Sickness has struck me like the plague
As well as other family members
I shall return soon, but for now farewll
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Starting Friday next week, 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM Mountain Time Zone be sure to look for a chapter of Loner
I couldn’t post this week because I was helping my friends prep for their tournament :l
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   So, a long time ago, I saved this in my files, thinking it was pretty cool looking. I didn’t know who drew it, or who the character was. I saved it, just like that.
   Soon, I came across a series called Noragami, and it instantly became one of my favorites. I watched the 29 episodes it had to offer over and over again, until I found another anime series and began watching that.
   Today, I was looking in my files, and realized, this is Yato from Noragami. Hah! I just realized!! Hah!!! who would have thought I would save the picture of one of my favorite future animes before watching it?
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Loner~A Noblesse Fanfiction Characters.
New Characters~
     In Chapter 8, you met some new characters. Wyn and Gulia are a couple of them, while the blonde haired boy remained unnamed, despite seemingly to be the leader. I just wanted to post a bit about them here.
     Alright, first off is Wesley, (WYN). He has shaggy black hair, black eyes, some of the longest ears ever- a trait of being part Forest Elf, but instead of being point, it’s a bit round and slants downwards, like a Dark Elf. On the back his ears are furry, like a werewolves’, but the fact remains that all werewolves are part human, so the fur is unable to grow in the front. He’s a bit scrawny, for a 15 year old boy, but with a bit of workout he could get toned biceps and an 8 pack easy. He’s a bit tanned, due to working in the sun, forced by Jacqueline, but he has learned some gardening skills from Jaden, who is not as evil as Matthew seems to think. (Sorry, a bit of a spoiler.....) Wesley’s usually outfit is a black vest over his brown shirt, black jeans, and black basketball shoes. Personality: Shy, can be brave at times, but usually hesitant. Will develop over time as the story progresses more.
     Next up is Gulia, (GLV) the little girl with dirty blonde hair and aquamarine eyes. She’s half Light Elf, half human. Her father was a black haired man, but he died of a disease a few weeks after Gulia was born. Soon, Gulia was captured, but luckily that was on the day after the explosion, so she didn’t get hurt from it, and Markus didn’t have time to experiment on her. (Granted, Jacqueline probably would have hogged her for being “cute” to dress her up and treat her like a doll, but that’s better than what Matthew went through, right?) Currently her outfit is a cute small pair of jeans, pink shoes, and a blue shirt with daisies all over it. Oh, and a beret in her hair, along with small pigtails, but she still has most of her hair loose. 6 years old.
     Next up is the blonde haired boy, whom I’ve decided to name Kevin, (KEV). His hair is shaggy, like Wyn, but in a more “hot”, sort of way, (as the fangirls would call it). He has aqua blue eyes, like Gulia, and has the same blonde haired mother as her, a Light Elf. Their mother was a friend of Matthew, just like Kevin’s father, who is also a Light Elf. A while before Kevin was captured, his parents went missing, and on the way to looking for them, Kevin got captured by Markus and became his toy. However, Kevin benefited from the experiments, getting stronger over time, his pain endurance greatly improving. He also got a few powers that normally Light Elves don’t get, although they’re not as strong as the other Elves’ powers would be, (e.g. fire; Fire Elves are exceptional at it, making him look like an amateur). Haven’t decided on the outfit for him yet, if anyone wants to try to draw an outfit I most likely will accept it, (85% chance). Has the quality of an exceptional leader, brave, bold, willing to risk his life for his friends. 18 years old.
     Alright, time to go on with the last 7 characters, whom I haven’t named or described yet. Cameron may seem to be only a boy’s name, but turns out, it’s a unisex name!! (CAM) This red haired girl with a brown streak in her hair has brown eyes with a red tint to it, showing that she’s 75% Fire Elf but 25% human. Both her purebred Fire Elf father, (who was actually the prince of the Fire Elves!) and her half human, half Fire Elf mother were also friends of Matthew, who helped bring them together. When they disappeared, Cameron went searching for them, and shortly after she got captured by Markus. She met Kevin, and they became good friends. Her nickname is “Beta”, because, well, their leader is Kevin, who would be “Alpha”, if he felt comfortable with being called that. Cameron is fine with people giving her nickname-better than (CAM) for sure. Her outfit is usually a dress, but not one that’s girly. I don’t have a clear description in my head, so if someone were to draw one that fits this description, I’ll probably accept it, (Or maybe something with jeans and just a long shirt, if you want). 17 years old.
