nikinny-blog · 12 years
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“The sun never says to the earth,  ‘You owe me.’  Look what happens with a love like that.  It lights up the whole sky.”  ― Hafiz
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Goodbye tips, sirens and subways
Tuesday the 30th of August.
Today we went to the beautician and it was an experience. If this wasn't a public blog I would elaborate, let's just say a procedure that is usually candle lit with relaxing music and robe in Australia takes anywhere between 20-25 minutes. In NY it was robeless and had paper sheeting on the bed and was completed by a crazy ass Russian lady in like 5 minutes.
After this we had a walk/look around and rode the subway for the last time where we saw our final celebrity spotting, Christopher McDonlad (he was Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore). I came home and had a huge sleep and then had a couple of vodkas from our $15 bottle left ofter from the hurricane supplies and got ready for Zarkana.
So we arrived at radio city and it is a very classic and timeless venue.
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The Cirque du Soleil show Zarkana was great but nowhere near as good as the one I saw at the Belagio in Vegas where half the act was done in water.
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Before the show had started I was colouring in a sign I made for Nathan and I could hear the lady behind us having a conversation about it. "who's N.B (pause) probably some kind of artist."
The show finished at about 11 and we were starving, we went to TGI fridays and shared a mini steak, half rack of ribs, brocolli and mash and it was AMMMAZING. Went for our final stroll through Times Square and with sign in hand took a picci for Nath. Screw I heart NY - I heart NB :)
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Came home and watched a little television and went to bed at about 2.
When I closed my eyes a huge smile seemed to capture my face as I thought about flying home. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I'm in the most amazing city in the world and the one thing that would make me the happiest right now is to simply be home.
Soooo close Nath. x
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
So long L.E.S hello a real BED!
Monday the 29th of August.
Best buddy called with some exciting news of a little present when I get home that starts with n and rhymes with necklace BAHAHA. So excited.
Literally got an hours sleep last night. Thoughts rolling around and around in my head and felt like I was going to be sick all night. Usually a bath/shower makes me feel better but I didn't want to wake Allyce up but by 6am I gave in.
Alarm went off at 7:30 and we had to go to the laundromat to get all the linen clean for the apartment. I was tired and I was grumpy. We then tried to go to the post office but it wasn't open yet. We did however go to the bank to close our accounts and deposit all my change I'd been collecting. I think he might have thought I was homeless. When we got to the teller he said I had to separate it into money rolls...grr. So we did. When we got back to the teller the lady began sorting the leftovers into envelopes. I offered to help but she declined and then proceeded to put all the leftover denominations we'd separated into one envelope!! I was not in the right frame of mind for this lady - Allyce sensed my rage and said I'm out of here. As the lady was counting the quarters she looked up and me and got up me for putting another denomination in with it...WHAT THE CRAzY LADY! I let her have it lol. I made sure I said thank-you for your help as we left though and left with my entire $22.76. Also tried to close our accounts but we both apparently had pending transactions..off to a good start today right. We also tried to go to this other store but it wasn't open either, asked the guy out the front and he informs us he is the worker and he forgot his keys lol.
We then went to K-mart to get Allyce a second bag and the liquor store to get something for Allyce's brother. Did find some epic cheeze balls in Kmart lol - they were in true US style they were huge.
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And Kmart also had its own subway stop! Finished our dining experience of the Lower East Side at our Thai restaurant sharing the 7.95 lunch special :)
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Came home, cleaned the apartment, said goodbye and hauled all our luggage down the 67 flights of stairs AHHHH. We had to relay it so one could stay in the apartment while the other dropped their bag at the bottom of the stairs. After a complicated exit through the 2 heavy glass front doors with about 8 bags we couldn't believe our luck when we immediately hailed a cab.
The cabbie stops, gets out, sees our bags, says no way and leaves. What the hell! So we called our friend Tamara about how to catch a bigger cab/van, she had no idea and neither did we. I googled called a car service and they wanted to charge $40. Allyce stayed with the bags and I went to hail a big cab on the main road. I immediately saw one, waved him down he rolled down the window...
Nikki: we need to go to west 48th and we have a fair bit of baggage,  my friend is waiting with out bags on clinton st.
Cabbie: Im not working
Nikki: well why did you stop?
Cabbie: you could have been dying or something
Nikki: (in my head I was like are you serious right now you wanker) whatever, see you later
Cabbie: Holy Shit, are you serious?
Nikki: go away now (and I literally had to walk away from the freak) as he just sat there.
He obviously just didn't want this fare/wasn't going this way, what an asshole.
