ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
if anyone wants to keep in touch or keep our plot lines going, here’s my account ( click here! ) 
also, i’m so sorry admin team that you had to go through that, this really sucks, but nobody deserves to deal w/ what you went through and i’m honestly so grateful to have been apart of this group while it lasted. love you all ❤ .
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
rikkie: hi i'm back in san amore
rikkie: sorry i went missing for a few days i was mentally unstable
rikkie: anyways i'm bored
nina: about time you reappeared
nina: i've been missing my universe appointed dumbass friend, i don't wanna be a lonesome idiot lol
nina: are you okay tho?
nina: do you want to come over & ignore it by drinking all of my wine?
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
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A hand clutched at her heart, “How dare you insult the sacred Shirley Temple?” It was unbearably sweet, geared towards a kid’s taste rather than the adult palate. The red gradient looked pretty in a picture. “Okay, virgin mojito. I don’t think I would have thought of it. Places have been making cool mocktails too! Maybe they have a whole menu.” It was basically cooking - something she was always in awe of due to her dad’s job. “Oh, let’s hope I don’t get there. I’ll stop worrying, fine. It’s been years since I went hard with drinking!”
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“ i’m insulting it because it deserves to be insulted, my dear ” she quipped, allowing a laugh to roll out of her lungs as she gave everleigh a playful nudge. though, perhaps a high reach for her to say since she hadn’t tried a shirley temple in a while; then again; she was always stuck in her ways. “  i actually do hope that you get to that point,  that would be a sight to see, but i know you wouldn’t want that.  — thank you! you’ll be fine, and if anyone is problematic towards us then i’m very capable of kneeing them. ” she paused, a grin creeping across her features. “ i’m a mama bear, y’know? i protect my drunk children. ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
walking down the street, miles whistled to himself as he glanced around, looking at the scenery. he had literally nothing to do, and rather then sulking in pure boredom, decided to go for a short lesiurely walk. he continued being distracted for a moment, until he heard someone calling out for help – that made him stop. montgomery looked around, trying to find the source of the noise, until he noticed a lady struggling to hold something – what he assumed was a box. “i’m coming!” he’d shout, running over to her. he grabbed the other end of the box, attempting to hold it up. “hey, you alright? a-are you hurt?”
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as the other figure rushed to her aid and rescued her from full on getting stuck underneath it, nina let herself slowly rise up with an exhausted huff. “ let’s carry it inside, yeah? ” still fueled by pure stubbornness, this was perhaps not the task she should be doing given her circumstances. “ i’m okay, i appreciate the concern though. — i’ll definitely be sore tomorrow because of my bruised ego. ” she quipped as the heaviness stabilized in their grip, motioning him inside to the spot where they’d eventually put the fragile box down. “ i’m nina, by the way and i swear, i’ll buy you a coffee for your efforts. ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
location: baker’s dozen status: open @amorestart​
working at the bakery was something of a challenge for isabella; she’d not been here too long, maybe a few weeks at most and it was really a case of convincing the owner to give her a chance. could bella bake? not exactly, but she was willing to get stuck in and learn. today, however, she was working at the cash register and serving customers, one of whom was picking up a custom order. the grl disappeared into the back to fetch it, carrying the box as carefully as she could as she brought it out to the front, only for her foot to trip beneath her and the cake inside tumbling onto the floor with a splat. “oh my god! oh my god. i am… so sorry.”
