nikgee · 2 years
We’re inside out Mind full of doubt We’re outside in World full of sin Why do, we stand here grinning Can’t we see that no one is winning We keep going deeper and deeper still We think we have the answer, take another pill Go ahead try to run and hide It’s too late to pick a side Time to pay the piper its been said I don’t know, it is something I read All I know is change has…
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nikgee · 2 years
Wage Peace not...
Wage Peace not…
Wage Peace, not war is my plea For peace will set you free I ask you are we willing The time is now to stop the killing Why is fighting the first reaction Whenever we encounter contentious action Maybe our solution could be I treat you as I want you to treat me
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nikgee · 2 years
I don’t feel safe. Let’s see if I can unpack my thoughts here. The political climate isn’t helping me feel secure. I don’t know I kind of thought two years after Trump that he would fade away. Instead of finding that normality, it has become more complex, volatile, and divided. I must confess I am a bit naive, growing up in middle-class America, under the protection of my family, and believing…
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nikgee · 2 years
News, I like to be aware of what is happening at home and around the world. Sorting through the media spin can be a bit of a challenge as there are several network choices. It is important to be diligently discerning in absorbing new information. What is troubling me, all talk and no action? Is it my impatience or do I have a valid concern for little to no action despite the growing evidence…
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nikgee · 2 years
Going forward, one person has dominated the news for the past several years. Since Donald Trump was elected president, he has been investigated by both federal and civil agencies. The frequencies of investigations increased weekly or monthly throughout his presidency and continue to this day. It has been well documented if you need to refresh your memory with respect to Trump and company and his…
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nikgee · 2 years
Guns, guns,and more guns.
Guns, guns,and more guns.
Guns, guns, and more guns. It is all I`ve been hearing lately. Just about every day there has been news of someone that has been shoot and often times it has been a mass shooting. Last week it was 17 small children and 2 teachers in an elementary school in Texas. That is a bit troubling. But today I got news of another massive shooting, just this morning at about 1 am. What made it different…
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nikgee · 2 years
U.S.A., the place I call home, proud to be an American. I’m not certain but most of my generation woke up one day with a giant question mark in the middle of their forehead. And I am no exception. So, where am I going with this? We are coming up on the time of year, July 4th, fireworks, backyard BBQ, party, and celebration. But what does all really mean, besides just fun? Historically , it was a…
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nikgee · 2 years
One word comes to mind, PEACE. Sticks in my mind, PEACE. Central in my search, PEACE. Praying for PEACE. The answer to our woes, PEACE. PEACE, PEACE, PEACE. I can’t make myself any more clear, PEACE is the key to unlock the door to eternity. Peace of mind. World peace. Peace with my neighbor. Peace with myself. Peace with the Earth and everything that lives here.
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nikgee · 2 years
Nation unrest We are not at our best A nation divided will see defeat Taking the war to the street All it takes is one bad actor Enablers are a concerning factor As long as they continue to lie Innocent people are going to die To ignore them we’ll pay There must be a way The Constitution is the guide If we choose to abide Good chance we’ll survive If we choose the lie Democracy will…
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nikgee · 2 years
Words are what the mind thinks words express. I can’t express the importance of what we say and write. We live in the information age where words fill the page at the touch of a button. That’s good you say and I agree, it’s fantastic. Listeners and readers beware there are ones that chose to misinform and deceive others, for whatever their agenda they subject their readers to twisted…
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nikgee · 2 years
Vibration, our world in motion. I am overwhelmed as I entertain the idea that everything as we perceive vibrates. The rate of speed of the vibration is what scientists have come to label frequency. This is very important as our eyes and ears are constructed in such a way to receive and discern different frequencies, whereas enabling us to perceive color and density, and the ability to distinguish…
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nikgee · 2 years
Life is ....
Life is ….
I am Equal yet different You are Unique It’s impolite to judge another To judge, you will be judged Life is that fast-moving train Or slow Or sometimes doesn’t move at all It may be awkward To see it moving backward Picking up stragglers on the way Then you will hear the shriek of brakes And the grinding sound of wheels coming to a stop Gears kicking, wheel grinding The engine…
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nikgee · 2 years
From Caves to Cities
From Caves to Cities
From caves to cities, the human path has taken us. Planting and cultivating, working with mother earth has given way to industry and technology. The give and take mindset has given way to greed Take it all. Trees are cut down for a number of uses, like paper, with little regard to planting a new tree. Holes are dug into mountains to extract precious gems and metals, leaving a great big hole.…
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nikgee · 2 years
April 21, 2022
I’ve taken a long hiatus Why you may ask? Or maybe not, like who in the hell is this guy anyway? Who cares anyway? It is plain and simple. This post goes out to anyone that has paid attention to my blog or has by chance followed my occasional rant. I haven’t been idle, quite busy actually. Why have I been away? I don’t know if I have a simple explanation for that. Let’s just say when it becomes…
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nikgee · 3 years
Slavery, a word most Americans avoid speaking, let alone discussing the topic at any great length. It’s a word that has pledged us since our conception. Lie and deny all we want that won’t fix it. Clearly, we can’t change the past even if we wanted to, but we are able to impact our present , guarenting a better future. I know I’ve said it so many time before, but we cannot ignore or deny it. It…
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nikgee · 3 years
Hey, Don't Blame Me
Hey, Don’t Blame Me
Hey, don’t blame me, not my fault. Karma made me do it… The devil made me do it… Sins of the father, fathers father, father. Push it further. How about past lives? Not me, no not me. So, you refuse to hold yourself accountable for your own actions. Why is it so hard to say, “ Sorry, I was wrong”? We have to have reasurance so we paint a picture of an all good perfect creator sitting up in the…
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nikgee · 3 years
What fun it was living in the 60’s, sadly the youthful spirit of that time is long gone. Simple, happy, and free… Just how we wanted to be… World peace and peace of mind… We wanted to find… Music took center stage Beatles, Hendricks, Janis, and more Each weekend a music feast The Doors, Led Zepplin, and the rest it abruptly ended as it started… Brought about bad player, murderous…
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