nikkeaelcano · 3 years
Shifting Cultivation
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When forest degradation and destruction meet local communities who are simply feeding themselves or making their livelihood, the case for forest preservation gets complicated.
Shifting cultivation is a form of small-scale agriculture where trees are cleared for crops for a few seasons and then left fallow for several years to regrow vegetation and replenish nutrients in the soil before being cleared again. Although this practice has been historically employed in a low-density way, allowing for regeneration of tree cover, current practices often don’t allow enough time for forests to recover their pre-disturbance state. It is an agricultural system in which a person uses a piece of land , in the Philippines it is locally known as “kaingin”, in which the cutting down and burning of trees and plant growth in an area for cultivation purposes. In the tropics, shifting cultivation has long been attributed to large scale forest degradation, and remains a major source of uncertainty in forest carbon accounting. In the Philippines, shifting cultivation, locally known as “Kaingin, is a major land-use in upland areas. Recent years have seen an exponential increase in land deals across the Philippines with the conversion of large expanses of land with crops mainly intended for export while traditional upland farming implemented through slash-and-burn technology is demonized and antagonized through restrictive legislation. There are many cities and provinces here in the Philippines practicing the shifting cultivation or known as the “Kaingin System”, some farmers in Maguindanao use the kaingin to clear farm lots ahead of the rainy season but many people blame the indigeneous’ people farming practices for deforestation. it has been linked to an adverse impact on soil carbon and nutrients in the tropical region, It has commonly believed that tropical landscapes after shifting cultivation are not suitable for biodiversity and carbon benefits
Is the Kaingin system good for the environment? According to Kahal Kedtag, DENR ARMM secretary, the kaingin method of farming is more destructive and dangerous, he states that the slash-and-burn kind of farming will worsen the situation of our environment.  It deprived birds of their nesting places and other endangered species. Slash-and-burn agriculture, is one of the dominant land-uses in upland areas, and has long been considered as one of the main drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.
 Shifting cultivation typically involves the clearing of the forest by a combination of cutting and subsequent burning of vegetation; the cleared area is then used for cultivation of agricultural crops which was formerly forested land for two to three years . Shifting cultivation farmers then move to another piece of land allowing former land a fallow period to regenerate naturally.
Understanding biodiversity and carbon stock and any recognized pattern in recovery after kaingin is important to realize any opportunities the large amount of secondary forests in the upland areas may have Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.
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nikkeaelcano · 3 years
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My family has been a fond of planting since pandemic because that is one of the things they find enjoying, at first they do digging, collecting plants, cultivating soil, for leisure and they find it addictive in the long run and so now we have variety of plants in the pots, in our garden, in front of our house.
Horticultural is the science and art of the development, sustainable production, marketing and use of high-value, intensively cultivated food and ornamental plants. It contributes to quality of life, and the beauty, sustainability and rehabilitation of our environment and human condition. Plants, crops and green spaces sustain and enrich our lives by producing nutritious food, enhancing the beauty of our homes and communities and reducing our carbon footprint. Practioners of horticulture are as diverse as the crops that make up the industry and the discipline. They include a wide array of individuals an groups who farm, landscape, garden, research, advise and enjoy the bounty of horticultural plants for their nourishment, health benefits and aesthetics. The horticultural industry can be divided into three areas
Environmental horticulture provides a range of green career paths including the greenhouse production, wholesale brokers, commercial nurseries, garden centers, florists and landscape design and construction firms. By doing horticulture, there are some basic everyday practices that you will find fascinating while taking care of your plants.
1.       Plant Selection
As a plantita,  we select our plants wisely, according to the place where we will put our plants. It must also have a soil that is fit for the plant that we have selected.
2.       Pruning
This also is fun to do, sometimes we will prune the leaves in which there are no pests or insects that can kill the plants to maintain their form and control their growth, and we can freely do the styles with their leaves in the way that we wanted and ofcourse by not killing the plant.
3.       Watering the plants
While watering the plants I, sometimes sing a song because they said that it helps the plants to grow beautifully. And It’s so much good to see the plants having a nice and vivid colors. Like whenever I water our plants, I observe the leaves, its roots, the pot, or if the plant is at its best spot.
