no-omo-bro ¡ 1 month
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no-omo-bro ¡ 1 month
Day 1 - In A Car [ao3]
Ivy rocked on her heel folded under her.
“I’m going to piss myself,” she said, a slight whine bleeding into her otherwise joking tone.
Nora didn’t respond. Ivy had been complaining on-and-off for the past hour, with increasing frequency, and had started shortly after a stop that had a bathroom.
“I seriously don’t think I’ve ever had to pee this bad in my life,” Ivy continued. “It’s starting to hurt.”
“You could’ve gone at the gas station,” Nora said.
Ivy didn’t appreciate the condescending scolding. She felt like a water balloon that was still attached to the hose, bulging more and more with every second, with only a matter of time before it went pop. Her only outlet was to fidget, simultaneously squeezing her thighs together and rocking back and forth onto her foot so it pressed up against her pussy. In combination with the seam of her jean shorts digging up against her—working its way into a wedgie—her urethra had plenty of pressure to help it stay closed. That was only going to work for so long, though.
“You didn’t see the bathrooms,” Ivy argued. They’d been disgusting—shit on the back of the seat, a truly foul smelling liquid seeping along the corners of the floor, and flies everywhere. Not to mention how every surface was covered in stains and dried flecks of who-knows-what. If it had been cleaned in the past month Ivy would eat one of her socks.
She’d had to pee, decently bad, when they had stopped there. But under no circumstances would Ivy use that bathroom. Except for maybe (just maybe) right now.
She thought she’d be able to hold it. They were only a few hours out from their destination and she could always get Nora to stop at a rest stop or a gas station if it really got bad. Ivy, however, hadn’t realized that they were about to exit fucking civilization. There had been nothing for the past fifty miles other than cattle and the occasional cornfield!
“If you weren’t chugging those iced teas-”
“I’ve stopped!”
Ivy might’ve also forgotten to factor in how much liquid had still been moving its way through her system, too. It was a habit for her to sip at sugary drinks when she was bored.
A wave of desperation so strong that Ivy dug her nails into her thighs swept through her.
“Ohhh my god,” she moaned. “I can’t do this. Jesus fucking Christ.”
There was so much pee inside her right now her bladder was visibly pushing up against her skin, firm and tight and aching between her hips. She had given up on the seatbelt, and the button of her shorts, well over fifteen minutes ago. Ivy kind of wanted to cry.
Nora softened. “You going to be alright, babe?”
“I don’t know. Yes, probably. Maybe.”
“I can always pull over,” she offered. “You’d have to piss on the side of the road, though.”
Ivy shook her head adamantly. “No, there’s way too much traffic.”
They fell into silence for a few minutes, aside from the staticy music of one of the few radio station’s Nora’s truck was picking up and the occasional curse from Ivy.
“Are you enjoying it, at least? At least a little?” Nora asked, breaking the quiet.
“What?” Ivy practically panted. Her breathing was rough as she tried to huff and puff her way through the worst of the desperation.
“Just.” Nora seemed a bit embarrassed, keeping her eyes completely glued to the road. “You’re…y’know. Piss thing.”
“It’s not a piss thing,” Ivy hissed, mortified. Even though it was, at least partially, a piss thing.
It wasn’t her fault that having a full bladder turned her on. From what Ivy understood, it was just simple biology! The fuller that most women’s bladder’s get, the more it puts pressure on all the internal pleasure hotspots. A little like cockwarming a moderately small toy, just without any form of firmness that a foreign object would feel like. It felt good in a slow building, passive sort of way.
Getting off with all that weight in her lower belly also felt good. A little bit of extra flare to a still otherwise damn good orgasm. 
But she wouldn’t say she was into piss. The idea of the smell and the mess alone was enough to turn her off to it. Holding it on occasion until it was just starting to edge into too much was plenty enough for her.
Although, she had to admit, she wasn’t exactly turned off to it right now.
Each tight squeeze of her thighs stimulated her a little bit. Every rock back pressed the bone of her heel into the squelching slickness of her pussy, which was absolutely soaking her panties despite knowing damn well that she hadn’t leaked a single drop of pee yet. And with all that movement, the seam of her shorts was pulled tight against her unmistakably hard clit.
“Well, are you?” Nora asked.
“I-” Ivy stopped herself. Her face was burning. “Yeah, maybe. So what, I still have to pee more than I have to—or whatever, want to—get off.”
Nora stole a side glance at Ivy. Something dark, heedy, interested came over her expression as she drank in how Ivy looked.
