ninanursing · 24 days
It’s been awhile..
•I’m almost a year into working at my current job. Who would’ve thought I’d survive?! I’ve been looking into applying at other places because the commute is starting to be too much (actually it’s been a lot for awhile).
•I’m still working out, however, i haven’t worked out since the other day due to being at home with my family and getting sick.
•My faith has gotten stronger; still learning to “let go and let God”.
•I’ve been pretty content, but things could always be better —like getting a new job.
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ninanursing · 8 months
Long time no post…
lil update
•I started working out last year around October & you could say that’s the start of my fitness journey. It’s been hard and I’m still struggling, but I’m better than when I wasn’t exercising.
•I’m about 5 months into working at my current job. Crazy to me that next month will be 6 months.
•Work has been crazy. I’m moving to a diff unit and I’m sure I’m gonna get floated a lot.
•I’ve been looking for another job bc I’m not happy..
•I’m still trying to figure out what kind of nursing job I want to do.
•Been on the mindset of “Let Go and Let God.” Leaving everything in God’s Hands bc He’s in control.
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ninanursing · 9 months
been on my own for a few weeks already, & it’s been bearable, but still stressful here and there. my coworkers have been super supportive & helpful so work isn’t too bad in comparison to Vegas.
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ninanursing · 10 months
i’m already gonna be alone next week. I’m scared af.
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ninanursing · 10 months
This pt seriously made my day. Whenever I have pts who are super kind and not rude, it makes my job easier. They make me want to be a better nurse.
pt: how old are you?
me: 31
pt: no you’re not, seriously? i thought you’re 19 or 20. I’m gonna call you my baby
me: okay, I’m gonna call you mama
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ninanursing · 11 months
pt: how old are you?
me: 31
pt: no you’re not, seriously? i thought you’re 19 or 20. I’m gonna call you my baby
me: okay, I’m gonna call you mama
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ninanursing · 11 months
Work is bearable but still it’s too much.
I don’t think I can do m/s bedside forever.
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ninanursing · 1 year
first day on the floor (shadowing a nurse) ☺️
Back to being a preceptee, but I don’t mind it.
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ninanursing · 1 year
08/04/2023–accepted a job as a m/s rn
09/25/2023-first day of work (orientation week)
Life’s been okay.
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ninanursing · 1 year
Life update.
It's been awhile since I last updated my journey, but a lot has changed. First and foremost, I resigned from my first nursing job here in Las Vegas around June. To back track, before I resigned, I wasn't at all happy with my job. There were times when I would go home crying and my pre-shift anxiety was taking a big toll on my mental health. I ultimately made the decision to resign so I can move back home in California. To be honest, it's bittersweet to be leaving Vegas. It seemed like it was just yesterday when I first moved out here & I wanted to move back to Cali right away. After almost 3 years of living here, my time living here is coming to an end. I am excited though to be closer to family, friends, & bf. As far as work…well I’ve been applying left and right. I’m hoping I get a job secured fast. This is probably the biggest stress for me atm. That's about it so far for my little life update.
Off topic, but during the last week of work for me, I ended up having a student nurse shadow me around. I felt some confidence but still was nervous. Crazy that I was once in her shoes & now I was the one doing some of the teaching.
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ninanursing · 1 year
lil throwback when i did a bit of self care
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ninanursing · 1 year
I’m not happy nor am I content with my job.
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ninanursing · 1 year
Scared. Anxious. Stressed. Worried
In a few weeks, I'll be on my own. My preceptor ended up leaving because she is finally now able to start her dream job. I'm sad she left, nonetheless I'm beyond happy and excited for her.
Let's back track to last week though--I started having 7 patients & it's been chaotic to say the least. I've cried, I was frustrated & I felt overwhelmed and stressed. It came to the point where I didn't feel like I was meant to be a nurse. I questioned myself if I was even meant to be one. I've talked to a lot of people about this (a lot of my nurse friends to be exact). I was contemplating about wanting to quit as well. But then I didn't necessarily have a backup plan in mind. I've prayed about it & to my surprise God heard my prayers--One of the patients (and his wife) I had told me as I was discharging him said this to me: "You're gonna be a good nurse, I know it." They also kept thanking me. I almost shed a tear because little did I know that I needed that reassurance. Everyone ate work has been helpful, but still I'm scared, anxious, stressed, and worried. It's been helpful hearing from the veteran nurses that they all felt the same way that I'm feeling now/have been feeling.
I'm honestly just trying to find ways to cope with pre-shift anxiety, dreading to go to work, and things that affect mental health.
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ninanursing · 1 year
It's been 2 months or so since I started working and so far it's been a wild ride. Some days better than others. Just this week was chaotic to say the least. To sum up the week: Had back to back discharges, new admissions, AMA, contacting doctors left & right, giving medications, charting, and the list can go on. To add on actually, I was caring for 7 patients. Today I've been contemplating on staying & sticking it out or to leave.
I know that nursing itself is not at all easy, but what's making it hard for me to want to stay is knowing my preceptor is leaving. She was/is my support & has guided me throughout these weeks. After looking at my internship agreement, I'm supposed to be alone on May 8th, but tbh I don't feel ready. I don't feel confident enough to be on my own. I'm scared. I'm stressed. I'm anxious. I wish time would slow down, but also speed up. Idk.
I know I chose this profession that isn't so easy. But I thought I'd have the resources to help me & I feel that I don't. If I could, I would honestly want to move to a different m/s unit just to keep my contract in place.
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ninanursing · 2 years
…and I need to study for an EKG test that I signed up for next Friday.
I’m nowhere near prepared for it & I have to take it next Friday. I’m working Tues-Thurs next week too 🙃
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ninanursing · 2 years
wooork from 03•01•2023
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ninanursing · 2 years
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Also, I got my CA nurse license 🤍💜
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