Horticulture gives more return than the field crops, the horticultural crops are important as its nutritional element is high, the fruits and vegetables gives enough nutrition and vitamins, because  you can really see firsthand with how the plants  taking cared of, and know what are the fertilizers uses. Horticultural crops and plants help in improving the environmental pollution and conserve the soil and water, preserve the area, and develop the socio-economic status of the farmer. Farmers growing high-value crops, such as fruits, vegetables, flowers or herbs, consistently earn more than those growing other commodities.
Horticulture and plants can benefit individuals and families by supporting health and well being. It provides a source of physical exercise, can provide nutritious food, providing stress relief and restoration, and helps create a sense of belonging and connectedness. It can also contribute to good health by providing healthy fruits and vegetables for adequate nutrition. When a household grows fresh fruits and vegetables, the entire household tends to eat more fruits and vegetables. Children who participate in growing vegetables are likely to try or eat a broader selection of vegetables. It is well known that plants are excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals essential to health. Activities like gardening help us remain active and help make healthy food choices easier so that we minimize our risk for diseases. Growing a vegetable garden or tending gardens and landscapes offers physical activity and nutritious, low calorie food essential for maintaining a healthy weight.
All these benefits reinforce the importance of maintaining our place, environment, and other community green spaces. Crops, trees, flowering plants are integral to human health. Not only do they provide a place for everyone to have a beautiful views, they directly contribute to our mental and physical well-being.
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nikkeaelcano · 3 years
Dairy Farming
Dairying, branch of agriculture that encompasses the breeding, raising, utilization of dairy animals, primarily cows, for the production of milk and the various dairy products processed from it. It is a well known fact that dairy industry actively contributes to the economies of a number of communities, regions and countries. Dairy farming has a positive impact on the environment and countryside. Many of the hedge grows that are such an important and distinctive component of landscape and biodiversity, owe their existence to the need to divide grassland into conveniently-seized grazing pastures for dairy cattle.
As I have researched, There is one of the well-known dairy farm in Cebu City Philippines, the YUVIENCO dairy farm owned by Dr. Merito Yuvienco, an Ortho Surgeon who bought a few hectares of agricultural land in the verdant hills of Talamban to fulfill his dream of a farm life, raising cows and planting fruit trees. Now that the farm is a successful dairy venture nurturing 300 heads and producing milk. In the real sense of the world FRESH, Minerva Yuvienco, his daughter has taken the reigns to turn the business into a successful one. Her unrelenting passion in serving the potential huge market of fresh milk in the Visayas will eventually prop up the dairy industry.
Dairy farming focuses on reproductive care and milking, if you are using cow as a source of dairy, the calves will be carefully cared for and of course, drink their mother’s milk. The cows will be grazed combine on the field and indoors. There are important farm practices that needs to consider when doing dairy farming
First, Animal health
Poor animal health is one of the principal constraints to increasing small-scale dairy productivity, as it results into high morbidity and low production.
Then, Milking Hygiene
There are some dairy producers milk their animals by hand, often in the presence of the calf to stimulate milk release.
Next, Nutrition
A dairy animal’s health and productivity as well as the quality and safety of its milk, depend largely on providing the right feed and water.
After that, Animal Welfare
Animal welfare is the application of sensible and sensitive animal husbandry  practices to the dairy animals on a farm.
Finally, Environment
Good dairy farming practices for the environment are inplementing an environmentally sustainable farming system, having an appropriate waste management system and ensuring that dairy farming practices do not have an adverse impact on the local government.
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nikkeaelcano · 3 years
Nomadic Herding
Nomadic herding is an ecological or near ecological system of agriculture. It is carried on mainly to produce food for the family and to fulfill the needs of clothing, shelter and recreation. At  present, it is mainly concrentrated in the southern and central parts of ASIA, nothern parts of Scandinavian countries, and northern Canada. But specifically, the world’s largest pastoral areas is the Northern Plateau fo the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It is a home to nomadic pastoralists who compromise 25% of Tibet’s population.  
A nomad is a member of people having no permanent abode, and who trael from place to place to find a fresh pasture for their livestock. The nomadic herders are dependent on sheep, cattle, goats, camels, horses and reindeers for their livelihood. Herd composition varies from one region to another. The length of stay of the nomads at on eplace and the direction of their movement are governed  by the availability of water and natural forage. The nomads graze their herds on native grasses and migrate from one place to another in search of grass and water. At the depletion of pastures, the herders have to move their herds to new pastures. Thus, after every few days, they have to migrate with their herds. With the change of season they migrate to long distances. The food of nomads is mostly of animal origin, such as  milk, cheese, butter and meat .Nomads wants a large, healthy herd, because it shows your family’s wealth, social standing, and work ethic. The trading of animals and animal products is important to the nomadic economy. For nomads, herding is the most important task. They move from pasture to pasture to fnd better grazing areas, which typically result in better milk, better butter, better meat, and healthier herds that bring better income.
