niteliteshipping · 4 years
NiteLiteShipping stands for shipping Lillie from S/M and Marnie from SWSH. Here's some alternatives;
BiteLite, LiteBiteShipping
We'll see which one gets picked up. That's not to say that all of this blog will be about Marnie and Lillie being cute, but I hear Tumblr likes that sort of fiction!
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niteliteshipping · 4 years
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little punks
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niteliteshipping · 4 years
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This was an exercise in speed, getting a result out as fast as possible. It worked really well and I quite like the result! A few lines ended up not being in the right layer order, but that’s alright.
This was for the concept of Marnie attending a ball in a mix of punk and Scots dress. I like writing Marnie as being Scottish due to the work of some Scottish writers to expand LGBT vocabulary in Scots, but others have their own headcanon for what culture Marnie would be best represented by.
I like the idea of her being Scottish for a multitude of reasons, including this picture!
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niteliteshipping · 4 years
Queens Without Kingdom Ch.1
Written in collaboration with NebbyMinder on Twitter
Marnie's skin was still feeling a little sore. She could have sworn she had put on enough sunburn, but it clearly hadn't been enough. She was trudging through the nature of Melemele Island.
She had come here for some bigwig announcement about the Pokémon World Tournament and maybe climb some rankings. She had been able to hitch a ride with friends, but ended up not having picked up much news. Her morpeko ran circles up and down the path with a clear diagnosis. "You gotst the zoomies, huh, Morp...?"
Marnie asked as she moved underneath the shades of some of the trees. She hoisted up her backpack and glanced around for a sign. This was supposed to be the Hau'oli Outskirts... right...? She had to make sure that Morpeko wouldn't get lost. Or that she herself wouldn't get lost. She began humming lyrics, rather loudly to make sure that Morpeko wouldn't lose track of her.
"Stay close Morpeko! I wouldn' want you to gettin' in any trouble with the locals!"
The humming abruptly stopped when Marnie felt and saw something... Nebulous race past her.
"... Morpeko...?” She raised a hand to wipe her forehead, right when Morpeko came up out of the bushes with her cheeks filled with berries.
Oooh, Nebby ran off again, didn't he? That mischivious little tyke was going to be the end of Lillie someday.
She'd noticed over the past few days that Nebby seemed to want to go north, towards the Ruins of Conflict, no less. That was pretty strange in it's own right since that was the nest of Tapu Koko, a Pokemon revered by the islanders as their guardian. And, from what Lillie had gathered, was also a Pokemon that honored battles. Why would Nebby, little baby nebula that he was, want to go there?
There was singing in the distance. It kinda sounded like what those guys in the skull masks listened to. Who were they again? So many questions for the sheltered lass, and too little time to answer them. She really should just focus on finding Nebby again.
Marnie was looking at the silhouette, watching it race down the path. Clearly purposeful.
"... Morp, -- What was that then...?" Marnie asked with a furrowed brow, looking down the path. A wild pokémon...?
"Nebby, where are you?" The intense rays of the island sun sure were strong today. She didn't know if Nebby was used to the island sun yet. Or what if those people came after Nebby again? There was a reason she wanted to keep Nebby in the bag.
She soon passed Marnie. While she certainly would have greeted her normally, she was in a hurry. She gave the Morpeko a good amount of space as well. Naturally, she didn't want to get anyone else involved in her own issues.
Marnie turned around hearing another girl's voice, the shade of the canopy shifting over her as she gaped. 
"Nebby...?" she muttered as she saw the completely white-dressed girl run past. She reached down to Morpeko to pick them up, but Morpeko's curiosity was not easily. Before she could grab a hold of her Pokemon, Morpeko squeaked and began zooming down the road!
"M-Morpeko..!! Wait up!!" Marnie cried out, before running after. Morpeko raced past Lillie easily. With a happy smile, she jumped and created an Aura Wheel around herself to race down the path to try and catch up with whatever Lillie was chasing.
Lillie looked back just in time to see that multi-colored hamster wheel racing right toward her! With a squeal, she leaped out of the way just before the excited Morpeko bowled her over! Heart racing now from the near miss (and her own Pokephobia), Lillie took a brief moment to collect herself, unintentionally allowing Marnie to catch up with her.
"Sorry 'bout that...! Morp's not suppose to do tha'..." Marnie caught up with Lillie, looking her over. "What're ye runnin' after...? A pokemon...?" Marnie reached out for Lillie's shoulder.
"Well...yes, I think? You saw him? Which direction did he go? Was anyone else chasing him?" Marnie seemed nice enough. The first thing she did was apologize to her after all. Lillie was a bit unused to people outside her home interacting with her, though... She'll let Marnie rest a hand on her shoulder for now. 
"No, I don't think so...!" Marnie shook her head. Her hand hovered back after a moment, holding itself sheepishly against its owner instead.
"I dinnae see anyway. C'mon, we should try and catch up!" Marnie said, before hitting the trail again. "Dun' worry about Morp! 'e's Just being curious is all...!"
"He seems like a handful," Lillie commented, more to herself than to Marnie. If she wasn't so focused on catching up to Nebby, she'd have wondered if the egg in her bag would turn up like Morpeko.
The little nebuloid had passed Iki Town, with Morpeko hot on its heels. Nebby was oblivious, a little too focused on the bridge ahead. The morpeko squeaked, trying to get the silhouettes' attention as they took the final turn unto the bridge. Morp deactivated her aura wheel, stopping on the edge of the cliff to get a peek down, before scurrying backwards in a fright.
Nebby's a brave little stardust, and there's something in that ruin that it wants. It doesn't really know for sure why, but there's definitely something there calling out to it. So onto the creaky bridge it goes.
"Morp's different, 'at's for sure!" Marnie said, the frills of her swim gear trailing behind her. "You should see them when they're hungry! Look there, a bridge!"
"They're supposed to get really angry when they get hungry right?" 
"Cranky more like—"  As the bridge comes into view, Lillie lets out a little gasp.
"Oh no, look! Nebby, that's dangerous!" 
"Oi! Morp!"
Morpeko glances back and twitches her ears, hearing what Lillie said about the bridge being dangerous. She glances back to Nebby and squeaks in a protective panic when Nebby starts crossing the bridge.
Braver than wise, Morpeko chases immediately after, hopping from plank to plank without thinking.
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