sensed the presence halfway into their room, eyes widening when they saw the exhaustion on Virgil’s face.
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nightmaresides · 2 years
Animal AU Promp: So what if after a particularly bad storm the power goes out and Thomas is informed that it'll be out for close to a week. Thomas starts looking for a place he can stay in the mean time but since hotels don't really allow animals he stays with friends. The only problem is that most his friends can't accommodate all his animals so they get split up which confuses and scares everyone (bonus points in they're split up slowly, one by one, as Thomas finds friends to house them).
aaaaaaaaaaawww ow that hurt
Thomas was cuddling Patton and Virgil close as the storm ranged on outside. The rain crashing down and the wind howling, as the thunder shook the air and lightning split the sky. 
Virgil whimpered and pressed his head harder against Thomas chest, ears pressed flat against his head and fur on end as he clung to the human. Patton wasn’t any better he flinched each time the lightning flashed outside and whined when the thunder roared.
Thomas murmured gently at the kitten and dog as he held them.
Suddenly without warning did the lights start to flicker and with a click the whole house and neighbourhood was drenched in darkness, Roman scrambled from his spot and pressed close to Thomas side, Logan flew over and landed on his shoulder. Virgil gave away a cry and Patton whined loudly
  “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay, it was just the power that went, it will be back before we know it, i’m sure of it.”
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nightmaresides · 2 years
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♡ Day 2 of @moceit-appreciation-week; Dancing/Touch ♡
Dancing! Dancing! Dancing's not a crime!
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nightmaresides · 2 years
fall sentence starters
hey y’all! i’ve been in the writing mood so here are some autumnal writing prompts, both tricks and treats!
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1. “I don’t really like candy corn.”
2. “I have no one to go apple picking with…”
3. “Do you… maybe wanna have a scary movie night?”
4. “Did you bring an umbrella?”
5. “My hands are so cold.”
6. “Can I borrow your hoodie?”
7. “Look at all the leaves!”
8. “Can you light a candle or something?”
9. “I know a way to warm you up.”
10. “What kind of candy should i get.”
11. “My nephew wants us to take him trick or treating this year.”
12. “Haven’t you ever seen the leaves change colors before?”
13. “Oh no, it looks like it’s gonna rain.”
14. “Your sweater is so big!”
15. “Lay with me?”
16. “Why is it so hot? It’s October!”
17. “Why did you get such a tiny pumpkin? We have to carve this!”
18. “You didn’t tell me we had to carve this!”
19. “Be careful with the decorations! That ladder won’t hold your— weight.”
20. “Are you seriously going all black this month?”
21. “What is the point of pumpkin spice pringle’s.”
22. “Summer is over. Stop wearing sunscreen.”
23. “The sun doesn’t go away just because it’s fall.”
24. “It’s raining so much.”
25. “But you’re so tall! Can you pleaaase come apple picking with me?”
26. “We are NOT dressing up my animal in a halloween costume.”
27. “You make a pretty cute ghost, babe.”
28. “I don’t want to go either but it’s a company party and there’s free food and we might as well have fun with it, right?”
29. “When was the last time you went to a Halloween party?”
30. “What are you going to dress up as?”
31. “You’ve never been to a corn maze?!”
32. “If you want to go to the haunted house I’ll go with you, just so you don’t get scared, y’know?”
33. “They have the best plain donuts here i’ve ever had in my life.”
34. “Cider is the best drink. Period.”
35. “But I’ve never made an apple pie before.”
36. “Come on, aren’t you excited to see the little kids trick or treating?”
37. “I don’t have to have to hand out candy alone, just put on the costume!”
38. “I picked it out especially with you in mind! You’re hurting my feelings!”
39. “They have good stuff down at the farmers market.”
40. “Why are your eyes so… red?”
41. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”
42. “Did you hear that?”
43. “Is that an… actual skeleton?”
44. “It’s just your imagination.”
45. “Maybe it’s just a scary prank.”
46. “Is that your blood!?”
47. “Is this what being poisoned feels like?”
48. “Help them! They can’t breathe!”
49. “It’s just a scrape…”
50. “How did you break your leg? And so close to Halloween, too?”
51. “Do you know what death smells like?”
52. “Is that a real knife?”
53. “Your nose is bleeding, like, really bad.”
