nlt · 1 year
Hello? Is anyone there? I forgot this page existed. This used to be www.nltskates.co.uk way back when. It’s actually just a Tumblr page. 
I pretty much stopped skating for a few years after the last post on this page. I had my first full time job and was more interested in other various social things at that stage of my life. 
Little did I know that around 2015 I’d get back into skating religiously and never again would I have an extended hiatus. Anything skate related I’ve done since 2014/15 is under the guise of ‘Fuck Mountain’- the natural successor to NLT.
Above is a link to our YouTube page where you’ll find 200 videos at the time of writing. Expect 200 more over the coming years.
I’d like to think this news reaches one new set of ears who though NLT was finished forever. You’re in for a treat- some of those 200 videos are well funny.
Instagram: @fmountain666 
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nlt · 11 years
Kieren's final appearance in an NLT video...
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nlt · 11 years
After ten long years it's finally time to put NLT to bed. To be fair I stopped making videos about 3 years ago but I thought it would sound more dramatic to have a 'ten year' send off.  Although I won't be making any more videos with NLT, I am in the process of putting together every single scrap of footage I ever compiled over the last ten years for an ultimate NLT box set, so watch out for that hopefully sometime later this year. Most people reading this have filmed something with us at some point so you should be in there somewhere.  Thanks to anyone who ever came to one of our premieres at boardroom, (and thanks to Dave King for hosting them), and thanks for everyone who bought a DVD afterwards even though all our videos are on Youtube. I think I sold 150 copies of Dead Nuns in 2008. Madness. Ben went all out on that one- flip front board down Moorgate, so stoked. -Phil  (on behalf of) Kieren, Callum, Talman, Basi, J-Mac, Jake, Burny, Ben, Mike, Matt, Baker & Wilko.
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nlt · 12 years
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nlt · 12 years
Slave to the Crave is finally here! Filmed in London & Leicester over the last few years (slow progress for a 3 minute video, I know) STTC features skateboarding from the talented feet of Tom Basi, Sam Taylor, Jonny McManus, James Wilkinson and a whole load of other awesome people. 
And now it's time for NLT to go into it's traditional Winter hibernation. I'll see you all next year!
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nlt · 12 years
In celebration of the London 2012 Olympic Games we decided to hold an Olympic Games of our own. At Syston. Using skateboards. 
Marvel at the speed of Wilko's 5m Crab Walk, be amazed at the strength of my Skateboard Shotput throw, and experience the awe-inspiring moment of Kieren's Skateboard Long Jump. 
Inspire a generation my arse.
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nlt · 12 years
Just another Saturday at Syston with a  classic THPS2 inspired soundtrack...
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nlt · 12 years
Proper olympic opening ceremony style...
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nlt · 12 years
We caught up with Baghead down Syston park. 
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nlt · 12 years
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I'm currently back in Leicester getting some skating/wrestling done. 
Wilko- Crook
Callum- Nosestall Revert
J-Mac- Boneless
Kieren- Elbow Drop
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nlt · 12 years
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Favourite the 'Classic Basi' video on YouTube, get recommended to watch 'Skateboarding for Beginners' hahahaha. Harsh.
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nlt · 12 years
The previously unreleased outro to NLT's first full length video 'Now That's BAAAAAAD!!!' (2006)
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nlt · 12 years
The boy wonder has two mates. Mutty and Dogboy. Dogboy is the tall one with a stud in his left ear. Mutty is the red one with red trainers. Other than that I know nothing about them. Neither of them looks like a cricketer. The boy wonder is better at skateboarding than his mates and he takes it seriously.
Sandy Balfour on Kieren & friends in ‘What I Love About Cricket’ (2009)
I remember this- Mr. Balfour arrived at Parliament Square with a camera to film Kieren. At the time I thought he must've just been bored but after reading the book it turns out it was a bonding exercise. I suppose I can claim to be Mutty or Dogboy. Clark was there too, so I'll say he can be Dogboy haha. In this chapter Kieren breaks his ankle- not strictly true. He broke it a few weeks after at South Bank. I never did see the footage Mr. Balfour got that day. 
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nlt · 12 years
Perhaps you would go straight to the clip of 'best bails' and chuckle as he lands, time after time, on his scrawny backside, a sheepish grin on his face and another rip or two in his dirty, hanging crotch, beltless, jailhouse jeans. Perhaps, like me, you would be impressed, for it turns out he is quite good at skateboarding... He is the star of the group. I have been on YouTube and I have watched him performing his tricks (and failing to perform them) and I have marvelled. He does things that do not a first or even second glance look possible.
Sandy Balfour on Kieren in 'What I Love About Cricket' (2009)
I wonder to which tricks Mr. Balfour is referring to. Perhaps the 2nd half of Kieren's NTB section, or the early stages of his Cloud part. Either way, he isn't the first to laugh at some of Kieren's fantastic bails in the NTB Bail section.
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nlt · 12 years
He has a name, but I won't trouble you with it. You would only look him up on YouTube and what good what that do? It wouldn't tell you anything. You would see him cutting up Parliament Square on his skateboard of performing a five-oh on the South Bank to the consternation of tourists and the delight of his equally floppy-haired, bedraggled-jeans, pimple-faced inarticulate mates.
Sandy Balfour on Kieren in 'What I Love About Cricket' (2009)
Credit to Mr. Balfour- Parliament square was a favourite of ours around that time, and Kieren did perform and film a 5-0 at South Bank. It seems a bit uncalled for to call us pimple-faced inarticulate mates though. 
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nlt · 12 years
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NLT August 2006
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nlt · 12 years
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After about 3 years missing in action, all I seem to be updating the website with is Kieren-related skateboarding goodness.
Kieren English, FS Smith. Photo by Katie Smith.
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