Among Tibetans, the yak is the mist important animal in the herd, though nomads also tend sheep, goats, horses, and sometimes even pigs. Second in importants to nomadic herders are sheep, which provide wool, meat, and hides. Horses are also important because they are used for transportation. They also play a supporting role in helping herders to tend grazing yaks.
In other countries, nomads herd cattle, goats, sheep, and camels. In tundra, they ususally herd domesticated reindeer. For many nomads, their herds provide meat, milk, and hides for their own use, as well as for trade. Many animals, especially herbivores, naturally live together in groups called herds. Herds continually move from one fertile gazing pasture to the next. Herders guide their herds, and protect them from predators. Some nomads use herding dogs to protect the herd animals.
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nikkeaelcano · 3 years
Mixed Farming
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Mixed Farming is a type of agricultural which involves both crops and livestock. The livestock enterprises are complementary to crop production; so as to provide a balance and productive system of farming. Mixed farm systems, which include both crops and farm animals, hold up the world’s milk and food supply. In fact, mixed farms produce over 70% of the milk supply and 60% of the meat from ruminants globally, while providing incomes and livelihoods for millions of people in the tropics. In addition to providing food and income, farm animals often provide enriched fertilizer for the farm, support smallholders by pulling ploughs and help transport crops to the local market.
There is an international foundation rises here in the Municipality of Sogod, it is located in Ampongol Sogod Cebu and I visited the place to interview the farm manager and to know more about their agriculture.
Rise and Build is an International Foundation in which the founder chose agricultural farming to help those people who are malnurished, by giving them fresh fruits and vegetables. The foundation also donate their produce to the Municipal Hall to be distributed to their respective barangays. There are more than 100 farmers in the remote area in Ampongol Sogod are adopting the organic farming technology to expand their service.
With the help from an American volunteer dispatched under the Rise and Rebuid International Program, the local farmers are beginning to practice soil-conditioning techniques as farms transition from conventional to organic, sustainable practices
“Some of the people cannot believe that we can grow cabbage here because supposedly, cabbage grows in areas where the climate is cold. You know some tourists who visits here always says they can’t believe cabbages grows in humid places, but here we really took a very good care of our plants” says the Farm Manager. He is also sharing farm practices to the other farmers including the integrated pest management, and techniques in plant propagation and nursery system.
Farmers in Rise and Rebuild of Barangay Ampongol have so far held many field trials to test the soil conditioning techniques’ effectiveness. With the help from organic farming practices, local farmers will be able to produce safe, healthy, and nutritious farm produce.
They also have livestock supplies such as pigs, chickens, tilapias, and rabbits.  The caretaker took a very good care of the farm animals, he fed it everyday and check their health status every other day. They fed their farm animals with organic foods. Farm animals also has a big help with the crops because they can give manure to the plants.
According to the farm manager, getting into mixed farming Is a risk, there are some pests that you cannot control and will eat your vegetables that is why it is important to plant flowers with vibrant colors for some sort of pest repellant because pests will attract to its colors.
I can see that there are hardships by doing this kind of agriculture, which is mixed farming, what’s important is there should always be determination. You should always be determined with what you are doing, and patience, because they don’t produce overnight. You should take a very good care of your plants and animals. You should check them everyday, they must be one of your everyday prioirities.
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nikkeaelcano · 4 years
Wandering places can learn you so many great lessons that you will never find in books, you just realized there, from the very place where you were standing, thinking about little things in life that makes you feel more blessed. There is more to life that experiences has to offer, beautiful sceneries the world shows, and the things that you can understand by listening to the sounds of nature. Being into places has many wonderful involvements that is worth remembering; undiscover mysteries, unexpected encounters, and many joyous happenings along the trip. And I guess that is why it makes the soul alive.
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nikkeaelcano · 4 years
I get scared of having good things.
I feel like I don’t deserve them.
Because all I’ve ever known was bad things.
… And I got used to that.
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nikkeaelcano · 4 years
“You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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