ninesnowfang · 14 hours
Me meeting a genie: Okay, so my first wish is for 1000 dollars a day, deposited to my bank account without any way of tracing it to anything illegal. I want this money to come from the ten richest people in America (100 dollars each), withdrawn under the guise of nebulous, random purchases and surcharges. It would probably be best to split the money into a myriad of smaller fees, though, to reduce the likelihood of anyone noticing. Got all that?
Genie: um
Me, continuing on without a care: For my SECOND wish, I want you to give me the ability to learn any given phoneme, so that I can learn to pronounce new languages perfectly. If you’re willing, it’d be nice if it were a little easier to memorize new languages too, but if that’s not cool, I’m perfectly fine doing all the legwork myself I mostly just want to be capable of pronouncing things correctly.
Genie, now staring at me like I’m insane: ……okaaayyy?….
Me: For my third wish. I want to always have great ideas for gifts for people. Every birthday, every holiday, I want to be able to come up with something they’d really like, with enough time to actually get it for them.
Genie, just staring at me
Me: I can provide you with a written document if that would help.
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ninesnowfang · 15 hours
Kanzi the hyena gets a watermelon 🍉
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ninesnowfang · 15 hours
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sylveon plushies~
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ninesnowfang · 15 hours
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IM GAY AND CASTING MEDICA II !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ninesnowfang · 3 days
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Metal Slug 3 was my first Metal Slug game and this remains what all four of these characters look like to me.
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LIES from RATS (the bad kind)
I'm so correct, I went looking for even more examples only to discover that someone else went viral and spawned memes for the same opinion four years ago on twitter
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Well too bad it's my turn on tumblr what the fuck is THAT art now
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ninesnowfang · 3 days
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ninesnowfang · 3 days
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I Am Going To Need A Fucking Miracle, 2024
Digital acrylic on canvas
Immortalizing a lucky hunter's fateful moment versus the G Rank Hyper Plesioth hip check.
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ninesnowfang · 3 days
Today I was helping run the booth for the local queer non-profit at the farmer's market and a woman told me that she would like a flag, pointing to our little bucket of flags. So I picked up the bucket and I brought it over and asked her which one she'd like.
"Well, tell me about them!"
"Oh! Okay! This one is the inclusion flag- its for everyone, including allies."
"What's this one?"
"That's the bisexual flag: it represents people who are attracted to two or more genders."
"Hmm... what about this one?"
"That's the nonbinary flag: it represents people whose gender isn't strictly 'male or female.'"
"Hmm... what's this purple one?"
"That's the asexual flag: it represents people who may not feel sexual attraction the way that others do."
She put her hand to her chest and got this really curious look on her face. "Tell me more about that!"
"Oh, happy to! So like if you're out with your bestie and someone real fine walks by and she's like 'omg look at him' and you're like 'girl get a grip?' Or like you just don't get what the 'big deal' is about sex or why everyone is so weird about it? But there's also room for like- you don't fall in love with the way someone looks, you're attracted to the person- their sense of humor and their kindness, or there's something about their personality that just makes it click for you? That's asexuality, too!"
And she got real quiet and seemed to think about it for a minute. So I grabbed our little informational sheet about different queer identities and handed her a copy. "If you want to do some research, this is probably a great place to start."
She thanked me and took an ace flag, stuck it in her hair.
Sometimes when you're online all the time, its easy to think that 'everyone knows about (topic), there's no reason to keep talking about it so much.' But while the people on the internet are real people, the internet ISN'T real life. And there are lots of people who do need to know that they do have community!
One of the jokes is that I'm a lot of people's 'patient zero' for discovering that they're queer. This is why.
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ninesnowfang · 4 days
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ninesnowfang · 4 days
Kestrel-dad not sure how to dad but he’s trying his best.
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ninesnowfang · 4 days
to me the funniest part of Laios is a character is the fact that he's genuinely really good at what he does. it would be one thing if he was just a monster geek in a way other people find really offputting, but he can also bisect something twice his size in a single blow
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ninesnowfang · 4 days
fascinating how multiple of my friends have explicitly avoided using the singular "they" for themselves because they (haha) associate it with getting degendered by people who are uncomfortable with the way they present (usually women). people were handed "this is a gender neutral word for when you don't know someone" and very quickly turned it into "this is a word i'm allowed to use instead of she/her'ing a trans woman"
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ninesnowfang · 5 days
where is that renaissance painting with those two fellers and a giant fucking random skull on the floor that looks like it was accidentally stretched out in photoshop
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ninesnowfang · 5 days
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(I know they can both do this but I think Vivian would be quicker on the draw...)
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ninesnowfang · 5 days
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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ninesnowfang · 5 days
Posting all of the pills that make you green comics here now, enjoy? I guess?
regret rates
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talking points
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you problem
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modern invention
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unethical experiments
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think of the children
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side effects
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making sense
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this rocks
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ninesnowfang · 5 days
A computer science student named Priyanjali Gupta, studying in her third year at Vellore Institute of Technology, has developed an AI-based model that can translate sign language into English.
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