     The next 2 characters are actually Cameron’s younger siblings; twins, named Kiley and Kenneth, (KLY)(KEN). Unlike most twins, Kenneth doesn’t act like he’s older by 5 years when he’s really older than Kiley by 5 minutes. They work together, loyal to their older sister, Cameron, and their Alpha, Kevin, (While silently shipping them, like most fangirls and fanboys.....eheheheheheheheheheh.....) They also have red hair, but with little mini streaks of brown instead of one, bit, jagged one, with brown eyes and a red tint to them. They have a couple scars on each of their pinkies, but they see it as the same as a friendship bracelet. When Cameron didn’t came back for a month-after leaving to go look for their parents-they set off on their own expedition. When they got captured, they were reunited with Cameron, and met Kevin, along with a green hair girl and her glasses. Currently 12 years old each.
     Looks like I’m going to be talking about the green haired girl now, who has streaks of turquoise in her hair was well. She has hazelnut eyes, and wears dark green glasses. Her name is Elisha, (ELI). She’s a gamer, jock, and nerd, who loves magic, science, basketball, and archery. Her weapons are a staff, bow and arrow, and a basketball with loads of added features. She’s 93.75% Forest Elf, 6.25% human, due to a long time ago when a half Forest Elf married the purebred Forest Elf princess, Alanna the IV. Their offspring kept on marrying more and more For Elves, until it got to Elisha. Don’t have an outfit yet, if you want to draw one for her, try one that would suit her personality, (Kind of serious, kind of not.) Got captured a day after Cameron, looking for her missing parents. 16 years old.
      Vulmar is 74% wolf, 26% human, (VLR). This jacked up werewolf is a totally athlete, but he may be mostly brawn, he still has some brains. Close to Kevin and Cameron, he actually got captured for a different reason than “missing parents”. His parents died a long time ago, you see, and he swore revenge on the people that killed them. When he actually found the people that murdered his parents, well, they overpowered him and put him with Kevin and the others, (everyone above except Gulia and Wesley, as well as the next person I’m going to describe). Everyone was astounded by his strength, just like he was astounded by the fact Elves were still around. He fit in the group pretty easily-he may be strong, but he’s the nicest guy you can meet, when he’s not fighting that is. When they realized that Wesley was missing, Vulmar broke everyone’s chains, gave Gulia to Kevin, and sniffed out the way Matthew went. Gulia fell through a hole that teleported her to the caves before Matthew got there, and they hurried down the trail, realizing that trouble was going to brew. 19 years old, almost 18. Brown hair, brown eyes.
     The next person is Tasha, the 6th person to get captured, (TSH). 12.5% human, she’s 87.5% Dark Elf, but being over 10% human helps with fighting your evil instincts. Elisha had to help her when she was about to go crazy from the experiments, about to go and destroy the world. Now Tasha has a reason for living, and always hang around the serious Elf. She wears jeans, boots, a tucked in black no-sleeve shirt, and an earring Elisha made to help her fight her instincts-well, four actually, all over her left ear, all with different purposes. Has a scar on her right eye that makes her unable to use it, but she has no problem with people seeing it. Turned 17 a month before Matthew rescued Wesley. Black hair and black eyes.
     The last person I’m going to describe is Devdan, the 8th person to get captured, (DEV). He has longish purple hair in a ponytail, and violet eyes. His hybrid type is kind of a morphed Sea Elf and River Elf hybrid, since the two live in different places. It was because of the two that the elves almost went extinct, battling constantly over territory. It was a wonder that humans didn’t find out about the two kingdoms. Their parents had a forbidden child; Devdan, so they hid him, before disappearing. Soon, Devdan decided to go look for his parents, but you can probably guess what happened next. Markus found him, and captured him. Devdan is a good hacker though, before he went looking for his parents, he used to be on his laptop ALL THE TIME. 
      There were 90 others that got captured as well, but they all died. Now, there is a new dawn arising. 2 shall fall, revealing the darkness ahead of them. But 2 new shall arise, helping pull the group together. The weak shall become strong, and the strong will conquer. This is the new prophecy that leads the way to the sunrise.
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Loner~A Noblesse Fanfiction.
Chapter 8
   Matthew’s fist went flying, as he punched Markus in the face. He pushed Jacqueline out of the way, and sprinted out of the room. “What the-!! Hey!! Get back here, coward!!”
