nobodys-home19 · 4 months
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Plaid skirt and long socks…A perv’s dream snatch, in more than one way…
The door nearby opens, and light floods into the dim little room. The sounds of soft sobbing and metal clinking can be heard from the shadows. This makes him smile as he strides into the room without a stitch of clothing on.
He yanks on an overhead piece of dangling rope. The bare light bulb it attaches too, flashes on. His semi erect dick suddenly performing a full salute as he looks down on his fresh, trembling and whimpering newly acquired prize.
Her teary eyes look up as she shifts around on her shivering bum. A bum still hidden by the plaid school issue skirt she wears…for now. Her eyes bugging out with shock and her chin starting that quivering thing that he likes to see happen.
She has seen pictures and online videos of male erections before, but never has she seen one live in the flesh. The scary new sight of the massive shaft makes her begin to whimper uncontrollably into her thick and plastered on tape gag. Her head defiantly shaking around and making him chuckle.
“Oh, you don’t like my big proud cock?” he asks putting his hands on his hips and thrusting his pelvis out at her.
“Well, he likes you…a lot…Why do you think you are sitting her shackled and cuffed in some pervert’s basement, instead at home, safe and sound in your bedroom watching youtube, tik tok or something else utterly inane?”
Her shoulders begin to shake again, and her terrified sobs grow loud and wet. Her head shaking about in denial as he adds,
“Oh, in time little lady, you’ll learn to love this big dick. A pretty little cock tease like you, needs to learn that when you look so fuckin hot and sexy in those plaid skirts and tall socks, that some man is gonna want to plug your sweet holes with his long hard dick and greedily fill them up with loads of hot cum…And that lucky man is gonna be me…Whether you like it or not.”
He strokes his large hard cock with his hand, trying not to cum right then and there…again.  He’s already exploded once when he didn’t really expect it. That’s the effect this hot teen has had on his over excited libido ever since grabbing her and bundling her cuffed and flailing body into his windowless van.
After dragging her thrashing about lean teen body down into the basement and locking her up in the alcove, he felt his dick explode in his jeans as he locked the padlock to her neck chain and her frightened and shocked eyes stared into his.
That’s when he went upstairs to discard his soiled boxers and then the rest of his clothing. Taking a few hours to fuel up for the coming evening of fun and then returning to his basement after having given her plenty of time to stew and fret about what he might do to her.
Her innocent imagination no where near the sick reality that was about to unfold for her as he towered over her and stroked his full erect length.
“So, you don’t like my big dick? It scares you, princess?” he asks in a mocking sing song voice.
She shakes her head twice in answer to his query. Her head then shaking rapidly and her gagged indecipherable ‘NO’s’ constant as he asks further,
“I thought a slutty dressed teen like you would have seen plenty of dick…up close and personal? I would have thought your pretty hands have stroked many a horny boy’s stiff prick… and come on…tell me…A pretty little slut like you, must have let a cock or two slip in between those pretty blow job ready lips? If not, then what a good thing I came along, huh?”
He said this last part as he stooped and bent to one knee. His left hand finding her inner bare thigh, just above those thigh high socks which made him select her to take unwillingly back to his home.
His right hand then left his precum leaking dick. But only after he swiped up a bead or two of the cloudy liquid.
She winces and visibly shudders. A look of outright disgust and horror on her tear lined youthful face as he pulls back a swath of the duct tape stuck over the lower half of her face. He smears the beads of his moisture around part of her pursed squirming lips.
Sticking the tape tight back over her grimacing mouth and then smoothing it out, he grins and lets her know,
“Oh, wait till you taste the full meal deal, sweetheart. At first, I bet it will make you want to gag and spit it out. Though you may surprise me, if I show you how inventively incentivising, I can be on your sweet bod. Some of you little sluts can learn really fast when treated to the right amount of properly directed prodding and poking…and shocking.”
She didn’t know what he meant by that, till he dragged a crate full of items out of the gloom of the dusty and dirty room. The box and the Items had been in the dark and she hadn’t been able to focus on them, in her panicked and terrified, freshly bound and gagged state.
She begins to whimper and shake her head about again. Her instinctive body language to depict ‘No gawd no’ rampant as she views the horrible and pain inducing looking things overflowing out of the box.
Her defiant head shaking ramping up a notch as she feels her captor’s large hand begin to move. He slides his left hand higher up her inner thighs and his other hand cupped her quaking chin.
“Well sweetheart, if you don’t want to learn how those tools can work over your most precious sensitive places and leave you hollowing in agony, then I suggest you get used to this…”
He slides his hand up higher on her ultra smooth inner thigh. Her bare shivering thigh, cool under his heated palm. She glances down and can see her pleated skirt has now ridden up to almost expose her pink panty covered crotch.
A crotch that is soon covered fully by his hot groping hand. Her defiant shocked shrieks loud as he rubs her fabric covered mound. Her feeling of distress and of being so easily demeaning-ly violated, swamping her emotions and making her shudder in repulsed response.
“OOhhh shit that feels good, sweetheart. Fresh puffy teen cunt.” He pants, licking his lips and then sighing.
“Now time to feel the real thing lurking under these adorable panties. “he adds, as he uses a long finger to push aside the thin fabric of her pretty underwear.
Her cuffs and chains rattle, and she moans in desperation and embarrassment as he probes underneath the fabric.  Huge snotty tears starting as his finger slides thru her virgin folds and then with lucky precision he finds the tender delicate hole that is the opening into her snug untouched sex.
With sudden desperation and a need to have him stop his demeaning explorations, she screams into her gag and begins to desperately flail at her unbreakable restraints. Metal and padlocks are no match for her teen muscles and writhing about.
Her screams of defiance and hopelessness actually terminating at one point as she begins to choke from the chain wrapped and padlocked around her tender neck. Her body now seriously thrashing as she continues to hysterically panic.
Her body only eventually stilling because he grabs the back of her flailing head and he squeezes her neck,  just above the wrap of cruel chain.
He is on his knees beside her, his long finger entering her virgin channel for the first time and causing her eyeballs to literally look like they will shoot from her head.
His wriggles and pushes his finger in past the depth of his second knuckle. Her slit so tight, her muscles clenching with a firmness that makes him tell her,
“You know sweetie, your first time is gonna hurt like hell. Especially when it’s this big bad boy invading that tight little snatch of yours.” He chuckles as he flexes his hips and pushes his jutting cock into the bare patch of skin on her side, showing under her crop top.
His hand is still down between her clenched together bare legs. He begins to pump it. His desire to finger fuck her tight snatch, about to come true. Stopping for only second so he can strategically yank on her panties, the fabric rips in his grip.
“There… just needed to unshroud that sweetness down there!” he grins at her as he drags the hem of her skirt up over her waist.
She has to look down as his hand grips the back of her head and pushes forward. Her clouded eyes seeing for the first time her exposed pussy, shockingly and distressing ly  paired with his probing and exploring hand.
He has two of his longest fingers now stuck together and sliding back and forth thru her rows of soft rosy flesh. With a pleasured grunt, he makes them both disappear up into her snug clenching slit.
It was a sight she didn’t want to see. A sight she wouldn’t have imagined just hours ago, as she stood there in the bus shelter waiting for the bus that never came. The nightmarish sight of a strange man’s hand unwillingly invading her most personal place, now all too real.
She squeals in utter distress as his large hand jerks, and shockingly before her horrified eyes, he tries to add a third finger, while his first two are still wriggling around deep inside her.
Her eyes crossing and a scream caught in her throat as he wriggles and then forcibly thrusts his digits in deeper…
So deep, that the knuckles of his fist, abruptly smacked her pubic bone as he begins to enjoyably pump his hand. His first finger fucking of his fresh new abductee, more abrupt, more vigorous and brutal than anything he had planned.
A fact he told the screaming and thrashing girl, as he tries to add a fourth finger,
“Fuck bitch, you are so incredibly snug and this feel so fucking good. Better than any other little bitch I’ve nabbed…And thank god… you were dressed like this and waiting for that bus…You’re a pervs teen fucktoy dream come true! And I can’t wait to really treat you like the cock teasing slut you appear to be!”
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nobodys-home19 · 4 months
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The abuse and execution of an innocent
The cell is cold and dreary, not entirely dark though. One of the night shift prison guards has left a lone overhead light on. Enough of a glow comes from the weak bulb so the suffering young woman stuck in the unbreakable chains, wood and steel, can see the teasing cruel structure mounted in front of her.
