nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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A global leader in delivering high performance and precision in Fatigue, Structural and Tensile Testing using Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Damper Test System, Structural Test System, Tissue Growth Technology and Low Force Test Systems. https://biss.in/hydraulic.php
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nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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A global leader in delivering high performance and precision in Fatigue, Structural and Tensile Testing using Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Damper Test System, Structural Test System, Tissue Growth Technology and Low Force Test Systems. https://biss.in/3pointbend.php
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nivedita100 · 3 years
Why you need a chatbot for your business?
You can't ignore the chatbot's case for your business, both as client experience and sales device. More than 50% of clients who decide to call ventures as opposed to talking on the web do so on the grounds that they need to address a 'genuine individual.'
However, those figures identifying with clients' common doubt of bots create helpless press for programmed discourse. While there is explicit rationale in boosting opportunities for a human shopper administration labour force to build up a more enthusiastic relationship with clients, there are zones where chatbots can dominate in bringing an outstanding client experience model to your business.
Find the best chatbot tool for your business.
An investigation finished at Harvard's Business School which found that clients for the most part favour a quick answer rather than a completely exact one. The requirement for underlining a guest's value with snappy communications as a driving force after her organization's decision to turn out chatbots. Equipped for normal language handling, these chatbots can perceive a client's inquiry prior to terminating back a reaction immediately.
Know more about AI chatbot.
The bot can likewise comprehend keywords to answer to demands about store areas and draw in clients on a more human level on the off chance that it recognizes words that are associated with any anxiety. Now and again, your clients aren't keen on calling your client assistance between 9 am and 5 pm to check the status of their request, which is absolutely when a chatbot can make an impact.
Find the best artificial intelligence marketing solutions.
Chatbots make a financially savvy midpoint of keeping up (a large portion of) your purchasers during those awkward occasions around evening time and toward the end of the week. Chatbots can convey sharp flexibility to your client experience. They're not just fit for dealing with secret phrase resets and giving answers out of hours, yet they can likewise distinguish clients writing in various dialects and change their reactions as needs are.
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nivedita100 · 3 years
What AI techniques are used in chatbots?
Artificial Intelligence has proven to be the edge any business needs to edge over in the competitive business world. AI chatbots are the perfect solution for growing the business. This can be used for enhanced customer interaction and quality of the service in a more sophisticated manner which can make the customer feel more valued by the business. Apart from reducing the expenses, AI chatbot service can be very handy in managing the customers all round the clock.
To make the best out of the service business owners need to understand the offerings it can provide.
This can provide excellent Customer service with the reduced response time.
AI chatbots are also capable enough to analyze customer data and providing insights that can help boost the business.
Based on the primary data collected about the customer, AI chatbot can provide personalized ads.
AI chatbot can help boost the Customer retention ratio by providing excellent service.
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nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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AC-08-0003 LCF application is intended to perform Low Cycle Fatigue test (as per ASTM E606) under MTL-7 environment with 2350/2360/2370 controller. The user interface includes specimen description, loading parameters, pump controls, test run/stop, graph display, numeric readouts of several relevant test parameters.
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nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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A global leader in delivering high performance and precision in Fatigue, Structural and Tensile Testing using Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Damper Test System, Structural Test System, Tissue Growth Technology and Low Force Test Systems. https://biss.in/extensiometer.php
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nivedita100 · 3 years
Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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Median servo hydraulic test systems have a force capacity ranging from 50 kN to 600 kN. These test systems are useful for testing materials under room temperature and high temperature.
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nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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A global leader in delivering high performance and precision in Fatigue, Structural and Tensile Testing using Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Damper Test System, Structural Test System, Tissue Growth Technology and Low Force Test Systems. 
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nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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Get mechanical testing machines from BISS. A global leader in delivering high performance and precision in Fatigue, Structural and Tensile Testing using Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Damper Test System, Structural Test System, Tissue Growth Technology and Low Force Test Systems.
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nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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Get mechanical testing machines from BISS. A global leader in delivering high performance and precision in Fatigue, Structural and Tensile Testing using Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Damper Test System, Structural Test System, Tissue Growth Technology and Low Force Test Systems. https://biss.in/
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nivedita100 · 3 years
BISS: Static & Dynamic Mechanical Testing OEM
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Get mechanical testing machines from BISS. A global leader in delivering high performance and precision in Fatigue, Structural and Tensile Testing using Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Damper Test System, Structural Test System, 
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nivedita100 · 3 years
What AI techniques are used in chatbots?
Artificial Intelligence has proven to be the edge any business needs to edge over in the competitive business world. AI chatbots are the perfect solution for growing the business. This can be used for enhanced customer interaction and quality of the service in a more sophisticated manner which can make the customer feel more valued by the business. Apart from reducing the expenses, AI chatbot service can be very handy in managing the customers all round the clock.
To make the best out of the service business owners need to understand the offerings it can provide.
This can provide excellent Customer service with the reduced response time.
AI chatbots are also capable enough to analyze customer data and providing insights that can help boost the business.
Based on the primary data collected about the customer, AI chatbot can provide personalized ads.
AI chatbot can help boost the Customer retention ratio by providing excellent service.
