ninjatosowrds · 6 years
One of the best Chinese sword - Dao
Swords have been very much the order of the day. This is because of the fact that samurai tradition, as well as the martial arts, are something that has been ingrained in the Chinese psyche for so long that it is tough to get it out of the culture. Having said that, we must have a look at some of the most important and popular Chinese swords there are. One of them is definitely the Dao sword. A lot is not quite known about this type of sword and hence, it will be really interesting to know about the functionalities of this type of sword. In this context, we will try to have a look at some of the most wonderful things there are, about the Chinese Dao sword:
1.    It has one of the most elaborate handles. This is the reason why the sword is quite popular among the masses. Another thing is that it has become quite easy for the people to take up the sword in a manner that is quite unique and fits the setting of the samurai as well as his physical attributes there are.
2.    Another thing is the cost of the Sword that the samurai has to pay. It is to be said that their swords are some of the most outlasting does in terms of money. They are quite competitive overall and this makes them the type of sword they are today. Also, as more and more number of people are using it times and again, this has a compounding effect in the rising popularity as well as the accessibility of the sword. This is how it works.
3.    Then, one may ask at what all places these swords can be bought. The answer to this query is quite simple. The online swords stores are so much prevalent in the market that it is a good choice for the people to be having this Chinese Dao sword. The reviews put by the previous customers can be of some help here. They can help us make an idea about what all things are there in the sword that makes it all the more viable option there is.
4.    Now, this is about the point of the content of the sword and the looks that it imparts to the sword. This is something quite noteworthy here. The carbon is something that determines the actual strength of the sword. The brittle character as well as the strength of it.
5. All this is adorned with a great history of the samurais which gives it a very distinct aura of its own. This is the reason of their popularity in these days.
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ninjatosowrds · 6 years
The Samurai Trusted Companion
The Wakizashi is also a traditional fighting sword much like a Katana, the only difference being it’s size. The Wakizashi is much smaller compared to a Katana and is used for one to one combat style. The historians note that Wakizashi is much mentioned in the history of Japan during the 15th and 16th century. Previously, Wakizashi was referred to any other side sword carried by a Samurai. But, it was rough during the Edo period, that it was decided by the rulers to different name each type of weapon that the Samurai had, so the weapons could be put to proper use. 
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Uses of the Wakizashi To begin with, a Wakizashi is a traditional Samurai sword for carrying on side. It is a Samurai's most treasured asset apart from his Katana. To know more about the Samurai Wakizashi do please visit the website of the Samurai Swords Store to know more about the glorious history of the Wakizashi Sword. The Samurai used WakizashiBladeto behead the enemy after combat and also to perform the ritualistic hara-kiri or self-admonishing by disembowelment. That is why a Wakizashi is also known as the “Honour Blade” in the weapon history of Samurai. Besides, the ceremonial killings was also performed by a Samurai with the Wazikashi. The Samurai could not be separated from his Wazikashi and Katana. Myths have it that a Samurai used to sleep with both the Wazikashi and Katana stashed under his pillow.
How was a Wakizashi crafted? It needed fine craftsmanship to  wield a Wazikashi. The idea of Wazikashi brewed up in the mind of the master Japanese Sword welders when the need of a special kind of sword for the Samurais befell. The sword had to be softer and more flexible than any other sword manufactured.
The Wakizashi was crafted by adding various layers of carbon steel of different type, which finally resulted in creation of the sword that was incredibly flexible yet strong and durable at the same time. So, the Wazikashi’s ended up in cutting something more effectively without destroying itself and the surface.
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Wakizashi in modern times When purchasing a Wakizashi keep a few things in mind. First of all, do NOT keep the blade unsheathed, blades are what that makes Wakizashi so special. Without a proper or an ill-fitted sheath might make the blade blunt and ruin the glory of the Wazikashi. Secondly, Oil the blade at regular intervals.
To conclude the article, if you are an ammunition enthusiast and want to own a Wazikashi, learn to respect the Wazikashi in the same way, as the Samurai did.
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ninjatosowrds · 6 years
Samurai swords for sale
Do you know which is the most recognizable and deadly weapon in the entire world? Yes, it is none other than samurai sword. It served to be an iconic symbol of which country? Despite their recent fame from movies and other sorts of entertainment, samurai swords for sale served to be an iconic symbol of Japan. What is the most famous samurai sword? Katana which has gained high popularity for being a long and curved sword that is single side bladed! What is the history behind samurai swords? Developed around 10th Century and were helpful in carrying out surprising attacks on enemies. Visit this link https://samuraiswords.store/ to know more details. 
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Where Samurai Swords for Sale are Available? Warriors used to wear them on their belts with the blade side facing in upwards direction. If your toddler asks you to name popular types of samurai swords, what will be your answer? Simple! Tanto and Wakizashi. These were especially manufactured swords that were carried only by high profile samurai warriors. After the World War II concluded, the U.S. banned the production of samurai swords. But the condition was overturned due to which they are now produced only for artistic value only. Where you will be able to find samurai swords for sale? It’s none other than the United States of America.
