nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
Connecting a Polycom VVX Phone
Hi today we're  gonna talk about connecting the Polycom  V V X series phones through polycom desktop connector this one  specifically I have a Polycom  desktop connector VV X 300  however the actual connecting process is  actually very similar across all the  models of phones especially when it  comes to actually connecting it to the  actual network so that it gets an IP  address and can actually communicate  with the phone system so once you unbox  you're gonna get a lot of stuff in there  you're gonna have the actual phone unit  itself with the phone unit you're also  going to have a base stand or a stand  connector you're gonna have the handset  you're gonna have the handset cable most  of the time you're also gonna have  included a small network cable you don't  necessarily have to use this.
  we'll see you later on when you might want to use it and depending on the model of phone you have you may or may not have a power adapter with it if you're if you're using what's called Power over Ethernet you won't need a power adapter because the power for the phone is actually gonna be coming through the ethernet cable that's coming from your wall if you do not have that then you're gonna need the supplied power adapter so connecting the phone itself is actually very easy to assemble it just flip it over on the base station and you'll notice most of the phones have three some have four some have two little slots on the back here this is just simply where this base stand connects right in and the feet right here are always gonna go down and it literally just slides centered right into the slot and you push down and it clicks into place to remove it if you want to put it in one of these other slots for a different tilt simply remove it and put it in a different slot.
 Once you have  that in you at least be able to put the  phone on the stand and now you actually  be able to connect to this so now you  could connect the handset there are  actually two different sides to this  handset cable there is a longer side  here that doesn't have as long of a curl  and the shorter side here that does have  a shorter piece before the curl the  shorter side actually goes into the  bottom of the handset now the cable  itself will work either way regardless  it doesn't matter what  you plug the long end in here the short  end in here it's actually more for  aesthetic purposes and you'll see that  here in a moment so if you go ahead and  flip over the phone you're gonna notice  a lot of different ports on the back and  it looks a little intimidating and this  is the part that people get a little  intimidated by but it's actually very  simple once you kind of understand what  these symbols mean and you'll actually  see there's a lot of symbols on the back  of the phone here right here on the far  right this is where the handset is  actually going to connect in and if you  kind of look at this symbol it kind of  looks like a picture of a handset one  more here to the left is actually called  the computer port this will make sense a  little later but this is where you would  plug a computer into the phone this one  over here with the line here with a  couple couple lines with dots on the end  of them this is the land border LAN port.
 This is the port that actually is going  to plug into your network further over  here to the left this is the headset  port certain headsets will plug into  here and then this is actually the power  port here below the headset port there  is an auxiliary port this is used for a  multitude of different things from  sidecars to specific types of headsets  with lifters that require power in this  case we're not going to use this today  and then there is also another headset  jack here this is for an electronic hook  switch for electronically taking the  phone on and off the hook again I'm not  going to talk too much about that today  so again we'll go back to this longer  end of the handset here longer into the  curlicue that handset is just gonna plug  right into that handset port we talked  about here all the way on the far right  as you can see when I lay it down there  is actually a reason for that longer non curlicue end there's a channel it lays into here there's also a channel that it lays into here on this side.
 The reason  for this is when I go ahead and flip  over the phone it will actually rest  comfortably on the surface inside that  and not rock back and forth that's just  for more aesthetic purposes and again  the handset just goes inside of here now  if you're not using the base stand let's  say you're actually hanging this on a  wall you can do that you obviously  wouldn't put the base stand in here  there are two mounting screws here two  mounting locations we can put screws in  the wall and mount this if you are  mounting it on the wall  just make note inside of here on the  handset place there is a little piece of  plastic that you actually kind of have  to pull up on and this actually comes  out you would want to take this out and  if you look at the other side of it it  kind of has a little tab on it that's  actually so that the head and handset  itself I mean handset actually has  something to connect into if you're not  doing that don't have to worry about it  you can just leave it as is but I want  to make sure you are aware of that  we're actually halfway there at this  point now it's actually a matter of  connecting the phone to the actual  network itself so that I can get power  and network or just simply network  connection again.
