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Zelda and Link, chillin' in transit
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Sun Magick
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What Is A Sun Magick?
The Sun (also called Sol) is the one and only star in our solar system. Throughout the time almost every culture has worshiped the Sun as either a God or Goddess. Ancient Shamans used the power of the sun to heal the mind. The Sun is associated with life, health and healing. The light of guidance and illumination is an important magickal symbol. Solar energy helps you center in your own power, like the center of the solar system. Planet Earth orbits around the Sun. Other bodies that orbit the Sun include other planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and dust. Generally, the primary stellar body around which an object orbits is called its "sun", and stars in a multiple star system are referred to as the "suns" of bodies in that system.
Associated deities: Aditi, Ah Kinchil, Ama-Terasu, Apollo, Aten, Brighid, Dhatara, Frey, Helios/Sol, Itzamna, Lucifer, Mithra, Mystere, Nitten, Paiva, Ra, Savitar, Apollo
Colors: Orange, amber, gold, yellow, red
Animals: Lion, Sparrowhawk, Griffin, Hawk, Bees
Incense: Cinnamon, clove, pine, citrus, Benzoin, Pine, Frankincense, Labdanum, Olibanum
Crystals: Sunstone, Goldstone, Ruby, Carnelian, Amazonite, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Golden Topaz, Fire Agate
Sun Associations: Success, Empowerment, Ambition, Enlightenment, Goals, Generosity, Spirituality, Male energy, Health, Vitality, The Gods, Joy, Freedom, Leadership, Matters of the heart, Creativity, Friendship, Growth, Personal fulfillment, Self confidence, Wealth, Individuality, Pride, Energy, Power
Plants and Herbs: Sunflower, calendula, marigold, daylily, orange, citron, saffron, pine, mistletoe, rosemary, buttercup, heliotrope, bay laurel, daisy, walnut, acorn, maize, wheat, hops, cloves, cinnamon
Sun Phases
when the sun wakes up and peers over the horizon. This phase is all about new beginnings, changes, health, employment, renewal, resurrection and finding the right direction.
The Morning
the sun is growing in strength, so it brings the magical power for growth, positive energy, resolutions, courage, harmony, happiness, strength, activity, building projects and plans, prosperity and expansion of ideas.
High Noon
When the sun reaches its peak in the sky at midday – work magic for health, physical energy, wisdom and knowledge. It is also a good time to pop your tools or crystals out that need charging. (Note: some crystals can fade in strong sunlight so check first before putting them out).
This is a time to work in your communication, clarity, travel, exploration and professional matters
As the sun takes itself off down below the horizon, work magic for removing depression, stress and confusion, letting go, releasing or finding out the truth of a situation.
Sun Water
Sun water is very similar to moon water. But rather than being charged by the moon, it’s charged by the sun. Sun water can be especially useful for helping boost the energy of a spell, to help an intention grow, and to cleanse.
Get a glass bottle
Fill it with any type of water.
Leave the bottle with water out in the sunlight or shade (indirect sunlight) during any time of day and for your preferred amount of time.
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nightmarewhispersxx · 10 days
Panic doesn’t always cause screaming, crying, running away or other obvious signs of distress.
It’s an extreme fear response - which may be significantly altered by many factors, such as if a person has been threatened or punished for having emotional responses or “inappropriate” facial expressions.
A person may seem calmer, or intensely submissive. They may be silent, even to the point of seeming catatonic.
It’s not your place to decide something isn’t a panic attack, when a person has told you it is.
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
"am i pretty" is a song that you'll listen to while you're walking home from school and then you actually feel pretty so you'll hold up your phone and take a selfie with the gorgeous sky behind you and windswept hair in your face and you look at it and it looks like the living embodiment of ae/aer pronouns so you get intense gender euphoria. in conclusion. this song wins everything
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
I hate how I look. I hate how I act. I hate how I feel. I hate how I think. I hate how I eat. I hate how I cry. I hate how I swim. I hate how I walk. I hate how I carry things. I hate how I judge. I hate how I have flaws. I hate how I do things. I hate how I play games. I hate how I act selfish. I hate how I act greedy. I hate how I smile. I hate how I question things. I hate how I don't cry. I hate how I love. I hate how I hate. I hate everything about me. I hate that I hate everything about me.
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
I wonder how it feels to not hate yourself
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
Why is he with me…? He would look so much better with that prettier woman… He deserves someone better…
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
I would be so pretty without acne
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
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I never knew this!!!! 😮
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
shoutout if you hyperfixate
Shoutout if you say sorry to everything
shoutout if you have trouble speaking for yourself
shoutout if you overthink
shoutout if you snap for no reason
shoutout if you use neopronouns
shoutout if you don’t use pronouns
shoutout if your part of the lgbtqai+
shoutout if your trying your best
shoutout if you can’t handle every day life
shoutout if you don’t fit in your body/species
shoutout if you made it through yesterday <3
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
don’t!!! fake!!!! your!!!! interests!!!! to!!!! make!!!! someone!!!! like!!!!! you!!!!
