nithinjacob-blog · 5 years
Being Ancient One
Are you a STONER?..How did you manage to make money out through travelling?.Wish I could have done what you do? .three all time expressed I been bombarded with now and then...Lets put these questions to bed..I ain't a STONER even though my eyes look red all time, that's more genetics than marijuana on my system...Secondly I do make money from my travel, with my own adventure company venture "Hikester" started by three friends that meet on travel, had the same vibe about minimalism and backpacking. Lastly not the last question I will be speaking about, few are on the loop that will be answered along.To those who wish they can be us or me do what I been doing. Its a matter of choice, as Rumi Said "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about."..
Like everyone else I too clattered on the keyboard staring on the clock, calculating the hours needed to complete the usual business hour. The only incentive was that salary message on your phone that momentarily beep of happiness and waiting for the other one was the way of life. Stating you are an engg is good for your ego and status quo at the society they taught me(false propaganda we been feed from childhood), all the branded clothes and shoes looked great as a statement of your swipe, not the tinder ones the credit card ones..society parties, annual day, appraisal bitchings ,power corridor of IT office is saucy and twisty more than a GOT season.
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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As days passed,life flys through the fastlane.Only memory of the heartbreak was the scar that left behind…may be the love has blown my castle of glass apart,its the same love will glue all the pieces together now..I m a ticking time bomb now hope it holds still i can minimise the damage of being ripped apart again😔
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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Pain, it always demands to be felt…I had always been a wanderer soul moving from commitments and running from people to people..it my thought i have made peace with my past and may be i was too afraid to fall at that time or never had that heart to have the leap of faith…life has hit me with all it got n want to keep in my knees..love was been a cure now it’s turns to be a disease i need to be cured from….
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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<p>We are always in constant war with ourself,we fight with people whom we trust n people who will keep the trust…there is no assure that trust are kept but there will be instance people gonna break your heart and leave you hurt …these moments gonna keep on coming and keep there mark for a long time…..as our heart is brushed n cracks wide opens,someone will come whom gonna hear your story n be the part of it …whom we can giggle our insecurities n hold on tight wen we needed the most …keepers are rare but wen they come they will never leave</p>
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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We are always in constant war with ourself,we fight with people whom we trust n people who will keep the trust...there is no assure that trust are kept but there will be instance people gonna break your heart and leave you hurt ...these moments gonna keep on coming and keep there mark for a long time.....as our heart is brushed n cracks wide opens,someone will come whom gonna hear your story n be the part of it ...whom we can giggle our insecurities n hold on tight wen we needed the most ...keepers are rare but wen they come they will never leave
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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"Take me a prisoner of love and give a life sentence locked away in your heart"
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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#souldiaries #rain
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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“May be the season has just started ,it’s been raining inside, all the way from the moment i meet her #raindiaries
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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" We were like the fabric and the seam Where love was the textile of time We intersect intercept intercede ,we loved without any expectations and expressed without any intention Moments become memories,memories become expectations Words got misplaced ,misused ,mistakes being together but further apart Nothing stays still ,time has meet his destiny life goes on !!!!
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nithinjacob-blog · 8 years
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“She was like the polar star that shined so bright. More like a wilding i felt with a dime on the ear. Words were few maybe a token of appreciation or a banter of laughter. There was always something that awestruck me may it’s the way she carried herself or the vibe she embraced .. Watchout ! for the wildone everyone said She had her own battle to fight that kept in herself .. More misunderstood than people understand her silence.. She was more like the seasons,rain will eventually come☔️☔️ only for the one that are willing to see out the heat🌞.. Oh my good vibe! behind that maddening maze of wilderness crumpled with bundle of joy.. There lies a heart of joy that worth fighting for all the glory.. 😍😍😍😍😍🙏🏻
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nithinjacob-blog · 12 years
As the car stopped in front of his room, Sawyer quickly leaped out of the car dragging his ached heart. No words of Goodbye and she drove off through the silence of night..
          As day light breaks in sawyer with his bandaged knees and unhealed heart goes back to his daily routine ,in his college he saw a consicious face in the midst of students looking at him and he realised that pair of eye of eyes were the culprits of yesterdays events,but she were afraid to come and talk to me through the college corrodor  i keep on walking and she finally came to me and asking about my conditions and giving her hand and introduce her as Catherine shaking his hands, her concerns quickly turned into it chats and talks ,our relationship grown fast as his wounds healed up we became friends ,she was the few people in the world who realised beyond all his roguness ,this guy have a heart that is worth loving for ,the world he thought is not his changed quickly in her presence
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nithinjacob-blog · 12 years
Chapter 2 - Strings Of Tears
Now the breeze went, Sawyer quickly recollected his thoughts… At the far end of his living room, a dusted guitar with some broken strings caught his eye...