He grips her hair again and shakes her terrified head about, mockingly telling her,
“You should be able to stare and study the device, all night. The device that will slowly…and painfully, end your pathetic life tomorrow. There are many ways to take a life, but our esteemed leader has seen it fit to end yours in the most slow and painful way possible. To make a perfect example of you!”
With a most lascivious smile on his face, he moves her trapped head closer to his crotch. Rubbing her tear stained cheeks all around his re-hardening cock. Her frightened and distraught tears smearing and melding with his semen and her saliva already spread over his dick.
Below him, stuck in a most diabolical set of endlessly uncomfortable and inescapable restraints, she mumbles thru her puffy swollen lips. Lips that have not seen water in days. Only the putrid piss of the many lustful and immoral guards keeping her horrifically imprisoned, along with copious amounts of their vile semen, have wetted her tongue.
She continues to mumble thru her sobs and tears something about, “Not wanting to die. That she did nothing wrong. That none of this is right or fair…and she just wants to go home.”
Above her, the guard does hear. And holding his exposed semi rigid cock in front of her face, he tells her,
“Yes, I know, you did nothing wrong. But you’re a tribute execution. Captured, tried and found guilty of the sins of your father. A man who politically has chosen the wrong side…my dear.”
He directs the tip of his cock all around her forehead and he wipes it clean with her hair.
“But I am glad the powers that be, grabbed you and decided to make you pay for his outspoken views. You’ve been quite a nice young thing…to fuck… and make suck! And speaking of.”
He strokes his full length, bringing his just spent cock back to full, rock hard life. Her teary eyes try to avoid looking at his manhood for she knows what sick thing is about to happen again.
“Plus, when he and his supporters see the video evidence of your slow and excruciatingly painful execution, I am sure he and others like him will desire to keep their mouths shut and obey our President…Lest their pretty daughters end up in here…with their mouths kept open…and sucking, before they end their days on that.”
He points with an evil grin at the device her body is chained too. The tip of the atrocious looking spire suddenly gleaming even in the dim light.
“Going to be quite the show when you get placed on that big metal point and your pretty little pussy gets impaled. Not that it hasn’t been already stretched lots by so many of the guard’s big dicks, in here.” He winks down at her.
“And I can’t wait to hear how loud you scream, how loud you beg and shriek. Or see how violently you thrash about and for how long you last, before your insides rupture and you slide down this thing’s nasty jagged length, to end your days in a mess of blood and agony.”
With that twisted announcement he grasps her hair brutally at the top of her scalp and then sticks his cock into her pursed and trembling lips once again.
“One more good long suck, you pretty little bitch. One more good luck face fuck you’ll deliver, or I will make the rest of your last night on this planet, a painful living hell.”
“You think having your feet and ass whipped tonight for hours hurt? Well wait till I cane the shit of these sweet perky nipples and maybe your pretty pussy too! So suck you stupid slut!! Suck it good!”
Her naked tortured body locked in steel, begins to quake and quiver as his large scary dick slides back in over her quaking swore lips.
Her trapped limbs flex in their metal and wooden prison holding her captive. And every captive muscle of her young body yearns to be free of the strict restraints and allow her to flee this sick and merciless place.
But that will never happen, the harshness of her bonds, the unyielding strength of the metal bands, chains and wood that keep her trapped, will never break against her weak and panicked bouts of thrashing.
A flailing and thrashing that finally dies down as his cock fully fills her mouth and then gasping throat, for the third time that evening. His balls eruptive release into her choking and gurgling throat, coming fast as he admires her viciously bound body and he listens to her garbled pleading sobs.
…Many minutes later….
She groans as the guard spins the bolts tighter and tighter around the metal bar mouth piece gagging her for no better reason than to further degrade and humiliate her.
As if being kept naked and held in the most unrelenting and uncomfortable bondage wasn’t enough to crush her spirits and make her feel less than human. The warden and the guards of this hellish secret prison have gone the extra mile, at the President’s request, to make her life a living hell. Keeping her gagged and immobile, 24-7.
It’s been many, many days since her arrest, secret trial and incarceration. And every day has been worse than the next. Culminating in the declaration, she had learned while being strapped facedown to a torture table and entered violently from behind, that she was to be executed for her father’s so called political crimes.
She groans around the steel bar stuck deep in and unnecessarily cruel across her mouth. Drool mixed with the guard’s last bit of semen spills from her held open lips. It drips constantly. A wet trail of her own saliva now seemingly flowing down between her perky exposed breasts and over her pushed out tummy.
Eventually it trickles over the split folds of her abused young sex. A diabolical length of unrelenting steel chain feels like it’s splitting her in two down there, between her twitching trapped legs. The steel chain links only job, to hold her steadfast in the most excruciatingly uncomfortable position imaginable.
The guard who has been taking liberties with her mouth for the last hour or so zips up his grey work trousers and then half heartedly slaps her tear streaked face. He cups her quivering wet chin and smirks at her,
“You did good sweetheart. My balls feel satisfactorily drained…for now. But I gotta go mistreat some other unfortunate yet deserving bitches. Hope we saved some for them to swallow!”
He strides to the burnished mighty steel cell door and before exiting turns and tells her,
“Apparently the Executioner will be dropping by tonight too, to make sure everything is ready. But I will be back at dawn. Don’t want to miss joining in on the torture session the morning guard shift has scheduled for you. Plus, wouldn’t you like one more good face fuck before you leave this rock?”
Her head slowly shakes, the stiff leather collar she has belted around her slender neck, hindering her movements. Her sobs of despair and fear growing louder by the second as he continues taunting her.
“And I seriously don’t want to miss the show when the President himself will lift up your beaten and tortured body, and make you ride this big old spike. See you then…ya pretty little cock loving slut!”
Then he’s gone and she begins to violently shake and tremble. The knowledge that her life will end in a sick frenzy of needless torture and sexual abuse, because of this wrongful conviction, breaking her for good.
Hours go by, but it is still just before midnight. Dawn and the beginning of the horrific end of her life is still a good 7 hours away. She is moaning and groaning in relentless agony brought on by the persistent ache in her trapped limbs and contorted torso.
Blood trickles from her wrists and ankles as she tries to shift around in her restraints and find some little decrease in the degree of unbroken agony she is suffering.
The faint hope that she could escape these torturous cuffs and wooden ankle stocks pretty well washed from her mind when the door to the cell begins to creak and open slowly.
With a terrified groan and gasp of deep snotty sobs, she quakes in her bondage and watches fearfully as a dark dressed figure enters the execution cell.
He doesn’t even look at her at first. He turns as soon as entering the cell and approaches the far wall. There he hangs up a short thick bull whip, still dripping blood and stuck with bits of bloodied white flesh.
In his other hand he holds a brutal looking electrical shock device. The kind she had felt touched cruelly to her young nipples when she was first being introduced to the sick punishment of sucking on the overseeing guards thick long cocks.
She feels some little bit of relief when this man hangs it on the wall, beside the cane so viciously used to herd into the cell. Her relief short lived though as he turns around and his imposing frame looms over her trapped and shivering naked body.
“Whoa, what do we have here? My god, I knew I was to execute a young woman…But I had no idea you would be this….pretty!.. This hot!…What a fucking waste!”
His large hand cups her drool dripping chin and her pained moans and begging whimpers start up in a manner that even surprise her. Her waterfilled eyes look up at him longing for him to see her agony and hope that he will show mercy.
From his back pocket he pulls out his prison issued electronic scanning and tracking device. A movement that makes her twitch in terror.
“Oh don’t fret my adorable little slut, it’s not to bring you pain…just yet…It’s just to get your details and let me see why we are executing such a pretty and sexy hot young thing. I would have thought a young female as luscious and sweet looking as yourself, would have found herself locked away in one of the President’s private sex slave brothels.”
He holds it over the barcode tag dangling from her bolted on neck ring. A beep followed by a glow on the screen is followed by his brows rising in surprise.
“Oh…I see…you’re that tribute execution! An example to be made of….How diabolical, and extremely unfair to you! But that’s how our Majestic President likes to do things…Gratuitously nasty and completely unforgiving. So all who are thinking of going against him… will think again.”
The executioner’s speech only made her feel more distraught, frightened and utterly defeated. The ache in her imprisoned body matching the ache now in her chest and soul. Nobody was going to let her out of this predicament. No one was coming to her rescue or show her mercy.
