niobebulstrode · 4 years
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it
?+ add your own.
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
“I’m not going there to celebrate a blood traitor and a mudblood. Why the hell’s this school even allowing wedding here is beyond me.” Antonin picked up a glass and took a long sip as he looked over at the person approaching. The party seemed to be raging, but he wasn’t planning on even stepping a foot there. It was all about principles, and he had way too many. “What’s your excuse?” @finestra-starters·
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“Free fucking booze, Dolohov.” Niobe leaned against the wall, taking a sip of her scotch. She’d essentially gone into the reception to have a few drinks and leave, hoping that her size and demeanor would keep people off of her ass. She wasn’t in the mood to play nice at a sham of a party. “Though I think I would’ve rather get drunk back in my room. Fucking ridiculous...” Freshly out of a betrothal and still bitter about the way it ended, she found herself hating the looks she got more than ever. “You want to get out of here?”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
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hunger by aurora, full moon by audre lorde, hunger by florence and the machine, the voyage out by virginia woolf, hunger by of monsters and men
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
i bet niobe could pick corban up, one handed.
I bet this is has happened before, maybe someone has some pictures to send us. 
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@niobebulstrode @coryaxley 
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
“Are you judging me?” she asked the other with an amused smile on her lips noticing them watching her just after she had downed yet another drink. “Tonight is about celebrating true love and free booze, right?” 
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“--Nah, not my place to judge.” Niobe had a glass of whiskey in her hand, a she took a sip. This whole function was a sham, but at least there was free alcohol. “What’s your poison?”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
Max was taken aback by her words. He hadn’t realized he was staring, he was just… surprised to see her there. He didn’t come here to find her, really, but part of him was a little glad he did. “Sorry, didn’t mean to.” He said, knowing well enough some of his friends would have said something more suggestive. Something like ‘How am I staring at you?’ with a little smirk or a wink. But that wasn’t him, and he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with that. But seeing her in her own clothes felt nice, much better than the last time he saw her. Still couldn’t shake off the horrifying look she had during the dinner party, in the blue gown. He hated it, even if he tried to look pleased. It really was only for their parents to be proud, really. “Do you mind if I join?”
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Niobe took a moment to stare up at him, wondering just how long it would be until he imagined her in that fucking blue dress. Probably not long, because she figured, in his position, it’d be the first thing she thought of. That fucking clown outfit... “Buy us a round, then you can join.” Part of her had desperately wanted to tell him no, to tell him to fuck off and leave her to drink her own bullshit away. But this was Max. He’d been there for her on Valentine’s, and she’d just gotten a reminder that he’s going to be her husband one day. As much as that day unsettled her, and as much as she was surprised with herself, there was effort that needed to be made. She brought her firewhiskey to her lips, finishing it off. “Get me whatever you drink. Might as well find that out now. I’m not picky.”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
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niobe bulstrode
in a rare moment of inspiration, niobe attended the reception in something other than a black suit--a red one, with sharp shoulders. little daggers in her ears, slick black hair, and black boots finish off the look.
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
Caunus quickly grew tired of the exchanged pleasantries at the Ravenclaw party, excusing himself as soon as it was appropriate. He hadn’t seen his sister anywhere around, which meant she was likely sulking in the privacy of her own room (and didn’t wish to be disturbed) or he would find her on the other side of the door of his dorm. Only seconds later he found the latter to be true, hearing the noise which could belong only to his sister ransacking his stash before he even turned the door knob,
As he entered the dorm his eyes instantly rested on his sister’s crouched figure and though he figured she wouldn’t be full of the joys of spring after the game, he certainly didn’t expect to find her like that. Swallowing down whatever worried question that threatened to escape his lips Caunus nodded at her silently, positioning himself next to her on the ground. “Do you … want to talk about it?”
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There were times when Niobe thought that Caunus was the biggest prick in the world. He had this habit of obscuring himself, fitting so nicely into their family’s standards that he hardly seemed like himself anymore. More an ideal than a real man. She’d never mastered that. As much as their mother had tried to force her into the ideal daughter, she’d never managed to fit in that box. And as much as their father adored her, she didn’t have the respect that he gave his eldest child. But, in moments like this, Caunus wasn’t a prick. He was her older brother, and as childlike as it was, she needed him around. His question made her pause, and she looked down at her lap. Talking to Corban hadn’t helped much... What good would it do for her brother to hear how weak she’d been that night? She shrugged gently, not quite looking at him. “Maybe if we drink first.”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
“I do.” Max let out as he picked the box, a frown still on his face. He wasn’t sure he should accept it, or even if he could, after he let her run off and got herself hurt. He knew it wasn’t really his fault, he couldn’t have known that would happen, but he still wished he’d stopped her from running out. Or that he hadn’t tried anything that made her run out in the first place. But he still picked up the box and opened it, falling silent when his gaze fell on the knife. Picking it up to feel it, all he could think was that it was perfect. “That’s too much.” He said as he finally looked up at her, yet there was a small smile on his lips as he did so.
