noahinspo · 10 years
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noahinspo · 10 years
she's pretty pathetic you can do a lot better
I wouldn't say she is, but we just weren't right for each other. I don't want to tie her down if she wants to be with other people. It wouldn't be right.
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noahinspo · 10 years
you were too good for her anyway
I just don't understand it. It's over with, whatever.
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noahinspo · 10 years
Good luck waking up tomorrow, Demetria.
I’m not the one who is sober
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noahinspo · 10 years
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What did I mean, Maia? Because you obviously know my every thought, right? You know what I'm thinking, don't you. You were the one who brought up wanting to break up, so maybe we should. If it's bad enough to think about it, it's probably what should happen. I'm sorry, Maia. I do love you -- I'm in love with you. But I just can't do this right now. Not any of this.
please stay // luke & maia [private]
I think it’s pretty clear what you meant…if it’s what you want, and it’ll make things better for you. Is it what you want? If it’s what you really want then I guess I’ll get out of your hair.
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I don’t want to hang out with another 6ft dude unless it was you…
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noahinspo · 10 years
I know you are, but what am I?
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noahinspo · 10 years
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No, no you don't get what I'm saying at all. I'm talking about fighting another this whole situation is a waste of time, not you. But if you think that's what you want, them if might just be a break up. Have fun with the six-foot tall guy you were talking about having fun with. There's nothing to stop you from doing it now.
please stay // luke & maia [private]
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I kissed him back, it was impulsive and disgusting of me. And I did push him away, I was the one who told him to stop because it’s not what I wanted. I knew it was wrong, and I pushed him off of me. Yeah…I tend to hurt people a lot. Sorry, forgot to mention it before you agreed to being my boyfriend, it was probably in fine print. So, that’s it I guess…"moving too fast," and "shouldn’t have told you I loved you," sounds pretty much like a break up to me. Right, well why would you want to date a fuck up anyway…I get it. I didn’t really expect you to stay as long as you did because most people don’t. Thanks for sticking around, sorry for wasting your time. 
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noahinspo · 10 years
I don't know, today just doesn't feel like a good day to get plastered, I guess.
What’s wrong with that?
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noahinspo · 10 years
text ✉ luke
Barbara: Aka yourself?
Barbara: Okay, see you in a few.
Luke: Hm, maybe...
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noahinspo · 10 years
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I know you do, but Ashton does, and after today I don't think I want to be here. You told me you pushed him away.. You fucking kissed him back? It's funny how the people you seem to care about the most gets hurt the worst. And it's not just you -- just in general. It's shit. Maybe we just were moving way too fast, I shouldn't have told you I loved you when I first felt it, because I knew it's come back to bite me in the ass. I'm not saying any of this isn't worth it, I'm saying its not worth fighting over. Or talking about, to be honest. It's just wasting our breath saying the same things over again. It's stupid, isn't it?
please stay // luke & maia
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I don’t expect you to be there twenty four seven, I get it. Now that we don’t live in the same room anymore we won’t see each other as often. Luke I wish I didn’t kiss him back and the last person on earth I would want to hurt was you. You know that I care about you and love you but if you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of a screw up. God, I break everything I touch honestly…but I’m so sorry that it happened. I always said I wouldn’t trust a cheater, but now I am one. How ironic. I’d undo it if I could but I can’t, and as many time I apologize it wouldn’t matter because at the end of the day I still hurt you. Right, it’s only been a month and…nevermind. It’s not worth it…or I’m not worth it…? 
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noahinspo · 10 years
text ✉ luke
Barbara: Sounds like he was very, very tall.
Barbara: 908, darling.
Luke: Much like someone else you know fairly well.
Luke: 908, got it. I'll be over in a few minutes.
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noahinspo · 10 years
text ✉ luke
Barbara: No, I'm normal size. You're... whatever a Goliath is.
Barbara: Oh shush. But sure, do you need my room number?
Luke: I don't even know how tall he was, but he was a fucking giraffe in human form.
Luke: That'd be nice, yes.
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noahinspo · 10 years
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Obviously not enough to want to go behind my back. I want to talk to you, too. But I'm sorry I can't be there with you all the time. It's just not real life. Well, you pretty much had the chance to a few hours ago to hook up with Ashton. No, I don't, but right now I can't believe it. Granted, we've only being dating a month, but I'm in love with you and I'm sorry this hurt me. Of course I feel the same -- I'm just not in the mood to deal with this bullshit tonight. It's not worth getting worked up over.
please stay // luke & maia
What are you saying? You do make me feel wanted. You do, you’re the only freaking person I want to talk to when you’re half way across the world. If I wasn’t in love with you, I wouldn’t be here right now. I’d be hooking up with some 6’1 sleaze who offers to buy me a drink and a ride home. If I wasn’t in love with you, I wouldn’t have told him to stop. If I wasn’t in love with you I wouldn’t have pushed him off, but I did. Y-you honestly think…that I’m the kind of girl who just throws those words around? Like they don’t mean shit? Luke! I didn’t tell you that I loved you to hear them back, I said it because I mean it and I needed you to know. But i’m not so sure you feel the same. I know they do, I know. 
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noahinspo · 10 years
text ✉ luke
Barbara: Oh funny, ha ha. I'm not short, 5'9 isn't short. You're just a giant.
Barbara: Do you understand how much walking that is? Just to find out your height? Just tell me over text, please?
Luke: But being 5'9 isn't being a giant. I'm like the next generation Goliath.
Luke: You're so lazy, fuck. No, that'd be too easy.
Luke: But..can I actually come over?
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noahinspo · 10 years
That'd be nice, but if I did, I'd probably over do it.
Sooo who wants to go grab a drink?
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noahinspo · 10 years
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He must've made you feel wanted for once. I'm so fucking sorry i couldn't do that for you, Maia. He does, it's pretty fucking obvious. If you were in love with me you wouldn't kiss my band mate and someone I thought of as a friend. But I guess my judgement's pretty much shit, right? Don't throw around saying that you're in love with me like it's in some sort of script, Maia. I don't hate you, I just don't understand you sometimes. You're right, they fucking do.
please stay // luke & maia
I can’t explain the kissing, and I can’t undo what I did but if he likes me I’m not going to like him back. I don’t like him back. At all, what so ever because i’m in love…with you. But actions speak louder than words and you probably hate my fucking guts… 
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noahinspo · 10 years
text ✉ luke
Barbara: Everyone on instagram is going to think you're a giant too.
Barbara: It's not my paper I'll be wasting, it's the hotel. But c'mon, you've got to be at least in the 6 feet area... so just tell me!
Luke: I wouldn't mind that, to be honest. Being tall's pretty cool. You should try it sometime.
Luke: Touché. Who knows. You'll have to come over if you really want to find out.
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