nikulasha · 7 years
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#LonaGame is an exceptional artistic and musical game. Support us in Kickstarter to bring Lona game to reality. http://thndr.me/m1dANH
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nikulasha · 8 years
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Konstantin Korovin in Paris - what a feast
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nikulasha · 8 years
7 More Study Moods
So you STILL wanna study, but somehow the mood just isn’t right. Maybe try these? Pick your favorite, or do one each day of the week!
The Freshman: Hot coffee, boy bands, reading your textbook on your bed.
This is the Basic Mood. It’s hard to get much simpler!
The Hermione: Earl Grey, ambient noise, writing/researching a research paper deep in the stacks of the school library.
A great way to feel super Prepared and Scholastic, this mood also pairs well with argyle socks and maroon V-neck sweaters.
The Carefree: Lemonade or cider, the wind in the trees, highlighting key points points in readings at a picnic table.
Useful for when everything seems overwhelming - being outside can make difficult and stressful readings seem not as bad. And enjoying the last nice weather of the year is good too!
The At-Home: Hot chocolate, swing bands, writing journals in your parents’ living room.
Thanksgiving break is around the corner, and that’s when a lot of people go home for the first time. If you have anything to catch up on, this mood is perfect!
The Work-Study: Lemon water, rain noises, making bullet point outlines of key info at the desk you staff for your work-study job.
Just because you work doesn’t mean you can’t be productive at the same time! I’m writing this at my work study job, for instance. 
The Holiday Spirit: Peppermint mocha, Christmas carols, crafting timelines somewhere lit by string lights.
I KNOW Christmas is still far away. However, some people get in the spirit early, and that’s okay! Live it up, you merry people.
The Cinderella: Something fizzy, waltzes, working on something due at midnight while wearing fancy clothing.
Hey, just because you procrastinated doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while you finish it. Make it less of a stressful event by going full-on Cinderella - maybe leave one shoe somewhere for realism’s sake, too!
Don’t stress about doing exactly these - they’re suggestions! Mix and match at your leisure.
Go forth and study!
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nikulasha · 8 years
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10 Ways to Make Your Notes Look Prettier, a helpful list made by me, Paige Hahs :)
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nikulasha · 8 years
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“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”          – Confucius 
the curve of forgetting
the curve of forgetting describes how we retain or get of information we absorb.
day 1: you go into a lecture knowing 0% and come out knowing 100% of what you know (regardless of whether you know it extremely well or not)
day 2: you did not do any reviewing of your notes from day 1 therefore you have lost 50%-80%
and as the days progress we forget less and less
think about midterms! notice how around midterms when you’re trying to study for something (that you haven’t been reviewing for regularly) it feels like the material is VERY difficult and almost as if you’ve never learned it before
formula to reshape the curve
within 24 hours of your lecture spend 10 minutes reviewing the material
a week later: it will only take 5 minutes to REACTIVATE the same material
ultimately, you will reshape the curve  
day 30: by this day your brain will only need 2-4 minutes to recall
information on the curve of forgetting was taken from the university of waterloo (x)
my formula to reshape the curve using the information above
before class: spend 10 minutes PREVIEWING the material. 
after class: spend 10 minutes REVIEWING the material
do this regularly. this will be your preview/review system for each class.
a week later: try to review a week later. i know that school/life can get pretty hectic, but try to make sure you are reviewing regularly.
maybe record yourself saying some important details/concepts from your notes the night before and on your daily commute to school plug in those earphones and listen to it. i am an auditory learner and i find that listening to my notes before i go to bed and right when i wake up have truly helped me retain information. studies have shown that the best time to study is right before going to bed and right when you wake up.
a month later: after a month, review what you’ve learned so far in your class. trust me this will be a very very short review. everything will look very familiar to you and it won’t look as difficult as it used to.
basically your review schedule should be the following: 
1 hour before learning the material
1 hour after learning the material (or within 24 hours of learning it b/c i know we’re all very busy people)
1 day later
1 week later
1 month later
remember everyone learns, studies, and retains information differently!! my personal belief is that your technique is what matters most. it is not about your innate ability/talent. find a technique that works for you.
more suggestions:
active learning > passive learning
when taking notes use the Cornell method. it forces you to ask questions and summarize what you’ve learned.
set frequent, short, review sessions
test yourself constantly! there are so many resources online. 
people who are under stress have difficulty remembering things so CHILL OUT
don’t rush, take your time
repetition is key
group items together
fish, vitamin b12, and green tea can help w/ memory
don’t give up. like morrissey said “these things take time.”
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nikulasha · 8 years
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Hi everyone! Spring semester starts in 9 days for me and I figured I’d rewind and write down study basics I’ve learned throughout the years. :) :) :) also I’ve been very scared to start the spring sem because I’ll be balancing SIX major subjects!! *internally screaming*
Here are some tips I can offer:
Never skip class, even if it seems like an easy one. I made this mistake when I skipped 3 classes in my English class and ended up getting a B because apparently 3 absent/tardy days meant -1 letter grade down.
Read & Write notes before going into class. I find it easier to go into class knowing what to expect because I want to participate in some ways. (Like pretend I don’t know the answer and wait for the prof to sigh and call my name because I’m the kid who only answers when nobody else answers. Yeah, I’m that kid.)
Finish your homework & readings early. When I say this, I mean, once you get your syllabus, finish the assignments that you can. I took a Political class last fall and we literally had essays EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Good thing I finished most before they were due because my prof decided to throw in 2 oral presentations, 3 exams, and lots of in-class work. I wasn’t stressing at all, but my classmates sure were.