 This seems intimidating  but it's not it's just a matter of  getting it connected correctly so on the  back those two ports we talked about the  one we're gonna focus on here is the LAN  port LAN port which is that line with a couple extra lines and dots off of it to get it to connect to the network a lot of times you're going to connect these phones where there's already an existing PC in place and that PC is already connected using a network cable on the back of the PC in that case the easiest way to do that is to route through the phone first and then back to the PC to do that you will simply just unplug the network cable from the back of the PC which in this case I have a PC right off to the side here so I went ahead and this cable literally just came out of the back of a PC now my PC has no internet but I'm gonna take this and plug it into the LAN port or to the LAN port now to get my PC so it has internet again is actually very simple you're gonna actually take that supplied network cable if it's not long enough you'll have to purchase a longer network cable but you're gonna plug that into this PC port that we talked about which is the right side Network port you're going to plug one end into that PC port the other end of this cable right here.
  I'm gonna plug right back into the back of my PC into that same spot that we just took this other network cable out of then I'll get my PC internet again now that we're plugged up I'm gonna go ahead and flip over the phone  and in this case you're gonna notice  that the phone is actually turned on  already this is because here we're using  power over ethernet so the phone is  actually getting power through that  network cable that came from the back of  my computer if for some reason the phone  is not on at this point you most likely  don't have power over Ethernet on your  switch so you're gonna have to use the  supplied power adapter all you have to  do flip the phone back over and this  power adapter goes into the round power adapter slot all the way over here on the left just plug it into there plug the other end of this and do a standard outlet and your phone will have power and that's it your phone is now unboxed and connected and can actually connect up to the PBX.
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
Hi we're going to combine actually three different topics  even though we called this first topic  how to test a tape drive using IBM I TDT  tools in the case of an HP drive using  HP LTL tools we're just going to cover  the IBM testing today the second half  that we're going to talk about the chip  reader and a little bit of technology on  how LTO media reports data transferred  from the tape drive that tells how it's performing and the third one's got to be just an overview of what we do in the lab show you a little bit of our equipment that we use and how to go from there so I'm gonna slide over here I to the left and we're gonna start off on this particular screen over here and what we have is just our Windows screen.
  I'm gonna activate this IBM ITDT and this is the Dell version it's  very similar to the IBM but this is the  kind of screen that you'd wanna you'll  end up seeing and you can download that  up here it indicates ITDT - DRC and  you can just type an ITDT on your  Google search engine and you can  download a Dell version or the IBM so  this is the first screen you're gonna  come up with now I have a tape inserted  in here the steps to be an LTO for SAS  interface it's ready to go so what I'm  going to do is I'm taking the cursor up  here to scan okay I'm gonna click on the  Scan button and it says you know you're gonna scan your system for attention ladies to stop your backup would you like to continue yes okay activating that so it's scanning for devices and it identified a device okay  all three I'm half pi Delta yo for a  serial number whatever hit it  conveniently checked it for me so which  is kind of nice  typically you would want to go just over  here to the test function.
 Click on  that but you have some other things you  can do here I mean you can do some  internal diagnose diagnostics exercise  test eject as preset system test you can  do a firmware upgrade from here if you  wanted to do that and you can run  certain configurations on it if you want  to do there so we're just going to go  make sure this is highlighted that's the  device and we're just gonna go test so  it's mounted the refurbished tape drive it's starting the  testing protocol and this will sometimes  you get a screen I had it up and running  but sometimes you get a screen saying  you know make sure this is a scratch  tape so you don't lose any of your data  because it over writes the data on the  tape and so we're not gonna sit and  watch this for 18 minutes because that's  how long it takes but once it completes  we did kind of the just a printout of  the test results and all of our tape  drives that we sell or repair ship with  these test test results so what a  customer sends are driving for repair it  worked at I our environment why is it  worth it looking  you can kind of work through those  things this particular one here is a HP  LTO fine okay and it's the model  number it shows the power on these and  this has been powered on for sixteen  hundred and seventy-one dates okay it's  gone through two hundred eighty three  power on power off cycles and it was  manufactured in 2012  now we Scrolls to reduce results to see  the throughput in megabytes per second.