This terrible feeling of self pity she was swamped with was followed by a desperate need to escape her bonds. Thus, her body began to shake, her limbs thrashing and jerking at her inescapable restraints.
She ignored the pain in her ankles and wrists as her skin shredded even more. Her deep gurgling sobs, her muted shrieks to be let go, growing louder by the second as the grinning executioner stood over her and petted her dirty blonde hair.
“Jesus my dear, if you keep up that utterly useless flailing and screaming, you’ll be hoarse and voiceless long before your pretty pussy ever finds itself mounted on the Impaler. That will not please the President, who I am sure will be live streaming…Or give your rebellious Father, when he watches your torture and execution, any idea of the true suffering you went thru because of him.”
The executioner stood back up tall, tapping his own bearded chin. An evil smirk forming on his face as he pondered out loud, “Hmmm, now how to shut you up till then.”
“I could go find a nice big ball or deep penetrating penis gag? I am sure you have seen the other prisoners condemned to lifelong terms, wearing them proudly around. But that would mean I couldn’t make use of these pretty lips of yours, and then watch my semen drip off them as I left you cowering and whimpering for the night.”
Then his face lit up with a grin and he reached down to her neck. She began to gurgle and make the most pitiful pleading sounds as his large hands played with leather collar belted around her neck. Cinching it two holes tighter, he stood back up to admire her flushed and pained face.
Her breathing now erratic and obviously panicked as her throat sealed up and her eyes bulged in horror. Her choked off shrieks and pleading now faint and almost unheard.
“Now let’s test this out.” The executioner breathed into her anguished air starved face as he dropped to one knee and then placed his hand on her quivering left breast.
“Honestly, what a waste to not keep these perky perfect sized tits around to play with.” He growled as he squeezed and kneaded her breast.
Moving his large hand to her other heaving tit, he played with it just as much. Though this time he pinched and pulled at her puckered nipple. A process he took delight in performing for the next few minutes as she desperately stared back at him.
Enjoying the look of discomfort on her red face, he crushed her sensitive bud between his fingers. His interest in hearing how loud she could shriek, answered by her meek and weak protesting gasps.
Then he slid his hand down over her tummy. Trying his best to avoid the crusty path of many days worth of dried up drool and semen that decorated her bare soft flesh.
His hand continued down over the steel belt that had been permanently locked around her waist since the first second of her arrest. The belt which they used to keep her wrists cuffed to, at all times, from her five minute secret trial to her agonizing trip into the sunless depths of this secret prison.
Well except for when she was strung up by her hands and arms so she could be cruelly whipped and then fucked by the guards. Or in this current situation, where it was being used to make her body bend and contort in the most savage way possible.
She was making more intense gurgling noises as his hand glided down over her arched out pelvis and exposed mound. He grinned at how well the morning guards had shaved her lightly haired pussy. The flesh of her mound and the chain link split cleft, where her sex started, was so smooth and delightful to touch.
It made his cock instantly harden to its fullest, and he had to adjust himself, obvious to her frightened and despairing eyes. They blinked rapidly at him as he then stroked his fingers across her swollen abused folds. His strokes firm and his panting now audible as he determinedly petted her trapped pussy.
With a perfectly directed long finger, he found her clit mashed into one of the taut chain links. The little bundle of sexual nerves, he began to massage with his finger.
His grinding of his finger into her clit, intensifying as the tears from her eyes exponentially increased and her choked moans seemed to come constantly. He couldn’t help himself, so he reached into his pants and pulled out his erect cock, pumping it fiercely as he rubbed and rubbed her chain link trapped clit.
There was a shudder in her arched hips as he suddenly jumped back up to stand tall. His right hand rapidly pumped at his dick. His other hand was fisting and pulling up on the length of chain splitting her ass and sex.
It was a cruel thing to do for sure, but as he panted and then cursed, his hot seed shooting from his cock, he knew then the tightening of the belt around her neck had been the way to go, to shut her up and save her voice for the coming morning’s excruciatingly painful execution.
“Definitely the way to go!” he gasped out loud as his cum kept spewing out and covering her gasping and near silently shrieking face.
Her hair, her scrunched up forehead and her almost purple cheeks, not to mention her gurgling bar gagged mouth, all received a shower of his hot sticky cum. Her vision even at one point heavily clouded as her eyes stung and the last shots of semen landed on her trapped face and rapidly blinking eyelids.
She had no way to wipe away the putrid mess on her face. No way to clean herself except kneel there trapped in her restraints and feel the warm gooey ejaculations slowly slide down her forehead, cheeks and chin. The semen in her mouth, she could barely swallow from the brutal tightness of the belt around her neck.
Then she watched with despairing horror as he patted her head and said, “Well that did quiet you down, didn’t it?… It should definitely save your voice for the screaming and howling the President will expect when we commence your execution tomorrow morning.”
Then he checked his watch, and his hands went to both sides of her trembling head. His fingers twisting at the bolts holding in her painful iron bar gag, as he said,
“Seems we have lots of time before then, before the dawn of your last painful day on this planet. So why don’t we truly test how silent your sobs and pleading can be…with my cock actually letting loose in your blubbering sweet mouth.”
And then he did just that…
…Dawn, or so she would guess from the fact that six large men have been surrounding her for near on an hour. She is taking in deep gasps of air and trying to swallow, since the belt around her tender rubbed raw neck has been loosened off a single notch.
The fact that she is naked in front of them, the fact that she is chained, cuffed and at their mercy barely registers with her as the last of the six men puts his spent cock back in his trousers and he takes a long puff on his smoldering fat cigar.
“You get that all on camera? Especially the part where her eyes rolled back in her head as I came down her throat and stubbed my cigar into her pretty tit?” The large fat man laughs loudly with sadistic delight, his voice aimed at the nearby fawning camera man filming the sordid scene.
“Yes Mr. President. Got it all. Even the little sizzle sound it made as you ground it into her tit. The live stream of this must be something to see. Must be very sobering for her father, if he’s watching.”
Below his portly waist, the young prisoner swallowed one final time and then began to uncontrollably sob. Great strands of the gathered men’s un-swallowed cum and drool ran from open, gasping mouth. And thru her cock abused and swollen lips she began to incoherently beg.
But over her meek useless pleading, the President’s loud voice sounded out, triumphant and menacing.
“Oh, he’s watching all right…Seeing how my secret police found him and his wife last night. This very minute we have them under house arrest. Their house I hear, of course equipped with the most high quality screens and audio!”
“So, time to give them something too really watch with horror and remorse. Time to show them how their sweet, no longer innocent daughter, screams and wails as she rides this steel spire of never ending pain!”
“And any bets on how many hours she takes to snuff it?!” he laughed out loud to the surrounding and equally humoured group of lecherous and applauding guards, before snapping his fingers…
“Now get her fine slutty young cunt up onto that nasty thing. Get those pretty flailing ankles locked down…I get to be first to turn the crank and see how loud her begging and pleading screams can get… for her protesting Daddy and Mommy!”
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nobodys-home19 · 4 months
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Her Horrific Choice to Make..(warning, it’s nasty)
He liked giving his struggling and begging victims a terrifying sick choice…
He strode slowly around her shivering body. His hand extended and his finger tips skating over her soft smooth skin. Well, the parts that were still smooth and not shredded to bits and raised up in nasty blood dripping welts.
He moved around behind her, for probably a fourth lap, and he smirked as he admired her disfigured ample ass cheeks. There was blood leaking from more than a few of the cane induced cuts. 
The blood trickled down her inner thighs to mix with the semen leaking back out of both her violated cunt and freshly sodomized ass. And oh her snug, snug ass, it had been such a bloody tight thing to fuck, even after loosening it up with the meanest hand held dildo he had, tauntingly hanging on the nearby post of tools.
“Not sure if they’ll ever heal back up to how they looked before I strung you up and caned your ass. They must sting like hell…but they still look beautiful, even if both your butt cheeks now resemble hamburger.” He finished saying with a loud laugh.
 His hand traced along her waist, tickling the middle of her lower back. Dozens of nasty cane gashes below his hand. Above there, her wriggling fingers were caught in a web of rope tied back up to her neck. 
A neck caught in a torturous noose. A choking, skin biting, circle of rope that threatened to snuff the life out of her as her bloody toes scrambled for purchase on the stack of boards under her feet.  The rope climbed above her head, taut as it ascended into the cellars gloomy old ceiling rafters. There, the rope was wrapped and knotted securely around a beam.
