ninedoteight · 7 years
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ninedoteight · 7 years
unwanted advice to dazai: you should want to live instead of wanting to die
Give my character unwanted advice.
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    ❝ But there’s nothing more beautiful than a will to die! ❞
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ninedoteight · 7 years
Give my character unwanted advice
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ninedoteight · 7 years
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Aesthetic: Wind blowing against Dazai’s hair
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ninedoteight · 7 years
⊰ ❝Hah? What’s up with that bullshit? Damned suicide maniac…❞
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The carefree smile annoyed Chuuya more than the lie itself or the false aura of innocence- but then again, at this point Dazai’s visage or name alone are enough to light up the already short fuse of the executive. Needless to say that the mafioso was contemplating murder, ready to actually beat the hell out of the other at any hostile movement made- or any step took by the bandage freak towards him. Even if the azure eyed male was aware his movements will be predicted, he was still faster than Dazai, and he will make sure that the nuisance gets out of this at least properly bruised if not dead.
❝You fool no one with that pathetic excuse.❞ ⊱
  HE PRESENTS HIMSELF WITH ARMS UP AND AT HIS SIDES, showing off only what he wants to be seen by the naked eye. ❝ Looks like you’ve caught me. ❞ This is not a place he frequents, but it’s no lie to say that he’s been here once before, years ago. Dazai never forgets, so be it years ago, or yesterday, he knows his way to an fro.
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     ❝ If I ever anyone else, you would have fallen for it. ❞
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ninedoteight · 7 years
  IT’S THE SAME OLD JOKE, over and over again, and yet to him, it amuses him so because it irritates Chuuya so. Dazai doesn’t have to try, actually; he doesn’t need to speak to set off Chuuya. He does it so naturally too, it’s almost as though it’s second nature to him at this point as he knows what to say, how to say them, how to use them, and most of all, he knows Chuuya.
   ❝ Hm? Oh —, that’s right, you’re not a hat rack. Hat racks are much taller, aren’t they? ❞
   And Dazai would rather Chuuya not tell those women, of course, there’s nothing to gain from it aside for some sweet revenge for all that Dazai has done until now and has yet to do because, without a doubt, he’s probably already plotting something in some corner of his mind. He’s always 20 steps ahead! 
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   People change, they say. The more things change, the more they stay the same, they say. And, certainly Dazai’s heart and soul have long already been STAINED black - one might say it’s always been that way, and that, certainly, will never change but make no mistake, he can try.
    ❝ Well, you know--- my chances are like one in two-million five hundred thousand-something! ❞ Not like he’s counting on those odds, ( one must wonder where he gets his numbers. Out of thin air, perhaps? No, that’s unlike him, of course ).
Hat rack…Hat rack over, & over it echoed in the confines of his mind. Each passing second only seemed to ignite the amber haired Mafioso’s temper. Just hearing that pissed him off, just knowing that Dazai was in front of him grated what sense of calm he had.
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“ I’m not a damned hat rack you sleazy social misfit! ”
Chūuya would rather tell those woman, though he kept that to himself for now. He found it shitty what Dazai did to the, & in the end it was good leverage for a threat when need be. Blue eyes rolled as the tan coat wearing male spoke about how he never changed. What a laugh that was coming from Dazai, though it’s not like either of them seemed to really change at all. Softly scoffing Chūuya peered at him with a hint of annoyance making itself known in his eyes.
“ We don’t have as much free time as you think.  Though I’ve always got free-time though when it comes to threatening you. ”
Putting up his own air of boredom the amber haired male sighed for a moment. What a pain in the ass, but still he was the one that bothered Dazai sort of…Wait no! He ended up saving a woman from Dazai, so it didn’t count as bothering at all. Of course in the end he wanted to yell, maybe glare a little bit longer at his former partner just for old times’ sake.
“ You haven’t changed one damn bit either nitwit. Still running up to woman, & asking them if they’d like to do a ‘lovers suicide with you well ultimately creeping them the hell out. ”
Smug with his words Chūuya smirked briefly towards the other. Like he was going to allow that damned misfit to get away with saying that crap to him. Lither arms crossed over his chest as blue eyes set into a glare. Questions floated in his mind as he remained silent. He knew that he was just prolonging things, but there wasn’t anything too wrong with that. Annoy Dazai as much as he could, that’s all his mind was yelling at him.