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Niobe watched with bated breath as he opened his gift, worrying her bottom lip gently. A knife was too much, wasn’t it? She had never worried before about coming on too strong to someone, being too much. But now, watching him silently admire her present, she had to wonder if he might have liked something a little more demure. Not that she knew how to pull that shit off. His small smile was infectious, she found, and her own smile was quickly growing on her lips. “We’re fucking rich, Macmillan. Give me a break.” She paused, taking a small step towards him. “It was worth it.” For a moment, she felt a sort of giddy uneasiness in her stomach, and she took a step back. “Besides, you can just pay me back on my birthday, right?” They had years to gift things back and forth.
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
He supposed anyone in his situation would be intimidated by Niobe at that moment, sober him would for sure, but the alcohol in his blood system numbed his body into indifference. Instead he listened, knowing she needed to get it out of her system and as long as she wasn’t hitting him he was cool with her attitude. “We can’t all be perfect.” He shrugged his shoulders, realizing she didn’t answer his question. “Is that a yes or no?”
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Niobe closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in. She reminded herself that she couldn’t hurt Rabastan--he was an integral member of her team. “No, we can’t,” she told him, eyes opening as she looked down on him. “But I expected you to play like a decent fucking Seeker.” He was better than he’d played, and she had to remind herself that. He wasn’t her worst player by far, but he had just lost them the game. She sneered at his question, moving to grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him closer to her. “Get out of my damn sight before I make sure your brother is the sole heir to your family line.” She let go, shoving him back. “And don’t fucking disgrace me like that next game.”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
“Right, of course,” Corban shook his head. “Sounds like he cares. Look, I really don’t like the bloke, Niobe, but if he’s trying with you, then I’ll back off a little.” Perhaps. He was just thankful the other was actually being decent to his best friend. As she huffed, Corban grinned at her. “You definitely would. Oh trust me, I’m not going anywhere. Like I could leave you. You’d resurrect my arse to murder me yourself.”
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Niobe shrugged. “Fuck if I know what he feels, but it was nice then. It’s just--” It was all so new and strange to her, these feelings popping up over Max. “It doesn’t matter, Cor.” She’d felt this out of sorts before, sure, but that’s when she was sick with Dragon Pox the summer between her fourth and fifth year. Fucking green skin was nothing compared to this. She pushed Corban away, slight smile playing on her lips still. “I would.” She paused. “Now, come on. Let me out of here before people assume shit.”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
Niobe honestly wasn’t sure how many nights she’d been out drinking this break. Home was insufferable. Her mother was more on her case than usual about acting like a proper lady, her brother was being the perfect son, and her father... She hadn’t spoken to her father since she’d realized he’d been talking to the Yaxley’s about a betrothal. It felt like a slap in the face to not give her Corban, her best friend, no matter how fine things were with Max. Gin and tonic in hand, she slumped down in her booth at the bar, comfortably alone for the first time that day... until a familiar form slid down next to her. 
“--Selwyn, can’t get enough of me?” she teased her roommate, sitting up a bit straighter. “I’m sure you’re as miserable as I am, so please, sit. Drink.”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
“--Don’t bloody stare at me like that, Macmillan.”
The other night at Bulstrode Park had been beyond embarrassing for Niobe. The light blue gown her mother had shoved her in, the pound of makeup, her grandmother’s pearls... None of that was her. She had been told beforehand to behave herself for the Macmillans, as it would be the first time she’d see Max’s parents since their betrothal was announced. Betrothal... she’d almost forgotten that the whole reason Max was into her was because he was going to marry her someday. And now, three days later, he’d somehow found her in her favorite bar, three drinks in and not nearly intoxicated enough to deal with whatever conversation had to happen now that he was there. She shrunk in her booth, sipping at the remnants of her firewhiskey. 
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
Max didn’t know what he was doing, he wasn’t exactly thinking about what he should do. He was just following what his instincts were telling him. And when her head turned and their lips met, he knew he was done for. There were no coherent thoughts crossing his mind anymore - not that there were many on a regular basis anyway. And with her arms around his neck, pulling him in a little more, he had to press one of his hands against the wall as to not completely slam into her. His other hand reached up, slowly moving to cup her face. He knew now that neither of them had much experience, but that didn’t matter, because it felt good to have her lips against his, and he didn’t want to pull away.