54. “Just sit down, I’m gonna take the nail out.”
55. “It’s Halloween, they’re probably just in a costume.”
56. “You’re scary good at that. For a beginner.”
57. “I love that sound.”
58. “There’s nothing better than fresh meat.”
59. “When I said trick or treat, I meant just treat.”
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nightmaresides · 2 years
"Papa?" Virgil glanced up suddenly from his coloring page.
"Yes, my little rag doll?" Janus answered setting aside his book.
"Where did I come from?"
"Well." Janus slipped onto the floor next to his son and pulled Virgil into his lap. "You see, one day I was at the grocery store buying ice cream for your dad for his birthday and when I came out of the store I found that someone had left a baby in carseat on the hood of my car. I took the baby home and put up missing posters for him, but no one ever claimed him so your father and I decide to keep you for our own."
Virgil’s brow pinched. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely!" Janus assured and kissed his brow.
"Papa, where did I come from?" Virgil asked. It had been several months since the first time he asked, and this time Janus was ready.
He held out his arms and hefted the boy onto his hip. "On Halloween night, your dad forgot to bring in the Jack-o-lantern he'd carved and filled with candy for the neighborhood kids to pick from. Then at midnight-" Janus's voice suddenly went quiet "-we heard footsteps on the porch! We went very still, listening very carefully till someone tried to open the door." His voice went back to normal tone. "But at that point, we assumed it was your pesky Uncle Roman trying to play a mean trick on us, so your dad and I ran to the fridge where we had water balloons kept just for this moment. We grabbed as many as we could carry and ran as quickly ans quietly as we could to the door then we ripped the door wide open, hoping to catch Uncle Roman by surprise, but instead of your uncle there was you! You were bundled up in a knitted blanket and lying in a basket with a note pinned to the blanket. It said 'this is a good trade for your pumpkin'.
"Now at first your father was very worried, because he thought you might be a vampire baby! But I reminded him that pumpkins don't turn to vampires till after Christmas. After that he agreed to keep you."
Virgil hummed thoughtfully.
"Don't you believe me?" Janus asked innocently.
"Uncle Logan says vampires aren't real."
"That's because your Uncle Logan is terribly boring." He quickly kissed the boy's pudgy cheek. "Run along and play now, I need to finish dinner."
Janus glanced in the rear view mirror at Virgil, strapped safely in his carseat. "Yes, pumpkin?"
"Where did I come from?"
Janus sighed. This time it'd only been a few weeks since the last time Virgil had asked. "Well, one day, I was working late at the library because we had just gotten a new shipment of books and it was my job to make sure they all got logged and had the library's stamp on the inside. It was very dark out side because it was winter now and it was very quiet because the library was closed. Then! Very suddenly and without warning the book drop off panel opened up! Now, this isn't strange during the day, but at night it's very strange indeed. Especially because no books came at all. Instead a voice called out, 'Delivery for Janus the Librarian!', " Janus put on a faux deep voice for that part and it drew a giggle from Virgil. "So I did what any sane person does and I ran outside to get my package. And gets what it was!"
"Was it me?"
Janus smiled and nodded. "It was you. I took you home right away, just in case the delivery man realized he'd made a mistake. It would have made me very sad because I saw you in the little cardboard box and loved you so much I knew immediately that I wanted to keep you forever."
Virgil gave a grin and Janus smiled at his missing front teeth. "Love you, Papa."
"I love you too."
"Papa?" Virgil asked as Janus pushed him on the swing.
"Yes, little one?"
"Where do babies come from?"
Janus blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Why, they're dropped off by messenger falcons, of course." He tried to make it sound like he wasn't asking a question.
"Oh. Is that the bird on Dumbo that brings the babies?"
"No, those are storks," Janus nose scrunched in annoyance. Of course he'd gotten the bird wrong.
"Oh. How come the used the wrong bird in Dumbo?"
"Because Disney think it's funny to get things wrong on purpose. And you can tell Uncle Roman I said so."
"Papa?" Virgil asked as Janus helped him into the car after school.
"Yes, little bug?"
"Did I really come from messenger falcons?"
"No, you were a very special baby. You see, the year you came to us was a very special year. Aaall year long your dad and I did our best to be very, very good. Your dad didn't call Uncle Roman mean names and I even secretly paid other people's library fines for them. Then on the first day of December we wrote letter to Santa telling him about how we had done our very best to be very good. And we asked him if he could give a little baby boy all our own for Christmas that year.
