nikkinaps247 · 7 months
tlt twitter au "the blocked tomb" masterpost
all my tlt tweets in one place! pretty much all of them have spoilers for nona but major spoilers are marked with a *.
1: god's toughest battles / would you love me if i was a worm 2: sex pal pt 1 3: frontline titties 4: coronabeth's side hustle / nona's wish 5: sex pal pt 2 6: standup comedy pt 1 "which came first" 7: jod's reality check / ninth house's hottest person 8: standup comedy pt 2 "best sex ed" 9: sex pal pt 3 10: "i like my women how i like my..." / corona's bad day 11: reanimation / "trauma lives in the body" * 12: pyrrha's name / "a beautiful name for a baby girl" 13: writer's block 14: 'what is a milf' 15: hot girl summer 16: father's day (daddy issues) 17: jod's rebrand 18: save a library 19: go loud 20: vibe check 21: merry navmas 22: coronabeth's new year hot tips
i'll update this list as i make more :)
bonus content: twitter icons did the lyctors explore each other's bodies? follower counts unexpected rapid disassembly
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nikkinaps247 · 3 years
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#you are the real cinnamon roll here Aubrey
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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for yesterday’s @guardian review #writing #editing #bunnies https://www.instagram.com/p/CEOk3-qH68b/?igshid=186c1zufhnwmk
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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for yesterday’s @guardian review
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
Loner's League: Druid Shaming
(I’m just going to preface this much like how Sinful Bastards was back in the day: Loner’s League posts are posted as they are remembered, or come up, and so will not necessarily be in chronological order. Loner’s League in general takes place in a modern world with magic, and all the chaos that entails. Each of my players was involved in worldbuilding, and so they may interact with the world in niche ways. I will try to explain any in-jokes that occur.) The party had just recently saved a magicrafter (magical item artificer) from the mafia, and taken out the local gangs.
Druid: Hey so remember that magicrafter that owes us a favor?
GM: Yeah…?
Druid: I want to call in that favor.
GM: What are you trying to have him make this time?
Druid: I want a collar that lets me stay in wolf form indefinitely.
Golden-Claw Paladin: Great, now we’ve got two furries in the party.
Barbarian (totally a furry): I resent you and everything you stand for don’t shame the druid.
Senian Seeker (cleric): No no, we’re shaming the druid.
Druid: *Sad wolf sounds*
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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Binary sunset.
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
Ooh, Jingo. I loved Jingo. Good shout!
:D I mean, Discworld books, in general, are amazing, but Jingo was a cut above. It has so many quotes that I still distinctly remember having a very formative affect on me...
There's the thief-taker one:
Thief-taker, Rust had called him. The man had meant it as an insult, but it’d do. Theft was the only crime, whether the loot was gold, innocence, land or life.
One about "Us vs Them":
It was much better to imagine men in some smokey room somewhere, made mad and cynical by privilege and power, plotting over brandy. You had to cling to this sort of image, because if you didn't then you might have to face the fact that bad things happened because ordinary people, the kind who brushed the dog and told the children bed time stories, were capable of then going out and doing horrible things to other ordinary people. It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was Us, then what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.
And a couple about people and crowds:
Odd thing, ain't it... you meet people one at a time, they seem decent, they got brains that work, and then they get together and you hear the voice of the people. And it snarls
The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.
The mob dispersed, going ragged at the edges as people legged it down side alleys, threw away their makeshift weapons and emerged at the other end walking the grave, thoughtful walk of honest citizens.
And about good people following bad orders:
History was full of the bones of good men who'd followed bad orders in the hope that they could soften the blow. Oh, yes, there were worse things they could do, but most of them began right where they started following bad orders.
And about interacting with people:
"Have you ever really watched him? I bet he'd found out everything about Jabbar by the time he'd talked to him for ten minutes. I bet he knows the name of every camel. And he'll remember it all. People don't take that much interest in other people, usually." Her fingers idly traced a pattern in the sand. "So he makes you feel important."
