nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Reviewing Reviews 2: Lindsey Park
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This project was eye opening for me. Through the confusion and incredible idealism the project was a little hard to take in, but the ideas were brilliant to say the least. This was seemingly simple block was the focal point of the project for me. The block broke down into three separate pieces that were designed to correspond to three different personality types. Lindsey took the traditional rectangular house and turned it into three separate spaces for people to coincide while never seeing one another. Unfortunately, that was something the reviewers did not value about her space. The fact that the different people would live without ever knowing of the other two people they were with existed was something the reviewers thought was a waste of potential for the project. If the different personalities were able to see each other they would be able to gain insight into the others lives ad it would create a greater sense of community and individualism at the same time. Something I thought would be interesting would be if there were certain points in the house were one person could see the others without them knowing so that they could observe the other personality without any bias or changes in behavior that are common when someone knows they are being watched. Another comment the reviewers had was that the entire project valued being esthetic rather than proving a look into the mind of the creator. The project was clearly well thought out and required effort, but it was hard to follow and required explanation from Lindsey which sometimes only confused the audience more. Overall, the project was simple on the outside and extremely complex on the inside. The project also seemed to hint at something more human than the division of three personalities and more at how humans have multiple aspects of themselves coinciding, but Lindsey only hinted at it. The mystery both drew me in while also confusing me more than was probably necessary.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Reviewing Reviews 1: Dustin Toothman
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This project attempted to redefine the way that people live their day to day lives. Taking a consumeristic yet ancient nomadic viewpoint Dustin provided the possibility that humans could live out of a van and still have all the amenities of a real house which takes up more space and economic resources. The reviews had positive and negative comments on what Dustin was trying to do. The fore most comment was that this was a redefinition of space. The way that this product reinvented the way that humans use a parking lot was impressive to say the least. You could get the comforts of home while still being able to pack everything up and move within a couple hours. From folding tables to beds to a sanitation station, the different ways this project reinvented space was amazing and incredible. Some of the negative aspects of this project I also had to agree with. Certain aspects of his project took away from the key focal point of the whole project. Throughout the project Dustin emphasized that Walmart would provide the infrastructure, the space, and the market which was brilliantly portrayed until he began to force the nomads out of the store. Walmart has a strategy that involves bringing you into the store and some of the pieces in this project did not succeed in giving Walmart motivation to provide these services. For example, most of the amenities were outside of the store. The eye exam station was a prime example of a way that Walmart would have to provide infrastructure to keep people out of its stores for the benefit of the nomads which is preposterous and not plausible. In order to keep this project focused the reviewers emphasized a need to bring nomads into the store in order to provide incentive for Walmart. Another comment which was interesting was the comment that maybe Walmart wouldn’t be the only one to provide the space and infrastructure for these nomads. Amazon and other large retailers surely have the space and the means so why limit yourself to just one. The competition provide would benefit the consumer and the consumer would also have access to a wide array of locations.  
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Lecture Blog 4: Hansjoerg Goeritz
Hansjoerg spoke of simplicity which did not need pictures to be seen or words to be heard. The projects he spoke of which was my favorite and impacted me the most was the half houses. He spoke of how to provide space for families which cannot afford to pay the cost of their house upfront. They can only afford half the space of the traditional house they would need to live. So, he gave them exactly that. He provided the frame of a normal house with all the plumbing and necessary amenities which families need to thrive in the modern world and left them with a half-filled frame. While this might seem like a lazy solution, it was exactly what these families needed. He gave these families a half-filled canvas to fill with whatever they liked so they need not vandalize the nature. He provided what those families needed as well as space. Space is the most powerful tool an architect has and Hanjoerg could only complete this project by getting as much space as possible and giving it away to those who could use it later. This project was not about power or shaping the environment. It was about being humble and simple to accomplish goals in ways that others cannot.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Lecture Blog 3: Jennifer Akerman
Jennifer Akerman was my favorite lecture of the semester because she changed the way she viewed architecture to integrate two separate schools of thought into one. Often, I see architecture projects which are simply overcomplicated and unattainable bits of art which can never be a practical part of the world that we call Earth.
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Jennifer’s work on this project is different, and I am glad she chose this piece of work to show how collaboration can lead to an incredible solution to a seemingly impossible problem. This architecture was only made possible because the faculty and students of University of Tennessee decided to put down their pencils and contribute to the project in a way which is not often characteristic of an architect. These participants not only designed the building, but also assisted in the actual construction to maximize the budget potential of the project. The product was a facility which served its core function of providing office and storage space for the Beardsley staff and volunteers while also providing a community space which the farm works to promote at a price which was thought impossible. The project literally and figuratively broke down the walls of architects and the facility alike by expanding the definition of controlled space in architecture. By providing walls around only the bare necessities and then providing a covered area for the rest of the space was an unconventional touch which made the project possible while also expanding the ideas of the architects who will work on projects n the future which will surely challenge them in similar ways.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Lecture Blog 2: Ted Shelton
What I took away from Ted Shelton’s lecture is the greed which destroys humanity from the inside out and the need to redefine the spaces which epitomize this greed. The one phrase which stuck in my mind was “freeways without a future.” This phrase showed that no matter how hard someone may try to define a system, such as the highways, to benefit themselves, the system will always change to fit the needs of the majority. 
