niksienart · 2 years
Jasmine the Neopolitan Ice cream
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I decided to start working on this piece to venture out into using different textures in my art.
The piece includes a portrait, with a collage-like background.
This style of painting is inspired by a modern take on neo-expressionism and the German Expressionist movement.
I decided on using different techniques to create the collaged background, handling materials roughly, such as using bottle caps and sponges to create the circular shapes.
The left side of the piece was primarily an intuitive response, it reminds me of the fluidity of hair or a dark fantasy forest. I was happy with the outcome, however, I'd probably use a slightly less intense colour than black for that part of the piece because it clashes with the portrait due to it being so bold.
I decided to draw a fig in the top left corner to link with the fruit that the pictured model is holding, which I really enjoyed painting.
The strawberries are dotted around the piece which came from the performance piece I had done earlier.
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niksienart · 2 years
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Preformative Response.
Here is Lino-cutting of a strawberry which I created for this piece. The performance aspect in the piece comes from a continuous mark-making method of dropping or throwing the lino-cutting onto a piece of paper. I liked how the different colours of the prints were overlapping each other.
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niksienart · 2 years
Snowdrops in January
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The last self-portrait I created was once again an illustrative take on a self-portrait. I feel like a big part of my identity is using symbolism, astrology, crystals, birthstones etc. Due to this, I decided to create a line drawing of the flower associated with my birth month, January. The flowers depicted in the image are snowdrops, I decided to keep the drawing plain and simple. This choice was intentional as I feel like it shows a decrease in childishness compared to the previous two portraits. The first two are colourful and expressive, and the last one is plain and serious, much like how in life we are expected to play a more serious and intense version of ourselves in order to not be seen as ‘immature’.
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niksienart · 2 years
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'Bolek I Lolek'- Self- Portrait
The second self-portrait I created was an illustrative take on my inner child. In this self-portrait, I decided to incorporate an element of playfulness by using my favourite childhood characters as the focal point of the piece. The characters come from a Polish TV show called ‘Bolek I Lolek’ which is a show that I grew up watching. I decided to draw them in the middle using my own artistic style and decorate the background to resemble a children’s playground.
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niksienart · 2 years
Inner Child- part 1 (Self Portrait)
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The first self portrait I decided to create was inspired by a photograph of myself as a younger child. I was quite pleased with the result.
The idea behind choosing to create this particular self-portrait was to showcase a part of my personality that is located within. I think that my ‘inner child’ was an important idea to convey within my self portrait because it’s a part of my identity which I hold very dear to me. Also, I decided to stick with portraiture for this particular portrait because it’s something which I like to prioritise in my work.
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niksienart · 3 years
Abstract Vulva Part 2
Clay experimentation
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Decided to create the Drawing of the vulva into a clay sculpture. I think the composition of this went quite well, but the paint work could be a little better. Shading on a 3D surface with acrylic paint is quite a bit harder than I initially thought, so I had to change up the colouring of the tendril looking bits from 4 colours to just 2.
I aim to further develop my work into the abstract area, with lots of bold colours, shapes and patterns.
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niksienart · 3 years
Abstract Vulva Part 2
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To create this piece I used only colouring pencil, I quite enjoyed the abstract component to the work I chose to do.
I combined parts of the artworks, ‘Return of the Butterfly’ and the two of representing plates from ‘The Dinner Party’ which were Virginia Woolf and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
I aim to develop this piece so it’s more 3D like Virgina woolf’s plate, I like the way the ceramic curls inward to the piece.
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niksienart · 3 years
Abstract Vulva
Upon further research into Judy's work I noticed a lot of her art work has a sort of 'vulvular' abstract shape or pattern to it, such as
‘The Return Of The Butterfly, 2012’
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From this piece I particularly the shading and colour choice, It’s something i’d like to recreate.
These are the Inspirations:
Elenor Of Aquitaine:
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Virginia Woolf:
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I think abstract work is something which i wish to explore further.
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niksienart · 3 years
Emily Dickinson's place at the Dinner Party
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Emily Dickinson- The Dinner Party (19754-1979) Judy Chicago
One of the places at Chicago's Dinner party.
This one, in particular, is one of my favourites, I like the simplicity yet direct correlation of it to Emily Dickinson. I am particularly fond of the embroidery around the placemat alongside the vulva shaped fabric on the plate, which looks very similar to the 19th Century ruffled collar Emily Dickinson is seen wearing in some of her portraits.
Ideas from the piece which I would like to try myself are..
experimenting with ruffled fabric, embroidery.
I'd also like to see if I can somehow add an element of poetry into the piece, especially if the piece I make has an element of Emily Dickinson's persona.
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niksienart · 3 years
Judy Chicago The Dinner Party, 1974–79.
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Judy Chigaco...
I could speak about this woman and the impact she has had on the art world for ages, however, I will try my very best to complete a cohesive summary of one of my favourite pieces by her.
The dinner party, a large installation piece, is truly a work of historical and social importance. The reason why I chose this piece, in particular, is because of how incredibly intricate and phenomenal it is. I think with this piece it's not just the aesthetics alone that grabbed my attention, but the level of intricate detail which went into creating the piece. At my core, I would aim for my art to not just appeal to the audience's eye, but for it to enter their brain, I want people to ponder on what they see, study it, and come to their own conclusion from it, maybe even change the way they look at certain aspects of their life.
I feel like with the Dinner Party, Judy Chicago did exactly that to my brain. I'm going to be completely honest, when I first noticed the piece, I was impressed but I wasn't completely mesmerised, it was when I started researching about it I became more and more interested.
Point 1- Meaning-
Like I mentioned previously, I think with many artists, the meaning behind their work is pretty important, while with some it's not necessary, everyone will have different reasoning for why they create the things they create. The purpose of this piece was the same kind of purpose a statue has, to commemorate, honour. As society progresses we notice the subtle changes in our world in regards to feminism, parts of it are still royally fucked, but there have been small positive changes, one of which was co-founded by Judy herself, an introduction of feminist art.
The piece is, as stated in the title, a Dinner Party, with allocated placemats, plates, cutlery and chalices, divided into 3 separate wings, each wing representing a time frame in history. Each spot at the table represents a woman who made an impact on history. The concept of this is definitely the main reason why I love this artwork so much, it is something I could only wish about coming up with myself.
Point 2- Materials
As a first-year Fine Art Univerity Student, I am slowly piecing together the pieces which make up my artist identity. I have always been interested in painting and drawing, but there was something about it that felt quite limiting, I began growing bored of it, too constrained by the piece of paper on which I was creating. It felt like I was trying to force myself to create with a medium that I was slowly losing interest in, which felt pretty shitty. At that point, I was really starting to question whether I was actually capable of creating anymore or if I had just completely burnt myself out. However, for some reason, I hadn't thought to step out of my comfort zone and start creating with unfamiliar mediums, I think, at least for the time being, I'm a lot more interested in art that is tangible, one which I can touch and feel the various textures it possesses. The main mediums which I have been fascinated by have been textile forms of art, using a sewing machine, knitting, crocheting etc etc, and also ceramics. Those two combined, are what the Dinner Party's main focal points are, which from what I have said you can probably figure out why I like the piece as much as I do.
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