"And then we waited. And it was the longest month of the longest year of my whole life. But finally Christmas morning came and we woke up to the sound of a baby crying and it was the most beautiful sound because we knew we'd gotten our special wish when we got you." Janus lightly booped the end of Virgil’s nose.
"If I write Santa a letter and you and Daddy write Santa letter do you think he'll give me a baby brother for Christmas?"
Janus blinked. He hadn't been expecting that. "We can talk to your dad about the idea."
"Hey, we're home!" Remus called out and slung Virgil’s backpack on the couch.
"How was your day volunteering in class?" Janus asked as he came out of the study.
"Good," Remus answered, slipping an arm around Janus's waist and pulling him into a hug. Janus kissed his cheek, drawing a goofy grin from Remus. "Better now."
"Papa, guess what!" Virgil beamed with excitement.
"What?" Janus asked, matching his tone.
"There was a new kid in class today! His name's Remy and he said I'm adopted like he is!"
Janus's jaw fell open and his head snapped to Remus. "You let someone else tell him he's adopted?" He demanded.
Remus shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "I dunno, babe, I kinda feel like this one is on you. He's been asking about it for like a year now."
"Don't try to pin this on me!"
"Jan, honey, babe, darling, sunflower, light of life, and the reason I get up in the morning." He set his hands on Janus's shoulders. "Ya told the kid you found him in the mailbox. His teacher was getting ready to contact the counselor for you."
"I was just. Waiting for the right time," Janus huffed.
"He's been asking for a year, babe. It was time for him to know. I know it sucks you weren't there for it, but the other kid actually did a really good job of explaining it and in case you couldn't tell, Virgil is really happy to be adopted."
Janus sighed and glanced down at Virgil, who now looked up with worry on his young face.
"Did I make you sad, Papa?"
"No, my love." Janus sat on the floor and held out his arms. Virgil sat on his lap and hugged him tightly. Janus smiled and hugged him tightly. "The day we adopted you was one of the happiest days of my life, I want you to know that. I wouldn't change adopting you for the world. But there were some...difficult things that happened before that. And sometimes the bad things get mixed up with the good things in my brain so it's easier for me to pretend none of it happened at all. And that you just appeared out of nowhere. Because it helps me think of only the good things in that way. But I will never be sad that we adopted you, I promise." Janus pressed a kiss to Virgil’s temple and smiled when Remus settled on the floor with him, enveloping them both in a secure embrace. "I love you, Virgil."
"Love you too, Papa."
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nightmaresides · 2 years
“Don’t you touch my baby, Sir! Don’t you f**king touch my baby!”
Video via Charly Zeta
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nightmaresides · 2 years
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I just realised I never actually posted this one.
It was meant to be the header of the side blog i was trying to make for the au… but that never happened because motivation and interest in the au and Sanders sides went neeeeeeeeeooom into “not interested land”
So posting it now. and… if you want to check out what exists there is the tumblr tag Animal AU and the stories on ao3 (with terrible grammar and spelling)
tag lists under the cut
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nightmaresides · 2 years
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I saw this on Facebook and went to check my registration status, sure it was fine because I voted recently, but I put in the info and it said I’m not registered
PLEASE, especially if you’re a Black voter, check your registration status at vote.org
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nightmaresides · 2 years
So are you doing the ship prompt thing? If so, How about a Roceit fic? The prompt is 'Don't hurt my brother!'. Hope you like this!😀
not really, but i can give you this short little thing :3(This became an au where Thomas is King and Patton is the crown prince and the others are/were orphans that was given positions of powers under Thomas rule… i have no idea what to do with it)
Roman just stared, sword drawn, at the beast before him, that held a struggling Deceit in one clawed hand. a growl leaving his throat as the best smirked at him moving one claw to press against Deceit’s windpipe while also squeezing harder, making the castles royal warlock’s eyes widen as his struggles grew more desperate and a squeak left him that he most likely would deny later.
Roman’s eyes flashed as he grabbed the sword harder and bared his teeth at the beast.