He leaned in close to her trembling, terror filled face. He gave a lick of his tongue up the side of her tear soaked right cheek and then whispered in her ear,
“Ah, the lovely taste of hopeless distress…and pain loaded terror.”
He swatted her ass at the same time he breathed these mocking words into her ear. Her pained shriek,  making his tired dick start to rise up again, even though it had been fully exercised three times in the last few hours.
“And did you hear me, bitch, call your sweet ass, beautiful?” he growled into her other ear, switching sides now to taunt her.
A small nod she tried to make. A weak terrified effort to let him know she had heard.
“Do you feel beautiful, tied up like this? Struggling like this, all naked and helpless, in front of a self-professed, demented pervert….and sadist?”
She started to cry again as his hand spread out on her tummy, unsure of whether to nod again or try and speak. But speaking was taking an effort, since the noose around her neck was getting yanked higher and tighter as the hours went on. 
That was a sick and sordid result of him, her abductor and tormentor, slowly kicking out the blocks of wood from under trapped and scrambling feet. A stack of inch thick blocks of wood he had placed under feet, right after putting the noose around her shrieking head.
Then after leaving her there to suffer, for an hour or two, he came back and over time, he slowly removed the boards from under each bound foot. 
The unforgiving ropes, of the pole keeping her ankles stuck far apart, seeming to dig even deeper into the tender flesh above her quaking heels, every time another inch of wood disappeared.
She was up on the balls of her feet now, unsure of how many blocks of life supporting wood were left under her scrambling bloody hammer beaten toes. And she was terrifyingly unsure, if she could ever reach the floor if the wood all disappeared. 
When she hadn’t responded to his query after many long seconds, her anguished mind utterly too scared to process certain thoughts, he cupped her sex and squeezed. The feeling of his hand back on her exposed and freshly violated sex, the feeling of his unwanted palm cupping her exposed  mound, making her tremble mightily. And somehow a weak, rope choked whimper escaped her mouth.
Then he moved his hand down a little more between her forcibly spread legs. This enabled him to jpush and jam two fingers back up inside her stinging slit. She moaned as his fingers wriggled and forced their way back up inside her. He added a third just to see how much she would now stretch.  
Her snug channel was still slick with his last round of ejaculations, even though the last thing that he had actually used to brutally fuck her, was lying over in the corner of the basement, on the filthy floor and adding to the mural of stains already there. The enormous fake cock was covered in fluids, red and brown, and even some curly pubic hairs.
“Well, do you feel beautiful? ANSWER ME, YOU DUMB SLUT!!” He yelled into her face.
He kicked another layer of the boards away from under her feet. A shriek she let burst as her feet scrambled in a panic to touch the floor, or whatever was there, and support her dangling weight.
She winced and gasped, her bound arms uselessly tugging at the ropes that kept her hands tied so strict in the middle of her back. Her feet began to shake as they arched and tried to keep contact with the last layer of wood. 
Her spread legs did the same. She tried her best to voice an answer she hoped he would approve of.  The weakest train of words yet spilled from out of her mouth, “Yes…yes Sir…I feel beautiful.”
His response was to tilt his head with a questioning gaze. A most evil smile crossed his face and he let her know, “Well bitch, this may not come as a surprise to you… but I think you are most beautiful when you are suffering. When your body is being maimed, and cut, and whipped and bloodied. Like when I did this to your tits.”
He drew his hand back out of her pussy and ran it up her quivering bare blood streaked torso to cup her right pert breast. He knocked the dangling large rattrap crushing her nipple and breast. A minor bump that still made her wince.
Careful to not accidentally prick himself, he played with the ends of a few needles that pointed straight out of her rat trap crushed nipple. He then flicked a few that grotesquely stuck out of the top of her breast.
“Gawd girl, you screamed so loud as I snapped the traps around them. Then the look on your face as I showed you the needles, and as I pushed them in…That was priceless pure beauty…achieved.”
He took a looped end of one of the needles, needles that were really 6 inch long cooking skewers. He grasped the one that he had strategically driven, inches deep, straight into the heart of her nipple. 
He pulled it up and then began to make little circles with it. A smile on his face as he watched her pant and gasp from the returning bout of wholly unnecessary chest pain.
Then he dropped his hands and strode over to the rickety table in the corner of the cellar. It was strewn with well used sticky and sex coated sex toys. Even some everyday tools lay there on the bench, things he had used in delightfully warped and painful ways to subdue and then basically break her.
He picked up the most threatening thing on the table, well to her anguished mind it was. It was a rather large and shiny 10 inch long knife. And it had been there the entire time he had been torturing and raping her. The knife worrying her, when she wasn’t blinded by the pain and extreme abuse he was eagerly heaping on her.
He picked up the knife and strode towards her, a sadistic grin plastered across his face. He stopped dead in front of her to admire her whimpering, full on panicked state. His dick stood fully at attention and as he moved closer to her shivering body. He positioned himself so his hard cock  rested on her intensely quivering lower tummy.
He dragged the super sharp tip of the knife up her torso and she thought to beg. She wanted to plead. But the only barely audible choked words that came out were, 
“Are…are…are you going to kill me now?…Pleassse…pleassse don’t kill me…pleassse.” 
He tilted his head again and then breathed hard into her distraught face, “That depends…It depends on whether you make yourself more beautiful for me. Like I said, to me a woman looks her prettiest, her most beautiful when bloody and maimed…and bawling in pain.”
Her face took on a new level of terror as he kicked out another layer of wood from under her splayed feet. Her struggling toes barely touched whatever wood was left. But just enough of her feet managed to dance on the wood remaining and allowed her to perch up on the balls of her quaking feet, so that she truly wasn’t about to hang to death, yet.
She gurgled and began to make the most pathetic desperate sobbing noises. Noises that made his cock twitch and surprisingly spurt a few shots of cum. He stooped and then with the blade of the knife he scraped up the splattered semen.. 
To her horror, he raised the blade to her quivering mouth. He wiped the blade along her lower lip. A lip that was puffy and growing decidedly more purple by the minute. Then he gruffly ordered, 
“Open up, cunt…or do I slice off this cock loving lower lip? I really don’t want to, seeing how it felt so good wrapped around my hard dick earlier.”
She opened her mouth even wider, her choking gasps for breath making drool leak from the corners of her mouth. She felt him slide the knife in over her squirming tongue, the putrid taste of his semen there in her mouth again, along with the taste of cold steel. 
“Good girl…lick it all up. Can’t go wasting such important stuff as the seed that comes out of my balls, now can we?”
He pulled the knife out of her mouth making sure to slightly cut into the left side of her mouth. She somehow whined, even with collar of rope digging into her throat and constantly choking her. And worse yet, the taste of his semen was now mixing with her own blood in her gasping and blubbering mouth.
“Pleasse don’t (gasp) …kill me..Pleasse …(gasp) don’t (gasp)..hurt…(gasp) me.” She begged fighting for breath to say the pleading words.
Her petrified eyes followed him as he walked out of sight behind her. Then she tensed, whimpering even louder, as she felt the blade under her bound arms. The cool metal glided up her shivering bare back under her painfully forced up arms. 
The blade stopped in between her shoulder blades and she gasped. A pitiful scared gasp, as deep as the noose would allow. Then he whispered in her ear again, “Oh, I don’t plan on hurting you, anymore…I am leaving that up to you.”
She was utterly startled by his words and his next action. With one quick swipe of the super sharp knife, he cut the ropes leading from her bound wriggling hands to the back of her neck. Then he cut the ropes that had trapped her hands together since the first moment of her capture and brutal unwilling imprisonment in his cellar.
For a few seconds her tingling numb hands fell to her sides. Her arms still heavy and too achy to respond. Then her self-preservation instinct kicked in and she immediately raised her hands to grab the length of rope looming above her head. 
She clawed at it. She searched for the knots. She gripped at it in a blind panic. Vainly trying to take some of her own weight with her weak arms, so she could get in a full precious breath. 
Then she yelped as he jabbed the knife at her hands, slicing her fingers in a few places.
“Hands down, you fucking annoying slut. You think that’s why I let you have your hands free? Fuck no, dumbass! Here’s why.”