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now it wasn’t often that nina indulged in a cake, being more of a savory person. which really, hadn’t changed. the cake was for roses and red, and to be frank; she didn’t remember why. maybe a birthday or someone quitting? she hadn’t kept up for the past week or so. awaiting for the figure to return from the back with cake in hand, she watched the events unfold in what seemed like slow motion. that slight misstep and, well... the cake never stood a chance of surviving that splat. nina stood, hand over mouth, but then trailed closer to the woman that had dropped it. “ — oh shit, are you okay? ” working in retail herself, mistakes were bound to happen. so she’d rather confirm that the other was not harmed after tripping. “ hey, don’t worry’bout that, it’s just a cake.”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
Nr. 10: The car broke down and we’re stuck in the snow waiting for a tow location: Outskirts of San Amore. Closed starter: @itsdcvon​
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in all honesty, it had been a while since she’d driven her vehicle. that rusted down little car had a bit of an attitude problem. it took ages to get it started and when it did, it always died immediately afterwards. this time, that problematic car seemed to have a pep in its step because when nina had picked devon up, there were no issues at all. their neighboring town’s flower shop was hosting a little open house. nina, always up to scope out the competition was delighted to accept the invite and had extended it to devon as well. whilst on route, and in mid conversation, something had caught her off guard. maybe the guy before her blaring the high beams until the last second? anyway, due to that, there was no way she could’ve seen that huge pothole ahead  boom! straight after hitting it, the car bounced very slowly onward into a snowbank where it came to an abrupt stop. yep, this was definitely the end of her problematic car, the engine quietly howling in dismay. for a moment, there was utter silence and nina directed a bambi eyed look over to devon. “ —  fuck, ” she uttered quietly, though finding a little hilarity in their bad luck and started to nervously chuckle. “ well.. i think we’re stuck.” she stated the obvious whilst wrestling against the seat belt that had overreacted and was now stringing tightly along her frame. “ — are you okay? ” almost immediately after gathering themselves, she fished out her phone and called a tow truck. the current wait was at least an hour, so they’d need to get comfortable. 
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
Nr 14: They must huddle together…. for warmth location: red river hiking trail closed starter: @hcldenbitch​
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the plan for that evening, a brisk hike through the wooded area on the outskirts of town. the snow was falling, somewhat peacefully. a little too much snow for her liking, but hey, this had been her idea. if she didn’t have alcohol, this was her way of emoting and holden tagging along just made it more fun. at that point, their walk had been going fine, it felt nice to be outside again after being huddled inside in a sour mood. the crisp frozen air that filled her lungs was like hitting the reset button, but with the snow beginning rain down more heavily and a gust of wind that had made it’s debut; right then, she knew they were in trouble. so deep inside the wooded area at this point,and nina, never learning from her mistakes; was not dressed accordingly. they needed to get to shelter, fast. luckily, knowing this place like the back of her hand, nina knew of a little shed that wasn’t too far off from their location,.then of course when they got there, breaking in and entering. upon their first step inside, it was fucking freezing! nina quickly raced to get the heater on, pulling off her dampened coat before glacing back at holden. “ — take off your jacket and sit down by the heater. ” that was more a command, rather then a request. “ i don’t want to get hypothermia, and we need to huddle up until this heater gets going. ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
winter starter prompts.
Send in a number or send ☃️  for a random one, and “+ reverse” for the other way around
Your muse warms their freezing hands with mine’s breath
My muse takes yours to the hospital after they slipped
Sharing a blanket in a cold house
My muse catches yours when they slipped on ice
Your muse presses their freezing hands/feet on mine
They get snowed in together and the power goes out
My muse pulls yours out of a freezing lake
Making snowmen together
Making s’mores inside
The car broke down and we’re stuck in the snow waiting for a tow
My muse makes hot chocolate for yours
Your muse rescues mine from the cold 
Its snowing and my muse has forgotten their jacket
They must huddle together…. for warmth
Our muses cuddle up by the fire while a blizzard rages outside
My muse knit yours a sweater 
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
location: Outside of Roses are red. status: Open. @amorestart​
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at long last, a much needed order had arrived at roses are red, a bit late though and the postal service had just placed the boxes outside after her signature. business had been booming over the holidays which meant that, well...they had run out of the essentials of tying together the flower arrangements. nina stubbornly huffed, eyeing the task at hand and optimistic that the boxes surely weren’t that heavy. oh how wrong she was. so out of sheer will, she managed to pick one up, then got stuck mid squat and considering the delicate pieces inside, she couldn’t exactly just drop it. “ — shit ” she cursed underneath her breath, spotting a friendly face down the street. “ hey, hey!  do mind giving me an extra hand? i’m stuck.”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
“i can live with that,” he smiles. “don’t even worry, i don’t drink wine. i’m a terrible twenty-five-year-old. but if you have a balcony, i wouldn’t mind to spend the time there so i can smoke?” the phrase ends in a questioning intonation. he curses himself for not being able to live without his tobacco. or weed. but mostly tobacco, especially in this case. luca laughs when he hears the name of the drink. “big dick? oh wow, they were really the worst,” he grins. “what did you even put in it?” he asks. he nods his head at her reasoning. it makes sense, he thinks. and if it doesn’t, at least he caught it. “so… you have this… situation… that might be true or not and you don’t want it to be true? is that it? you don’t want whatever’s going on to happen?”