After about five minutes of hand signalling the "big cabs" and trying not to confuse the little ones, we had one. Except he turned down the wrong street to get Allyce - arrrghhhh. We eventually wheeled/carried/lugged our bags across the street and into the cab. GOODBYE L.E.S.
When we arrived there were so many people checking in/out of the motel we had to queue to get in, queue to check in, queue to get the bell man, queue for the elevator so about half an hour later we go to our Deluxe Queen room which is about the same size of our little apartment.
Went for a walk through time square, always makes you feel so touristy.
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Went to Hooters where we organised a surprise for Dill for his 18th. Happy Birthday MR. 
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Came home and I was exhausted, however I had a moment of pure ecstasy when I lay down on...A REAL BED. After 6 weeks of sleeping on either a couch an inch thick mattress on the floor my body was saying thank-you.
Today (in Australia) marks the 3 year anniversary of a very dear friend we lost but many amazing memories are alive and kicking. Love you moustache man, you'd be so proud of Miss Kirby. Always in our hearts.
Off to sleep, goodnight my best buddy. 4 sleeps, that's right 4!
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
That's what I like about you 4.
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I love
how we met - wiping Alice's tears away while on crutches
I love
the night you first came to visit me - it's on the left LOL
I love
our first kiss :)
I love
lisa mitchell concerts/make out sessions
I love
the elephant & wheelbarrow I got lost story
I love
how you asked me out hehe
I love
that you still try to deny that you were the first to say the 3 lil words
I love
the michael jackson story 
I love
evan and your post winery tour drunken destruction
I love
your just because necklace present 
I love
how resilient you are - you are THE most positive person I have met.
I love
your family - even BARRY
I love
what are you doing? starting the cooling process, you're hot as fuck :)
I love
how you tell me your secrets.
I love
how I can tell you mine
I love
that you call me your bestest buddy
I love
that not many people know how kind you can be
I love
the questions you ask me about girl stuff cracks me up
I love
watching the life doco with you in my big bed
I love
the hangover bed
I love
your sleep talking stories ;)
I love
elevator kisses, green tea china man, baby game, koalas, soft kitty, HUBBLE, late night scrabble, A-Z game pre-sleep, back scritches, buck hunter, STOCKHOLM, creative generation, trying to help me find the lindt cafe for an hour in darling harbour, ten pin & your cyclone addiction, how I kick your ass a car racing games (except the ONE TIME you got a power up)
I love
that you hate making up stories but you do it for me anyway...
I love
that your Mum & I are the only girls to ever be in you DP
I love
the moment you realised you were going to wear a cardboard crown and sword to a 3 year olds bday party and we rocked the treasure hunt set-up together.
I love
entourage bonding over fb pre-dating
I love
You don't know this one but there was a moment at the airport before I left when I realised how well you handle me.  I was so anxious/nervous and I flipped out because I couldn't find a bobby pin to pin my hair back. It was so ridiculous but there you were searching for this stupid little bobby pin for me in my car.
I love
the way you find me every night in bed and pull me into you when we are sleeping (until I get too hot)
I love
all those moments at airports over the past year and a half and the look you/I get when we first see each other
I love
the way you handle me - you tell me when I'm being a sook or a wanker
I love
the synchronised yummy food nod
I love
the "I was standing there waiting for a taxi and I realised"... story
 I love
when you tell me I'm beautiful
I love
the night you went out with the boys and I drank a bottle with your Mum and when you came home Wheelz pronounced your love for me lol
I love
how you make me laugh, everyday
I love
that you supported me in my crazy dreams.
You are amazing. And I adore you.
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
< Stir Crazy >
Sunday the 28th of August.
Woke up and found out there was a tornado watch lol. However outside things didn't seem so bad  and we were still in one piece. I even went to the rooftop to check things out. Hooray we made it through the hurricane. Well that's what we thought - it must have been the eye of the storm because a little later the wind went nuts again. Filled in the day by watching dvds, snacking, washing hair, cleaning, packing, doing nails, watching news updates, doing a face mask, plucking eyebrows, practicing ghd curls etc. I was going nuts. I think its more the fact you know you can't go outside than that you want to. Eventually we gave it a shot at about 5:30 pm and went our for a bite to eat. It was sooooo average. We were so disheartened after all that time cooped up.
The most exciting thing that happened today was I found a switch above my bed that turns the main light on/off in the apartment LOL.
So anyways here's a few pics of this eventful day...
Below is a street we walk down quite often, it is 6pm here so the hurricane has pretty much gone, you can see the storm above the city though.
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This is some street art that I love - I think the writing are quotes from the children featured.