He took her right hand and then slammed the knife handle into it. Forcing her to hold the knife. She looked at the knife and then with a gasp began to raise her hands up overhead. Her obvious intention, to cut the rope.
Her hands were shaking as she attempted to bring the knife up to cut at the taut rope. But then her hands instinctively flew back down to her breasts as she howled in agony. The crack of the cane and her howl mixing. 
The cane was back in his hand and it had delivered a brutal skin ripping bite to the rat trap crushed portion of her left breast. So nasty was the cruel slash of the cane over her tit, that her left nipple had become partly cut off.
She shook and she wailed. Her wails dying out into great big choking sobs as her feet flattened and she started to choke. With some effort she raised herself back up on her toes and sobbed out a single desperate, “Why?”
 “Because bitch, you cut that rope and I will tie your hands back up behind your back and then I will end you…Slowly! So very slowly.. By gutting you with that knife. I will make sure you see all your insides spill out before I hack of off your tits. Then I will display them for you… on the floor as you slowly choke to death.”
“W…w..wh…Nooo?” was all she was able to gasp out as the rope cut deeper into her neck. The wraps of unforgiving rough fiber crushing her windpipe.
Then he told her the sick unnatural truth. The reason he loved to snatch up and keep a woman struggling on the edge. To see how low they would sink, how desperate and to what beautiful lengths they would go to…to survive. 
 “I want you to make yourself look the most beautiful. I want you to perform the ultimate act of beauty creation for me… I want you to cut off your own precious clit. Stick that nice sharp knife into your ugly pussy, and saw away that nub of nerves, that you really don’t need anymore. Because it’s all about my pleasure…and not yours.”
Her hands began to violently shake. Her gasping mouth forming the shape to blubber out a parade of, “No..gawd no’s”
He stepped forward, grasping her trembling hand that held the knife. A ploy he had learned the hard way when one of his struggling and crying past victims had blindly lashed out at him. It had taught him a lesson, and he had taught that bitch a long slow painful one too.
He kicked at the next layer of boards, watching her pained face contort in anguish even more. His strong grip made her hand move to her front, so the blade was flat against her mound. Then he leaned in and kissed her sweaty fear induced slick forehead,
“You do that…You make yourself the ultimate in pretty for me…and you get to live…In my wall…Down here in my lovely basement.”
He nodded down at the small steel door she had been trying not to ignore. Its solid, fearful, and inescapable looking nature, having made her shiver the very first time she saw it.
He moved her trembling hand which was loosely gripping the knife. He made her stroke the blade along her skin and then he told her,
“You make your pussy look beautiful for me…and you get to breathe again, unhindered by any noose or neck choking rope as you cower in my little steel doored home for you…And just maybe, maybe on a whim….At some point in the future, I may even let you see the outside this basement again.”
He stepped back away from her, having not removed another board. He gripped his seemingly permanently erect cock, jutting out of his boxers and he began to stroke. His eyes on her shaking, knife holding hand, as he commanded,
“You may begin….to make your cunt look beautiful…”
She could feel the warmth on her legs as the blood spilled down her inner thighs. There was a pool of blood on the floor between her violently shaking legs. And most satisfying to him, a few little lumps of pink flesh. 
To add to the unholy mess of blood and flesh, white splotches of his just erupted semen, swirled and were dissolving into the mess. He had come with a satisfying roar as he pumped his cock and watched her shaking hands cut away her own flesh.
Hesitantly at first she had tried to cut, but then as he furiously pumped his cock, he had yelled and screamed at her about the horrible demented and painful ways she would suffer and die, if she didn’t do his bidding.
Now she was shivering from head to toe. Gasping for air as blood also dripped from her lower lip. The result of her own savage lip biting as she followed through with his sick and utterly twisted ultimatum.
His shadow loomed back over her and he took the knife from her shaking hand. Tossing it to the floor, he then knelt, and put beneath her reaching pair of toes, two stacks of wood. 
He reached up and pushed her blood covered hands out of the way so he could stare at her self mutilated pussy, from just inches away. Then he leaned in and kissed her mound. His tongue jutted out and began licking the gaping wound that once had been her clitoris.
And above his lapping head, she could breathe, she could cry, which she was doing most emphatically now…but most of all, she was pretty sure she would not die. 
But would she spend the rest of her life living? Living in a nightmare as a demented pervert’s pain toy. Held captive and bound, just to maim and disfigure, so he could enjoy his version of female beauty as he forced her to perform sexually for him on a whim?.
That was a question she would eventually, and sadly come to know the answer to, but only after a long period of depraved time, spent in the most cramped and dark of circumstances…
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nobodys-home19 · 4 months
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Maxine’s attempt to find escape and freedom…
Maxine’s arms jerked violently, but they stayed splayed out. The skin ripping steel cuffs biting in around her tender wrists making sure of that. The cuffs were locked to steel hoop bolts anchored into the basement’s cement wall.
And no amount of panicked yanking was going to free her of them. She had learned this sadly over the last few days. But that still didn’t stop her from freaking out because things were going from bad to perversely worse.
Of course, she wasn’t really focused on trying to escape right now. Instead, she was focused on the almost naked hulking male, towering over her shaking and cum encrusted aching naked body. Her nudity in front of him a long forgotten concern as he degraded her at will.
He wore nothing but heavy black steel toed work boots. Boots that clomped around with a sound that made her flinch every time he took a step in them. Boots that had left tread mark shaped bruises on her body earlier in her captivity.
Terror and humiliation ran thru every inch of her being as he fisted his long hard, slimed up dick. The massive blood engorged head of it teasing at her puffy lips to get back inside her mouth.
A mouth that had already been filled up, over and over, with his hard manly flesh. A mouth that had overflowed with his ejaculate as he fisted her hair and made her pump her sore swollen lips back and forth on his ridged long dick. Her poor mouth impaled on his cock for hours at a time it seemed to an anguished Maxine.
“Come on, you pretty little cock whore, open up and clean your big Daddy’s dick off. You made a fine mess with all your slobbering and blubbering. I think you barely swallowed half my big load that time. We’ll have to work on your swallowing skills. Though maybe my guests will enjoy it messy.”
Maxine didn’t fully comprehend his words. She was too busy staring at the head of his cock that was pushing at her lips and smearing stickiness all over her tear streaked cheeks. Her mind full of anguish that he would make her chock on his member…again.
But she had no way to avoid this derogatory act of licking and slurping off the residue of cum and spit. A mess she had left there on his cock after having a choking and coughing fit. The result of him forcing his huge dick into her mouth, for what must have been the 5th or 6th time just in that day, and then shooting his balls load straight into her gagging throat.
Maxine had no way to avoid this humiliating act of cleaning up his shaft since she was too well restrained, too well secured to the wall and too well tied, ankles to thighs, to even hope of standing up, or finding a way to escape this nightmare.
In the previous horrific three days that she had been his captive, she had learned painfully that when his dick came into view and degradingly slapped her face about, she had to open her lips and let his disgusting man thing, drive into her slobbering and blubbering mouth.
“CLEAN IT OFF… COMPLETELY! You pathetic useless slut!” he bellowed down at her as he stood there with the dreaded riding crop in his other hand.
Maxine mumbled out a garbled “Yaaww Rrrrr” since trying to say clearly, ‘Yes Sir’, with a mouth full of cock head was next to impossible.
He began to tap the side of her throbbing clamped left breast, mocking her as she licked and sucked off the residue of cum and saliva that had smeared his cock and given it a creamy shine.
“Nice titty, firm titties…Titties that need to be smacked…with leather…Or…should I snap may favorite crop at something else?”
He took a step back letting his cock pop out from her reaching mouth. Maxine gasped as the heavy steel collar around her neck dug in and choked her. The short chain, attaching the collar to the wall, having given her all the freedom she was ever going to get.
She even tried to stick her tongue out and lap at the last drip perched there on the eye of his still surprisingly stiff penis. Her futile efforts, making him laugh as he taunted her.
“Tsk, tsk. This slave slut is too fucking unskilled to clean off her Master’s dick. Now what do we do to slave whore’s who can’t complete a task, hmmm?”
He swatted the end of the crop harsh across Maxine’s unclamped right nipple. This caused her face to contort and shriek of pain to leave her swollen lips. A mournful pathetic sobbed plea escaped her cum coated lips.
“You punish me…Sir…You hurt me, to teach me a lesson.” She sobbed up at him, her frightened eyes growing glassy with tears.
