nobleassassin · 8 years
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Oliver & text post memes
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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silence reigned whilst he allowed her time to think over the proposition.   “ as you wish.  “   relieved she had agreed for now, he resolved to find a place for her that would be safe upon her return. with that, a knock sounded.  elijah crossed the room to grant the nurse entry.  “ i’ll leave you to it. if you need anything i’ll be right through there. “   a nod toward the bathroom.  a shower and fresh suit was in order.
Hayley didn’t answer immediately. She looked over at her shoulder and saw the blood had dried. It would sting again when the nurse finally came in to clean it. “I can’t stay up there unless everyone gets to go. I’ll go, but until the gates are open I’m coming back,” she said.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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she wasn’t storming out or shouting---he had a chance. a chance to convince her it was the safest bet.   “  what happened today will keep on happening.  it isn’t safe for you here... not anywhere.  and i cannot lose you... if you’ll not do this for yourself please----do this for me. “ 
Hayley turned around when she heard him shut the door, and immediately scoffed at his words. “To the surface, like part of the elite I’m trying to fight against?” she asked. She crossed her arms, and shut her eyes for a moment. “Fine. Continue,” she said, and she sat down on the edge of his bed to listen to him while they waited for a nurse.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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as he’d expected, the reception was not too welcoming.   still----it remained the safest place for them both.  for now.   he wished to be in and out before long.  after requesting a medic he led hayley towards a particular room.   once they were within elijah’s quarters he closed the door behind them, locking it securely.   “  listen... hayley.  whilst i’d much rather have you here than out there, as you must have felt it’s still far from ideal for us.  i wish to take you to the surface.  please hear me out before dismissing it entirely. “
Hayley stared at ever bit of what she saw. “If I’d uncovered this…” she said with an awestruck sigh. Everything on the arc seemed to go deeper than she’d ever imagined. Inside they were lead through corridors and up staircases. They passed people, many Hayley recognized as part of the government, and the others must be their families. None of them gave her a pleasant look. They headed into a small room, and the entire time she didn’t let go of his hand.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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“  in any case it needs to be cleaned.  “    speaking of -- elijah’s chin was stained crimson.    coppery residue caused every swallow to taste of the wolf’s blood.  he’d do well with a hot shower once they were safe.   the car was soon rolling to a stop within a remote parking lot in what was the industrial area of the arc.  what was seemingly a warehouse, was in actual fact a government owned fortress.  as they exited, elijah led them to an entrance not quite obvious to just anyone----an area of wall that actually functioned as a way inside.   he knocked thrice, before a holographic scanner appeared.  elijah scanned his pupil, and the wall gave way to the inside, sliding up and allowing them to pass through. the driver followed - driving the vehicle inside. 
Hayley smiled slightly. He wasn’t angry with her anymore, in fact maybe he hadn’t even been, where she had been so angry. “I’m sure it’s fine,” she said. “It doesn’t even hurt that badly,” she said. It stung a little, but nothing like what they had been through.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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“ unavoidable,“  he mused quietly.  they’d kept what they disagreed about locked away--absent from their time together.   they no longer had that option.   but still, despite it all, elijah found he could hardly give a damn.   what she believed was hers to believe.  he didn’t love her any less, in fact it made no difference.   rendered speechless at her words, he merely nodded.   it hardly mattered.  it was done, and she wanted her space.  “  we’re almost there.  i’ll have a medic take a look at your wound. “ 
“Well now work’s in the streets,” Hayley replied. She looked at him, and seeing his profile she felt those familiar feelings stir. She did still love him, despite his act of uncaring towards the populous. His understanding of the masses was only a misplaced understanding of himself. “I’m sorry I ran out on you, and ignored your calls, and wasn’t happy to see you. I didn’t think about how that would make you feel.”
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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a sigh expelled from his nostrils.  “ we left work at work.   surprising seeing as you were with me to begin with only because i do what i do. “    he’d believed it to be real----to be something other than what her boss had called her asking her to do.   until she’d dropped him like they’d been nothing.     he may have said as much but without wanting to be cruel he kept his mouth shut.    she seemed to be trying...  
Hayley cast her eyes towards him. “How the hell did we even get this far?” she asked, and shook her head. They were on completely opposite sides of the political spectrum. “If I could make it that far I’d open the hatch myself.”
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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“ you’re forgetting i don’t believe the gates should be opened, hayley.  & it happens to be my job to have all the answers. “   he knew exactly what would happen----the president would not even have to authorize it.  if the secretary of state pulled what she spoke of?   hell--he’d order the hit himself.   it wouldn’t be the first he’d ordered that week.