Ivy sacrificed one of her hands clawing into her thigh as a grounding method to cover her face. This was embarrassing enough as it was without having to talk about her kinks. Even if Nora seemed to be getting into it.
“Oh my god, ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” Ivy chanted, forgetting her embarrassment entirely. The wave of desperation felt incredibly, suddenly like a physical wave. She could feel it surging against the sphincter muscles of her urethra. 
She wiggled her hips side to side to try and fight through it. The movement caused her shorts, already so tight against her cunt, to shift. Her clit was trapped between the seam and her pubic bone, but couldn’t stay in place with this new movement. The seam fucking stroked her aching clit, slipping to the side before grinding right back over it with the next sway of her hips.
“Hu-uhn,” Ivy couldn’t help but moan. “Uh, uh, uh!”
“Fuck,” Nora cursed, breathless.
Ivy couldn’t process the difference between her desperation for relief and her sudden, surging need to cum. Everything was much too much and not enough at the same time. 
“Fuckfuckfuck. Jesus Christ. Uhaha.” Ivy sobbed a couple times. It was part laugh and part horniness and part overwhelmed. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It felt like an out-of-body event while also being the most physically animal experience she had ever had.
“God. You feeling good, baby?” Nora asked. 
“Y-y-yes!” Ivy wailed. “It’s- fuck, it’s so good. I’m so wet. Shit, I’m so- I’ve gotta piss so bad.”
Nora took her right hand off the wheel to grab Ivy’s leg. Her other hand held onto the wheel so tight her knuckles were turning white. There was something wild about her. Something that, if she didn’t have to focus so much of her attention on the road, might’ve swept her up in the same way Ivy’s desperation was.
“You gonna play with yourself, baby?” Nora asked. “Gonna play with your clit while you piss yourself?”
“Don’t- don’t wanna piss myself,” Ivy whined. Nevertheless, she did as Nora suggested and grabbed tight between her legs. Her shorts were too tight and were getting in the way of actually being able to touch herself effectively, but the pressure helped reel in her bladder’s demands a little bit.
“Ives, baby, there’s no bathrooms for miles yet.”
A reedy noise broke in Ivy’s throat.
“I know, I know,” Nora said, hand squeezing at Ivy’s thigh. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“This is so fucking embarassing,” Ivy managed, laughing incredulously. “I’m seriously gonna wet myself. Fuck.”
“I don’t care. Fuck, baby, looking like that…I’d let you ruin anything.”
“Hm?” Ivy hummed. Her whole cunt was pulsing, vagina and pussy lips and clit. She was so wet she wouldn’t even be surprised if a spot was showing up on her shorts, soaked straight through her panties. Her body was building up to something—so high up she was almost afraid of it—unsure if it would be the dams breaking involuntarily or an orgasm so intense it would be the best she’d ever had.
“You look so fucking good, Ives,” Nora rasped. “I could eat you alive.”
“I…” Ivy wavered. She didn’t know what she wanted to say. 
“It’s okay,” Nora said. “It’s gonna happen either way, isn’t it? Unless you changed your mind about the side of the road?”
They were on a two-laned highway, a couple of cars in either direction always in sight. Stopping would mean even more cars, as the ones behind them passed them by. 
“No, absolutely not. It’d end up on the- on the fucking Internet or something.”
Nora massaged her thumb against Ivy’s skin. “Then I’m sorry, baby, but you’re gonna have to piss yourself.”
“’S bullshit,” Ivy mumbled. Tears were pricking up in her eyes. The side-to-side wiggling was simultaneously not doing enough to help her hold it and doing a frustratingly inconsistent too-much-not-enough to get her off. She resorted back to rocking, with no sign of pausing the mounting something that was steadily creeping up on her.
“We’ve got a ton of clothes in the back,” Nora soothed. “And towels, and baby wipes, and our rental is pretty far from any neighbors so nobody’ll see you walking in your wet clothes. And it won’t take too much to clean the truck, and I don’t mind cleaning it up, okay?”
“It’s not a big deal,” Nora insisted, a bit of firmness edging in. “Understand?”
Ivy nodded tightly. She did understand, even if she could barely think. 
“Now, since it’s gonna happen anyways, you want to make yourself feel good?”
“Already am,” Ivy said. “Might, fuck, I don’t know. Might cum.”
“Just like that?”
“May- uhn- maybe.”
“Fuck.” She sounded reverent. “You wanna touch yourself, baby? Wanna stick your fingers down your shorts?”
Ivy nodded, frantic. She was so close, to coming, to pissing, to doing both. She just couldn’t quite get there.