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You would VERY RARELY see a NY street look like this, no shops open, no people and it was soo quiet. Ghost town much?
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Below is our lil calendar we lived by while we were here. We were a little OCD with our planning it did allow us to make the most of our time here.
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YAYYYY I'm coming home soon packing pic.
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Off to bed me thinks. Off to a motel tomorrow for a few nights.
Night Lloyd. Shh shh shh
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Heaven & the Hood.
Friday August the 26th and Saturday the 27th.
Woke up and went for a walk this morning stopped in at the post office, still no nathan parcel. Did encouter F.O.T.D a man that I think was making out with his cigarette. It wasn't a rollie however he licked it up and down and then twisted it all around in his mouth - it was disgusting but hilarious.
Today we went for a look around the shops but we could not find a thing - don't you hate when that happens. It seems to me that there are some really nice casual clothes here but in terms of the "going out department" unless you want shiny polyester dresses and cork wedges your out of luck. Every second girl here wears wedges - even foam thong wedges lol. A lot different to Australia.
We did stop at a little cafe for a bite to eat and holy, it was some amazing food. The bruschetta with ricotta, pesto and one with mascarpone and baked strawberries - I was in HEAVEN! Lots of nods of approval.
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We did stop at the liquor store and purchase a 1 litre bottle of vodka for $15 that's right $15 - stoking up for the hurricane.
Came home for a few beverages and got dressed to go out. Since we are going to be locked indoors for the next couple of days we were going to make the most of it. The subway was actually free because they were trying to help people evacuate so we got a free ride into town to go out HOORAY.
When we got there the front bar was pretty empty but we scored a free shot and a drink each wooo. Headed to the back bar and oh my goodness, our initial reaction was we were going to get shot, stabbed or beaten up. We were the only white girls in sight. It was the HOOD. We did have a good night though. In out office at work I picked a little gadget up once and asked what it was, they replied a metal detector. I asked why do you have one of those? Response - when we had our last club we had to check customers for guns etc. on entry lol. If this could convert to a tosser detector instead it would be so useful in the cri in Maryborough.
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The sumo hiccci Allyce stalker was there chasing her around a little again. There was a restroom hostess tonight, they give you perfume, mints, hand towels etc. You are meant to tip them for this service though. Because I have a bladder like a pregnant lady I proceeded to make friends with this lady. You could tell she was so tired, she had a huge family and not much money. You should have seen all the girls taking/using her stuff and not tipping her - so sad. Caught a cab and got some maccas on the way home even shared one of my nuggets with the security guard lol.
It was Nathan and my year and a half today - Happy Anniversary best buddy. 
Favourite quote from my book today true "love defies distance and the elements"
Woke up and went searching for some food, most places were shut. Shared a burger and stocked up on some food for the hurricane sesh. We filled all our water bottles up and even the saucepan lol. Also taped the windows up.
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By dinner time we were already going stir crazy so we stepped out to see if perhaps anywhere was open. We were craving meat and veges. Most places were closed due to the hurricane however Kate's Joint was open so we went in. We suddenly notice that all the meat dishes said not-steak, not-fish or fakin bacon etc. Of course the only place open was a vegetarian restaurant. 
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Came home and watched a movie and the news updates. By about 11pm the hurricane was starting to hit. We did try to go to bed but the wind woke us up. It literally sounded like a howling wolf, so we had some vegemite on toast and watched the news until about 2. Reminded me of when I was little and we'd sit with Mum in the storms and have hot milo and penut butter and honey on toast, sometimes we'd even sing the storm song from sound of music lol.
No more weekends apart Nath. So excited to see you.
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Go away hurricane...
Wednesday the 24th of August and Thursday the 25th.
Last day of work today so brought in some cup cakes for the gang. Below are the flyers I made for work over the last few shifts. 
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Allyce came in to meet me after work, we had a drink but it was just too busy, so we came home. We planned to go on the Staten Island Ferry the next day but of course it was raining.
Instead we decided to go a shopping centre Allyce found - I swear this place had all the worst clothes in the world under one roof.
Before that though I had noticed a large amount of people eating corn cobs out the front of this cafe on a recent walk so we ventured in there and the corn was amazing, mexican style..we can't work out what was on it though lol.
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On the same walk I also found this garage that had been turned into a mexican cafe, where the chef cooks from a combie van - too cute. 
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So we went there today and finally tried these fish tacos we are seeing everywhere, they were also surprisingly delicious.
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After this we went to watch Friends with Benefits and oddly enough the corn cafe was in it! After the movie we walked to central park to watch Dreamgirls for free in Sheep Medow. Caught the subway home.