“The rhythm was long gone, but these strings still have the soul in it”
           Tears slowly began to roll from this eyes, is it reminding the regret from the past? Or a wonderful legacy???
             Tears can no longer judge the depth of his emotions that he is going through, only the past can…
               Pages of his life were rolled back to days of vibrant youth where everything is high fly <college days >
“Memories We Create In This Garden Of Life Will Forever Blossom in Your Journey”
                                     Welcome to PSG College of Engineering!  
         Musicality was the only virtue that made him shine in his college, as a student of Engg. in Electronics & Communication.  He was average in academics. He had a very few friends and no goals. Music was the sole rhythm of his life where guitar was his best friend… Everything remained like this for the first two years of his college life…
                          As the year was came to an end, he was pretty much engaged in practicing for the new year party at the college. For putting a good soul show for the New Year eve, he worked late at the college grooming section. He stayed late for days. As it was only a short walk back to his room, he lived alone there. As usual, I stayed late. I did not have any sense of time, when I get involved in music. As night slowly began to be part of the day for me, I practiced until my fingers hurt. As it was a long tiring session, I decided to call the shot for this day and I slowly begin my walk to my room with my guitar... Silence was around me. Suddenly a SUV came speeding by, hitting me and sending me to a grass lawn at the roadside........... My vision and sensations blacked out........... My heartbeat slowed down…
                After a minute, I quickly recollected my thought and I looked around where I spotted a girl in the dim car light. From the looks on her face, I know she was panicky. I limped towards the girl to know her condition… I asked, “Are you alright?”  In a small distressed sound, she replied “I Am.!” Then she noticed that my knees were bleeding. She began to panic again and tears came out from her eyes. She insisted me to go to hospital but I knew my condition was stable and refused to go… However, she pleaded me to get into her car so she that could give me a ride back home. On the way back, I realized that my guitar was missing. I said her to pullover the vehicle and said her that my guitar was missing. She quickly detoured and took me back to the crash site... In a quick search, I found out ma guitar. It was no more… It was scattered into pieces. Pain of realizing the sole fate of my guitar was hurting me more than the bleeding knee... All the rage fueled me sending my emotion flying as I cried furiously. She tried to console me. However, could not succeed.... I climbed back to the front of the car with what was left of my guitar and she drove back to my room...
  Memories flash backed to the days where he was young and his mother presenting this guitar to him and teaching him to play. It was, the soul of his mother, which was broken minutes before. The guitar was the voice of his mother... She is not with him anymore. His mother’s love was what he felt in his guitar... He looked at the scattered debris and found the strings were what left of it...
 A tear slowly rolled down from his eyes…
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nithinjacob-blog · 12 years
Chapter 1 - INCEPTION
This is not just a story, this is a journey to his destiny...This life, where everything happens and goes past you, in a whisker of time, is a journey of mixture of emotions...
The portrait of life is filled with colors of feelings, which draws different shades to your side, and has its own pictures to paint in your heart.
Here, we will see the world through the eyes of a man named Sawyer, a man with a salt and pepper hair. In his eyes, we can see the calmness after the emotional storms he had been through, to lead a peaceful life now...Really who was he???......A man of destiny or a king of loser's paradise ............!
Now the sun is settling in, for the dawn to rise and break the daylight out... As the light slowly fades down the valley, a gentle breeze sweeps through the windows, giving a chill to the spine. Sawyer's eyes glanced through the photos, hanging in his living room. In his chair, he remained composed, as he knew that all these memories are only those left for his life and that all these have left away...
Now everything is coming back to life ...............These memories will take you to his past...!
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nithinjacob-blog · 12 years
"Every life starts with a cry and ends with one, in this journey of life it's the memories that persuade your life, to make us hurt or to hush "
This story is the journey of a man running to fulfill what destiny had written for him, sitting in his pale blue colored living room that's like a calm blue sky. Sitting in his chair, he looks at the wall where he sees the photographs hanging... All these photographs has a different story to tell us, every photograph reminds of something that happened in his life...
"Here Everything Starts and Everything Ends "
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nithinjacob-blog · 12 years
It's my first venture in writing, I guaranty it will be more likely an awful one than a decent one ......
To all my fellow readers if it makes you bored to death or pleased, please let me know ...
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nithinjacob-blog · 12 years
1) Introduction
2) Inception
3) Strings Of Tears
4) The Perfect World
5) The Fallen Angel
6) The Faded Leaf
7) A New Memory
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