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nivedita100 · 4 years
AI techniques are used in chatbots.
Artificial Intelligence has proven to be the edge any business needs to edge over in the competitive business world. AI chatbots are the perfect solution for growing the business. This can be used for enhanced customer interaction and quality of the service in a more sophisticated manner which can make the customer feel more valued by the business. Apart from reducing the expenses, AI chatbot service can be very handy in managing the customers all round the clock.
To make the best out of the service business owners need to understand the offerings it can provide.
This can provide excellent Customer service with the reduced response time.
AI chatbots are also capable enough to analyze customer data and providing insights that can help boost the business.
Based on the primary data collected about the customer, AI chatbot can provide personalized ads.
AI chatbot can help boost the Customer retention ratio by providing excellent service.
With the feedback collected from customers, AI chatbot support can improve in those areas.
The information gathered by AI chatbots can be utilized for nurturing the leads.
This can be used for maintaining a presence over different social media to get new potential
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nivedita100 · 4 years
How to use Chatbots for Customer service
Chatbots is a artificial intelligence technology that simulates human conversations through voice commands or text chats etc. Chatbots are increasing in prevalence, and one example of regular usage is for customer support chat, where consumers have begun to engage with a chatbot to fix complaints with the potential to interact with a human user to address more complicated problems.
There are several benefits of Chatbots usage in our business such as
Makes your website a Helpdesk with Zero-Waiting Time.
Provide answers to FAQs.
Provide real-time support.
Actively engage and educate your potential customers.
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1. Create a seamless experience
The best chatbots are hard to tell whether they’re human or machine. That’s because the bot has created such a positive experience; you don’t know who or what’s on the other side of the chat.
The critical part language and phrasing, which plays a significant role in the success of your bot. It has to be made sure that the vocabulary being used and the phrases that your customers understand. And, the preset responses need to apply to all possible inquiries to create a conversation flow.
2. Make the bot’s widget clear to the viewer
The chatbot is not of much help is the viewers can see it hence rather than hiding the bot it should be on an individual page or within your knowledge base. Try adding a widget which is an icon that displays in the corner of each page of your website and links users directly to your chatbot. Whenever the widget is clicked, the chatbot is launched.
3. Have bots compliment human reps
It doesn’t matter how good the chatbot is it can never replace human representatives. Theemotional intelligence represented by humans cannot be presented by a chatbot, and this emotional intelligence helps diffuse difficult situations. When customers have issues that your bot can’t solve, you need to have an attendant ready to intervene. Studies have shown that 86% of consumers want an option to transfer to a live agent if a service issue becomes too complex for a chatbot.
4. Provide off-hour or 24/7 support
If you have a website for your brand, then it is evident the customers will visit from around the world.
The most significant benefit of the chatbot is that you can use them to provide 24/7 support. If the problem is more complex, the chatbot will acknowledge the request and provide the customer with an email to follow up with.
5. Include proactive features
A chatbot is a relatively new concept, and some customers may not be aware of how it can help them. They may think the bot widget is some upsell or cross-sell that they should stay away from. But chatbot service providers are booming in the market as they are an excellent tool for the sales teams across different sectors and industries.
Click here to know the benefits of chatbot.
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nivedita100 · 4 years
Conversational Landing Pages - How this is going to bring a change in marketing?
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Landing pages are considered as an integral element of lead generation campaigns. If you want to stay ahead of competitors in the industry while leading the instant conversation, connections, and engagement, it is good to start with conversational landing pages. https://adohm.com/chatbot/resources/conversational-landing-pages-how-this-is-going-to-bring-a-change-in-marketing/
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nivedita100 · 4 years
64% of your complex problem can be solved by chatbot
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ADOHM’s Chatbot helps to personalise the interactions between your lead and help to get insights and usable information from your leads and also solve complex problems. https://adohm.com/chatbot/resources/chatbots-are-solving-complex-problems/
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nivedita100 · 4 years
Seamlessly connect Facebook, WhatsApp and website bot for your business
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A Chatbot helps personalize the interactions between your lead and help get insights and usable information from your points.All it takes for the Admin is to create entities, responses, and expressions.
Over 800 million people use Facebook messenger every month, and incorporating it into your business strategy has never been simpler. With our automation feature, your brand can connect to the customer effortlessly.
Create an extension to your Facebook business page.
Actively engage and educate your potential customers.
Book appointments with your prospects.
Create content-rich responses to FAQs.
Collect specific info while actively engaging with your audience.
The fundamentals of communications has changed. With more than 5 billion accounts worldwide, messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp have made it easy to connect in a more personal way with friends and family from anywhere in the world.
Businesses know they need to be where their target audience is.The no. of channels that consumers engage with are continually expanding and along with it the technology has changed quite a lot. The focus nowadays is on AI bots, and more interactivity in messaging rather than the traditional call centre experiences.
When you begin creating your chatbot on ADOHM , the platform gives you various pre-defined options for your training. The best part of using ADOHM’s Bot is you can implement it anytime and on any platform without having to train it separately . You can add images, website links, PDFs, etc. and train the bot on keywords as well as traits.
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