“But pleassse, I tried…I tried to clean it off…bu…but…y…your cock is too far away.”
She glanced at his bobbing cock that was just an inch from the end of her stretched out wriggling tongue. The look of her straining to reach it, the tightness of her collar around her neck and the way her wrists pulled at the cuffs made him so fucking horny again.
She suddenly winced and yelped in surprise as he used his right foot to kick her left knee aside. Then he kicked her right knee, hard enough that her whole body shook.
“Wider slut…Spread your fuckin thighs wide for me…I want to see your pussy…I want to spank your cunt…You deserve it, seeing how you don’t know how to clean off a fuckin dick…proper yet!”
Maxine bowed her head and wriggled her bound up legs aside. She was trying her best to spread them even though she was terrified of what came next.
Suddenly he grabbed the top of Maxine’s head and he wrenched her face around, so hard her collar painfully dug into her neck and she sobbed loudly, “You’re hurting me, pleasssse…”
He laughed loudly, a devilish smirk on his face,
“Pleasssse you say? You want me to hurt you…Sure, we can try out those pliers on your nipples again? Or maybe I pinch them around your clit. Crushing that little bud of flesh and twisting it. Want to see how far I can twist that bit of flesh up?”
The utterly distressed young woman shook her head from side to side. The collar again shredding some soft skin. “No…No I meant my collar is hurting…The cuffs are hurting too…everything hurts…I can’t take  anymore…pleassse.”
She dropped her head on the last set of words and began to cry. A cry that turned into chest heaving sobs as she watched him drop to a knee and then reach down in between her legs.
There his fingers played with the mound of flesh that was her sex. A pushed out, swollen mound of flesh that was bordered on either side by the nasty set of skin pinching ropes running from the front of her waist to the back.
“Whine, whine, whine…Save your useless complaining for later, slave. You think things hurt now? Just you wait till later.” He growled at her as he stared down at her splayed out lower lips and rope separated fleshy pink folds.
He played with the rope burned flesh at the apex of her sex. Fingering and pinching at the hood of her clitoris until he had the bud exposed. He pinched, and Maxine whined, then she shrieked as his pinching grew in pressure.
“Well there’s the little hiding bugger…Good…Now time to spank the little bitch…Time to teach your pretty pussy a lesson, so that your mouth will remember its fucking chosen job.”
He stood back up tall, looming over her. Then he swung the crop, so it struck perfectly between her legs. The snap it made on her pussy flesh instantly drowned out by her boisterous short pain filled shriek.
And even though she shouldn’t, her knees instinctively tried to snap back shut. Even her locked and held out of the way hands had yanked at the tight locked cuffs and tried to come around to shield her body.
“Tell me slave, what number was that?”
“One..one…Sir.” Maxine blubbered out, knowing full well where he was going with this punishing game.
He then kicked at her knees, hard again, hard enough to bruise them this time. He wanted to make them separate and demeaning-ly expose her pussy to him. He wanted her to know that he was in control of her every movement and every second of the oncoming punishment.
“Keep your fucking legs spread, you ignorant slave slut! Every time you close them, we go back to zero…understand?”
Maxine nodded her head. Her tears running free and dripping off her face. She was about to ask that question of him again, the question she had sobbed out on day one of her captivity. The ‘why are you doing this to me?’ question.
But she didn’t get those words out. Instead, she was screaming and then sobbing out the word “One” Then after another vicious snap of the crop, “Two”. And so on and so on, until….
“Twww…twentyyy.” She deliriously sobbed out.
“Twenty What?” he bellowed.
“Twenty deserved spanks… of my dirty…c.c..cunt” she cautiously stuttered in answer to him correctly.
Her head now hung there, her naked body quivering. Her spread wide arms mirroring her spread wide knees as he tapped her under the chin with the crop tip. A quick little slap that was meant to make her anguished face lift and stare up at his.
He was starting to stroke his rigid dick once again. Its hardness back to full and his intention clear.
“Again?” she questioningly sobbed.
“Yes… again! Jesus, you whiny brat, you think I am keeping you cuffed to this wall and kneeling just to have conversations with you. No fuck…I am keeping you here to use as a cum dump and to entertain some clients who are coming for the weekend…to use you as their fuck and pain toy.”
“Pleassse this isn’t right…this isn’t fair…I don’t deserve this.” Maxine cried as she jerked futilely at her wrist cuffs.
She was so hysterical, so distraught, she didn’t even feel the warm blood on her wrists as the cuffs ripped at her flesh.
Suddenly there was a loud buzz from his phone lying on the old raw steel bed frame positioned on the far side of the room. He looked over at it and then down on Maxine, whose eyes were staring straight out at his giant cock head, now just inches from her lips.
“Keep those lips ready to suck, slave. I will be right back.”
Then he stomped over to the phone, kicking some jumper cables and ca ar battery out of the way as he picked it up. He glanced at the screen and then sat it back down.
“Seems our visitors are running a bit late. Guess we have time to do more than fuck your pretty mouth. How about we tie you back on this old bed frame and I fuck your snug ugly cunt again. That should kill an hour or two. And I promise not to leave the jumper cables on too long this time.”
He turned and stomped back to a pleading Maxine. Her head twisting back and forth as she mumbled, “No…no…no…pleasssse gawd no…no…no”
Her pleading ‘No’s’ never stopping even as he uncuffed her wrists and her harsh collar. He dragged her by her pony tail, and on her battered knees, over to the bed. There he would spend the next two hours sticking his cock, and other nasty things deep into her stinging and stretched out slit, and to Maxine’s screaming horror, even her ass.
Maxine knelt there on the cold floor shifting around he bound legs and stinging ass. The crotch rope was back to being excruciatingly tight and doing double duty, by not just hurting her sex, but also holding in a large shiny butt plug. He had left that inside her after her first anal sex experience while she had been cuffed to the steel bed frame.
An experience that had been beyond demeaning, horrifying and utterly painful. It was one she didn’t’ want too ever re-live. She watched as he hung up the keys to her locks and cuffs. Then he picked up the riding crop and swatted at her right nipple.
She flinched and yelped as the leather stung the tip of her breast. Her arms futilely tried again to pull away from the wall, an in vain effort that made him laugh.
“Listen slave whore, What I just did to you is nothing compared to what my guests will want to do to you. So I suggest you rest up and think of the last few days as a holiday from the hell you are about to experience. A hell they are paying me good money to inflict on you.”
He dropped the crop into Maxine’s lap, cupped her chin and told her, “You’ll be begging to have the riding crop kiss your titties again, after the whips and canes they will use on you. That is if there are any nipples left on your tits, after they finish with you. I did tell them there was no such thing as a damage deposit.”
His speech had the singular effect of making Maxine blubber and plead incessantly as he left the dungeon room. Her arms now jerking and thrashing constantly at the cuffs as she watched his bare white hairy ass disappear thru the door.
The sound of his heavy boots stomping up the stairs, then disappeared all together, as he climbed higher up in his house, to take a well deserved nap.
Maxine stared straight out at the open door to the dungeon. His confidence in his restraints so firm that he had not bothered to put a lock on that door. She began in unison to scream at the top of her lungs and yank on her wrist cuffs.
And that’s when she felt it. The right cuff slipped over her shredded skin and the base of her palm found itself wedged in the hard ring of metal. She groaned and squeezed her hand such that her palm was collapsing in on itself.
Then she pulled her arm again, the cuff now pulled up to the base of her thumb. She ignored the increasingly brutal pain in her wrist and hand, and with a final deep gulp of air, she released a pain filled groan as she pulled her arm away from the cuff with all her might.
There was a clang of metal as the cuff slapped back against the wall. Maxine brought her bloodied hand in front of her face and stared at it in disbelief. She had a hand free and was able to use it.
She wiped her chin, removing the crusty semen residue plastered over it. Then she looked up at his key ring,  just hanging there on the wall.  So close, yet well out of her straining reach. Her collar and her left handcuff, still keeping her trapped to the wall.
But hope swelled in her chest as she reached down and picked up the riding crop. The crop that he had used to sting her tits and make her sex ache and swell, she now had in her hand and was using to reach out and tap at the dangling key ring.
She stretched her trapped body, ignoring the choking pain in her neck from cruel collar as she desperately reached out for the keys. Each time she flicked the set of keys and watched them almost lift off the hook, she sobbed in hope.