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Niobe had never much thought about how long kissing was supposed to last, and how people could want someone that close to them for that long. It had maybe been a fleeting thought once or twice. But now, with Max closer to her than before, a burning in her heart as it raced, she think she got it. There was a spark he seemed to light within her that began to blaze like a wildfire as he cupped her face. And, while he seemed tentative to not completely crush her into the wall, she knew she didn’t have the same regard. Using her arms around his neck as leverage, she pulled herself closer, closer... flush against him. She had no idea what she was doing, but as she moved her lips against his, she found that she didn’t much care for what she was supposed to do. As long as it felt like this, she couldn’t care less what they were doing.
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
Max eyes the flask as she held it out to him. He already had a drink or two at the party, and he wasn’t much of a drinker. He came to the conclusion not too long ago that drinking made him perhaps even more impulsive. And he was trying very hard to avoid picking fights with people, or punching walls. But this was Niobe, he couldn’t imagine she’d anger him enough for that. And it certainly wouldn’t be a small sip that would completely mess him up. So Max picked it up, taking a quick gulp from it before handing it back.
“Maybe, but you still played well.” At least, she did to his standards. Not that she needed to know his standards weren’t exactly high; but in his eyes, she was still the best player in this school. a small frown pulled on his face when she spoke again, turning to face her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to look. I hope I wasn’t a distraction.” He said, not exactly realizing the hidden message people could get from those words. “Feels like the whole team can play better. Probably was just a bad day, you’ll do better next game.”
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Niobe kept her eyes on Max as he took the flask from her, chuckling a little as he handed it back to her. To her, and perhaps this was Corban’s influence, but White Rat was a goddamn comfort. And if there was something she needed after that monstrosity of a game, it was comfort. She kept the flask open, moving to take another swig from it. The familiar liquid burned as it went down, the sensation more pleasant than anything. “If you say so.” A bit of warmth crept into her tone, but it was nothing like the flutter in her stomach when he told her she’d played well. Merlin, if this was what attraction felt like, she didn’t want it. Far too distracting. Her cheeks were already a brighter, splotchy red from the alcohol she’d been drinking, but she could feel the heat radiating from it when he spoke. “You weren’t. Trust me, you’d know if I was upset that you were looking.” She leaned in a little closer, alcohol pulling a boldness from her that she wasn’t expecting. She scowled slightly, before moving to flop onto her back on his bed, legs still dangling easily over the edge of his bed. “They can play better. It’s infuriating. I just… really fucking wanted to win, you know?” She wanted people to take her abilities seriously.
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
Corban wasn’t particularly fond of the idea of being home, especially after what his mother had let slip. He’d needed a distraction, and getting piss drunk at a bar seemed like a good idea. Except he’d sank at least five glasses of whiskey and he was still sober enough for his mind to stay focused on new information. 
He’d all but stormed out of the bar, not entirely sure where he was going when he found her. Suddenly, all the worries about himself vanished as he took in the sight of his best friend. “Does this mean I’m not allowed to laugh at you now?” He teased lightly, trying to ease the situation a bit as he walked closer towards her. “Nah, I would have decked someone in the face. Possibly your brother, possibly Macmillan. Not entirely sure yet. Wanna talk about it, Sunshine?”
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Niobe only took that moment to look down at her dress. The green grass stains stood out from the baby blue of her dress, and all she could think of was how her mother would’ve hated that color combination. It wasn’t flattering. She straightened her spine, looking back over at him with a small scowl. “I look like a fucking clown in this. People laugh at clowns, so... fucking go ahead, Cor.” She brought the bottle to her lips, taking a long swig. “It’s cute you think you could reach Max’s face,” she teased, a little too amused with her own comment as she walked forward. In the heels her mother had forced her into, she stood several inches taller than her friend. What an odd pair they made. Sighing, she held out her bottle to him, shrugging slightly. “I just hate that this is my future, you know. I’m not made for this shit, and we both fucking know it.”
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niobebulstrode · 4 years
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a niobe isolde bulstrode moodboard | 002 --> with maximilian macmillan, they’re dumb and it’s complicated
i’ve been feeling foolish, you should try it she came and substituted the peace and quiet for acrobatic blood flow concertina cheating heartbeat, rapid fire she’s thunderstorms
@maximacmillan @finestra-inspo
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