you were meant to see this post. this post showed up on your screen for a reason. you are loved. whatever issue you may be going through right now, whether it be school or family or love, it will pass. it will pass, and you will be okay in the end. you will survive this.
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“I am not an easy person to love. Some days I will whisper how beautiful you are while planting gentle kisses all over your body. You will giggle and try to fight me off and in that moment my heart will have never felt so light. But other days when my mind is a storm cloud threatening to explode, I will be a bundle of emotions that I cannot quite keep contained. I will be cold, distant, and you will look at me like I am not the same person you fell in love with. I am a broken light switch. My moods flicker without anyone flipping me on and off. I wake up each morning and wonder which me you will encounter that day. I always hope it is the one who makes you want to stick around. I am not easy to love. But what I need you to understand is that whether there is a war waging inside of my mind or I am the kind person that you adore, I will always love you. I will love you in the morning. I will love you when you cry. I will love you when I am angry. I will love you when you’re being stubborn. I will love you when I don’t even love myself. I will love you. I know that there will be days when you want to give up on me but I am asking you, please don’t. You see, you are the only one who has been able to settle the storm inside of me before I even realize it is surfacing. I am not easy to love but I promise that I will always put up a fight. And I will love you no matter which me my light switch flips on that day.”
— @chickkyyychickk
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I just want someone who won’t get annoyed when I text them six times or in all caps. Someone I can go on long drives with and can sing along to the radio with. Someone I can eat pizza with at 2am and kiss at 6pm. Someone who chooses me every day and never thinks twice about it.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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You hold it in, whatever it is, until you can make it through the worst part. Then, once you are safe, you can cry all the tears you couldn’t waste time crying before.
Margaret Atwood, from “The Testaments,” released c. September 2019 (via violentwavesofemotion)
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Instagram: @glitterpeony
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