One, two…then six attempts later, Maxine gasped in shock as the keys lifted off the hook and fell to the floor. The crop tip was tremoring all over the floor as she attempted to drag the keys closer to her body, the result of her trembling nervous hands.
With the keys dragged past her knees and sitting on the concrete by her ankle and thigh knots. She strained, grunted and then with clawing fingers, she picked them up off the floor.
Holding them in front of her own face she actually smiled and then quickly scooted her body around. She ignored the chafing of her neck as she twisted in the collar. Her first mission was to unlock her left wrist and then use both hands to attempt unlocking her collar.
The clicking noises the cuffs and the padlocks made as they released, were music to her delirious ears. She was sobbing she realized, because the faint hope she felt earlier, had become an all too real hope, that she could escape this nightmare.
A deep wince covered her face though when she unclipped the nipple clamp that had been still pinching her left breast through the entire ordeal. Then she threw it at the far wall with her right hand, in noticeable anger and satisfaction as she massaged her own throbbing breast.
Trying to calm her trembling hands, Maxine untied her thighs and ankles and then with much aching effort tried to stand. She so wanted to untie the crotch rope and remove the disgusting thing still plugged up in her ass, but she was too anxious to escape this hellish room.
Days spent in this horrible sick position had left her weak and wobbly. But her youth made her resilient as she used the wall for support and then took her first few steps towards freedom, towards the door.
The thick steel collar was still around her neck too. The lock on it, not one of the keys she had plucked from the wall. She grasped it and tried to give her anxiety ridden body some more space to breath, as she willed her sock covered feet up the creaking stairs and on to the main floor of the house.
It had been three, maybe four days since she had seen this floor, albeit briefly. Her glimpse of it quick as he herded her in through the main door clad only in her pleated skirt and white knee socks.
Her arms bound tight behind her naked back. Elbows and wrists squashed together. A savage tape gag surrounding the lower half of her face to keep her whiny sobs silent. And then he had locked Maxine to the wall, where she had stayed anchored, most of the time.
She crept along the floor, grateful that she still had on her socks to silence her steps. The house was eerily quiet, and she hoped to god she could make it to the front door without disturbing the monster.
Almost at the front door she chanced a glance down at a box full of things. It had a label on it saying ‘Extra toys for Bill and Brenda’. A shudder ran fully thru Maxine’s naked body as she realized the nature of some of the items.
Things so horrid and nasty looking, some phallic, some electrical and some just downright medieval, and all of them she knew were meant to have been used on her.
This instilled an even greater need in her to escape, to flee this place as fast as she could. Maxine put her hand on the door knob and felt a wave of relief as it turned. The door opened and fresh air flowed in.
It was an unseasonably warm night for this point in the spring and she didn’t look back. She didn’t even care she was naked and wearing a thick steel collar. She just ran out into the dark…looking for escape…looking for someone to help her…to save her.
The car shook as it hit another pothole. Its two occupants bounced around in the front seats. The woman in the passenger seat gripped the dash board and stated simply,
“Jesus, Bill, what a horrible road…Guess that’s what you get when you drive out into the middle of nowhere looking for some fun.”
The man driving, was about to answer his wife, when he suddenly slammed on the brakes. Their SUV lurched to a stop, and he reached over to grab his wife. His arm protectively across her chest as she dug her long nails into the dashboard.
“What the!!….You seeing what I am seeing?” he asked her, not taking his eyes off the road ahead of them.
The vehicle’s lights shone brightly down the dirt road into the dark. But there in the center of their view, illuminated and white, was a screaming and naked young woman. Just a girl, the woman in the passenger seat realized.
The girl’s arms were waving about like crazy and she was shouting like mad. Her wrists were bloody and ripped up. Even from the distance the shocked couple was observing her, she appeared to have been badly mistreated.
Ropes still seemed to be dragging behind her from her ankles. Bands of snug rope still cut into her waist and ran down thru her crotch. Cutting into her sex in a way that the woman in the passenger seat knew must be extremely uncomfortable. She even had a thick steel collar cruelly locked around her neck.
The girl appeared to not care that she was almost completely naked. Her white knees socks shone in the SUV’s headlights and were rapidly bringing her to the side of the couple’s car. The woman stepped out of the passenger seat and was almost knocked over as the girl fell into her arms.
“Oh thank god…thank god you’re here…Please, pleassse help me…I’ve been kidnapped and held by a monster…WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!”
She began hysterically sobbing into the woman’s arms. Shivering as the woman hugged her back and then began to pet her hair.
“There, there, my dear…We’ll take care of you…We’ll make it all right.” The woman whispered into her hair.
For the first time since her nightmare began, Maxine felt true hope and relief. She felt like she had escaped her depraved tormentor. She looked up and smiled, also for the first time in many days, into the woman’s concerned looking face.
“You’ll help me?” she sobbed at the woman.
“Well of course my dear. We will definitely help you….return… to where you belong.”
And she sobbed even deeper, in noticeable relief, mumbling into the woman’s chest about ‘how lucky she was, how lucky she was that they had stopped for her.
The woman’s voice sounded so soothing and trusting to Maxine that she hadn’t even registered the man now standing behind her and admiring her rope split bottom. She turned her head and then felt a little pang of worry as she glimpsed his almost smirk.
“Come on my dear, let’s get you in the car and on your way.” The woman cooed at her.
Maxine, for the first time since escaping, tried to hide her modesty and cover herself with her hands. She was a little bit surprised when the woman didn’t offer her a coat or even the blanket she could see in the back seat, covering a plastic storage container of some sort.
The woman just opened the back passenger door and then nodded, ”In you go, sweetie.”
Maxine tentatively climbed into the back seat. The action of sitting down causing her some deep discomfort as the large ass stretching butt plug, held in place by her crotch ropes, moved around inside her bum.
The door slammed shut and the couple quickly took their own seats up front. The woman turned around and then peered down at Maxine’s shifting hips.
“Can’t get comfy back there? Something stuck up your bum?” she said with a slight little upturn of her lips.
Maxine just nodded. Then she placed her hand on the door handle. Her not so subtle yanking on it, amounting to nothing as the woman said,
“Enhanced child proof locks, sweetie.. Can’t have you pretty young ones getting out… now can we.”
Maxine then leaned over the blanket and box, desperately trying the other handle. She could hear the couple up front laughing now as a new wave of panic took over her body and mind. She could see the man leering at her in rearview mirror. A leering, lecherous look, that she had just seen for days on another man’s sadistic face.
She pulled back from the door, grabbing the blanket to cover her nakedness. Her attention then on the exposed storage box. Her mind was having trouble comprehending the items she saw in the box, but they looked just like the ones back in the monster’s house.
One of the items fell at her feet as she wrenched the blanket off. It was a massive, long, phallic looking rod with spikey nodules decorating it’s terrifying long 12 inches. Maxine swung her head back down at the box and then she saw the pile of shiny handcuffs and even more things that looked like very realistic penises.
And in the corner of the box, shining even in the dark, was a brutal looking metal cone, like the one currently jammed up in her ass. But this one was at least twice the size.
Then she looked back up at the now obvious grinning woman. Tears began to form in Maxine’s eyes a she shook her head back and forth, chanting, “No..no..no… this can’t be…this can’t…”
“So Brenda, you gonna tell the cute little cunt, how unlucky she really is!” laughed the man in the driver’s seat.
The car was once again crawling down the road, but now turning into a rutted and very dark lane. Maxine was panting and rocking herself in the back seat of the SUV, her head still shaking back and forth as she kept repeating, “No..NO…NO.”
Her shocked and disbelieving repetitive blubbering ‘No’s’ gaining speed and strength as the SUV’s lights lit up the familiar looking windowless cargo van parked at the end of the lane.
Then her blubbering became outright panicked screams. Her naked body thrashing around in the backseat as she started kicking and hammering at the door. Futilely even trying to pry it open with her now bloody hands.
This was a perfectly natural reaction to have, since the man who had taken her, the man who had abused her and made her life a tortured hell for the last few days, was standing there in the headlights. A cattle prod in one hand and multiple sets of steel cuffs and shackles in the other.
And of course, this is when Brenda turned around and with a girlish giggle, told a hysterical and sobbing Maxine,
“Like I told you dear, we would return you…to where you belong…And you belong here, for us…To be our fuck and pain toy…Now come along and let us get you all bound down good and tight and maybe even gagged. It’s time for me and my husband to enjoy doing all sorts of nasty and degrading things to you for the weekend.”