    They advertised LTO five drives it's one hundred forty megabytes per second but this is 132 which is just fine because the way they test those a test with optimum results they vary the block size they do this they do that to get to 141 130 to 140 is just perfect and then on the bottom  it basically says it pet done blue green  thing here ITV cheese and it's passed so  that's kind of a quick overview we  prefer the dell version for certain  things and we like the IBM versions  well one of the things that the Dell  version does if the IDM doesn't do it  doesn't do a post B test and you say  well what is the pulse B test well that  moves your head all the way to the upper  track the head is moved to the upper  tracks of the media and it'll test that  common complaint of a customer yeah we  are backups fail after the 3 terabyte  backup fails after one terabyte well it  gets to the top of them to travel and it  can't trap can't move there because of  debris buildup or whatever so we kind of  picked that up as well so that's gonna  kind of wrap up the tape testing  software at least the IBM version of it  in the Dell version so now we're going  to transition to phase 2 which is going  to be how we test our units in the left.
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
HP ProLiant DL160 G6 Overview
hi my name is Brent Allen and I'm the  worldwide product marketing manager for the HP proliant dl120 the dl160 g6 was  specifically designed to hit a variety  of customer targets one being HPC high  performance computing another being web  2.0 and the many varieties of that  including web caching another part of  that is cloud we also have sass which  rather than sass being like storage  device SAS software as a service these  are just some of the markets including  general computing that this hp server is  specifically designed to target the  dl160 g6 also offers a variety of  benefits over and beyond what we offered  in g5 most notably those include  performance bandwidth and energy  efficiency for performance the dl160 g6  offers the new Intel processors which  boost performance dramatically giving a  gain over our g5 systems that is one  piece the next piece being Intel's quick  path architecture which enables direct  access to the memory so that means that  the performance between the memory and  the processors is greatly boosted as  well for bandwidth the dl160 was  
specifically designed to take full  advantage of the quick path architecture  meaning that from each one of the  chipsets there is three there are three  lanes that provide access to the memory  banks we created the system to have 18  dims which would take full advantage of  each one of those memory channels that  means great performance and scale out  memory configurations for this system  that also means that you can get up to  144 GB or gigabytes of memory as a max  footprint in the dl160 g6 so you can  scale up to huge memory footprints or  use these DIMM slots to create hp server low price list
very  low  cost large memory footprints making the  system incredibly flexible as far as  bandwidth is concerned finally  addressing the Third Point the dl160 g6  provides a tremendous energy efficiency  gain over our g5 systems where we get  this is not in just one place but across  the entire architecture of the system  both the processors and the memory  itself consume less power  than in previous generations we have set  up zoning inside of the server so that  the fans don't have to work at full load  which means that we can save energy  specifically on the fans further our  standard g6 systems come with the 500  watt multi output power supply the  reason that we went with this power  supply rather than some of the other  common power supplies that you see on  our g6 systems is because of the  increased energy efficiency available in  a one power supply form factored system  now granted the dl160 g6 offers these  other common slot power supplies but the  500 watt
power supply has been used because in this situation we don't have to go through a heart of power supply backplane that means that we don't have the energy loss that you would normally see in a situation with a back plane the power supply is high efficiency 90 plus percent efficient directly cabled to the motherboard and to the storage backplane this provides a situation with very little loss we also have installed a variety of VR DS into the system to help efficiency throughout the board these VR DS being 300 system level the same v RDS that you'll see in the 300 series systems cost us a little bit of money but they're great they have increased efficiency dramatically over 90% inside of the board itself some other really neat features to check out in g6 happen to be toolless rails that will be deploy along with the systems for very very quick deployment the easy setup CD for rapid deployment as well SNMP agents which dovetail into sim so we have better sim support and a variety of other options that will be coming in the near future to check out those other options that will be coming in the near future please go online and check us out at hp.com  and Xfurbish.com
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
