ninazenikisawesome · 1 month
You also never run out of quick small projects, for as long as you wear socks :D
Darning is great, ngl, because it scratches the hand craft itch without generating new craft projects I need to find space for, and in the process I get more use out of something I like enough to have worn it out.
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
Finally found one I honestly like😁
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an au where remus gets to be a professor and sirius gets to be a nuisance and they live happily ever after
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
I didn’t see it in the wild yet, but I am looking forward to it.
Almost three years ago now I wrote a post about ship tagging and needing to update our tagging conventions to include a third symbol. And I really really think this is a change that should be made. That needs to be made.
We use / to indicate romantic and/or sexual relationships.
We use & to indicate platonic and familial relationships.
But we don't have any shorthand to tag a ship as queerplatonic or any other relationship type that doesn't fit neatly into the original / and & categories.
Anyone that's been following me since 2020 has likely seen me use ship tags that include a +. That + is there to indicate that I ship these characters in a way that is different than what's traditionally expected when a tag uses / or &. The ship is neither of those, it is both of those, it is something else entirely.
Having a third tag type would make it so much easier and more inclusive for those writing non traditional relationships. No more having to tag with both A/B and A&B (which can lead to confusion and accusations of misleading tagging etc). No more feeling confusion and guilt and trepidation when trying to tag something, knowing someone looking for / wouldn't necessarily consider it as /, while also knowing someone looking for & would potentially be appalled. No more having to include extra qualifiers and explanations in the tags and author's notes to avoid misunderstandings. We need something that breaks the relationship categorical binary of romantic/sexual vs not romantic/sexual.
Idk I just feel like there are so many types of relationships that just can't be defined as one category or the other. The addition of ship tags using + could do a lot to remedy that.
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
I think this is also useful for straight and cis people, especially the older ones who are overwhelmed by the multitude of labels. I usually start my explanations with: here are the basic umbrella terms, you don’t really need anything else, just trust people when they tell you how they identify, respect that identity and if you don’t get it either ask for an explanation or google it, it’s not that big of a deal. I wish more people knew that.
On a more serious note, and I usually don't talk seriously here because yall are a bunch of jokers, while I get that developing for oneself a stable signifier that they can point to and argue the validity of their existence is really important to some people, simply reshuffling a rigid ontological narrative of gender and sexuality does not serve us as a community and will only cause more pain down the line.
The project is not to create ever smaller and more personalized identity categories with strict inflexible borders, but to undermine the entire structural rigidity of gendered signification; that's the only way we get our liberation.
So if you're uncomfortable with inhabiting an ambiguous space, frankly too fucking bad. That's the only way we're moving forward
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
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So- I decided to datum my shoes. I am very much worried it will give me blister and I may regret it, but ut is already done. I will keep anyone interested updated on how this will go. For now, pray for my right heel or alternatively, for my bank account 🥲
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
I know what is ruining my shoes, but as I cannot do anything (probably) about… unusually upturned big toes this will have to do :-)
Hello! First of all, I wanted to say that I cherish this blog very, very much <3 Information about mending clothes is so useful and important in my opinion and I really want more people to do this, to mend their belongings instead of throwing them away. I'm writing to you with a little mending problem I am hoping you can help me with. I have this, relatively new, pair of sports shoes and they are the most comfortable pair i've had to date so far. But they started to tear at the toe & this is the problem I have with most pairs of sneakers I've had.
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Thankfully the tear is relatively small right now and I know I can probably mend it with some embroidery thread, but I am wondering if you have any ideas on how to fortify this section of the shoe, to make sure I don't punch a hole like that again? It's a poliester sort of fabric, similar to what support tape is made out of, i think? Idk if that helps. Anyway, thank you in advance for any advice you can give me ^u^
[ID: close-up on a hole at the toes in the fabric top of a black sneaker.]
Mending and fortifying sneakers
l'm not very experienced with mending shoes, but this post on mending sneakers contains a few resources on how to mend this type of shoe. You'll also find inspiration on r/Visiblemending.
The fabric in the photo looks like it'll start to unravel quickly once it has a hole, so your first priority will be to stop that from happening. You could try darning it, or sewing/glueing a patch on top of the hole.
As for reinforcement, sewing a patch across the original fabric (with running stitches throughout the patch to reinforce the fabric below) will probably help. This might be tricky due to the shape of your shoe, though. A sharp, long needle will help.
If holes keep appearing in the same spot regardless of what shoes you wear, you might want to look into why that's happening. There's a lot of potential reasons. Just to give a few examples: are you buying quality shoes? Are you wearing the correct size? Are your shoes suitable for your specific foot shape and gait? Do you have a habit of rubbing your shoes against furniture? Do you have pets that like destroying shoes when you're not looking? Do your toes have enough room in your shoes? Etc.
Some mending ideas:
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(Image source) [ID: a gray pair of sneakers standing on top of a wooden table. Both shoes have a hole at the toe. The shoe on the left has been mended with white embroidery floss. The shoe on the right remains unmended.]
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(Image source) [ID: close-up on the toe of a gray sneaker. The fabric at the toe has been mended with a red embroidered heart.]
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(Image source) [ID: close-up on a darn in purple thread at the side of a gray sneaker.]
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(Image source) [ID: a before and after picture of a mended hole in a gray shoe with blue decorative stitching. The hole has been patched up with blue denim, and the decorative stitching has been restored.]
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
I am reblogging this in case a miracle happens and I start wearing platforms. Which isn’t very likely considering my awfully flat soles and overall frame, but…
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Just screw them together using those flat metal sheets with holes you get at the hardware store.