Uses and Manufacturing of Samurai Swords At present, you will come across samurai swords that are meant only for display rather than being utilized for any type of combat.  How are they manufactured? https://samuraiswords.store/is manufactured using high quality Japanese steel which is none other than Tamahagane. The blade is manufactured by taking into usage an exclusive combination of a hard outer steel and soft inner steel. Along with giving high protection to the entire product, they contribute in developing of a highly robust product. You can even decorate the blade!
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ninjatosowrds · 6 years
Straight and curved blade differences
Swords have a rich history and are known for their wide use on the battle field. The swords of a wide variety were used by the warriors during the ancient times. The blades of the swords appeared in two different shapes: Straight and curved blades. Each type of blade has its own merits and demerits.  In Japan, earlier straight blades were made. Slowly, when the Japanese started making their own blades and started using traditional methods of making the swords, they started making the curved blades. The making of the swords is such that a curved shape of the blade appears while heating and cooling of the sword.  The warriors found the curved blades to be more convenient to be used as compared to the straight blades. They found it superior to the straight blades in many ways. It was also easier to carve a curved blade than a straight sword.
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You can also read here to compare the straight and curved blades https://samuraiswords.store/samurai-swords-comparison/.  It was easier to draw the curved swords than the straight blade.  If you want to kill more than one enemy at a time, you need a curved blade.  The cutting area of the curved swords is more as compared to the straight swords. The angle of attack is much better with a curved blade. You do not need more training for using a curved blade.
The straight swords were more popular in the European countries. It was mainly used for thrusting action. A trained swordsman can use a straight sword for attacking his enemy quickly and in a rigid way.  The curved blade has a longer blade and it is easy to use in a confined space and it can allow the warrior to use it for a closed combat.
The curved blade can be used for slicing action and it is used for slashing and slicing action. Therefore, a curved blade is mostly used for chopping and hacking. It is easier to slice by using a curved blade.  The curved blade can be used from horseback.
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ninjatosowrds · 6 years
Straight Blade Shirasaya
We all know most of the goods and bads about Katana. But very few enthusiasts knew about the benefits and attractions of Shirasaya Ninjato sword. These are the swords which stripped down to blade. The Shirasaya Ninjato is a term that describes the wooden sheath and grip of the sword when it's in storage. The terms are the same, but one defines being in use and the other in storage.
There are several serious considerations to keep in mind when selecting a sword. However, with sword makers spreading the hype on the quality of their swords, it becomes challenging for first time buyers to make the right choice. Secondly, with diverse names, terminologies, and lingo surrounding the swords industry, finding your way as a newbie is likely to be a nightmare.
The period after Muromachi witnessed fewer wars. This led to a significant drop in the demand for the katana. Superior weapons such as guns would later be introduced forcing the sword making craft to be abandoned. Needless to say, this had a negative effect on the craftsmanship since the skills of the earlier smiths were no longer passed down to the later generations.
Shirasaya Ninjato was invented to carry even in the public. The members of Yakuza were the one s who used this as a blade, a concealed one to their enemies. Currently Shirasaya Ninjato is made of Mushasho rosewood. It was never been painted and let it to breath. The Shirasaya Ninjato was many times compared with shikomizue. The style of usage was different but they look similar as they also use it undecorated. The made is quite similar to a walking stick.the mounting is concealed with hooks or chains.
The modern day Shirasaya Ninjatos are a little changed in their handles, but that too is very closely noticeable. Some also have a single mekugi made of bamboo. The blades are thin and highly sharper and tempered on the edges. Today’s version is not much different from any ancient one. The only few things which modern buyers look for are:
• Highly sharpened blades • High carbon steel made • Temper line should be clearly visible • Transport safety • Handy • Deadly beautiful That’s all for a nice Shirasaya Ninjato kept for collection.
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ninjatosowrds · 6 years
Ninja Swords and Weapons
The ninja swords are popular through the movies. Ninja swords were different than the samurai swords. The samurai swords were long and made from high carbon steel and it took a long time to make the sword. The samurai swords were mostly handmade. They were of very high quality. The ninja sword was short and the quality of sword was also not very good. Samurai used their sword for slashing and cutting. Ninja used their sword mostly for stabbing.  The ninjato is the most important sword used by the ninja. If you want to use the ninja sword effectively, you have to use it in a swaying motion so that the blade comes in contact with the opponent’s flesh.
The scabbard of the ninja swords was made longer than the sword. At the end of the scabbard, there was a hidden compartment that was made to hide the small weapons such as spikes, daggers or small amounts of poison.  Another use of the ninja sword was that it can also be used at a small step by jamming the blade into the ground. The ninja could use it has a hand guard as a step to reach a height or for scaling a wall.  The blade of the ninja swords was not very sharp and therefore it could also be used as a hammer.
The shuriken is the trade mark ninja weapon and it was famous as it was used in the movies and stories. It is a small flat piece of metal with sharp points that were thrown at the enemy. It was designed as a killing weapon and was mostly used to distract the enemy so that the ninja could escape easily. The shuriken can also be thrown at the enemy when a ninja was chased. It was made lethal by dipping its edges in poison. It was an effective sword and was sometimes backfired that could hurt the ninja.
Ninja was furious in attack and they were quite active. They could use the long swords to easily reach the height as well as to climb up the walls easily. Ninja usually become active at night or in the dark because darkness helps them to hide easily from the enemy. They wore a special kind of suit that suits their personality and helped them to look different from the samurai.
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