nivashini29-blog · 7 years
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
I’ve seen , The reserved you, The friendly you, The caring you, The childish you, The romantic you, The cute you, The naughty you, The mysterious you, The angry you. Above all. I’m in love with ‘the every tiny piece of you'💓
#missing you
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
When you bloom out of excitement and happiness for someone more than for your own self, you realize you love someone beyond your own concern!
#results - sec yr
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
No matter how many times, I keep re-reading our conversations, tears roll down my cheeks accompanying a smile..
#miss you
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
Nobody can understand you, unless they put on your shoes!
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
"Happy birthday" "Thanks. Bye"... I wonder if there could be any shorter conversation than this.
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
For the first time, I'm excited for someone's birthday more than mine. Ironical it is ! Unable to even wish him,but still excited.
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
“Don’t include her, if you ppl are surprising me for my birthday. It will spoil my mood", he said. ‘So let my gift wait for you ,just like I do.’, I decided.
#He be at peace..
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
Do I post too many ? Maybe I’ve too much left ,for you to know. Coz tumblr is where, I feel like, I talk to you.
#miss you
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
They say time heals everything..But I fail to understand this..It clearly isn’t me who is moving on..I can never get over you any day..you were my source of good vibes,my constant support,my anytime healer,my biggest priority!
I’ll never get over your deep masculine voice..your early morn husky voice,your anger tone,your clenched teeth..everything still keeps lingering loud..The way I ran over your Apple, your eyebrow lift..missing it!
I’ll never get over your bright eyes that I always gazed at. Your eyes stared right into my soul.
I’ll never get over the smile you wore..believe it or not,to my eyes they seemed cute.
The numerous personal pics we’ve shared..the selfies sent..the secrets I confessed..the desperate phone calls..video calls..the late night texts..the sleepless nights..the ‘wake up alarm’ we’ve been to each other..priceless!
That gentle touch of yours..the way you held me..the way i ran my fingers across your hair..the kind of play i had with your ears..those perfect lip kisses we’ve had..the hugs…It’s nowhere in my body that has escaped your touch..the nutella talks! the jellies tasted!..#page 278#the pathology …never ever think I can get over them.
Call me exaggerative..call me fool..call be obsessed..call me addicted… I can never get over the castle of memories we’ve built!
Dear love, I just want you to know that you’re always there in my heart! And time has got nothing to do.. You reside in me!
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
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You !!😍😍😍
You know you left me..but you least know abt the ulcer pain I gained soon after....the bodily gastric ulcer ache adds more to my broken heart..I want you to be my pain reliever once again!
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
Karma,the real boomerang!
Hardly a day passes without getting reminded of you! I don’t know why . I feel like crying all the time. Is this more than what I could handle? How many more sleepless nights to pass? Each morning I wake up bidding a goodbye to mom and dad who are busy off to work. And I spend all day doing nothing. I keep sitting in one corner. I don’t switch on the TV. I do literally nothing. I’m dying inside each day. Too lonely to hide. I neither feel like eating any stuff, Nor I want to even get out of the room. Dejected! Depressed! Never have I been so bad! I wanna get off from here. I don’t deserve anything,I know. It’s a mind battle. What am I supposed to do? Couldn’t concentrate anything. When mom finds me abnormal, soon I try to hide and pretend like everything is okay. I’ve lost interest in anything! He must be too much wounded I know, coz of me. I shouldn’t disturb him anymore. That’s the only way I can help him. How long is this phase? I don’t know. How to kill time? Is there any option to hibernate till My low spells get better? I couldn’t say that aloud. To let the truth hit the air. Self help and self healing Only keys to exist!
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
I used to move my fingers across his hair,admiring each curl and wave..
And now I become a silent admirer, standing feet away from him, hiding myself!
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
I wouldn’t be able to hug you around in future, And so I gift you this shirt. Hope it will stay with you forever. ‘Happy birthday’.
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nivashini29-blog · 7 years
I couldn’t wait till 12 a.m. I ended up calling him, to wish in advance. He couldn’t wait for the ring to stop. He ended up rejecting the call, at once.
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