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ninedoteight · 7 years
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Alright, I’m dying.
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ninedoteight · 8 years
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◣ ✿ ◥ “Isn’t cauliflower a vegetable?” Kyouka might have misheard him from one of their earlier conversations, but in her defense, she’d been tired and Dazai could be hard to keep up with anyway. Why she was thinking of it now, though, was anyone’s guess. “Why would you bring that to a funeral?”
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  KEEP UP, DON’T FALL BEHIND, but Dazai’s already 30 steps ahead in that mind of his ; thinking ahead and doing things in ways which fly other others’ head as if it’s no big deal.And this of course... is just another one of his shenanigans that he does without proper explanation. ❝ Oh, don’t worry, ❞ he waves his hand as though swatting away a fly. ❝ At least I didn’t confuse it with broccoli! ❞
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ninedoteight · 8 years
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                  “ what else would i buy it with?? “
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     ❝ Pfft! ❞ He stifles a laugh. ❝ I thought only good kids received allowances. ❞
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ninedoteight · 8 years
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                  “ no. i paid for it, so it’s mine. you can get your own ice cream. “
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     ❝ With that? Your allowance? ❞
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ninedoteight · 8 years
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                   “ can you please move out of the way, dazai-san? i’m trying to enjoy my ice cream, and your face is ruining my appetite. “
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     ❝ Then I guess you won’t be finishing your ice-cream then --- Give it here. ❞
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ninedoteight · 8 years
Scared her off?! What a load of shit that was. The woman was probably scared off by the shitty speech of death, and dying with a bastard like Dazai. Just the thought was disgusting enough to give him hives.  Honeyed words that would end up being someone’s downfall, what a shame that many feel for Dazai’s tricks.
“ Shut the hell up moron! Your shitty talking probably scared her off. I just did the favor of saving her from you tch! ”
Agitated words flew from his mouth as blue eyes glanced back to glare at Dazai. Stopping in his tracks, leather clad hands let go of the as if he were a disease. Distasteful. It was always distasteful whenever he had to even have contact with the other. If the women had even caught a glimpse of the real Dazai, they may have fled without a thought.
“ Tacky Bastard you’re still trying your bullshit though. Get a real fucking hobby already! ”
Words laced with bubbling annoyance rang a loud. Former partners or not, the ginger haired male would still spit out his words towards Dazai. Social misfit! That’s all that the bandaged male was, and all he would ever amount to in glaring blue eyes.
“ Damnable social misfit. ”
Carelessness with what he wish to say meant he allowed his words to be heard. Some gazes from people, and glares aimed at them, the short male gritted his teeth. Though he didn’t feel unwell, he did feel more annoyed then usual today. His answer to why was close by. Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose Chūuya knew that the fine wine he had back home wouldn’t be able cleanse today from his mind.
Pointing at the other once he was face to face with him, blue eyes glared up. Agitated by everything right now he settled for clenching his free hand tightly.
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“ Get your fucking shit together!  I should damn well give your address to all those past women of yours. ” It was a thought, and it had weighed on his mind many times. Revenge was something sweet, especially after everything that happened.
   CALL HIM WHAT YOU PLEASE, he already heard it all before, from this to that and anything in between. He’s unsurprised --- unphased, really. One might say he wears shame so well it’s as though it’s stitched into his veins, inherent in his nature.
     ❝ I mean, I'd be scared too if hat rack started walking and talking. ❞ 
   Chuuya’s words fly with intentions to harm, and yet Dazai brushes them off as though it’s nothing, he knows how it goes, after all. When he does this, and Chuuya does that in response. When he does that, and Chuuya does this in response. It’s all too predictable, but at the same time, it’s all so amusing, to him! How can he not continue to push buttons to see what happens? --- To see if anything changes? 