   Sorry Jacqueline, I’m not letting you play with me anymore, I’m getting the heck out of here. Let’s see, where’s a good hiding place.....? Ahh, here, behind this door-wait, are these the prisoners that got hurt during that explosion?
   Matthew closed the door quietly behind him, before going over to a prisoner. There were at least 10 in the room- and Matthew could only rescue one. Matthew looked among all the prisoners and decided on one that looked like an older version of Walter-his name tag said WESLEY WINTER WESTBROOKE (WYN).
   Matthew took the shackles off his ankle and broke half of the cor leading the chains around his wrists to the wall, before jumping out a window, flinging Wyn over his shoulder. He jumped to the top of the building, setting down Wyn on top of the building, wrapping the chain around a pole to make sure he didn’t hurt himself if he woke up and tried to get out, and entered the vents.
   Matthew went through the vents, before he was over a familiar room-the lab they used to experiment on him. Matthew took the vent off, before jumping in, and looking around.
   Quite spacious. Looks like it hasn’t been used for a long time-maybe I can use this time to find out some answers. He looked around, going through the drawers, bookshelves, everything.
   Matthew found a familiar, old book, and dusted it off. The origins of how werewolves came to be, he thought. Breathtaking.
   Suddenly, Matthew heard voices, and looking around, opened another vent, crawling through stealthily silent back up to the roof- where he saw Jacqueline pinning Wyn to the pole he was chained to.
   Sheesh, that little maggot, picking on the poor guy. Let’s intervene~ Matthew’s fist went flying, as he punched Jacqueline in the stomach. The two of them looked at Matthew in surprise, as Matthew’s fist went through Jacqueline’s chest. Poison went into Jacqueline’s bloodstream, before Matthew took out his arm, and threw Jacqueline to the edge of the roof.
   He grabbed the chain connected to the pole, broke it once more, grabbed Wyn, flung him over his shoulder, and jumped into the air. Wyn let out a yelp as he saw everything rush backwards at him, since he probably wasn’t used to being in the air. Matthew took no notice, focusing on getting him and the prisoner out of there.
   Matthew went around the town where Rai, Frankenstein, and Muzuka probably were, to the other forest around it. Matthew entered a cave he called The Extravagant Crystal cave, with many different color of crystals, but behind a wall with a secret button. Matthew went to that secret button, pressed it, and entered the cave.
   Once the hidden entrance closed, Matthew set down the boy and got out a first aid kit. Taking care of the boy’s wounds, he ignored his questioning gaze. The boy could perfectly speak up and ask whatever was on his mind, actions may speak louder than words, but it’s easier to understand words than actions, at times.
   “I’m going to extract the blood from your foot, because it has been poisoned. Surprisingly, it hasn’t spread at all, something is suppressing it. Are you even human?”
   The boy’s eyes widened, and Matthew stopped. Don’t tell me.....? Matthew brushed his hair to the side, revealing a long ear with an earring attached to it to bend the ear in so it was easier to hide. 
   Matthew let out a yelp, quickly and carefully taking both out. “Son of a-! Why would Jacqueline do this?! Elf ears are better long, doing this.....even to hide them.....she has no shame.....”
   “I, uh, actually asked her to do it.....”
   Matthew stared at the boy, who mumbled those words. “Bruh. Why would you do that? Why would you need to hide them? Elf ears are the pride of all the tribe!! Wait a minute..... your ears are a bit furry, and they look like..... half forest elf and half dark elf..... are you the offspring of a wolf and a half Forest Elf, half Dark Elf?!?!”
   The boy went pale. But that look turned to surprise when he interpreted Matthew’s expression of awe. “First I’ve ever heard of one. Seriously cool, dude. I could see why you would keep it a secret, but don’t worry. If anyone tries to attack you, I’ll be there to back you up. Even Markus, that joke is no match for me-”
   “Why did you rescue me?” The boy’s question surprised Matthew for a second, before he smiled. “That’s easy. Because it’s the right thing to do. The reason why I chose you out of all 10 people was because you resembled someone else I knew, but also because I know what it’s like to suffer because of Markus, John, Jacqueline, and Jaden. I was their first victim, after all-”
   “Matthew?! The 81% wolf, 19% human, the most werewolf that ever existed, that rescued his fellow prisoner friends, all 99 of them, years and years ago?! You’re THAT legend?!” The boy’s eyes were wide and excited, making Matthew take a step back. “Dude! I can’t believe I was rescued of YOU of all people!! Woaaaaahhh!!”