45 minutes study. 5-10 minute break. c’mon everybody knows the Pomodoro Method weeeeee. It’s magic.
Have 2 notebooks. One for lectures, aka your ugly notes. The other to transfer your ugly notes into pretty, studyblr aesthetic notes (lol). I think this is really good because my lecture notes always look terrible and I end up not knowing some of the words I wrote down. Transferring on a notebook is just easier for me than retyping because I’ve got so many classes with graphs and stuff like that.
Participate. If your profs & teachers see you participate, they know you’re trying. Therefore, they’ll know who you are, which is always a good thing (unless they know you because you did something you shouldn’t have).
Use a bullet journal/planner. Here’s a great masterpost about bullet journals. Here’s my bullet journal prompt pages masterpost.
Don’t stress yourself out too much. I think that pressure can be really helpful because that means you have goals that need to be met and you’re reacting to pursuing those goals. But stressing yourself out can be really damaging, especially if you have anxiety. Remember: if you don’t want to stress out, divide your work into little tasks everyday. Finish hws early. Study in advance for tests. Do everything in your power to prevent overflowing yourself from stress.
Remember to study in a comfortable and quiet place. I hate studying with other people and friends because I get distracted SO SO SO easily. I like studying in the library, outside, or in my bedroom. That’s about it. I find that studying elsewhere just doesn’t work. Work environment is crucial to your study success.
Keep unneeded gadgets out of your sight.  I find that turning off my phone will never work for me because I got people calling me for important things. BUT I do keep it out of sights way and will only touch my phone if I receive a call or am taking a break. No texting, tweeting, tumbling, and such when studying is my golden rule.
Okay how about some linkssssssssss:
Need some motivation? Here’s a post from a C- student to a present day Oxford Student wow.
Study tips & Exam tips
10 study tips for college students
Study basic ya gotta know 
101 Study Tips
More study tips
Math help
Memorizing ehe ehe ehe
Different types of study methods for math & sciences!!!!
Planning your Sched
Study Mistakes
Staying in Focus yes i need this
Online class study tips
Tips for freshies
Balancing sleep and education (how even)
How to avoid burnout !!!!
30 College tips for SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE (meaning for every single one of you)
Study Tip masterposts (one) (two) (three)
Tips for Lazy Students masterposts (part i) (part ii)
Anxiety help for finals
My other masterposts:
bullet journal prompts
and that’s pretty much it lololol
happy studying!!!! ask me if you want to request a post or if there are any clarifications at all :)
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nikulasha · 8 years
How to Defeat Procrastination
1. Create and maintain a work-progress journal. In a notebook jot down what you plan to do that morning then at night how long it took and if you finished, then explain why if you didn’t. Get a friend or roomie to keep you accountable if you need to. This is a great habit to get into because you keep yourself accountable. I mean, imagine how big a blow your ego will take if you see a notebook filled with excuses of why you didn’t get things done. These excuses easily go unnoticed in passing thoughts if you don’t record them.
“It took 3 hours to complete this assignment.”
“I completed all my work for today plus more.”
“I couldn’t finish this piece of reading because blank too longer than expected.”
2. Keep the machine running with healthy, energizing foods. For you fitblrs our there, I don’t think I need to explain how important this is.
Drink water constantly (at least every 45 minutes)
Keep the caffeine intake down to only one beverage an hour
Don’t skip meals and always have snacks on hand!
Treat food as an energy source, not craving satisfaction
Good: Veggies, fruit, whole grains, lean proteins, peanuts, granola bars
Bad: Refined carbs (sugar, white flour)
3. Make an event out of the worst tasks. There’s inevitably some (okay, maybe a lot) of tasks you find yourself dreading to do and seriously procrastinate on. You know, that boring history research paper or that crazy amount of stats practice problems on queue. One way to counter this is to study somewhere an inconvenient distance away from your dorm room (or any place you might see your friends) such as a remote spot in the library or in the corner at a quiet cafe down the street.
4. Build a routine that includes doing the same sort of work weekly in a “protected” time frame. Morning is the best time for this as the day progress your mind will be bogged down by more distractions. Schedule it before your first class if you have a late morning class or right after if it’s early, and get it done at that time consistently.
Ex: MWF always do history reading at 10am, TuTh always work on Stats problems
5. Choose hard days and plan them in advance. Everyone seems to have those days where you are forced to work extremely hard because of a looming deadline. If you can plan these days before they drop on you then you can finish them with a feeling of accomplishment rather than feeling exhausted and drained. Be sure to plan relaxation breaks as well as activities before and after these days so you’re prepared for the next day to suck and the day after for recovery. Let your friends know about your planned days to avoid distractions and for extra accountability.
“If I work hard Saturday I can go hard that night and relax on Sunday.”
Procrastination is normal. It’s horrible for productivity, but the inevitable truth is that even straight A students have to battle with it. The key is to know how to manage it so you can stay productive.
(These tips were adapted from Cal Newport’s books.)
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nikulasha · 9 years
The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous. Everything else is crap, I promise you. It’s just crap that people try to sell to you to make you feel like less. So don’t buy it. Be smart. Be thoughtful. And be generous.
Ashton Kutcher ~ words to live by. (via wodka-aunt)
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nikulasha · 9 years
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nikulasha · 9 years
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Twin Peaks (1990)
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nikulasha · 9 years
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Chipotle pumpkin veggie burger / Recipe
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nikulasha · 9 years
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nikulasha · 9 years
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Paprika- Satoshi Kon
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nikulasha · 9 years
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These lips are sealed…
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nikulasha · 9 years
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nikulasha · 9 years
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nikulasha · 9 years
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sailor moon wands
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