nikol-an-blog · 4 years
In the previous meeting of this subject, We have to interact with our Instructor. Since our Instructor given us some discussion and some advice that could might help us to improve our product.
Recently a new set of validation was advised to have more sites on how to actually present a proposal to increase the chances of our product.
Since our group cooperates with effort, I may say that it's going to take more time than just a catchy name and snappy content but when getting swept in the excitement of the product it can easy to figure one very tiny detail. We might not talk everyday like regular classes but we make sure that each one of us needs to participate and cooperate when there is a group activity. I maybe think they chill outside but inside I know that they have unique ideas.
For the updates, we suddenly might not have time for a group discussion but we still accommodate about the product we've made and we are still in the process of asking how to gather some ideas as an IT expert.
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nikol-an-blog · 4 years
In the previous meeting of this subject, We have to interact with our Instructor. Since our Instructor given us some discussion and some advice that could might help us to improve our product.
Recently a new set of validation was advised to have more sites on how to actually present a proposal to increase the chances of our product.
Since our group cooperates with effort, I may say that it's going to take more time than just a catchy name and snappy content but when getting swept in the excitement of the product it can easy to figure one very tiny detail. We might not talk everyday like regular classes but we make sure that each one of us needs to participate and cooperate when there is a group activity. I maybe think they chill outside but inside I know that they have unique ideas.
For the updates, we suddenly might not have time for a group discussion but we still accommodate about the product we've made and we are still in the process of asking how to gather some ideas as an IT expert.
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nikol-an-blog · 4 years
The Entrepreneurial Mind
Being a student, after reading this course title gives me an idea to identify problems and provide a timely solution. I have learned to sell a great product and need a high - performing team. For those entrepreneur, do have some concern of how will they able to do it when in this situation of the new normal, how are they going to sell the product s through online? How will those company understand the potential of new markets for existing products? The simple act of challenging business models such as low-cost airlines, overnight delivery and online sales. My history in class discussions are more on skills or physical that enable people to identify and make the most of opportunities, overcome and learn from setbacks and succeed in variety of settings. I have been familiar with the saying, "I am convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneur from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance" by Steve Jobs, It means that being an entrepreneur is really challenging and it is easy to give up and move on into something else but the biggest part of being successful is having a stamina to stick through the hard times without quitting. I've learned that understand you customer needs , build products that customers desire and validate business viability. Since we are in new normal way, entrepreneurs do something different; figuring out how to enact them and ensure that people can, and will, gain value from those solutions. To think like an entrepreneur in a time of crisis, don’t just think about which tool could solve the problem, think about how you can get that tool into the hands of the people who will create the most value with it. Like Food Panda, Uber, Lazada, Shoppe are starting up that we associate now in our daily lives. I say, the networks that are created, and the individuals who support those involved. Having the right mindset and the right team on track is key, but consideration to the environment and the connections that are made are a critical element of why so many start-ups and innovative organizations shift their physical space to be closer to those connections that will help them grow and innovate. As I observed in the discussion seeing is believing, in doing so they gain inspiration, find ways in which they can recreate the successes of others. In this course, I believe that there will be a long-term growth strategy, experiments, taking risks and problem solving in a typical management position. I am hoping that i could able to come up all the requirements on time and could understand the learning it it teaches to be applied. I hope that this course can make me more confident and helped me through decision-making because these are my weaknesses. This course already oriented me to the whole journey of entrepreneurship and also have to guide me to reach my goals in entrepreneurial mind journey.
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