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hand on her chest to signify dismay, she huffed. “ you don’t drink wine? excuse me? i’m morally offended by that statement. ” of course, twas only playful banter, though there was a layer of truth behind it. ‘cause, if there one thing she was going to struggle with, it was not being allowed to drink alcohol for almost a year; her only vice. “ i do, actually. — and yes, you can smoke on the balcony, just blow it away from me. ” she explained, gesturing down the hallway where a little door was situated at the end of it. then a little grin appeared upon her lips at his inquiry of the contents in the drink. “ i’m so glad you asked, ” nina wiggled her brows before continuing. “ it was 1/3 tequila, 1/3 bacardi razz and 1/3 sambuca, and it was truly malicious. ” then when things yet again turning over to the serious matter at hand, she let a sigh escape, confused herself about how she felt about all of it. “ yes, and no, ” nina let her hand run through her hair, leaning her frame against the kitchen counter. “ i’ve always wanted to have a ....situation, but i don’t know if i’m ready and i’m alone which makes this situation a little bit more complex. ” 
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
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“oh thank you, fair queen,” he replied playfully. “i shall not disappoint you next time,” he laughed. he knew she didn’t mind, though, and michael would never have the patience to try to please someone that picky, anyway. he let out a hearty laugh when she mentioned the spoons michael had brought. he hadn’t even thought of that, and now he felt so dumb for it. he felt his cheeks grow warmer as he blushed. “okay, honestly, i wasn’t thinking. i just thought, we’re eating ice-cream we’ll need spoons. besides,” he said, scooting closer and throwing an arm behind her, but not wrapping it around her. “we’re so comfortable here. had i not come prepare, one of us would’ve had to get up for spoons and just, ugh, unacceptable.”
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“ you better not disappoint, ” she began her quip, a certain smugness layering her features before continuing. “ i can very scary, y’know?  — i have the sonorous war cry of a very angry...frog, and let me tell you, that shit can make any mans blood run cold. ” finishing, she let a laugh roll out of lungs, and it continued into a more stocky laughter at michael’s reasoning behind bringing his own cutlery. “ in all seriousness though, i think it’s very thoughtful, ” she replied with a glance directed his way and couldn’t but smile a little at his reddened cheeks. then, nina allowed her figure to lean into him for a quick moment as a gesture of assurance. “ and you’re correct! it was absolutely the right call since i have no clean cutlery and i’m way too comfortable here to go through the hassle of actually standing up and walking all the way to the kitchen. ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
Location: Lanes, Aleks house. Status: Closed starter for @ahendriks​
after a few days of utter denial, it had been more or less confirmed. there was no longer a possibility of hiding behind faulty tests. so spiraling down an emotional rabbit hole that she’d very much like ignore, nina felt the urge to talk to the most logical person she knew which was aleksander and fortunately for her, he lived a short distance away. now, this was a spontaneous decision, so spontaneous in fact, that she did not call ahead and being that it was the nighttime that probably wasn’t the best idea. though in her defense, this was a form of an emergency, at least in her eyes. for nina, the act reaching out for help or guidance ( with emotional matters ) from aleks wasn’t all that common, however he was the only one in town that knew her situation and how complex the circumstance could get with this addition. so promptly, she tugged herself into a new jacket. this time layering herself properly before venturing out into the cold. luckily, there were no prying eyes out at this hour, no cars sliding by nor people in sight; everything felt eerily still as nina paced the short distance. eventually, she had arrived and stood on his doorstep for a moment before electing to use the doorbell. she pinged it twice before standing back with folded arms over her chest, waiting for his answer and then pinged it once more for good measure. 
