For the RPer: Just wanted to say I think you have a really cool character~! Read the bio and all and he seems fab!
//AhhhThank you ^/W/^
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Back handed compliment it is then.
#keep talking like that and you will get your scritches restricted mister
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“... what make it think Xirr-kis want them anyway?”
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“Light bearers reek of centuries of dead, but swarm stinks from millennia of decay. “ “Take that as it will. “
Xirr-kis agrees with dead thing about rotting swarm. It vile, disgusting and smell worse then Guardianss ::U _____
That moment when you’re not sure if you should be insulted or not. :I
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Amused clicking.“If gray thing say so, must be true~”
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I don’t want to be the one, The battles always choose.
Indie Rp blog for Karrhis, Archon Rising.
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How do nekkid aliens. How do nekkid Eliksni. How do. ______ Eliksni / Fallen / Destiny © Bungie Art & Char © Moi*
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     “I’m only gonna say this once. Get. Out. This territory belongs to the crucible; belongs to me. Now either you leave.. Or it is me that puts your head on that spike.”
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Low rumbling chuckle. “This place was ourss before, light bearer. It only matter of time before it ourss again. “
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Devil Dreg: Sir we are receiving calls from some Kings.
D. Captain: Well what are they saying?
D.Dreg: They are calling us small whelps that still cling to their mother’s back.
K.Captain: *in the Distance* AT LEAST OUR KELL IS STILL ALIVE!!!
D. Captain: ETHER SLUT!
*various Eliksni cries and roars in the area*
Hunter: What do you think they are screaming about?
Warlock: Those are probably mating calls..
Titan: Gross..
Talking Shit
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Low rumbling laughter.
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wat do u mean that the fallen are not this cute in game………
(now colored. a year later)
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Goodie, it worked! Sara wriggled out from under him as soon as the pressure was gone, on her feet and jumping back up to the ledge. Thank the Traveler for the triple jump. Her rocket launcher disappeared about as quickly as it had appeared, becoming small specks of Light as she disappears over the edge. Though, instead of running off, she pauses to peer back over it.“Hey, I said no fighting! Maybe you don’t understand me…I’ll have to get Laine to teach me some of your language, I’d love to stay and chat.” She chuckles and keeps close to the edge, ready to duck back if he decided to keep firing at her.
A low frustrated growl escaped the Captain. Alright this one was really starting to irritate him. First it dropped a gun on his head, then it ran up the ledge like a coward and now it’s sitting up out of reach and mocking him. The pistol in his grasp was turned and deposited back into it’s holster, it’s purpose currently spent. Behind his facial mask, Xirr-kis’ mandibles flexed and tightened, gnashing the sharpened fangs lining the inside together while he thought of what to do next. He couldn’t let this one get away like this, he’d never hear the end of it if he did. A moment later he brought his comm channel online, and hissed a command over the line before turning his attention back to the Guardian sitting above him. “Want to talk light bearer? Fine let’s talk.” A few steps behind the reaver Captain, two devil clad vandals materialized with a crackle of distorted light. They each turned their heads up in the direction their leader pointed them and then took off in a predatory sprint. Once they were parallel to the vertical wall of frozen dirt and rock they reengaged their camouflage, disappearing in another crackle of light just before they came in contact with the cliff.
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Look @ this Vandal’s cute teeth
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Okay, rude. Sara tenses up at the weight, helmet shifting to kind of look back and see the towering being over her. “Heeyyy, can’t we talk this out?” Probably not. Quick, find a way out of this. Uhm, let’s see. Here’s an idea. A hand reaches to her belt, pulling a grenade free and holding it in the Captain’s view. “I have no idea if you can understand me, but I’m sure you know what this little thing is. Let’s just both not die, sound like a plan?” Hopefully with the distraction, she could get up, because telling her Ghost to materialize a rocket launcher just above the Fallen was a great idea. There it goes, falling right on top of his head.
Xirr-kis didn’t have to understand English to know what a grenade was or what the light bearer was implying on doing with it while he had his gun pressed against their skull. In retrospect, he should have known it was not going to be that easy. And in hindsight he probably should have just shot the light bearer instead of hesitating. Sure they both would have likely been blow to pieces, but it would have meant one less Guardian for the Fallen to worry about. ...not to mention it would have saved him the embarrassment of having a rocket launcher dropped on his head in front of his (still hidden) troop. Ouch. Cursing loudly, the Captain staggered back a couple feet and shook his massive head in an attempt to clear the static from his senses. Behind his respirator he could faintly detect the smell of blood in his mouth. Damn. He forgot those little light machines of theirs could do that. Alright fine. If this one wanted a fight, he’d give them one. Giving his head one final shake, the crimson Captain wrapped his claws around the trigger of his shock pistol and fired off a few rounds in the direction he’d last saw the Guardian.
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"Devils like what Viksis says? Interesting... Would handsome Devil Baron like to... Have private meeting with Scars Baron?"
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The Eliksni let out a low contemplative rumble.“Perhapss.” He glowered. “Depends on what Scar Baron hass to say though.“
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[ noblecrimsoncommander ]
Oh, well, that was a Fallen. She may or may not have just fallen (hah) down in front of him after trying to jump a distance that was just a little too far, and lost her footing directly afterwards. Which, resulted in her going tumbling down the small incline and resting at his feet. It was a good thing she was dazed, because seeing a big four armed alien above her would have earned a startled Golden Gun.
Xirr-kis had seen a lot during his sols as a Devil Captain. Eliksni being blow to pieces by Guardian powered rockets. Allies and enemies alike having their heads split open and charred by blades of arc powered weapons. He’d witnessed pause worthy acts and more. But a light bearer trying to fly across the Gateway’s rusted and frozen grounds without using it’s pike? That was certainly a new one. Suppressing an amused snort, the crimson reaver removed the shock pistol strapped to his side and approached the dazed being lying on the ground. He had to give this one credit, it did make it pretty far across that gap. Perhaps if it had gotten a longer running start it would have stuck the landing.. Ah well, maybe the next dead thing to try will make it. If not, there was always the one after that. But first there was the matter of dealing with the current attemptee. Without a word, the crimson clad Fallen placed a foot upon the dead thing’s back and used his weight to hold it still while he took aim, Amusing as he found this one, it was still a light bearer. And light bearer’s, no matter how ‘entertaining’  their antics could be, needed to be exterminated.  It was nothing personal, just business.
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ىpeak  ℴf  ʈhe                              Ð ∊ ѵ ɨ Ꮭ
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