“You don’t know that,” Hayley said. “You think you have all he answers, but you don’t. You only know what has always been, so you’re just guessing,” she argued. She was surprised they were actually having a civil conversation about it. She hadn’t expected that to happen, and yet here they were.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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something of a smile formed.    “  naive. “   eyes turned to the world around them.  the arc---disorder having spread throughout he wondered if calm would ever be reinstated.   “ i wouldn’t live to see the tide change. “  no.  someone would come for him, and they’d put a bullet between his eyes. 
“Don’t I know it,” Hayley said. She had discovered exactly what that was like over the past couple of days. “You know you wouldn’t be on that shit list if you’d just let them out. Open the gates, and you’d be a hero.”
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nobleassassin · 8 years
I love you. I worry about you. I wonder whether I tell you enough how I love you and want you and need you and how I am diminished … when you are not with me and how I am multiplied when you are here.
Pat Frank, Alas, Babylon (via thelovejournals)
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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little did she know that was only a brief pit stop.  where they were going, rioters would be left far behind.  he’d fill her in later.  emotions were still running rather high.  he feared she’d bolt yet again.   “ yes well when you’re on the masses’ --for lack of a better word--- shit list you tend to need one. “ 
Hayley climbed into the car, not letting go of his hand until she had to. She grasped it again once they were inside. “You would have a safe house,” she said unable to keep her mouth shut. She found herself wholly unsatisfied with the whole situation, but now that she was net to him again she knew she couldn’t just leave him again.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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A brother for a brother.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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movement did not erupt immediately---a momentary stagnation was caused by the interlocking of their hands.  it had been so long since he’d felt her touch.  pushing the thoughts & indeed feelings to the side, under the rug, he began off with her. around the back of the building was a car, driver at the ready.  not one of his usual taste---discretion had been advised. once inside, elijah instructed the man to return to the government safe house he’d been staying within. 
Her head turned back towards the building they came from. She wasn’t wanted at Murphy’s anyway. Octavia had made that perfectly clear. She turned back towards him. “Okay,” she said, “Okay.” She reached down for his hand and grasped it.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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it needed to be cleaned---wound closed, perhaps.   bandaged.  “ you’ll die on these streets, hayley.     i implore you...come with me.   i know of someone you’ll be safe.   you’ll have your----breathing space. “    as hard as it would be, he’d utterly respect her wishes.   “ please. “ 
Hayley’s breath didn’t slow until finally he was back in human form and was looking over her wounded shoulder. “I’m fine,” she replied. His shirt was partly open from his half shift, and she was staring at his chest. She could hardly look him in the eye from everything that had happened the past few days. “Thank you,” she said.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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teeth stained red with blood----her attacker’s ripped and torn into.    a warning, as he leaned over the man with another sickening roar.   next it would be his throat.   low and behold the man deemed his own life more valuable than ending hayley’s, and he was taking off at a run by the time elijah shifted back.  eyes on hayley he looked over her injuries, hands reaching out for her.  “ hayley. --- are you alright? “  
Hayley scrambled to her feet. A rip at her shoulder was the only mark, and she could feel it grow cool as air hit the wet blood. She watched panting and open mouthed as Elijah ripped into the black wolf who’d attacked her. She couldn’t tear her eyes away.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
the mikaelson burst out of murphy’s building at the sound of a chilling scream.  worry came over him with a sickening wave.      hayley.       “ HAYLEY ?! “    eyes flashed flaxen---hands yanking at his tie.  with the material loosened flesh gave way to a coat of fur, half shifting till his heightened senses took him to the exact location he sought.   the sight before him caused teeth to elongate and a deafening ROAR to fill the air.  with speed & force, he crashed into her attacker.   teeth bore. 
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Hayley didn’t notice, didn’t see the man following her until footsteps changed to the click of nailed paws on the pavement. She turned, whirling around, but it was too late to shift herself. She screamed as large black paws pinned her down, and a canine muzzle sniffed inches from her face. She could feel it drooling on her cheek as she beat at the wolf’s chest with her fists.
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nobleassassin · 8 years
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elijah let out a heavy exhale.   oh, she was STUBBORN.   & foolish.    and yet he loved her far too much to simply walk away-------too much not to see her safe.   even if she ended up hating him for it.    she needed to ‘  b r e a t h e ‘  but there was a chance she may well end up dead.   moments after the door slammed behind her he was off -- in pursuit.   
Hayley scoffed without turning her head. It was safer than she and Elijah tearing each other apart, which she might very well do if they kept on like this. She went right out the door with a slam and into the street. She was barely down the steps and out of the building before someone recognized her, and without her noticing she was being followed.
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