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
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shipping win! they have different but equally terrible coping mechanisms
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
jokes that will literally never not be funny to me:
saying “speedrun strats” every time you fuck up
saying “first try” when you’ve tried the thing like 15 times, minimum
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
Nature exists everywhere. It is a modern illusion that we, people, exist separately from nature. And nature is not merely forests and oceans, plains and grasslands, ponds and marshes, all of it is nature. And if you look around your town and city, you'll see the wild all over it too.
I've been reading a bool called "City Magick" by Christopher Penczak and it has me thinking of what an animistic approach to the modern world really looks like.
I don't have all of my thoughts together on this topic, but I just wanted to get something out.
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
Crystals and Salt
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Hello! I have recently had a lot of people ask me about salt, crystals, cleansing, and damage, so I wanted to quickly make a post about it! I felt like this information could be helpful for my crystal friends!
First: What is salt cleansing? Where does it come from?
Salt cleansing is the process of using salt too energetically remove negativity or spiritual damage from a crystal while also boosting its own natural energy. Often times this process is simple, lay your crystal in a bed of salt and let it rest and recharge for 15-30 minutes. This historically comes from Mesopotamia when people would dress food products or clean themselves they used salt because of its anti-bacterial properties and it was said to protect from negative spirits. We also know that every culture on the planet had spiritual interactions with salt, like the Kalahari salt ritual where salt is considered sacred because it dries and stores food in travel. Salt rituals can be found in native folklore as well as in new age spaces for its protective and purifying abilities. Scientifically salt has been used to cure, dry, and preserve food and items like flowers for millennia, it also has been used as a saline solution when people are injured because of its antimicrobial properties, hence its associations through time!
What crystals cant go in salt?
While yes, I could start with crystals that are salt safe HOWEVER I feel like we are oversaturated with that information as most crystals are salt safe, I wanted to really explain what crystals cant go into salt, why, and what exactly happens. This is the pressing question that inspired this post, while a lot of crystals can go in salt, there are plenty that cannot! This is because salt is not only abrasive and can damage some soft crystals, but it also can lead to chemical reactions on some of them, so below is a list of guidelines and basic crystals that do not belong in salt.
Any crystal under 7 on the Mohs Hardness scale do not belong in salt beds or salt water. This is because it not only can scratch these stones, however you have a higher chance for reactivity in some of these raw crystals.
Example stones:
Jasper (cracks and breaks)
Fluorite (scratches, cracks, and disintegrates)
Rhodonite (Scratches, chemically reacts)
Bloodstone (Disintegrates)
Malachite (Breaks apart)
Sodalite (Discolors, cracks)
Moonstone (Debatable, experts are torn, better not to risk it)
Calcite (Scratches, some possibly react)
Selenite (Scratches, Disintegrates)
Kyanite (Disintegrates)
Apatite (Disintegrates)
Celestite (Breaks, Disintegrates)
Alabaster (Disintegrates, breaks)
Amber (Deforms, breaks)
Angelite (Disintegrates)
Azurite (Disfigures, Disintegrates)
Hematite (Discolors, possible reactions)
Jet (Disintegrates)
There are many others ranging from opal to pyrite, so here are some general rules of thumb to follow
If it end in -ite chances are it is not salt safe
If its under 7 in hardness its best to triple check if its safe
if it is raw triple check it wont react with salt
If its glittery (example: amazonite) it looses luster in salt
If its reactive to water, salt attracts moisture in the air, you need to triple-check (ex: angelite)
anything reactive to basic solutions (salt water has a PH of 8.1 which is quite basic)
I hope this helps! I know this is not a perfect list, or even a perfect post, but I hope this helps some people along on their researching journey!
https://www.rockcollage.com/single-post/crystals-that-get-damaged-by-salt https://www.allcrystal.com/articles/list-of-crystals-that-can-go-in-salt/ https://moonsoulmagic.com/crystals/are-my-crystals-safe-in-water-or-salt/ https://writeralpha.com/gemstone/salt-safe-crystals
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
Being a hearth witch has been like… I’ll go out in nature (my backyard), to do a meditation (watch the red dragonflies zipping around), and do a cleansing ritual (scrubbing my desk clean of dust).
And I love that.
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nightmarewhispersxx · 11 days
Every time I lose a strand of hair while in outside I like to think it’s an offering to the hummingbirds and other critters who need it for their nests! 🪺✨💁🏻‍♀️
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