“ hey, it’s nina. ” she said quietly through the front door, not wanting to wake any nosy neighbors up.
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
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Everleigh had only seen Nina pitter-pattering down the street, and she wasn’t putting two and two together that she had been leaving Klub Kiss. Oops! “Okay, any bar apps you want are on me. And I’ll even treat you to a shirley temple,” her tone teased. The ultimate ‘designated driver’ drink. “As sober Everleigh speaking, remind me to drink water as you lead me through this journey, captain!”
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nina offered a displeased grimace at the thought of a shirley temple, there was something about that drink which didn’t sit right with her; maybe it was the picky nature settling in, that often followed the circumstance nina was in right now. “ how about a virgin mojito instead? i may be sober, but i’m not thirteen. ” she quipped, playfully nudging everleigh as they strolled along together. “ oooh you’ve picked the absolute best sober captain!  i’ll carry you home if i have to, i’ve done that before and he was a lot heavier then you. —  also, stop worrying about it and let loose, yeah? i’ll take care of you if get a little too drunk. ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
“i don’t know if that’s sarcasm or actual amusement,” he teases her, shoving her ever-so-slightly. “oh, definitely, any time. just call and i’ll be there. just like kim possible,” luca laughs and makes himself at home by sitting on the sofa. “alright,” he says and pulls out his phone to send a quick text to his roommate that he’ll be home late tonight. “a bartender?” he asks out loud as he pushes his phone back into the pocket of the leather jacket. “oh no, come on. i wanna hear that story, please?” the elephant’s still in the room, though. “you wanna talk about whatever made you text me this late in the night?”
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“ a little bit of both? ” an arched brow from the brunette as she directed a smug little smile. “ i will be taking advantage of that, and i can only offer my now useless wine to return the favor. “ unknowingly, she’d given away a hint to why she’d reached out to him so late in the night. inside her, there was absolute turmoil, especially given the strange circumstances that surrounded her life. nina though, kept her little smile intact and nodded. “ yeah, i was. ” she paused, a beat between her words as she prepared the hot chocolate. “ there were these people that were very rude to begin with and then kept telling me to do just.... pour them a shot, no specifics, no preferences, and that annoyed me. so i made this horrid shot, called big dick and it was truly my favorite thing to see them squirm when they downed it. ” recalling that, she couldn’t help but let a little amused scoff escape. then it all came back to reality when luca addressed the elephant in the room. “ well..” she began, folding her arms over her chest in defense. “ i’m stressed about something, that i might not need to be stressed about, y’know? because i haven’t confirmed it,  but i’m almost 90 percent sure that it’s happening and that terrifies me. — did that make any sense? ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
“i am trying my best, i hope you do see that,” devon said with a small shrug, “i just… i gotta switch my brain on sometimes, ‘cause i tend to do a lot of shit on impulse and without thinking and then that’s when i end up with orders that are completely wrong.” but, in devon’s defence, the bouquets and arrangements always looked lovely, they just tended to be the wrong flowers requested or the wrong colour scheme.
devon snorted a laugh at her response, “you really do like living life on the edge, huh?” they grinned, giving her a playful nudge with their shoulder. “it’s alright, i mean… it was a long time ago now,” they then said with a shrug. they didn’t often like to speak of their parents and devon didn’t want to admit that they’d spent a few years of their life camping out on the streets, but there was no point in dwelling on the past for they were in a much better place now. “i hope i can be,” devon smiled softly, “and i know that if y’know, you do have a bun in the oven, any kid would be lucky to have you as a parent. and i mean it ain’t like you haven’t had practice? you already nag me like a mom.” devon flashed her a cheeky grin before wrapping her into a tight, comforting squeeze.
