nitenife · 1 year
// hey!! little announcement. i’ll keep this blog up in case i want to move them over here again but for now i’ll likely be moving sunny and omori over to @buddymuses since i’ve been more active over there :] !! fair warning it’s a sideblog so follows come from @endhub
like this if you want to keep a thread of ours + please comment the link to said thread and I’ll draft it on the multi
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nitenife · 2 years
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— ❝ morro may have been my first pupil, but he was also MY GREATEST REGRET. ❞
pinned post with rules & about || main hub blog || art cred || wiki page
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nitenife · 2 years
Send "💎💎💎" and My Muse will say three things that comes to their mind when Your Muse's name is mentioned
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nitenife · 2 years
a thought occurred to me
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nitenife · 2 years
// happy birthday to the boys ever
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nitenife · 2 years
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nitenife · 2 years
weeks of evading conversation and months of built-up emotions; hiding, hiding time and time again. that seemed to be all sunny did these past months—past year: hide away in his room. the appearances he made were occasional, usually only when necessary, and even then he was incredibly silent and subdued. he shied away from his sister and his friends.
but that’s okay. sunny was learning to bury himself in distractions. omori and sunny were both learning that sunny was happier when asleep. swords of guilt and spears of sorrow pierced the boys heart at any other time. omori was learning how unfair and cruel the world is. naturally, he decided to take the situation into his own hands.
omori had subtly spent the last week preparing for his move; he decided that perhaps it was better if, well… he could stop at least one source of torment. thus, in the dark of night, omori found his way into the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife he knew they had. he stares at his reflection, admiring the blade; one of the villains—those shadowy monsters—one of them will be gloriously defeated tonight, and everything will be a little better. ( will it be your pathetic excuse of a father? mother? maybe basil? perhaps even you-? )
then, @hikikomari came in at the wrong time. omori tenses his shoulders, gripping the knife handle. she’s unquestionably seen him, no doubt about that. he tilts his head slightly so he can see her in his peripheral.
“ sister. ” omori says blankly, turning a bit to see her better.
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nitenife · 2 years
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// ok. legitimate starter call while my muse is stonks high. pls specify verse/muse!
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nitenife · 2 years
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My favorite Hero and Sunny dynamic
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nitenife · 2 years
Rattled and Relief Starters
“You’re shaking, I can see it. It’s okay.”
“Get away get away… get away…”
“You’re not okay, please, let me help.”
“Stop it, no. Enough. STOP!”
“It’s okay, I’m here. You’re okay.”
“I just-I’m sorry I… I didn’t mean to react that way.”
“Did I… please tell me I didn’t hurt you.”
“We’re going somewhere safe.”
“No, no no no it’s all going wrong, we’re running out of time!”
“We’re gonna get through this, okay? Trust me?”
“It never really stopped… the shaking is always there…”
“Please don’t lie to me… tell me what’s wrong.”
“How about we just go somewhere quiet okay?”
“I know I’m not good at this but… I’m here.”
“You’re making it worse!”
“Why did you have to bring it up?”
“Hold onto me, you’ll be okay.”
“I want it to stop. It’s not stopping.”
“Are you doing better?”
“Don’t make me talk about it. Please don’t.”
“It’s alright… I get it, I do.”
“I’m back, like I promised.”
“Leave me alone-just leave me alone.”
“I’m coming closer, and I’m going to put my hand on your shoulder, alright?”
“You are safe. You are going to be safe.”
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nitenife · 2 years
Sunny gently shuts the door after Basil comes in. There’s a rushing in his ears and he feels startled. ( you were not expecting him, but… you know you were going to check on him eventually. ) He takes a quiet breath as he does so; his heart stops pounding so fast and the crackling noise in his ears dies down. He next turns toward Basil, quietly gesturing for him to take a seat. After a few moments, Sunny replies.