Her fingers felt fucking heavenly. Her pussy was a mess of sticky slick, audibly squishing as she pushed her hand beneath the waistband of her panties and into the lips of her pussy. Just brushing against her clit was enough to cause her to shout out, trembling at the sudden stimulation of sensitive nerves.
“Just like that, baby. Fuck, look at you. It feels good?”
“Yes! Fuck, ohmygod. Hnnnuh.”
Ivy’s fingers were clumsy, sitting up and trapped in her shorts and obstructed by the clamping of her thighs. But God, it didn’t even matter. She grinded her cunt on her heel and the drag of the cotton and denim against her pussy made everything all the better and her fingers fumbling over her clit was dragging her up up up.
“Keep playing with your clit, baby. Just like that, yeah. Just how you like it.”
“Gonna- fuck!”
“You gonna cum, Ives?”
“Wanna,” Ivy cried. “So- fuck, please, please. Wanna…I’m so…”
“Or are you gonna piss?”
“Fuck!” Ivy wailed. Her pleasure crested, sharp and violent and hard enough that her whole body shook. She threw her head back into the seat, practically seizing. She barely recognized the sounds she was making as something coming from her mouth, unfamiliar from any other she’d made before.
“Oh my god,” Nora was saying, somewhere in the distance. “Fuck, baby. Fuck.”
Ivy was still shaking, still somewhere high up. 
“Need’ta piss,” she slurred. “Need’ta…uhn, I need’ta…”
Nora said something. Ivy registered only that it was meant to be encouraging.
“Uh, uhn, ohhhhhh fuck. Oh-”
Ivy’s fingers were still against her cunt, and she felt the first hot trickle of piss against them. It wasn’t enough, though, not even registering as relief. The sensation of liquid leaving her bladder, however, passing through her weakening sphincter and soaking into her shorts, bordered into the same amount of pleasure as playing with her clit usually was.
So soon after her orgasm, she felt overstimulated. There was still way too much pressure and it was taking a strenuous amount of concentration to keep even the tiny stream going and everything still felt so fucking good.
“Nnn…Nora,” Ivy sobbed. “I can’t-”
“Relax, Ives, relax. It’s okay, you can do it.”
Nora let go of Ivy’s thigh and instead tucked her hand beneath Ivy’s wrist of the hand still down her shorts to place her palm against her belly. “I’m gonna push down a bit, okay? Just relax.”
Ivy hiccuped, but nodded. She was still managing a thin stream of piss, seeping into the seat of her shorts and just barely beginning to form a puddle under her butt, but her bladder was screaming at her.
Nora pushed down and Ivy squirmed violently. The pressure was so much more but it wasn’t doing anything but hurting. She had to piss so bad and she couldn’t and inexplicably she felt like she could cum again just like this but not quite. And then her urethra gave way.
“Ohmy god,” Ivy choked. The piss flooded out of her.
It didn’t even feel like she was sitting in the passenger seat of her girlfriend’s car, her entire bottom was so suddenly drenched. She might as well have been sitting in the tub in a few inches of bathwater. Hot, very slightly piss-scented, bathwater.
It was euphoric. She might’ve been cumming again, for all the pleasure searing through her as her release hissed through her panties and pooled on the fabric seat faster than it could soak it up. She genuinely couldn’t tell.
The stream was hot and steady against her fingers as it sprayed out of her. Absently, she petted along her inner labia. 
“Shit,” Nora said, like she was in awe. “Shit.”
The stream started to peter out, in fits and bursts. Just when Ivy thought it was over another gush would start up, each one a little weaker than the last.
There was a dull drip, drip, drip as the puddle on the seat dripped onto the floorboards.
Nora’s eyes darted between the road and Ivy, with a desperate sort of want. “Oh my god, Ives. That was…”
“I think I’m still going,” Ivy said. She felt a little fuzzy around the edges, numb in the very tips of her fingers and toes and slightly cross eyed. Fucked out.
“Fuck,” Nora whispered, enthralled.
 The final dredges of her bladder’s contents were still dribbling out of her, like her urethra couldn’t quite figure out how to close back up. Ivy tried to force it a bit, by clenching up, but all that caused was a violent shiver to rush up her spine and a soft little gasp.
Finally, finally, Ivy felt herself stop peeing.
“Mmmm,” she hummed, satisfied and spent and high on sex. 
“You okay?” Nora asked. Her hand was back to Ivy’s thigh, mindless of the piss starting to cool on her skin.
“Yeah,” Ivy sighed, sleepy and pliant. “M’great. Maybe, uh, in a bit you could get a towel outta the back?”
