nikhithaaaa-blog · 4 years
We are going through a lot right now but everything will be better again
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nikhithaaaa-blog · 4 years
In case if you’re wondering what to do with your life
A few months back (ahemmmm.... just before global pandemic), I had no idea what to do with my life. I was literally running in a rat race. But now, I figured it out. All it took was to spend some quality time to myself and explore all the opportunities around me.
Here are few things you need to follow
1 -- >Write down all the things that excites you(hand written notes). 
2 -->Explore the internet. Do some courses online and try to get some hands on experience. This is the way you’ll get to know if that thing really suits you or not.
3-->Connect with people on linked In. Ask them their opinions on your career interests.
4 --> This is very important step. Cross all the things which doesn’t really interest you and which doesn’t have better career opportunities. You’ll be left with one.
5--> BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! You know what to do. Try improvising your skills and work hard to build your profile.
If you love doing your work, you’ll never feel any burden. In fact you’ll enjoy every teeeny tiny second at your work.
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