ninifooty · 15 days
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unfortunately i am guilty of that 💀
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ninifooty · 2 months
genuinely pains me to open judes ig post of his adidas photoshoot only for people to be talking about the girl in the background is this really where we're at
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ninifooty · 2 months
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ninifooty · 3 months
guess who's off on a long weekend to madrid to watch real madrid v valencia next april 🤗🤗🤗
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ninifooty · 3 months
they’re back 🤢 day is already ruined
god why cant we win for once
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ninifooty · 3 months
good lord why are people so strange
Do you want jude to associate with black women ? And why ?
tf???? what kinda question...you non black women are weird give me a break
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ninifooty · 3 months
the gossip account got deleted war is over baes
(until the next gossip account comes along 🥱)
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ninifooty · 3 months
shows their personalities sm
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tag urself i’m trent
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ninifooty · 3 months
Apparently there is proof that account is a zionist as well 💀💀
they're really not making a good name for themselves LMAO
it just gets worse 💀 literally so what if toby got a nose job.
idk if the toby email was real but i hope that him or jude or judes team do take legal action, this is really not okay. its not even gossip anymore it's invasion of privacy and defamation
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ninifooty · 3 months
that judegossip blog said yesterday they wouldn't create an insta gossip account because it would have more traction... if that doesn't tell you everything they share is made up, idk what does 🙃
"i don't want other people to see it i want it to be small and unproblematic but at the same time i'm gonna share the wildest, craziest allegations and gossip and nobody will see it and talk about it other than the small number of people on the blog 🥺🥺"
be so fr
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ninifooty · 3 months
i just find it funny that they believe every single girl that's ever had an interaction with jude or toby has a tumblr account and go directly to this random gossip blog to expose everything 💀 if there was anything to be exposed they wouldn't come to tumblr of all the social media platforms, especially not every single one of them, insta twitter and tiktok have a much bigger exposure
exactly 💀
if their interactions really were that bad (and actually did happen lol) why wouldn't they go to bigger news sites/blogs instead of a bunch of fangirls who are obviously going to not take it very well..?
(and then get frustrated when said fangirls ask for proof? 😭😭😭)
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ninifooty · 3 months
i don't think i've ever seen any of his fans talk about that incident.
girl we have talked about it we just avoid that topic because nobody wants their crush to have a preggo kink that’s weird 😭😭😭😭
but this is exactly what i mean 😭 you avoid it because you don't want to mention it because you like him. these people harass toby because they don't have a crush on him, and because he's not conventionally attractive
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ninifooty · 3 months
i thought the snapchat stuff was fake omg 😭😭😭😭😭
YEAHH so did i but nuh uh
a lot of people pointed out how the gamertag he used when he played fifa with yung filly a couple weeks back was the same as his snapchat username when the incident happened, which i'd say is pretty conclusive evidence 😭 plus i believe that people failed to find a livestream/video/photo that the face snap that the woman received could've been lifted from, so it would've come directly from trent
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ninifooty · 3 months
lets be real it’s because toby isn’t conventionally attractive and because he has a ‘party life’ they think he is wrongly influencing jude like jude isn’t a grown man that does nothing but wild out on holidays like its not that deep thats why toby is hated by some people Im indifferent the black emoji stuff is weird to me
no because this is so true.
if the gossip accounts are true, i'd mention how awful trent's been to his -rumoured- girlfriend, and ofc we can't forget the 2018 wc snapchat drama. he's one of jude's best friends (who is older and therefore more influential) but because he's attractive, people look over it. i love trent but with the evidence we have to show that the snapchat messages were real, more people should be questioning his behaviour. i don't think i've ever seen any of his fans talk about that incident.
but toby partying? nonono jude's too innocent and focused on football to be partying and getting laid. toby is an awful influence.
make it make sense
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ninifooty · 3 months
yeah and every interaction with him is awful and he is just so bad to every women like bffr and if those anons are brave to say it to a random page would they not send it to everyone like a random tumblr account would be where they expose one of the biggest footballer rn and expect that same blog to keep all proof private like lets be real
someone is bored and hates jude and for some reason toby also and they made random stuff about them and allowed random anons to send hate
so real, we of course don't know this man irl but im sure he isn't the awful womanising misogynist that some of the anons make him out to be. if i thought he was a terrible person it would be constructive criticism more than anything, those anons just go straight for the jugular 😭
i don't know what toby did or why everyone hates him so much. i know that people don't like how he uses black emojis, which i 100% get. but it seems like him and jude have a real friendship that's been going since before jude got big. surely they'd want that kind of friendship for him, instead of him having friends that are only interested in him because of his stardom..?
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ninifooty · 3 months
I've seen other blogs saying that account is a hater and not a fan as well, literally just creating baseless rumours for no reason, i don't understand how people fall so easily for it too
right like..?? 😭
almost everything they've posted is something that could ruin his image if it came out to be true, or god forbid was picked up by a larger news site. literally just look at the laura rumours, started as a fan gossip, fun speculating thing that snowballed and now there are more unrelated rumours being made off of the back of him and her being together.
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ninifooty · 3 months
gossip accounts make me laugh so much because why would you want to share likely untrue rumours and personal things about a man/men you supposedly admire..?
im convinced that judegossip is a hater because why would they openly say/share things that could ruin his reputation (around this gullible, drama thirsty ass media specifically) if they liked him
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