“wherever you want me,” they then said, “but i will be taking that wine if you’re offering.” devon didn’t hesitate at all to hop up from the couch and disappear into the kitchen, returning with a half-empty bottle and not a glass in sight. “honestly, how are you gonna cope without wine though? serious question. i think that’s gonna be the hardest thing if you’re knocked up.”
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“ i know, ” she nodded at them, reassuringly. nina did in fact see the potential they had, although it was buried deep inside their irresponsible ass that could drive her up the wall sometimes. “ you just need to be a bit sharper during work hours, y’know? sometimes you look like you’re high as kite with those bambi eyes. ” she laughed nonchalantly, the latter part of her sentence being meant as a joke, honestly she had no clue what they used as a vice to get by nor was it any of her business. 
at their nudge, a little smirk made it’s debut across her features. “ what can i say? ” she gestured with a shrug before continuing. “ CEO of bad decisions that have life altering consequences. ” and finally pointing to herself, the culprit of her own bad luck. “ in all seriousness though, it’s like i’m drawn to anything that makes my life way more complicated. ” twas the honest truth, for once. anything layered in emotional chaos or something that she definitely shouldn’t do, she felt the absolute need to explore it. of course, nina wanted to pry into their response about the past; however, this was perhaps not the time to do that. so with the warmness still intact in her gaze that was directed at them, she spoke softly. “ i know it, you’ll be one of the good ones even if you had a late start, ” she leaned in, just to let that point get through their head. confident in devon being a good parent, it was clear and confirmed after the supportive nature that they’d displayed towards her. “ i don’t know about that, you’re like my problematic child at work, ” she shook her head at their statement. even letting a little chuckle escape. “ well, i’d like to believe that i’d be a good, y’know... mum, or at least better than my mum. — there’s just a lot of factors that make this whole situation a lot more complex then it should be. ”
 as the two parted from the tight embrace, she scoffed. annoyed at the thought of going almost a year without alcohol and just eyed devon as they returned with a bottle of wine. “ i’m not, that’s the short answer. i’m not going to be able to function normally without alcohol and large doze of caffeine.  — i’m also not going to be able to sleep without my wine, and i know how that sounds....but i have this empty house and that sends my down a certain spiral, so i like to ignore by getting tipsy,  so... ” she stopped herself mid sentence, drawing it back ‘cause emotionally oversharing wasn’t really her scene. “ so, it’s just going to suck. ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
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“Oh you’ll see. It’s good I promise.” He gave her a small smile and leaned his back into the counter behind him. Eyeing her for a brief second, his spidey sense was tingling about her but decided that for now he would refrain from asking her what was going on. It seemed like aside from it not being his place, some things were best kept light. “Glad you asked! This, my dear lady bird is your freshly made bingo card. You and I are going to take a little walk around town and get this checked off your list. You can check off one thing now.” He laid the card down for her to see and stepped back so she could see the coffee cup on the card next to the free space. “I’ve brought a couple coloured pens. Take your pick.”