Refurbished HP Proliant DL380 Gen9 Rack Server Review
hi I'm Vinay 2.0 research analyst  for Xfurbish and today we will be  looking at HP's ProLiant dl380 gen9 rack  server the dl380 gen9 server is a dual  socket to you rack server that offers  increased performance and expandability  over previous models with enhanced  storage and compute density the dl380 is  an ideal addition to any server  environment the ProLiant gen9 family of  servers introduced the new Intel Xeon e5  2600 v3 family of processors to the to  you form factor delivering more cores  additional cash and better power  efficiency over the previous generation  of Xeon v2
processors up to to e5 2600 v3 series 18 core processors are  supported for a total of 72 threads  utilizing Intel's hyper threading  technology the new Intel c6 10 chipset  supports ddr4 memory providing faster  speeds higher density and lower power  consumption than the previous generation  of servers this system is Energy Star  compliant underscoring HP's commitment  to conserving energy and helping  customers save money this system is not  backwards compatible with ddr3 memory  modules when used with a dual CPU  configuration a maximum of 24 ddr4 dims  can support either 384 gigabytes of our  dims or a maximum size of one and a half  terabytes with the new 64 gigabyte  lrdimms depending on the processor the  dl380 supports memory speeds of up to  2133 megahertz 
different chassis configurations support  both SFF and lff drives this allows you  to choose between SATA SSD or SAS drive  options of up to 4 8 16 or 24 SFF drives  with an option to add 2 SFF rear drives  or depending on your storage needs 12  lff drives with an optional 3 lff rear  drives the dl380 offers several  different storage options use HP's  embedded 1041 40 I static controller or  for better performance choose the 12  gigabit per second pea 420 AR which  supports SAS drives and raid 
configurations of 0 1 2 and 556 60 with 2 gigabyte flash back right cache with battery raid 1 and 10 with advanced data mirroring is also supported for greater flexibility consider the p8 40 with 4 gigabyte cache which supports up to 16 drives without the need for an expander card reducing latency to SSDs depending on the chassis configuration the front of the dl380 gen9 allows access to the power on button USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports optional optical drive VGA connection and system insight display the back of the server provides access to redundant power supplies 2 USB 3.0 connections vga dedicated ILO connection serial port embedded quad port land and optional
flexible land on motherboard and  depending on your needs PCIe riser slots  or additional rear hard drives there are  three different output options for  platinum rated power supplies use either  a 500 watt 800 watt or 14 hundred watt  flex slot hot plug power supply these  can be used across a variety of HP  ProLiant gen9 servers a primary PCIe  riser offers two PCIe gen3 slots of x16  wired x8 full-height half-length and x8  full-height half-plane slot for greater  versatility an optional 2 slot can  replace the primary riser with one x16  full-height volt length and one x8 full  height full-length slot
with a 2  processor configuration and optional  secondary riser card can be installed  adding two additional x16 PCIe gen3 full  height full Lane slots and another x8  full height 1/2 Lane slot various PCIe  cards can be installed including  InfiniBand cards fusion-io drives and  depending on your chassis configuration  powerful GPU cards like the NVIDIA grid  K to Tesla K 4 TC and quad rope a six  thousand each piece integrated  lights-out management technology offers  reliable remote management allowing you  to maintain complete Refurbished server control and  access your server from any remote  location using a browser or the ILO  mobile app an advanced license unlocks  powerful remote management and control  features  the dl380 gen9 can weigh up to 52 pounds  n is three point four or four inches  tall 17.5 four inches wide and twenty  six point seven five inches deep with  SFF drives the optional lff chassis  configuration increases the depth of the  unit to twenty eight point seven five  inches supported operating systems  include Microsoft Windows Server Red Hat  Enterprise Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise  Server Oracle Solaris VMware Citrix  XenServer n panicle Ubuntu and that  concludes our brief overview of the  dl380 gen9 server from HP for more  Hardware reviews Follow to our  Xfurbish TV please  contact Xfurbish if you have any  questions Vinay 2.0 wrote [email protected] for Xfurbish thanks for Reading
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
Servers vs Desktop
 stairs desktop computers and  then there's like server computers but  how different are they exactly  well any computer actually has the same  basic components processor working  memory storage etc and you may be  surprised to hear that fundamentally  they're not that different with some of  those components even coming off the  same assembly line but that doesn't mean  that you can just grab off-the-shelf  desktop components in like fashion  yourself a server.