   “Legend?” Matthew chuckled. “I just had a lot of spirit back then. Plus, I had help. And over 50% of my friends died shortly after being freed from their grasp, so.....”
   “Still, I’m honored,” the boy got on his knee and bowed, but Matthew picked the boy up, who let out a yelp. “No bowing, no no no no no. It makes me uncomfortable. You can call me a legend all you like, but absolutely no bowing. Alright?”
   “A-Alright. Put me down?” The boy agreed, and Matthew smiled, putting him down on the ground. “Well, since you’re part Forest Elf, you can eat the green crystals. I recommend not eating the black though, it’s what made the Dark Elves evil in the first place,” Matthew picked a few green crystals, handing them to him.
   “No prob-” 
   Suddenly, a crystal fell from the ceiling, and as Matthew looked up, an Ebony Serpent lunged at him. Grabbing Wyn, he jumped out of the way, taking out his scythe. He didn’t normally use weapons, but in this case, he needed to. 
   He was about to lunge when he heard whimpered. Looking around, he saw a little girl, crouched in between some red crystals. Realizing she was there, the serpent lunged for her.
   Dropping the scythe, Matthew leapt in front of her, and the serpent bit his shoulder. Letting out an enraged yell, Matthew wrestled with it, until Wyn clumsily hit it with the dropped scythe. The serpent drew back, but before it could lung again, Matthew held up two fingers, pressed together, and in a mystifying voice that was not his, he said, “西部世紀のbegoneの邪悪な古代蛇”
   And the serpent exploded.
   Matthew shielded the two children, so none of the venom got on them. Matthew gritted his teeth as venom sizzled away on the shield on his back, before dropping to his knees. With shaky movements, he took out his first aid kit, took out a certain syringe, injecting it into his shoulder. Sighing with relief he didn’t notice someone else entering the room.
   Suddenly, a fist was in his face, and Matthew rolled over on the ground. Sitting up, he shook his head, and looked up as a blonde, long haired boy shielded Wyn and the little girl from him, and 7 other people surrounded him, throwing rocks and stuff at him, challenging him to get up. “Alright, alright, I’ll get up, I’ll-”
   All of them looked at Wyn with wide eyes, before dropping their weapons and getting on their knees. Instantly Matthew picked them up, setting them right. “No no no no no no no- no bowing. I repeat, no bowing. It makes me uncomfortable, honestly, I’d rather you throw stuff at me than bow-” Matthew stopped mid sentence when someone threw an eraser at him, blinked, and chuckled, shaking his head.
   The blonde boy went up to him, and did a Japanese style bow. “I apologize, sir Matthew, we did not realize you were the great, legendary figure we all grew up to learn about. We are not worthy for your-”
    “First off, I’m not that big of a deal, second off, ‘grew up’? Are you saying you ‘grew up’, an experiment of Markus? ‘Cause if so, my fist needs to have another conversation with his face. A long, long conversation.”
   “W-Well, we were in his clutches for different times. I the longest, 5 years, Wyn and Gulia the shortest, around 2-1 years.”
   Matthew narrowed his eyes. “Yep. The next time I see him, I’m going to have to have that conversation-” Matthew stopped. Wait, these 9.....
   They’re the 9 I left behind when I rescued Wyn.
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Really really really sorry
My phone screen broke and it still hasn’t gotten repaired and it was what I used to post my Tumblr writing story, Loner. It’s still needs to be fixed and I don’t really have much time to go on the computer, since there are times when I stay past my bedtime to post it (I go to bed at 9:00 on weekdays except Friday, 10:00 other days) I’ll try to get on the computer more and post Loner, I really enjoy posting on Tumblr, and it’s stressful when I can’t post :( Please hang in there, I’m going to post another chapter.
Click this link to take a quiz in the meantime: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TdUocN43SlpTM49XUd5rDbey3QwIfkPJ0iMgG_87PvU/edit#responses
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Hope it works :L Chapter of Loner coming your way soon (For those who like it)
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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Loner~A Noblesse Fanfiction.
Chapter 7.5
  Matthew smirked. Excellent. They still use this place. Either that or they’re returning here after their last place was destroyed. Perfect. Matthew thought as Jacqueline followed him in. Jacqueline’s left leg was gone, replaced by a fake, metal one. “How’s Jaden doing? He was the most injured out of all of us,” Jacqueline asked. “Not so well. For some reason, whatever is stopping your leg to grow back is stopping him to heal. It’s strange. That bomb that went off may have been made from a crystal,” Markus commented, looking deep in thought. “Hmm…..”