“ i… am not well. but at least i’m not worse. ” the teen blatantly says; he can’t shake the weight that rests around his throat so he stands, aiming to head to the kitchen, grabbing some cups. Perhaps he’ll make some lemonade. Sunny’s eye flickers back towards Basil as he inquires. “ i heard… you’re not living in your old house anymore…? ”
Time never really mattered to Sunny. It was a foreign concept for four years; something that existed only to be wasted, much like he himself. Nostalgia permeates all layers of the mind, dampening the significance of the present. Not only that, but he is a person of routine, meaning that the days tend to blend together due to their similarities. It seemed that time stopped for him up until he opened the door for Kel that one day. It’s been at least two months since then–not that he’s counting–and time has blown a brittle life into the old house. Everything creaks and groans with pain, but it is alive. It is so gloriously alive.
How ironic that two corpses meet each other in the doorway today, each of them too similar to their past selves; when they were alive, when they were burdenless. Outside, someone knocks. Inside, Sunny lethargically lifts himself off the couch and stumbles over to the door, the impatient stray cat that routinely visits him watching him sharply from the glass door on the opposite side of the room. His hand turns the knob as he mentally promises that he’ll set out food for her later. The old grandfather clock ticks away in the background.
oh. hello there. Eye to eyes, Sunny finds himself staring directly at his old friend. Everything suddenly stills. There’s a lump in Sunny’s throat that prevents him from speaking. He blinks and stares. Then, he awkwardly shuffles to the side and opens the door further as an unspoken invitation.
The door opens, and he… Seems to be invited inside? There aren’t words said, but Sunny had always been someone of few words. Basil knew that the gesture was probably enough. He could at least hope so as he stepped into the old house. It had been so long since he’d seen these walls. It was strange, to see the place still looking like a relic in time. He wondered how long Sunny had been here without anything changing. If Basil had been out of the loop for so long, with how things kept changing outside, while he himself clung to the past and pretended that nothing had truly gone wrong, he wondered how odd it must be for his friend, who didn’t even leave his dwelling for school.
“Sorry for um… Coming unannounced I just… Wanted to see you, I guess-” he finally says, breaking a silence that felt thicker than anything he could imagine. At least it was broken, however. At least the rest would be much easier to deal with, at least he thought so. He wasn’t sure what he was even meant to do here, at least outside of just seeing the other. It felt so strange here, he wanted the comfort that he thought this meeting would bring. He knew he shouldn’t be so picky about it, however. Sunny had been through enough, Basil really shouldn’t be adding to it. He’d rather not be selfish, either…
“How have you been?” he finally asks, realizing he probably should have done that many moments ago. Hopefully he didn’t already think of the answer, that it was bad and he shouldn’t have come. He shouldn’t feel so worried about this. This was his best friend, right? Why was he so anxious just to come over and catch up, like they probably should have done already. Was the weight of their actions still weighing so heavily? Or was he just letting his fear control him beyond where it should?
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nitenife · 2 years
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hi best frienddd
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nitenife · 2 years
@velvrose / starter call.
omori stands across the living room, staring up at a frazzled hero--reality's awful progression of him, at least. omori much prefers headspace hero. the boy flexes the knife in his grip, his empty stare unwavering. he is going to protect sunny, and he's going to do it well. sunny just... doesn't know what he's getting into. he shouldn't have stepped out of the house. he shouldn't have invited the real world in.
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“ tell me, hero... ” omori runs his finger gently along the blade, casually speaking with more confidence then sunny had ever mustered up in their life. “ truthfully, did it ever get better for you? at all? ”
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nitenife · 2 years
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i dream of you almost every night. hopefully, I WON’T WAKE UP THIS TIME. 
#TRUTHROT - indie, private & heavily headcanon based sunny of omocat’s OMORI. sideblog to @fastigium. 
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nitenife · 2 years
tidbit headcanons.
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anonymous said: Tidbit 10
10. What physical trait is emphasized on your muse?
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// he’s 5'4", yet small compared to the others of the gang,
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nitenife · 2 years
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sneakily snatched from hiraethtm! c:
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nitenife · 2 years
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Joan Lindsay, from Picnic at Hanging Rock
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