"Politicians do that--" Vimes began.
"Not the way he does, believe me. I expect Lord Vetinari remembers facts about people--"
"Oh, you'd better believe that!"
"--but Carrot takes an interest. He doesn't even think about it. He makes space in his head for people. He takes an interest, and so people think they're intesting. They feel... better when he's around."
And...well, for those who haven't read it, I highly recommend it lol :)
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
The magicians but it’s like, an emotional tabletop rpg with Kady as the exhausted DM. Greatest hits include:
- q and Alice putting their characters together as a joke, and never actually being able to break them up because every time one of them says “we talk out our differences and move on as friends :)” they roll, like, a nat 0 for wisdom and end up back together
- (Alice keeps screaming into her hands)
- actually the only time q rolled a nat 20 was when he and el’s characters remember the mosaic
- El immediately rolls a 2 for constitution
- Fen is the friend that came in 20 minutes after they started and had to wait for her character to get worked in
- the only time Julia rolled a nat 1 was getting into Brakebills.
- Margo: I’m elected high king of Fillory *rolls a nat 20*
- *incomprehensible screaming from the rest of the players*
- Kady keeps sending her character on increasingly unlikely quests so she can actually moderate the rest of these idiots
- Josh was late, then forgot his phone at home, then went on a snack run because he was late so his character keeps coming in and out of the game
- Eliot: I shoot the monster and magic comes back.
Kady: Roll for constitution and luck
Eliot: *nat ones on both*
Kady: the monster possesses you and becomes the new boss, and the library puts bans on magic
Eliot: *smacks his head into the table*
- El has to roll for himself and the monster now.
- Alice going niffin is basically a result of Julia egging her on and her character being forced to drink goat jizz earlier in the game. She actually rolled a nat 20 for this, but then Q rolled a nat 2 on wisdom later and she had to be human again as a result. She keeps kicking Q under the table.
- Q tries to end the game by killing ember, and rolls an 18 for constitution but a 3 for luck so magic ends up getting shut off and the game goes on for like another four hours.
- Julia: I become a goddess *rolls a nat 20* *incomprehensible screaming part 2*
- Penny replaces himself in the middle of the game with Penny23 because Julia’s being left out of the Julia-Penny-Kady relationship and he feels bad.
- this backfires when he can’t manage to work Kady into the tabletop version of their relationship too.
- Q’s death plays out like so:
Q: I fix the mirror, grab Alice’s hand as it explodes, and Penny travels us back to the real world in time for me to be reunited with El :)
Kady: Roll for luck
Q: *nat one*
The rest of the table: ...well shit.
- Q spends the rest of the game with his head in El’s lap, complaining that this is bullshit while El strokes his hair and tries to bring him back. Some instances of this include:
El: I send the letter to Q, changing the timeline and bringing him back to life
Kady: roll for constitution and luck
El: *rolls a nat 1 and a nat 2*
Kady: you throw the letter into a bottomless hole on the top of a mountain
Q: *quietly screams into Eliot’s stomach*
El: the weird doorway in my head opens, and Q’s spirit is behind it.
Kady: Roll for luck
El: *rolls a nat 3*
Kady: Charlton is behind the door.
Quentin: Kady this is biphobic
Kady, bi herself and bitter cause her boyfriend and girlfriend are having a baby together in the game but her character is Not With Them: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Eliot, at the end of the game and his rope: the bracelet Santa gave me is a key to the Underworld and I go there to bring Quentin back and we live a long and happy life together
Kady: roll for luck
El: *rolls a 5*
Kady: you end up fucking Charlton
Quentin, muffled: CHARLTON?????
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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"it's so soft I'm gonna die" -- tunte
Soft lil queliot commission for @tuntematonkorppi 🖤
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
you can donate to the minnesota freedom fund to bail out protestors here. I donated $10. if you see this, will you either match my donation or reblog to spread it?
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
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nikkinaps247 · 4 years
"Proletariat uprising part 2 tomorrow! I expect great things from you."
— Our DM, in an email
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