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The embarcadero freeway is the prime example which Ted used. The freeway was deemed so necessary by business and politicians that they put it right in front of one of the most important focal points of the entire city. The free way sought to take over what was once a beautiful and symbolic structure which represented what it meant to live in San Francisco. The politics of the freeway continued to se its concrete path to destroy whatever was in its way no matter how significant or beautiful it may be. The politics of the freeway was of functionality and nothing more. This is not the politics of the common person who lives in San Francisco and does not make travel easier for the common man. The freeway limits the potential of public transportation which is the easiest form of transportation within large and middle-sized cities. It is the job of common people to protect our politics, and to disenfranchise the greed which leads to these types of infrastructure.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Lecture Blog 1: Julie Beckman
Julie Beckman’s 9/11 memorial is a simplistic one. The point of this project is to force people to think, but never tell them what to think. No one person has the same reaction to this site as the next which speaks to the way that people reacted to the terror attacks on 9/11.
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The beauty of Julie Beckman’s work is the openness to interpretation based on who each individual is and their experiences. Julie emphasized multiple times that while someone may come to mourn their loved ones a child could be enjoying the park and playing at the exact same time. The park is open to whatever the person need at that time. The project is a marvel, a safe place, and a park at the same time. One aspect of the park I found personally interesting was the use of light to bring life into the memorial. Each bench represents one of the people who died in the pentagon crash and each light represents the life and the light they brought to the people around them. Those lights will always remind me that while this event was a dark, evil event, the lives of those who were lost would not want to be remembered for what they lost that day. I think the light speaks to all the good that each of those people did during their lives and how we should remember their legacy for the merit and good will of each individual who lost their life September 11th, 2001.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Dezeen Blog 12: The Mountain
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As I am sure you can tell by now I have an appreciation for architecture which strives to cohabitate with the existing and built environment. With the recent destruction of environment and habitats which has led to hundreds of species going extinct or becoming scarce in the wild, humans have made it clear that they are seeking to conquer the environment. This is a sad tale which does not lead to salvation. Often, humans overcomplicate the way that we should exist within this world. Architecture is an art which leads to a better tomorrow. Architecture is a saving grace if put into the right hands. This piece shows what good hands can do. The structure is simple and sturdy. Yet, the structure is designed to blend into the naturally occurring stone of the region. In my humble opinion, the house looks like a strong mountain guarding all that lives within and around it. I can see birds nestled on top of the building while the residents quitly sleep. This is tranquil and clean. The way the environment should be.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Dezeen Blog 11: The Alien
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Continuing with my theme of how the built environment can be integrated into the existing environment I am examining this house in the Italian countryside.
This house is a beautiful rendition of innovation and spectacle. It is a fully rotating monster which is created to provide the most amazing views. But, this house is a monster. The lifted design as well as rotating function can only be akin to that of a UFO. This house continues that theme because it is an alien inside this beautiful space of nature and truly destroys the tranquil and balanced nature of the environment. It is a monster which spews concrete and cogs while it covers up with a fancy spin. This house is an ugly ballerina who should never have been invited to the stage. Similar spinning towers have a place in Seattle where the city has been built to accommodate humans, but this space was safe from that horror. The space had the potential for a built environment which seeks to work with the existing instead of taking it over. This building is an example of the imperialistic nature of humanity. An insatiable thirst to take over the landscape has been fed with this piece of architecture. This theme needs to stop. This building takes but gives nothing back the environment which so pleasantly lent a hand to the architect.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Dezeen Blog 10: A Courtyard to Remember
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This is a picture of house located in Hawaii. This house was created with inspiration from traditional hut living, but has a twist. The house is built around a focal interior courtyard. This works fondly with the environmental factors of Hawaii. The sunny climate will shine through the house creating a vibrant, natural light which will create a warm feeling in every room. The house also has four distinct types of life being: living area, main bedroom, guest area, and garage. This is a representation of the way the different islands of Hawaii each have their own distinct culture and identity, but come together to form one of the most desirable destinations in the Pacific Ocean. This house is a perfect example of how architects and contractors can integrate the existing environment into the environment that is being built.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Dezeen Blog 9: Period Wall
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This wall seems normal at first sight, but it is unique because it is designed to be a public facility. The wall is designed to allow women to relieve menstrual cramps when they are out in public using this slightly curved, warm wall. It would be located in public restroom stalls. 
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This wall is also a tool for spreading awareness for women’s needs. It worked in that sense because it started a conversation with my female friends. I thought the wall was odd, so I asked six female friends what they thought of the wall as well. While the idea raised awareness, the wall failed to create any excitement for public menstrual comfort. Five of the six females said they would not use the wall. Most of the females agreed that warmth can ease the pain of “that time of the month,” but they said they would not use this wall. This is because the idea does not fit into the architecture of a public bathroom. Public bathrooms are not designed for comfort. A public restroom is designed for quick, efficient handling of business. Public restrooms are designed with minimal coverage walls and have people going to the bathroom in the near vicinity to each other. Public restrooms are just simply not comfortable and this product is designed to add comfort where it is not fitting.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Dezeen Blog 8: Integration
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This house has a characteristic roof which is the key architectural feature. This roof is designed to follow the mountain range and draws from the environment to add to it. It truly is an optimization of the built environment in which the man-made structure integrates flawlessly with the surroundings. The wooden features and the stone tile roof fit within the mountain range. I would like if residential builders sought to make structures which flow with the environment. This rustic take on Chinese architecture also has cultural awareness or the country it is built in. The reclaimed windows show the appreciation for age and experience which is emphasized in Chinese relations and conversation. This piece truly seeks to stand out by being a part of the larger significance of the people which will be using the structure and the region it is placed in.
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nlockyea-arch117 · 6 years
Blog 5: A Door Handle (late)
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To a place I know
A familiar sight here
From a time long ago
This window is the same as any other airplane window but, this window means something to Me. This window brings me back to my grand-mothers house. A great pilgrimage, by plane, is taken each year to a place all to familiar. The cold ocean waves hitting the rocky shores. The expanse of bridges and highways. The quiet town which is the end destination. The same driveway which is always there without fail. And then, that same window.
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