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     ❝ I’d rather you not, thank you. ❞
    On the path in which he walks, he leaves a trail of cardioid and tears, ( no, not his tears --- That’s silly! ) Pretending it matters helps him pass the time, but pretending it doesn’t matter could help him pass the time. Whether or not it matters to him, it’s all the same.
   Now, don’t be mistaken, him saying that is not him feeling being pressured by the threat, but rather he’d rather not have to deal with the trouble of having to see those women’s faces again, he doesn’t even know their names much less does he remember their appearances because of how little significance they had to  him. It doesn't matter, it’s all the same, to him --- After all.
     ❝ You know, Chuuya, you never change. You’re always the same. ❞ He taps his chin with his index finger. ❝ I guess the Port Mafia has too much time on their hands if you have the time to threaten me like this. ❞ He taps his chin with his index finger.
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ninedoteight · 8 years
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                     “ t c h. “ he has to force himself not to get angry, otherwise it’d only reinforce the other’s behavior. “ what kind of information? “ this was mafia territory, and even being in the mafia before, there’s very few reasons as to why he would even be here. “ if you’re trying to spy, i have full authority to eliminate you right here and now. “
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  HE’S AMUSED BY THE OBVIOUS EFFORT, but not so much amused to the point where he could laugh, no, he wouldn’t DARE give him that satisfaction ; it is a luxury after all --- One that is only unfitting for this particular scene. ❝ Classified information, ❞ his voice almost chimes like a bell, almost singsong in tone. There’s no need to spy, he doesn’t need to spy, but rather, he’s here because he can be. ❝ You can, ❞ he admits, ❝ but would you really? ❞
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ninedoteight · 8 years
⊰ ❝The fuck are you doing here, shitty bandages?❞
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Skipping over any kind of greeting, be it polite or impolite, the red haired male demanded a reason for Dazai’s presence, his tone the very definition of irritation, and his visage set into a scowl, azure orbs glaring daggers at the person in front of him.
Most likely, the brown eyed nuisance was around with the intention of messing up Chuuya’s mission, for other explanation couldn’t be conceived in the mafioso’s mind. ⊱
  IT’S NO COINCIDENCE, after all, it seemed  seemingly planned in advance in some corner of Dazai’s mind. Dazai expects nothing other than the expected, which, that is to say, he doesn’t expect much to begin with, when it comes to the likes Chuuya --- because he knows, and he knows better.
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     ❝ Oh, Chuuya, it’s you --- ❞ He acts as though it was pure coincidence, but even a fool would know better, it’s no coincidence, after all, it’s Dazai Osamu of all people. ❝ This is where I usually go at this time. ❞
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ninedoteight · 8 years
My ability, Flawless, allows me to see into the future the length of approximately one vine
Oda Sakunosuke (via incorrectbungoustraydogs)
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ninedoteight · 8 years
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                     “ yeah, right. “ if he weren’t on guard, he would’ve laughed. “ i’m not stupid. you’re always up to something, dazai-san.. so just come out with it already. “ black eyes narrow in suspicion at the other, lips curled into a deep frown. “ you can’t fool me. “
  DAZAI DOES HIS BEST TO REMAIN A CLOSED BOOK but  try as he may he can never keep the pages shut. The eyes are a window to one’s soul, as the saying goes - and when eyes are knotholes admit of a black heart. There’s no use in trying to hide it from him, he already knows about it and has experienced it first hand. ❝ I thought you were, though-- ❞ Blunt as ever.
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     ❝ But for once you’re not wrong, I’m just getting more information, just in case. ❞
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ninedoteight · 8 years
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                     upon sight of the other he immediately shrinks back, almost instinctively. eyebrows furrow and his teeth snarl. “ dazai… “ he muttered under his breath. he doesn’t pull rashamon out ( after all, it’d be useless against the man anyways– ), but he does stay on his guard. “ what are you doing here?? “
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  HERE’S HERE FOR A REASON, he always has a reason ; a very specific reason to be exact --- He never acts without knowing what there is to gain because he’s always thinking ahead. ❝ Just out for some fresh air--- ❞ Fresh air, he says, here, in what could only be described as a dark corner of this city. He’s got a smile plastered on his features, and his hands shoved in the pockets of his coat.
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