  I mean sure this core  i7 runs at 3.8 gigahertz and this Xeon  runs at 3.8 gigahertz but it costs way  more well hold on in just a second hold  off on the core i7 sometimes there's  more to it than gigahertz and gigabytes  and all those gigas so let's get this  list of differences kicked off number  one we just discovered server gear is  much more expensive for specifications  that often appear similar or even worse  at times but why you get inter  compatibility with other server grade  Hardware things like ECC and registered  RAM support a bullet point that's hidden  halfway down the product page for that  CPU from before now while using memory  that is slightly more resistant to  errors might not seem like a big deal to  a typical desktop user it's absolutely  critical for a server in a desktop  environment one little tiny rammer or  caused by like cosmic rays might cost  little Sally they cute picture she made  in ms paint
 A server it could  result in the loss of patients medical  records or who knows what else  not to mention speaking of inter  compatibility that server memory is  available in much higher capacities so  you got to have support for that we find  the next difference in the little  details
 The characteristics of a product  that don't always find their way onto a  spec sheet for example server and  workstation grade hardware uses higher  quality components and is subjected to  much more rigorous quality testing and  validation they not only are made to  handle heavier duty cycles but also live  longer overall while doing it now on to  features silent operation a bunch of USB  3 ports and like overclocking settings  out the wazoo are not the kinds of  
 Things that server clients will want to  spend money on which doesn't mean that  they're cheapskates  they'll pay big money for stuff like  fancy networking capabilities remote  management interfaces and hardware  redundancy so the machine won't  experience any downtime even in the  event of a hardware failure on something  like a power supply and it's great that  they buy this stuff because it drives  the costs down for us guess top folks in  the future so my next point actually  ties at least partially into most of the  others server hardware is optimized for  different workloads for example on the  desktop our applications aren't heavily  multi-threaded so higher frequency  processors with fewer cores work really  well but a server might run an operating  system and software that takes much  better advantage of multiple processing  cores so we might get much better  results with a lower clocked server CPU  that has more processing cores or even  with multiple CPUs to further spread up  the workload and then finally there are  the optimizations made for the  environment in which a server will  operate for example a consumer and  enterprise grade
 Hard drive might share much of the same technology it's a bit of a recurring theme here but a server hard drive is much more resistant to wear and tear from vibration something that doesn't matter for our drive sitting in the desktop by itself but that is critical for a drive that's surrounded on all sides by other drives spinning and clicking away doing their own work and there are so many little things like this a server won't  compromise on power consumption or  increase size unnecessarily to squeeze a  little bit more performance out of the  hardware like a gaming rig would it's  all about how much computing power can  fit in as small a space as possible  while consuming as little power as  possible the general consumer has  different priorities in a big tower that  consumes a couple more watts doesn't  really matter when you got one family PC  in the house or even two or
  three or  four but if you were buying 5000 of them  it would be a different story  which is exactly how I'm going to segue  awkwardly reaching for it here into our  sponsor message about razors if once per  year I had to go buy one razor the time  and money that I wasted driving to the  store and like slaying the guardian of  indifference who holds the key of  unnecessary existence that unlocks the  secret shelf of razor door just to get a  close comfortable shave on my face then  that would be an issue  problem is that you have to do it all  the time and that's where Dollar Shave  Club comes in for a few bucks a month  Dollar Shave Club delivers razors  straight to your door every month  without any hassle or BS the blades are  well they're that the service is prompt  and the quality is as good as or better  than the brand-name ones join the club  now dollars have club.com slash lines and  check out their shaving supplies as well  as their one wipe Charlies which are  peppermint scented butt wipes for men  they're really great i've been getting  all kinds of compliments on the smell of  
 my butt since i started using them  thanks for checking out this episode of  fast as possible like this video if you  liked it dislike it if you disliked it  leave a comment if you have suggestions  for future episodes of fast as possible  or if you just have something to say  about you know this video or the smell  of my butter whatever else we're totally  open to your feedback actually maybe we  should avoid that last topic you know I  don't want this video to get flagged for  inappropriate content like wow that's  the most amazing butt ever and I think  we're done here don't forget to  subscribe to tech wiki for more videos  like this from me and the rest of my  team  
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
HP ProLiant DL380 G5 Xfurbish
HP ProLiant DL380
G5 Server 417458-371
Server Condition: Refurbished, Used, Pulled and Tested.
