ninorinotalks · 39 minutes
Why is Sethos obsessed with Wanderer. Is it because it’s pride month
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ninorinotalks · 41 minutes
Why is Sethos obsessed with Wanderer. Is it because it’s pride month
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ninorinotalks · 3 hours
my brain: hey girl do you think you slipped into the habit of maladaptive daydreaming as a child and continued as an adult because you were so incredibly lonely all the time even while surrounded by others due to your then undiagnosed autism and anxiety disorders :)
me, in the middle of a maladaptive daydream and not paying attention: huh
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ninorinotalks · 8 hours
Wriothesley is Sigewinne's adopted father to YOU. to me she's the retired pseudo warden who raised a precocious child in an environment that would've chewed him alive and spat him out and watched him surpass her expectation of simply surviving.
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ninorinotalks · 23 hours
the moon is a lesbian and she hates terfs
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ninorinotalks · 4 days
3 components of worldbuilding:
1. The author’s kinks
2. The author’s power fantasy
3. The author’s political agenda
Plot and logic optional
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ninorinotalks · 4 days
Don't kill yourself, please.
If you’re suffering from depression and are looking for a sign to not go through with ending your life, this is it. This is the sign. We care.
If you see this on your dash, reblog it. You could save a life.
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ninorinotalks · 5 days
Taim's family is still low on funds and needs donations! Even as low as €5 can make the difference! Please share and donate if you can.
This fundraiser is one of the "low on donations" fundraisers from @/el-shab-hussein's list of verified fundraisers.
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ninorinotalks · 5 days
the new 7 cardinal sins are mommy blogging, making mukbang videos, advertising a book by listing its tropes only, clickbait, making musical biopics, manosphere podcasts, and commenting "mommy? sorry" on a random person's picture
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ninorinotalks · 7 days
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Set your calendars! Breath Chaser will be released on July 2024 (exact date TBD)!
Gyeon Su-jin, one of the royal advisors of the empire of Namhae, is tasked with finding a pair of healthy lungs to cure his king’s magical disease. He meets a pickpocket named Toki, and travels back to the capital with his new acquaintance turned sacrifice; throughout their journey, however, Su-jin realizes that the empire is not as prosperous as it seems.
Please look forward to it!
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ninorinotalks · 7 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (´。• ω •。`)
No pressure at all!
a) People around me leading fulfilling lives (seeing others content brings me so my joy)
b) Cats (hehe)
c) Friends (who doesn't love companionship)
d) Spicy foods (especially when it makes you cry)
e) The fact that I can read and write (or else I would have missed out on so many amazing stories)
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ninorinotalks · 7 days
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the prettiest eyes
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ninorinotalks · 8 days
Sometimes I wonder about Nie Huaisang. His grief growing up with bones in the walls, or his inability to grieve without them. His only blood brother, Nie Mingjue, who he both loved and feared, who wanted to force Nie Huaisang onto a path of self-destruction, who died in the midst of betraying him in the worst way, who, stolen from his resting place, continues to haunt his little brother long after his death. The second sworn brother, Lan Xichen, who shielded him from his brother’s wrath but who also provided his brother’s murderer with the murder weapon, who Nie Huaisang in turn fashions into a murder weapon. And finally, Jin Guangyao, the last sworn brother, who stood up to Nie Mingjue on Nie Huaisang’s behalf, who kept Nie Clan secrets, who gifted him the things his brother scorned him for, who smiled in his face before murdering his brother.
I think about the Nie Huaisang who spends 12 years meticulously crafting a vengeance for Nie Mingjue, who never seemed invested in understanding him in life nor recognizing him in death. I think about the Nie Huaisang who stands a while before Jin Guangyao’s hat outside of Guanyin Temple, eventually picking it up and carrying it with him. I think about the Nie Huaisang who, alone, arranged his brother’s funeral a second time together with the funeral of his brother’s murderer, trapped eternally in the same coffin. What did it feel like to no longer be haunted by a brother after 12 long years? I wonder if he finally grieves.
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ninorinotalks · 9 days
Caelus: My level of gay has reached “sighing deeply whenever anything extremely heterosexual happens near me”.
Dan Heng, his boyfriend, who has been staring blankly at a wall for the past two hours: Pretty sure it has less to do with heterosexuality and more to do with the fact we walked in on your mom making out with my ex.
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ninorinotalks · 11 days
i dunno i think ppl have forgotten that activism isn’t fair. if you want to be an activist, you have to do things that are uncomfortable or unfair, you have to talk to people you disagree with and you have to get on their level and empathize with them if you want them to change their minds, you have to engage with fucked up shit, because otherwise the fucked up shit isn’t going to go away. if you call yourself an activist but refuse to engage with your “opponents” then you’re not an activist you’re an actor. you’re putting on a show. real activism is not glamorous. it sucks. it’s draining. it’s traumatizing. it’s difficult. it doesn’t always work. and it is 10000x more helpful than just living out your hero fantasy while not actually making any meaningful changes.
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ninorinotalks · 11 days
It’s been forever and I’m still insane about Renheng. What do you MEAN I contracted a disease in which all my rational thought and memories and feelings were corroded and replaced by total mania, and yet the feelings I had for you were so strong that even when all I could feel was pain and insatiable bloodlust, they stayed with me for hundreds of years, leading me to seek you out over and over because the image of you is all I have left of my sanity???? And even though all I can feel for you is hatred and violence, a desire to make you suffer in the same way I’m suffering because that’s all I can feel now, and I no longer remember how it feels to love you, I no longer remember anything about myself except your importance to me, I seek you out because I don’t know anything else???? Even when I’ve forgotten everything else I can’t forget you?? I’m cursed with the inability to die with no purpose for existing, so I make it my purpose to die with you????? Hoyoverse DID THAT. Wow.
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ninorinotalks · 11 days
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