We are on hurricane watch over here at the moment. Wish it would just go away. Hopefully we will be fine where we are, fingers crossed but they have declared a state of emergency eek.
Goodnight, my man. 1 more weekend apart.
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
The pastrami was bigger than the earthquake!
Tuesday the 23rd of August.
Todays favourite Book Quote;
"...which is more delightful? To start for a holiday which has been fully earned OR to return home from one which has been thoroughly enjoyed; to find oneself with renewed vigor, a fresh store of memories and ideas, back once more by ones own fireside, with one's family & friends"
Off to work again today, however is was a little more eventful than usual. Felt the office start shaking and turned round to find a manager at work with the same "can you feel that expression" on her face. We started swaying on our chairs even! Was it an earthquake in NYC? The bar below us was getting its roof renovations so we thought perhaps that might have something to do with it, but no. The internet quickly confirmed it - I had just encountered my first earthquake. I will admit a lot of New Yorkers over reacted (they even evacuated city hall) and a lot of people didn't even feel it. The manager at work did say however that all the pictures on her wall came off and her dog went and hid on her bed. Booked a cool event at work today which was for broadway singers who sing their favourite rnb tunes. In the last hour we all had a couple of wines while we chatted about upcoming events, what a great way to end the day! Last day tomorrow, everyone is so lovely there :(
After work I met Allyce at a Barnes and Noble on 86th for a Book Signing and believe me I only did this for my mother who likes the show Bones and makes me watch it sometimes. So the lady and her books that the show is based had a question and answer session as well as a signing.
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She discussed some very interesting forensic cases and said she is involved in the investigation of Houdini's death as well as bringing Pocahontas back to America which is pretty interesting. Anyways got her new book for you Mum and signed - hope you like it.
After work we finally went to the famous Katz deli for dinner to share their world renown pastrami sandwich. It has so much meat we wanted to just try half (maybe the $16 price tag was also a deterrent) but they wouldn't let us. Nonetheless we tried it, it was nice but IT WAS HUGE. I think the amount of pastrami in this sandwich is equivalent to how much I would eat in a lifetime. 
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I am currently undertaking some new conflicting thought processes in my head obtaining to the themes of money and love.
You see what I have realised is that for me without those you love you can never whole-heartedly enjoy something. For me something feels like it's missing at the moment. So I think to myself maybe love IS all you need....
I think well no, look at our povo situation you need money to survive right?
Then the other night after the movies the beatles were playing in the Mac store and their song got stuck in my head. We exited and I was quietly singing "all you need is love" and repeating this line along with love, love, love (as these are the only lyrics I think I really know). In an ironic but quite cliché manner I look down to see (yet another) homeless person. So love isn't all you need?
I think where are this persons friends, family etc. what has happened in their life where there is literally not one person that can give them a floor to sleep on? Is this situation a result of their actions?
I'm so confused. Love? Money? Both? I know I like both. 
I also know I love you Nath. Goodnight. Wish my parcel would get here already :(
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Thunder only happens when it's raining...
Sunday the 21st and Monday the 22nd of August.
Today we were so excited as we had 2 concert planned to attend! 
We headed for our 7.95 shared lunch special at the Thai place we have become regulars at and then came home and got ready.
When we exited the train station we could hear a lot of noise and as we came to street level there were spanish (i think) people everywhere, a stage, music, people in HUGE feathered costumes (men, women and children) and a man holding a small child up ons stage for everyone to see. I thought it was some sort of religious thing and Allyce thought perhaps a lost child lol.
The first concert we went to was a  FREE BBQ and Blues festival on a peir on the West Side of the island.
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It was great music, food, drink and people. We tried a pulled pork burger and I smuggled in my water bottle which we filled with vodka so we tried vodka with fresh lemonade :) We also met some brothers who were travelling from Australia one of which worked for St.George rugby league club. We traded stories and talked football (well I tried) we listened to the amazing music and then headed for our second concert.
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The second concert was feature Kelly Rowland, Fabulous, Big sean etc. and we got tickets for $20 so we were stocked...haha WHAT IDIOTS.
On the walk to the subway we were about 20 meters from our stop when it bucketed down.  When we got down to the subway we realised it was the wrong stop so we "ponchoed" up and braved the rain. The photo is hilarious.
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On the walk I saw this HUMUNGOUS rat trying to escape the rain, people ducking and jumping from it until finally.......it ran into a supermarket!! I went in and told them, god that's got to suck.