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HP Proliant
parts and accessories
HP DL380 ProcessorsHP DL380 Controllers
HP DL380 Power SupplyRefurbished HP DL380
HP DL380 ramHP DL380 switch
HP DL380 motherboardHp DL380 Hard disk drive
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nileshtechtalk-blog · 5 years
Used Sun Storage Secrets
Be respectful, preserve it civil and keep on topic. We delete remarks that violate our coverage, which we really encourage you to definitely study. Discussion threads could be closed at any time at our discretion. The Eden Resin Patio Bench is a gorgeous addition on your back garden. This bench offers seating Area, When you take pleasure in The gorgeous climate outside the house. Furthermore, it provides a lot of storage Place for preserving your garden tools, pool toys, cushions, along with other vital extras. The 73 Gallon Resin Deck Box can be a attractive and purposeful addition towards your outside dwelling spot. This deck box is often utilized for storing quite a few objects like patio cushions, toys, or backyard garden instruments. It might be used both indoors and outdoor. By including battery storage to the photo voltaic set up, you are able to electricity your property throughout the clock with cleanse, renewable energy. Just before Open Storage, most storage goods were being based on custom-made running devices functioning on expert hardware. In many circumstances, the specialist hardware was based on outdated generation components, because the custom made running methods were guiding in assistance for current processors and system architectures. A perfect option for your outdoor House, the Denali one hundred Gallon Resin Deck Box combines an ultra-powerful build with a sublime design. This strong outside deck box is made from impressive Duotech™ content which includes a rustic Wooden-like texture and a stylish twin tone. To the sake of a simple case in point, we will figure out the scale of a battery needed to deliver an sufficient solar moreover storage Resolution with national ordinary knowledge in the U.S. Electrical power Details Administration. The typical U.S. domestic will use around 30 kilowatt-hrs (kWh) of Power a day and an average photo voltaic battery can supply some 10 kWh of ability. Therefore a quite simple solution might be, if you purchased a few solar batteries, you could possibly operate your house for a complete day with nothing but battery aid. The Suncast 122 gallon resin rattan deck box is an attractive storage Resolution for your home or patio. This deck box is bound to fulfill your patio storage desires. No. Your installer will build the suitable baseline configurations. The battery storage computer software will run the method mechanically depending on your configurations. You can utilize read more the mobile application to update the settings, if you modify your mind. These devices also characteristic a comprehensive and intuitive consumer interface and analytics setting that is definitely unmatched during the field with regard to its ease of use and simplicity. This lowers running fees by dramatically reducing management time and complexity. With many hundreds of content consumers and a few of the best sales industry experts all over, Permit our provider and products discuss for by themselves. Never ever really feel such as you are missing on this planet of IT, we're pleased to help and able to serve. This only remained on the market for a brief time. A comply with-up "486i" update was declared but only some prototype units have been at any time created. Storing photo voltaic Electrical power throughout the day and consuming that Electrical power later inside the night, once the sun sets. Diverse Electricity storage systems contribute to electrical energy security by Doing work at many stages from the grid, from era to client conclusion-use.
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