  A crystal, huh? Might explain it. There are many different type of crystal caves, all for one color each. And each one has a different purpose. I’ll have to go no visiting them later today. Hopefully Lyre hasn’t found out about them yet…..
  “And John?” Jacqueline asked. “And the prisoners?”
  “All survived, John lost consciousness, is all. He was the least injured out of all of us, thankfully for him. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon-he may have an idea of where the Blue Crystal Cave is.”
  Bruh. the Blue Crystal caves are underwater, and don’t have the power to make a bomb that explosive. All they can do is make you more efficient in the water-like, breath it, make you swim faster, give you fins. Heh, Jacqueline as a fish is a funny picture. Heheheh.....
   “A shame we had to let go of that Ice Elf, but since there’s 4 more.....” The two of them looked at each other, smirking. “And 3 surviving Forest Elves. 8 surviving Fire Elves, 6 Dark Elves.....such a shame the rest went extinct thought. Or so they say.....”
   Wait a minute.....they’re nearing the place I am.....crud. Better hide, and now-
   Then, the door swung open.
   And Matthew found himself staring with Markus.
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Loner~ A Noblesse Fanfiction.
Chapter 7
A long time had past while Matthew slept, and the sun was setting. M-21 was asleep, thank goodness, but Matthew needed to get out of there now.
Matthew crept steathily over to the window, careful to open it without making a sound. He carefully went through it and landed on the ground, next to the house.
Quickly, he jumped from roof to roof, getting farther and farther away from the house. He hoped he wouldn't be followed as he got further away from the house, and complete his mission.
Heading towards the mountains, he arrived at a totally different place from where he was kidnapped. Good, he thought. I have less chance of being discovered.
Walking inside, Matthew headed for the security room, where the important stuff was. He could find information there as well as tell what was happening in each room.
Heading inside, Matthew noted the cleansiness of the place must have been Jacqueline's doing. Searching through the documents, a particular one stood out.
Information on Walter, huh? How did they get their slimy hands on this?
Just then, the front door opened.
And the person that entered was Markus.
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I have been feeling under the weather lately and I'm afraid I can't post a chapter of Loner today. I'll try to post tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding.
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hey guys, hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you like real soon.
also that your lunch tastes good, you find twenty dollars on the ground, and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out not so bad
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Why do we have to get out of bed?
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In loving memory of my best friend Gus, who I had to say goodbye to this past weekend. Rest in peace, little buddy.
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That Butler, Celebrates Christmas
So I wanted to make something for Christmas and I didn’t find anything I really would want to color, so I decided to make an edit of cover from 116 chapter. Merry Christmas once again, guys! And I made a gif (recently found out how to make them in Photoshop :P). The quality is low, but at least it works without any problems. In you would want the better quality, let me know, I’ll send it to you somehow.
Lineart, edit and coloring: Nami (namisiaa.deviantart.com) Original art: Toboso Yana, Kuroshitsuji: Chapter 116
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Personally I think she should choose who to be with instead of others choosing, because if you ever got shipped with someone else, you know how annoying it is. Love triangles are the most confusing ships, I'm sure Seira is having a tough time deciding who to be with.
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You guessed it!! It’s a lurve triangle I’m talking about today!! Meowy topic, huh? Especially since Rael became a better person now and now Shinwoo actually has some competition, especially since he’s becoming more and more of a backdrop to the story. 
I just finished catching up to chapter 489, and glad Tuesday isn’t too far away. I think the plot has become a lot more interesting, and I know a lot of you Noblesse fans might backlash at me, but when the kid’s lines are in danger, I’m secretly glad. Because I want the kids to be more involved. I have this feeling of wanting them to regain their memories of Jake and Marie, when M-21 saved them, M-24. 
I want to know what you guys think. Who has more of a chance with Seira; Shinwoo, or Rael? Because I’m, personally, in a muddle of who to root for. Yes, Rael has changed and it would be more suitable since they’re more nobles, but Shinwoo has always been kind from the beginning, and deserved her a lot more than Rael did at first. They both would look cute with her, so debating on that reason is out of the question.
Please help me out. Thank you, and have a Meowy Christmas everyone!!!!
~Emika Takamori
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That's..... interesting.
My neighbor’s cat crosses my living room window to get to the tree from which she can climb down to the garden. She used to walk across my window boxes. Recently she’s developed a more… unusual approach.
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