We had no idea where to go to line up for this concert as we had internet tickets through another company. I called the company and the information they gave was of course wrong. The rain had stopped however we were in line for at least half an hour before we boarded the ferry which was to take us to the concert on governor island. At least we had the statue of liberty to look at in the distance while we waited.
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The little ferry trip was kind of cute if you're into thunder and lightning at least the view was nice. 
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Upon arriving at the island it started to rain again so we put our sexy ass ponchos on again. We said to ourselves who cares lets make the most of this we'll just have a mud fight while we chill to Kelly Rowland. We got off the ferry and followed all the people to the gates. Allyce kept me entertained with her poncho "ears out" sexiness.
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About fifteen minutes after being in line they CANCELLED the freaking concert. Can you believe it! So of course everyone that was waiting was trying to get onto the ferry at the same time IN THE RAIN. So many people didn't have a poncho or umbrella - poor things. We saw a group of girls hounding a caretaker for garbage bags and another man that had taken off his undies and had them on his head ?! So with all these people they had to create a solution...you know those ferries you see in the movies that transport cars...yep they herded up onto one of those like cattle. I stepped in someones spew but hey at least we got home right?
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When we got off it was still pouring. We realised the subway would be packed so we decided not to let the day get us down and go to the movies. Turns out sometimes you should just admit defeat.
We googled mapped it and off we went. About half an hour later of walking in the rain in our sexy ponchos and after I slipped over in the rain, dropped my sunnies and the lens fell out, oh and Allyce informed me I had a hole in my pants...we realised the cinema didn't even exist. What a day. We headed for the only thing that seems to comfort us in times like these - FOOD! It was nice to be out of the rain considering we'd been standing in it for about 2 hours - even if a lady had her dog in the restaurant.
After this we treated ourselves to a cab home and what a treat it was. The guy had NO idea where to go and pretty much as soon as he told us in his broken english "I haven't been cab driver very long" we realised he had no idea how to drive either. He was speeding or should I say skidding through flooded waters and breaking like he was having an epileptic fit but hey at least he WAVED US GOODBYE as he drove off BAHAHA.
We were seriously dishevelled by the time we got home. Tomorrow please be gentle with us I keep thinking.
Woke up this morning to a phone call - it was my man. Never seen a smile emerge on my face so quickly after waking up.
Had a recovery day today. Went for a walk to the post office to try and find my parcel from Nath, still nothing. Went to STA travel to sign a document and then did some small present shopping. On the same street as the Helen Mirren and Katie Holmes/Suri spotting I noticed a lot of people taking photos. I did to, don't ask me who it is though - apparently "kings____something___?" or "__something__ kings" a band anyways (not kings of leon).
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Met Allyce for mexican lunch. $5 chicken taco with rice & beans and a large soda - what a bargain.
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The got bed bugs advertisement on the wall which mimicked the "got milk" campaign where the milk moustache was replaced by a bed bug one was slightly distracting while eating.
Went for a little walk afterwards. We checked this famous sex shop out where they had had fake squishy plastic penis's for men to put in their underpants to look more endowed LOL.
$1 pizza and a movie kept us entertained for the evening. Work tomorrow.
Love you Nath, I can just see the light at the end of the tunnel. Coming home to you "baby".
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
5 clubs, 31 blocks and 2 slices of pizza later.
Saturday the 20th of August.
Woke up on the most comfortable couch in Long Island this morning and was greeted by happy little Roman, egg muffins and ice coffee. Cute little family breaky.
Caught the train home in the clothes we wore to bed and the day before, it felt like a walk of shame but not lol. We stopped in at Macy's on the way home. This is literally the biggest store in the world which is pretty huge bragging rights. It is a block wide and 8 FLOORS HIGH! It had four Starbucks inside, a few restaurants and a Macdonalds.
Came home and just chilled. In the afternoon we had strawberry daiquiri's on our little rooftop while we listened to tunes, was pretty epic.
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After this we headed to the free stepping concert on East River Park which is technically very close to us however it isn't so close if you get lost and walk the entire esplanade of the park. Anyway we met a lovely lady walking her dog who was an english professor at a university and her husband a film-maker and she showed us the way. This concert was amazing. the video footage doesn't do it justice, but if that doesn't do it for you, some of you might like the photo.
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Came home to have a few drinks as it is too expensive to drink while your out. Little did we know the we were about to encounter a walking marathon/tour of bars/clubs the lower east side. We'll start with Bar 1.