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nina gave wyn a little look of endearment, very curious what he had planned for her. if there was one person that could keep her mind off things, it was him. he always managed against odds to make her laugh and keep things light. then as he pulled the bingo card that was tucked underneath his arm and showcased it to her; she kept her wide smile intact. “ are you serious?? ” a layer of enthusiasm layering her question. “ oh, are you finally going to give me my first win at bingo? if i lose, there might be something wrong with my unlucky ass. ” she quipped, excited to see that coffee cup space on the card had been filled. “ the blue pen, ” she responded in a haste, that was her all time favorite color. “ so bingo-man, where to next? ”
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ninaxmikkelsen · 4 years
“you don’t need to thank me,” devon said softly, “i know that you would do the same for me if it were the other way around. and anyway, i’ve owed you one for managing to keep me in that damn shop – i’m genuinely surprised i haven’t been fired yet and i can only imagine it’s because you’ve been savin’ my ass.” they chuckled before they soon flopped down onto the sofa beside the girl, looking to her as she vented her frustrations.
“i’m sure this happens all the time! maybe the guy you fucked has some insanely powerful sperm or something,” devon joked, hoping to try and make her crack another smile – laughter always was the best medicine, wasn’t it? and though it couldn’t solve this problem, maybe it might make it a little easier to deal with for the time being. “that’s something i still don’t understand, the fact that a full on melon-sized baby thing gets squeezed out of a hole like, this big,” devon lifted his fingers and pinched them closely together to indicate the size, “it’s impressive, truly.” but then came the question as to how devon reacted upon his ex becoming pregnant and they gave a small sigh, “i won’t lie and say i was delighted ‘cause… we weren’t trying, you know? we weren’t in a good environment to bring up a kid, i didn’t have a stable job so it was fuckin’ scary, to be honest. but something kinda clicked in me i suppose, ‘cause i don’t have a good relationship with my parents. they both live about two minutes down the road from here and they refuse to contact me, always have done since i was seventeen and they kicked me out. guess when i found out she was pregnant it got me thinking about how i never wanted to make my child feel like their parents didn’t love them. that kinda changed my view on it all and suddenly i felt more prepared to be a parent.” but then came prison, after devon’s attempt at stealing money to support their family came crashing down, and now they were certain they were just as awful as their own mother and father for abandoning their baby. 
devon reached over to give nina another squeeze, giving a gentle kiss to the top of her head before saying, “i can stay here with you if you want? i’ll take the sofa, but just so you don’t have to be alone. then soon as it hits six and the shops open, i’ll go out and we’ll find an answer.”
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“ you’re right, you did owe me big time for that, maybe not quite this big...but you get what i’m saying. ” she said softly and gave him a little nudge. “ well you haven’t been fired yet, mainly because the owner doesn’t give a shit.  — but also, because i believe in you, i do. that’s why i’m constantly on your ass about the store and bicker with you, i think you could do great things here in san amore for yourself and your daughter. ” 
“ hey! ” nina directed her narrowed brows over to him, her index finger pointing at him with a scowl. “ i exclusively fuck men with powerful sperm. — it adds the danger aspect i was talking about the other day, ” and with those words leaving her lips, she allowed a strained but very genuine laugh to escape her lungs. though at his gesture of how big the hole was compared to, well.. a fully formed melon, and the thought of pushing out something like that made her squirm in her position and a quick shrug ran through her frame. “ yeah, so impressive. ” a blank reply from the brunette, that offered a mortified look to him. then as he spoke of his own experiences with the issue at hand, she couldn’t help but feel for devon. it really tugged on her heart strings, and that must’ve been such a difficult time for him. so as he kept on going, she gently placed her hand on his figure as a form of support. “ i’m sorry you had to go through that, ” a softness layered her words as they left her, truly wanting to show the same kind of reassurance he’d already given her. “ well if it’s any comfort, i can already tell that when you get to see your daughter, you’ll be a fantastic parent to her. ” 
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in the middle of his tight and comforting embrace, she nodded in response to his question. of course, nina wanted him to stay, she desperately didn’t want to be alone in this state of mind. everything had gotten yet again flipped upside down. so his presence alone made her feel at ease. “ i do have a guest room, y’know? if that makes you more comfortable... and you have permission to raid my fridge. it’s filled to brim with wine that i can’t have. ” 
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