You need at least four screws on both sides for it to feel secure. I had space for more so I used 6 on each - would make it 8 but i don't want to drill inside of the actual shoe so that i don't poke myself with metal while I walk (even tho there is a flip flop inside the shoes bc they were too big and i needed to make em smaller, better safe than sorry)
First i lined up the sheet so that it didn't scratch the floor and marked all the holes with a marker, pre cut the holes with an exacto knife and just screwed my screws right in.
Mind you despite having hexagonal heads they are not bolts, but screws. You need a sharp end so that it can actually penetrate into the sole and catch onto the rubber on the inside. I used hexagonal heads because I genuinely did not realise that was the kind of screw i bought. Also make sure they fit inside the holes in your metal sheet.
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The patched shoe feels slightly heavier but im fine to just deal with that until the other one inevitably cracks in a few months and i can patch it up too and the weight will even out.
Total repair cost: 6.15pln (1.2usd)
Total cost counting the previous repair attempt: 15pln (3usd)
I looked into getting new shoes but good quality models cost about 300-400pln (60-80usd, nearly out of my budget) and the model I made mine out of is first of all an aliexpress knock-off and second of all, still 150pln (30usd) which is too much for me to pay for shoes im gonna instantly rip for parts and resew. Not to mention I am not buying any suspiciously cheap apparel from aliexpress bc thats drop shipped shit made by underpaid children workers. That site is for buying 3000 jump rings at once only.
Tangent aside, by not getting the shoes I saved about 70$ which i am very happy with.
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
I am deeefinitely NOT going to use this as a to do list, nooo 😏
INDEX: replies to asks (part 1)
Replies to asks:
Mending underwear
Mending a couch
Mending knee holes in pants
How to upsize clothes
How to take in jeans
Upcycling shoes
Stuffies and doll clothes
Fixing thigh holes in pants
Masc clothing
Replacing sleeves
Making underwear
Visible mending on a pants' crotch
Adding length to a t-shirt
Darning eggs or embroidery hoops
Upsizing armholes
What thread to use for darning
Free patterns for feminine suits and trousers
Downsizing shirts
Button loop
Mending, perfectionism, and subculture
Mending ribbed cuffs
Denim dog toys
Buying a sewing machine
Sewing machines versus hand-sewing
Fluctuating sizes
Fixing up leggings
Armpit alteration
Sewing knitted seams
Letting out a garment by changing the zipper
Hemming jeans
Fixing up a fidget hoodie
Dealing with discoloured armpits
Mending Converse shoes
Hand-sewing troubleshooting
Tights and planned obsolescence
Lengthening pants
Shopping for sensory-friendly items
Repairing a backpack
How to secure embroidery thread
Fixing faux leather shoes
How to upsize a pair of pants
Mending fragile fabrics
Turning dresses into skirts
Upsizing clothes with insertion lace (Bernadette Banner)
Mending an underwire bra
DIY sensory toys
Knitting with chopsticks
How to make necklines smaller
Mending and upcycling jeans
Upcycling socks
Repairing boots
Minimising fabric waste
DIY sock garters
Repairing a Kånken backpack
Lengthening tights
Mending leather
Preventing knee holes
Itchy seams
Mending jeans
Mending leggings
Mending with different fibre crafts
Fixing stretched-out t-shirt collars
Mending worn-out shoes
Finishing seams
Expanding seamless bras
Enlarging collars on t-shirts
Embroidery backings
Zipper pull replacements
Lengthening sweater sleeves
Embroidery and sensory issues
Broadening shoulders
Thinning fabric at inner thighs
Sleeve cuffs and wrist rests
Visible mending on t-shirts
Corset flossing
Reshaping deformed leather
Mending elastic waistbands
Dry cleaning
Upsizing denim vests
Repairing lawn chairs
Cutting knits without unravelling
Sewing thread versus embroidery floss
Skirts and cold weather
Repairing shoe soles
Making jeggings look like pants
Cooling scarf tutorial
Going zero waste
Repairing leather shoes
Replacing elastic straps
Lengthening shorts
Mending a thinning t-shirt
Shorter trousers and broken zippers
Dress with narrow shoulders
Mending silk scarves
T-shirt quilts
Colour blocking, patchwork, and thrifting fabric
Mending the corner of a pocket
Replies to asks (part 2)
Replies to asks (part 3)
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ninazenikisawesome · 1 year
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I am sick so I decided to mend this blanket. There were two holes, oddly the same size, which my mom says have been there since forever. I could have done a better job, but at least they’re not visible 😁
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ninazenikisawesome · 2 years
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I bought this mirror at a school charity event, but one of the mirrors lacked backing and kept on getting scratched, figured the only way I could at least somehow fix it was to paint it. I hope it survives… I used acrylic paint and varnish.
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ninazenikisawesome · 2 years
I was taught to patch small holes like this by doing one stitch along the middle and then fill it in across, but this looks sturdier and nicer.
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Leggings may be one of the most notorious items of fast fashion but, they don't have to be!
By repairing clothing, and giving garments a longer life, we can keep out of the cycle of buy & die. Because, let's be honest here: giving away clothes is no guarantee that they won't end up in the trash. The only guarantee is to mend & upcycle the garment ourselves!
The key here is to patch a small hole before it grows & grows. Really this is an easy fix and I wanted to share how it is done with just a few basic sewing supplies.
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In this tutorial I used a lighter grey patch and silver thread so that the steps would be visible and easy to follow. Here I went with a #visiblemending look but, you may want to use a matching color of patch & thread so that the mend goes unnoticed.
Happy Mending!
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ninazenikisawesome · 2 years
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Русалка from Дом, в котором… Damn, isn’t this book devastating…
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ninazenikisawesome · 2 years
This looks like the English learning magazine we used to read at school
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we did it tumblr
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ninazenikisawesome · 2 years
my favorite shade of red looks the way 54% cocoa cooking chocolate tastes
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