1. Bob Bar - we walk just around the corner 3 blocks to try and get into this club/bar. Reviews are great, website great, music on website good - Reality NOT SO GOOD. This club is literally across the road from housing commission accommodation, everyone we can see is black - on the street, the bouncers and the girls coming out of the club so we're not sure if we're even allowed in. We asked a couple of girls exiting they say its great. We pay our $5 and enter and sweet sweet jesus I don't know where they were hiding the rest of the club. It was literally only a little bigger than our apartment and just brick wall where ever you looked. I was hoping it was going to be a platform and three quarters kind of situation but no, so we left.
2. The Delancey - we walk five blocks to this club where there is a much bigger line-up. We don't need to pay but the bouncer asks for my birthdate like three times. We enter and we can not move it is so packed with a million freaks of the day dancing to shitty music. I ask what is downstairs and the answer "a gothic convention" great just what we were after. This next part of the story was a "you had to be there moment" but a serious knee slapper. We decide to make the most of it and brave the club, the freaks and the shitty music and head for the far room where there looks like a little more space.....BAHA. Hand in hand we literally head for this room only to discover it's a mirror!!! We look at each other and burst into laughter. This was a reverse platform and three quarters situation - so we leave.
3. Idle Hands - disheartened we are about to go home when I have a light bulb epiphany about this bar that always has a young crowd and fun music. We walk perhaps another 5 blocks and when we get there - crickets. No one. We again start laughing and retreat for home. The bouncer yells out to us we start chatting, turns out he is one of the investors in the bar, he gives us a free jager shot and sends us to a club where he is sure we will find what we are looking for - a club with dancing. He gives us a name to drop and a business card and we are on our way.
4. Fat Buddah - we walk 11 blocks to get here and this looks promising when we first arrive. As we enter the space is again so tiny. The bar takes up 3 quarters of theroom in its central position which is wierd. We sit for a little but after about three songs about bum shaking and slapping combined with this crazy asian girl waving her hands around everywhere in the middle of the d-floor we decide to try one last club we have heard about that we THINK is really close.
5. Webster Hall - 7 Huge blocks later (the blocks are different in size depending on which direction you are travelling) we arrive. It looks amazing, the line is HUGE, the cover charge $35 and its already 1am. Tails between legs we retreat for the last time and head for food and home (which is an additional 15 blocks).
5 clubs, 31 blocks and 2 slices of pizza later we arrive home.
Just wanted to crawl into bed with my best buddy but did the next best thing I could and called.
Love u babe.
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Sony, Smores and Slugs oh my.
Friday the 19th of August.
Went to the Sony Technology Lab this morning and it was pretty cool because it was free! You create a login and you use your card pass to log into the different exhibits throughout the lab. We operated robots, completed heart surgery simulation, interactive games etc. Was pretty cool. 
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We then got pics in front of the lil famous love sign.
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We also tried the cupcakes at crumbs bakery (very famous) but still nothing compares to Nanna's cupcakes. Also tried the famous Nathan Hot Dog - haha ;)
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F.O.T.D was this lady adorned with I love NY clothing (including hat) who sat on the train and proceeded to hook her t-shirt over her ears so it covered her face?? While sitting she then proceeded to push up and down with her legs and back down again, poor girl that was sitting next to her. 
We caught the train out to long island to meet up with one of out family friends - my Mum used to teach Tamara and she used to babysit me (in Moranbah). Now she has her own little family in New York. Two of the most amazing men I've ever met Matt (who'd do anything for you) and baby Roman, almost human dog - Nez, amazing house, amazing cars and even a stoller with an i-pod dock! So proud of you Tam.
To get there though we caught the wrong train (of course) but sorted ourselves out. We felt more American going out to this town. It was so nice to be in a house and have some family time even if we borrowed one!
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Little Roman is just soooo cute and yes Mum I took lots of photos for you.
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Was a little infatuated with him. 
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We had the most amazing time; cute dog, home cooked BBQ, coconut MnM's, wine, Ozzie/American comparisons, backyard bon-fire, SMORES and some new friends.
Meet pre-smore.
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Meet during smore (over the grass) - someone asked us if Australians face the south to eat lol.
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While we were eating the smores I kept seeing what I thought were snails but apparently they were SLUGS - yuk! Tam picked some up so I could get a picture of all three together lol. She got slug sticky all on her hands :(
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            Realised how many peoples lives my mother has touched. If I grow up to be half the woman you are I'll be happy.
Overall a great night :)
Congrats to my man for the semi-final win. Grand final here we come.
Love you baby.
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
You are just beautiful. I miss you so much.
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Central Park Zoo IS POO
Wednesday the 17th and Thursday the 18th of August.
Wednesday was the most average/non eventful day so far - except for the video I received from my special friend Addi.  When I got your little video I got tears in my eyes. You've grown up so much in the time I have been gone. Can't wait to see you again and get out doll house on and play monsters. Love u princess.