  “Don’t. Hurt. MY. BROTHER!” he roared as he grabbed his dagger and threw it hard at the same time as he lunged at the beast. the dagger struck the beast in the wrist getting logged in the dark flesh making the beast howl in pain and anger but also loose grip of Deceit whose struggling had grown weaker. he crashed to the ground in a heap before he started coughing and hacking for breath as Roman roared and threw himself at the beast.
Deceit lifted his head, the hood he usually wore to keep the big discolouration on his face hidden from view his bi-coloured eyes flashed yellow as he mumbled a spell that made the beast howl in pain and vanish into a burst of ashes.
Roman turned around and jogged over to him to make sure the younger orphan was okay.
   “Dee?” Roman asked as he crouched down before Deceit who blinked up at him.
  “You.. called me brother?” he said in a weak tone.
  “Well… i mean… we’re all basically a big fam- OOF” Roman was cut off by Deceit throwing himself forward and hugging around Roman’s torso hiding his face in the white tunic. Roman blinked up at the sky before he chuckled and moved one hand to card through the soft fluffy locks that took no orders from anyone. 
  “…thank you…” came a wet mumble from his chest.
  “Well I am the oldest so of course!” Roman said with a grin. Prince Patton and King Thomas would be proud of him, he was sure of it.
Tag list: @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko,  @secretlyanxiouspersona, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @rabbitsartcorner, @sleepyssnail, @nightmaresides, @virgilswritings,
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nightmaresides · 2 years
Could we please have some Logan fluff? There isn't enough of that
I have no idea where this came from
  “No.” he huffed and pulled the blanket over his head.
  “I said no!” Logan grumbled trying to become one with the bed, he had only gotten two hours of sleep and he was not in the mood to face the day. he was gonna lie in bed, and do nothing… it wouldn’t hurt to push things up one day, the others could follow the schedule for Thomas good enough without his help.
He had almost fallen back asleep when the smell of crofters reached his nose and he with eyes still closed started to follow the smell, until his head poked out from under the blanket and he blindly followed the smell of the jam until he suddenly felt his body tip and with a yelp he slammed his hands into the floor to not face plant. the rest of his body was still on the bed. He was instantly awake and jerked his head up to see how Deceit stood there with a jar in his hand and his other hand slammed over his mouth to keep from laughing, but the big grin on his lips was still visibel, and from the way his shoulders were shaking it was clear he was thinking this whole scenario was hilarious.
  “DECEIT!” Logan barked sending the snake running, Logan chased after him.
  “PATTON WAS THE ONE WHO WANTED ME TO WAKE YOU UP!” Deceit laughed as he took down the corridor and then downstairs, Logan hot on his heels.
Tag list: @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko,  @secretlyanxiouspersona, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @rabbitsartcorner, @sleepyssnail,  @nightmaresides
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nightmaresides · 2 years
Look out Fear! All these strangers saying they like your hoodie and light up shoes must want to take them from you, right??
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nightmaresides · 2 years
How in the world does Virgil hunt he’s a huge boi? And what’s the best gift everyone has ever received?
((Quick question, did you ask this same thing off-anon because I’ve got pretty much the exact same question a little earlier…… sO I’m kinda assuming you’re the same person and just decided to do it again on anon??….otherwise this is just a freakin weird coinkidink))
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He’s very fast, pretty quiet, and big sharp claws. Or, as I like to call it: Pounce, Snatch, and Bounce. He can do this a couple of times, and he’ll be good for the day.
(and before you ask, yes, he’s hit his nose a few times when he started out….it’s just an unfortunate part of the process)
As for the best fae gifts:
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nightmaresides · 2 years
A Misplaced Assumption
This is real dumb, I just had an idea about playing with how Janus’s name sounds and then.. this happened. 
Roceit - Bar setting - ficlet  Roman has to turn down women at work somewhat consistently and his coworker is trying to figure out why.
Roman went back to wiping down the bar with a damp rag, having just had to do one of the most recurring things that came with his job as a bartender. It wasn’t something he’d consciously been aware he’d have to take care of when he took the job, he knew there’d be cleaning, dealing with people who’d had too much to drink, maybe even having to break up the occasional altercation. But having to kindly turn down all the propositions he received from female customers hadn’t been something he’d considered he’d be doing so regularly. Thankfully he was as suave and charismatic as he was handsome and about 6’2”, so he managed to end things amicably almost every single time. 
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