“Yeah,” Nora agreed. “’Course, baby.”
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no-omo-bro ¡ 1 month
so what if i want to put someone over my knee and press my legs into their stomach to make them piss themselves after they say they really need to use the bathroom. it doesnt matter
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no-omo-bro ¡ 1 month
Lord the men you put on this earth to piss themselves and jerk off 12 times a day are being forced to work manual labor jobs 😭
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no-omo-bro ¡ 1 month
Libido completely through the roof lately. Unsure of why but considering I have more or less zero chance of having sex until July, and have already jerked off three times today, I am not thriving about it.
Want to eat sushi off of lover's skin, want to pull someone around by the collar, want a proper cock I can fuck people with, want to 69 with my hands on her ass and my face in her cunt, want to bite and be bitten until I'm sore, want.
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no-omo-bro ¡ 2 months
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Merlin and Arthur have a chat
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no-omo-bro ¡ 2 months
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no-omo-bro ¡ 2 months
You couldn’t watersport that out of me
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no-omo-bro ¡ 2 months
babe ive had a hard day can you piss yourself please
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no-omo-bro ¡ 2 months
I'm embarrassed about this but it was also really hot so I'm going to write it here (cw drug use) So guess who went and had a Very Bad Trip (it was me). (That's just background, not that sexy.) But I was with my friend/lover who is way more used to doing this sort of thing than I am, and who had given me a really high dose on purpose/was expecting me to be fucked up a bit, and I begged her for something that would knock me out so I could sleep through it.
She gave me about three times more sedating meds than I've ever had before. They still didn't put me to sleep, but that plus the heroic dose of hallucinogens meant that I physically could not move.
At all.
It took a while for me to notice what with everything else that was going on in my head, but I had to pee really badly and was functionally glued to her mattress. Eventually I managed to convey this to her, and she tried to get me to get up and go to the bathroom but I physically could not get my muscles to hold me up. Ordinarily at this point I'd start to get embarrassed and panic, but I had panicked so much already that I didn't, and she just shrugged it off and said "okay, you're going to have to pee on a bunch of towels then."
"But that's rude," I said, somewhat stupidly.
"I literally could not care less," she said, "I think it's kind of funny."
I made some form of affirmative noise, tried to sit up, failed, so she wrapped my hips up with a bunch of towels. I was genuinely wondering if I'd be able to go in someone else's bed in front of them, while still tripping and heavily sedated, but I underestimated the fact that I'd apparently had to pee for the whole afternoon and just hadn't noticed, and I was actually dying to not be holding it anymore.
So I just said "oh" quietly and curled up and let go, and peed for what felt like two minutes straight.
"Maybe we should have put plastic under you," she said.
"Mm. Too late," I said, and wondered if I should try to pretend it wasn't a huge turn-on to actually have reason to say that. Decided not to. "If I was sober I'd be so so so turned on."
"Are you turned on anyway?"
"Mayyyyybe." I finished peeing, tried to look at the towels. There was a tiny wet spot on the sheet but it was small enough to blot dry, and the towels had caught the rest. "I am so sorry."
"I really really do not care."
the towels went in the wash. I couldn't move enough to get off about it, but did in the morning and got her off twice (out of appreciation and also because it's fun.)
(Best way to get over a bad trip is to masturbate about it.)
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no-omo-bro ¡ 2 months
god i love masturbation. horny? just masturbate! bored? masturbate! sleepy? masturbate! anxious or stressed? masturbate baby!!! it really solves all my problems
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no-omo-bro ¡ 3 months
imagining hanging out with a girl who desperately needs to pee but we’re outside so she just has to pull off her panties and lift up her skirt and squat right in front of me since there’s no bathrooms and when I ask her if it feels good all she can do is moan and nod while the puddle below her gets bigger and bigger
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no-omo-bro ¡ 3 months
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no-omo-bro ¡ 4 months
turning off the ai learning on your kink blog so you don't teach the computers to have a piss kink
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no-omo-bro ¡ 5 months
okay revisiting the pee glory hole idea with an imagined scenario...
imagine you're out at the club. you've been having drinks... and you knew this place was kink friendly. you knew this option would be here. you've been potty dancing a little already, and several people have noticed it.
the waves of desperation are getting stronger... you just leaked! oh no, oh no... gotta pee!
with your hands between your legs, you quickly hobble off, towards the back wall. there's a bathroom there... but there's also another pair of doors. one is for the other side of the stalls, but you know which one you need.
you go in, noting that several stalls are already occupied. you can hear the quiet sound of someone peeing, and some faint moaning here and there, but you try to ignore it, so it won't make you wet yourself.