Someones little sisters urban outfitters parcel arrived today :) so that's something exciting for me to bring home.
I worked on some new designs for promotional posters for work and went to staples to proof some documents. After work thought I shared 3 carafes of this watermelon like cocktail with a couple of girls from work and it was only like $8 each..hoorah.
I realised I was running late to meet Allyce at the W hotel in wall st. as we were attending this free cocktail night, when we arrived however I had the date wrong and it was yesterday...wahhh. Caught a train home to get a bite to eat and went straight to bed. I literally slept until 11 o'clock today! Holy crapola.
Got up put our washing in an headed to CENTRAL PARK ZOO! Nathan and I LOVED Taronga Zoo in Sydney so my expectations were high and I was seriously so freaking excited (images of Madagascar were flashing through my head as we caught the subway).
Walked through the park to get to the zoo and saw the horses and carriages etc. went on a horse and carriage ride last time I was in NY so just took some photo's this time - forgot how much it stinks around the horses lol.
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Note to self: if you ever come to New York and you've been to the Zoo's in Australia save your $18 and DONT GO TO CENTRAL PARK ZOO - it's poo.
Of course the first section we went to was the Tropicana section which I couldn't even go in because it was an open aviary (for those of you who know me I do not need to explain anymore). So I sat outside and watched these huge birds just kicking it in their cage. There were heaps for mice running around on the floor - their food I think?
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Apart from this there were some penguins which all had lecki tie type tags around both of their wings :(, sleeping polar bears and snow leopards (that had no ice). He was probably just tired but look how sad he looks...
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There were a few seals and lots of ducks, birds etc. I did like this pimp lil red panda he was pretty cute.
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We also went to the kids zoo where Allyce shouted me some Llama food to feed them, was kind of scary. We worried he was going to spit.
Our ticket also included a 4-D 10 minute show so watched that also.
Overall NO Melman, Gloria or Alex etc. Can you believe that there was not one elephant, giraffe or lions!?. The only reptile was a poisonous frog. These people would shit themselves if they came to an Australian Zoo!  I seriously almost see more animals on our farm at home.
Always we were soooo tired and soo hungry. We shared a burger at a place where they filmed some episode of the Apprentice. I did notice I have a disgusting cough and developed a headache - I AM NOT GETTING SICK!
F.O.T.D thought he was pimp of the day. I have never encountered a complete stranger that I have wanted to punch in the face before. This guy was so arrogant and while he was good looking he thought he was no.1 sexiest man alive, he thought he was the most superstylin' guy around. This guy looked a little less buff then Jonny Bravo and his outfit was so matching I wan't to scratch out my eyeballs. Let me paint u a picture.. Red cap, white singlet, black braces, black cross, red jeans, black and red sneakers. He proceed to try and dance actually I don't know what it was but he was trying to dance like usher in front of everyone at the subway with his bottle of voss water in his hand. I bet you anything he is the type of guy that his mates would pay out on when he isn't around.
Came home and flaked. Woke up at 7pm! We were meant to go to this free movie in the park down the road but of course it was storming (the thunder literally sounds different and we can't work out why). So as something even more exciting...we collected our washing! YAYYYY. I did get to watch the new episode of Jersey Shore - so addicting. When will the Ronnie and Sammy cycle end!
Off to a couple of museums tomorrow and then a BBQ on Long Island with a family friend - they are making us SMORES ! Hooray.
My favourite quote from my book for today:
"We should all endeavour to contribute as far as we may to the happiness of our fellow creatures" I believe this to be so true - pay it forward.
"If you wish for anything that belongs to another you lose that which is your own" This one has me thinking anyway.
Time for bed - can't wait to wake up beside you best buddy.
Night Mr. Capitals. x
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Work. Movies. Din Din & A.D.D
Tuesday the 16th of August.
Still had some hard out insomnia last night - annoying. Woke up to my alarm to go for a walk but it was raining, so called Mumsy for a chat and then went back to sleep.
On my way to work this family signalled to me to take out my earphones and they said "you look like you're from here, can you help us." Hooray I must look like a semi-New Yorker, and I could even answer their question too.
Work was great today lots of flyer design and ran an errand for my boss where I had to sign for a purchase on her business AMEX. Nearly stuffed it up when I couldn't remember her last name lol. Pretended that my name was the friend I was purchasing the gift for so I could enter those details in the computer and then all I had to do was sign as her.
Allyce met me after work today and we went for a look at Fao Schwarz, this humungous toy store. The craziest thing in their was this BARBIE FOOSBALL table where all the plastic coloured people/players were barbie dolls - see picture.
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Not sure if you noticed the price, but it is worth 25 thousand dollars, we obviously ordered two of these at this amazing price.
We also had a look at the Apple store which is huge, open 24 hours and contains a cylinder glass elevator encased by stairs.
We then went tot he famous Paris theatre...
We saw an interesting movie called Sarah's Key which I believe is a true story. It is about how the FRENCH captured many Jews and placed them in this velodrome with not toilets/water etc. where most died before they were taking to concentration camps. This particular story focused on a small jewish girl named Sarah who when arrested with her mother and father hid her brother in a cupboard and kept the key all throughout her journey and devotes her energy trying to get back to him.
After the movie we shared some pasta for dinner from a cafe called FATTA CUCKOO (haha) which was dddddeeeelicious. The cafe is small but very cute.
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Came home and I felt like I had A.D.D I had so much energy, sigh. Perhaps it was to do with the lack of walking today and the lil serving of cookie dough with mini-penut butter cups in it that I helped myself to. such an ADDICT
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Just a little post tonight, can feel my eyes getting heavy so this amateur insomniac is going to take advantage of it.
Goodnight Nath. I hope you feel better soon. Wish I was there to take care of you.
Morristownian loves ya MR CAPITALS. x
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Long Distance 101” “4. When you're on the phone and you can't see it but you can hear the smile in their voice
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Long Distance 101" "3. Literally counting down the days until you seem them...20 :)
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nikinny-blog · 13 years
Celebrity spotting #2.
Monday the 15th of August.
I think I have a little bit of insomnia at the moment, didn't get to sleep until about 4 this morning so I over slept until like 11!!!
We caught the subway to catch this dance festival only to find out it was cancelled. BOO. We walked around for a little to Wall Street and had to take a piccy of the bull.
We also discovered a Morris st. so we stopped for another photo opportunity. Now all we have to do is find a Potter st. for Allyce.
We then decided we better try the infamous TGI Fridays (even though it was Monday). We were expecting absolute fried crappy food however we were pleasantly surprised. We shared a small steak and 1/2 rack of ribs combo which was soooo delicious. I couldn't even finish my half so we can not comprehend how people can eat these meals to themselves! When we were finished we realised how gross the bones are along with the fact that we were eating a rib cage is also pretty gross :I
We did try battered and fried green beans (which were very average) however they came with this AAAMMMMAZING sauce: ranch, cucumber and wasabi...totally going to try and replicate when we get home.
Afterwards we headed to this African Burial Ground museum we wanted to check out however as we are discovering like nearly all museums it was closed on Monday. We did get to have a look around the American Indian Museum for a little.
We walked all the way home which is like a quarter of the island in length! This is where we encountered a relatively mild F.O.T.D. A middle aged african-american man who was walking in and out of traffic stopped at a set of lights blowing bubbles from a bubble gun in the hair, LOL.
Our walk was rewarded however by our second celebrity spotting in 3 days. Allyce grabbed my arm and whispered Katie Holmes, Katie Holmes. I looked up and there she was standing next to us with Suri. She continued to walk to the corner with her body guard and entourage. I did leg it down the street to try and get a front on picture of her but by the time I got to her I did this awkward, excited raised eyebrow like smile/look at her which she acknowledged with a smirk. (I would've looked like a little kid who thought it was christmas.) I just couldn't bring my self to take a tourist snap (at least not when she was looking). She did look a little sad and even a little lonely but by golly she is pretty, seems so gentle.
The man in pink striped shirt is her body guard, Suri was having a whinge when I passed them and I'm not sure who the older lady and other girl are.
On our trip Allyce and I have had many "D & M's" about life, love, travel etc. or should I say I have dragged her into them. One conversation revolved around the importance of companionship and the line between independence and doing things on your own and having someone do them with you.
I have concluded that I would much prefer to have someone by my side because otherwise you have no one to share the memories with - this can relate to most situations really. I remember reading somewhere that perhaps this is one of the reasons why people crave (husband/wives) that perhaps it's because they are like a witness to your life and validate your existence and experiences.
The book I mentioned yesterday that I found had a section which almost mirros our conversation/my thoughts;
"We cannot fully enjoy ourselves, or anything else, unless some one we love enjoys it with us. Even if we are alone, we store up our enjoyment in hope of sharing it hereafter with those we love"
I feel very blessed that I have loved ones in my life to share many memories with and to make many more.
Off to bed, work tomorrow.
I love you Nathan, keep the reserved sign set up under your wing please. xx
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