you already know what you want to do. you go in, and you just go over to the little opening, still clothed. (I'm imagining for penis-havers, the outfit is blue jeans with a fly that can be undone, and for vagina-havers, the outfit is a skirt with panties that can be moved to the side)
you stick your crotch against the hole and whimper out a little plea for help, even as you feel yourself pee a little, soaking a visible wet spot into the fabric, right where the person on the other side can see. they touch the wetness and tease you a little as it glistens and grows a bit... but then they take pity, slowly getting your clothes out of the way.
you start piddling messily through your underwear before they can move it, and they just rub you while you pee... but after a moment, they bare your genitals, and you really start to go.
then you feel your stream meet with more resistance... there's splash back, and the sound of your pee hitting cloth. you're pretty sure you're peeing on them. this is confirmed when some clothed part of them gets near enough to press against your still peeing genitalia, rubbing lightly... they praise you, and the sound tells you that you're probably peeing on some part of their torso.
you were so desperate... you're only just now starting to feel the relief of peeing. you press your crotch into the hole and enjoy the pure relaxation of letting loose, while they play with your stream in ways you can't see. you just listen to the sound change, feel the pressure of your pee hitting differently sometimes, and occasionally feel them touching you.
as your stream starts to slow down, they put your underwear back in place, causing you to wet yourself at the end. you don't even care... you had already sort of wet yourself at the beginning, and peeing in your underwear feels kinda good right now. you keep wetting as they touch you some more... and then you're finally empty.
when you pull yourself away, you check and see that you've really soaked yourself. it feels embarrassing, but this club is accepting. you put yourself together, and head back out... not caring who sees how much you peed yourself.
as you exit, a very hot, very obviously wet person comes out of the other door. you weren't the only one in the stalls just now, so you don't really know if they're soaked in your pee... but you kind of hope they are.
Ooooooooh, what an amazing little scenario!!!! You write so well, I love this!
Thanks for the ask!
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no-omo-bro ¡ 5 months
I'm thinking of the concept of like... glory holes, but for pee.
they'd probably be in clubs, especially ones that are very kink positive... maybe they'd even be their own thing, separate from normal glory holes, so no one would be surprised at what they're getting themselves into. and then the idea is that, when someone needs to go, they can put their dick into the glory hole, start peeing, and whoever's on the other side will decide how to respond to that.
sometimes the person on the other side just wants to be peed on... sometimes they want to touch and fondle the person while they go... sometimes they might even bring something absorbent and hold it up for the person to pee into. but basically you go in and wait for a moment, and suddenly a dick will poke through and start peeing.
I imagine it'd be especially fun if the person was obviously desperate... you hear the door bang, pants frantically rustling, they shove themselves in, and it's obvious that they were almost fully peeing already... and then there's a strong jet of urine. the person on the other side might just go up and let the stream hiss loudly against the crotch of their own pants (they might even wet themselves too) or maybe they kneel a little, and feel it hitting their shirt with force, before it cascades warmly down their front. or they could hold a towel up, trapping the harsh stream so it wells up and gets their member all wet, before it overflows onto the floor.
for vagina havers, there'd probably be more of a narrow angled protrusion out of the wall, with a hole at crotch height (might need to squat a little). so basically, the entire pubic area can nestle in there, and someone can play with the clit/hole while the person is peeing. it might be a little harder to get peed on this way, but not impossible... especially if it's just one person wetting all over the other's crotch. or imagining someone putting their vagina over the hole, and immediately feeling themselves being caressed by some sort of soft cloth material, and just wetting into it right away... knowing that they're totally peeing in someone's hand, and just letting it all go. it'd be really hot.
in either case, sometimes the genitals that poke through are still covered by underwear, and they get fondled while they wet themselves. it'd probably be really cute to hear moaning, or someone saying "uh oh" or "I'm having an accident" from the other side of the wall. and saying back "that's okay" or "you couldn't help it" or something.
idk, lots of ideas can work with this one
Oh, thus is a VERY unique concept! You're right, there's tons to be done with this, but I'm not quite sure how to do it - so I'm gonna put this here and encourage everyone else to chime in with their thoughts on this! Reblog and add things, please!
Thanks for the ask! This is HOT...
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no-omo-bro ¡ 5 months
I can't lie I do love how weed will make me go from "too sad and depressed to even think about sex" to "I bet I could have a spontaneous orgasm if I thought hard enough about it right now"
(I haven't managed yet but I will keep trying. I think being stoned is the key.)
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