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nobodys-home19 · 4 months
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The extremely unkind predicament of abducted 20 year old Claire
A re-edit and repost 
Claire choked and tried to move her tongue around the rubber thing horrendously stuck in her mouth. He had wedged it in there deep. Deep as he could force it in as he brutally forced her head back.
He had yanked on her long hair and then tied the strands securely down behind her back to the post she was soon to become extremely familiar with.
He even tied off some of that hair pulling rope to her strictly and painfully secured elbows. It meant her head was bent painfully back, her distraught eyes staring straight up into the darkness of the barn’s rafters.
And then he left her there, in this back breaking devious manner. He left her to moan and groan, and at times bawl her eyes out, since he had kept her like this for hours. Hours that then turned into nightmarish days of muscle cramping agony.
No respite from the restrictive bonds had been given. No ounce of mercy was shown to her as he came in for daily visits of groping, prodding and just outright tormenting her captive naked torso.
In fact, in the last few hours he had taken things to even further extremes. Brutal, cruel, inhuman extremes that had poor helpless Claire suffering like no other ‘pain toy’ he had captured.
Her last memory of freedom had been pulling over at a rest stop on the I- 70 as she travelled through an isolated part of Kansas. She was on her way back home from a school break road tip.
Tired, she closed her eyes for a rest, dreaming a bad dream about being grabbed and dragged from her car. Some lecherous man covering her mouth with something and causing her mind to go black.
Only it wasn’t a dream. Sadly, for Claire, it had been real. So when she blinked open her eyes again, she found herself being unceremoniously stripped of all her clothing. That lecherous man doing the cutting, ripping and yanking, as she lay in the back of some empty big rig trailer.
She screamed and tried to fight him off, but he had already tightly bound her wrists behind her back. Layers of duct tape had also been applied liberally over her face. So her desperate screams went unheard in the late night quiet of this part of rural Kansas.
When he finished tying her up after a good hour of playing with her newly exposed tits, pussy and ass, she found herself utterly helpless with her arms bound extremely uncomfortably tight behind her back. Yards and yards of rope dug into her wrists and pinched her elbows almost together.
The horror of being tied up continued for Claire as after a most brutal violation, he secured her with even more rope, wrapping more yards of coarse bindings tightly around her ankles and thighs. Thighs that felt all sticky and gross from his drying semen, courtesy of his first forced copulation with her.
She screamed endlessly in terror into her tape gag, wishing, hoping that someone might hear her. But all Claire could hear was his sick evil laugh as he shut the trailer doors and the blackness swallowed her up.
Alone and in that pitch black trailer she flailed about as the truck began its trip. Failing to get at any of the harsh knots, kept well out of reach of her bound wrists and searching fingers, Claire could only lie there and sob in terror.
After hours of futile struggling, she gave up trying to loosen the knots. Her sobbing in the dark, hadn’t ended though. The truck ceased its rumbling and rocking motion, telling her they had arrived somewhere.
When the doors flew open and light invaded the empty cargo hold, she blinked her tired watery eyes and watched as he climbed into the back. Hoping the man might release her, Claire had no idea this was just the beginning of her horrible nightmare.
“Come on you pretty little thing, let’s get you trussed up and spending some quality training time with old Jack here. And don’t worry your pretty little head, cunt. It will include lots of fuckin time too, in between screaming and howlin time!”
He grabbed his bulging crotch and made a hip thrusting gesture. Grabbing Claire by her long hair, he dragged the screaming and flailing coed the length of the trailer. The soft skin of her breasts, tummy and thighs, bearing the painful brunt of being dragged along the rough wood floor.
Throwing her onto an old metal cart, he wheeled his still screaming and flailing about captive into a large, abandoned barn. Then he set about tying her to his ‘training post’. He took great delight in slowly tying her into the most uncomfortable of positions, as she pleaded uselessly into her tape gag.  
Finally, with her inescapably tied to the post, her weight bearing all on one leg since he had torturously tied the other up high on the post, he cupped her chin. He glared into her terrified eyes and told her the sick truth.
“You think this is worth crying about, you stupid little slut? Well wait till you see what ol’ Jack’s got up his sleeve for gagging you. Always wanted to try this idea out.”
He had to cut at the layers of sticky tape plastered over her terror stricken face. And then after ripping off all the layers of sticky tape, he grabbed her long, lush hair.
“Time to get this pretty head of yours angled just right. Full time deep throat training is going to need just the right angle!”
And that was when he went about cruelly impaling Claire’s screaming mouth and gasping throat. Setting her up in a grotesque and painfully bound state, that would last for hellish days.
“How’s my captive doing today? Your little titties hurting enough Claire?” he growled has he stood tall over her.
He had begun using her name after finally rummaging thru her personal items and identification. All which he had burned in a steel barrel out back of the barn. Everything she had owned, including her bundled up and shredded clothes, he made sure to turn to ash.
He stood there now, running his calloused large hand all around her quivering stomach. He appreciated the smoothness of her skin and the way it shivered under his palm. His hand travelled down and then back up her cruelly bent up and trapped left leg.
“Let’s make sure that ankle rope there, is good and tight. Can’t have you trying to wriggle out of this predicament, now can we?” He grinned into the side of her anguished face as he checked the knots for any sign of loosening.
She could smell his putrid cigarette breath and even feel some of his spittle on her trembling left cheek, he was that close as he tortured her with his words.
“Nope, nothing loose here. You’re good and stuck princess. Stuck and ready for some fun!” he remarked with true enthusiasm in his gravelly voice.
His hands were exploring her heaving exposed chest yet again. Then one slipped south and found her mound. The fingers of that hand petted her folds as his other hand partially wrapped around her swollen throat and he whistled in appreciation.
“My oh my…That fuckin dildo throat trainer is in there mightily deep. Bet you didn’t think you would ever be so good at swallowing dick? Even if it’s a fake one right now? But don’t worry. We’ll get to the real thing soon enough.”
He could feel the hardness there, under his palm. He could feel the solidity of what he had forced down in there and it made his dick equally hard.
Claire groaned around the phallic implement impaling her mouth and throat. Her throat now ached from the long rubber dildo forced deep in and the angle he had grotesquely kept her head stuck at. The fake rubber cock had actually penetrated well into her esophagus and was keeping her in an agonizing state of gagging and near choking.
She could not find any relief. The ropes, binding her arms together at the elbows, dug nonstop and continuously painful into her skin. She had tried over the last few days to move the tiniest bit away from the wooden beam.
Hopelessly she had tried to find any precious second of relief, but she was tied up so awkwardly and tight, that ropes never would give. Even when she was half asleep and her right leg was collapsing, the ropes painfully held her up.
A new shiver ran through her body now as she felt her abductor run both his rough hands up and down her puffed out torso.
“So nice and soft, it’s gonna be so nice to mark this lovely skin up with my whip or cane.” He breathed heavily into her ear.
His unwanted fingers continued trailing a path from the base of her warped neck, down between her tortured breasts and finally stopping at her raw abused sex. Pinching her exposed clit with his thumb and forefinger, he tugged and leaned over her short body to look into her terrified tearful eyes.
“What shall we do to this little bugger today, my well trapped pain cunt?” he laughed.
Squeezing the nub of nerves as hard as he could, he watched her eyes tear up and long trickles of water flow from each one. He could see her entire body tense and then sag, as he released his grip on the small nub of pink flesh.
Sliding his fingers in between the folds of her sex, he quickly drove two of his thick rough fingers deep up inside her. So deep and hard, that his knuckles knocked hard into her pelvic bone.
Claire let out a deep pained groan. The noise of agony and distress, somehow travelled up and around the rubber cock orally impaling her.
He chuckled as she stiffened again, and she futility tried to rise up on her toes. An attempt to escape his up thrusting and probing fingers. She managed a weak little rise up, but that action was short lived as she gagged around the dildo jammed in her mouth.
By his hand action alone, he had forced her to swallow more of that rubber shaft than even she would have thought possible.
“Don’t worry Claire, my deep throat loving, sexy toy! You will soon have the real thing jammed into that pretty mouth of yours. Claire, the cock loving cunt! Hmm, now there’s a name to use when I advertise your sorry ass on the darkweb. Or maybe when I sell you, I advertise you as…Claire, the useless cum dump!” he chortled as Claire began to panic and gasp.
He cruelly smacked at one of her breasts, just for fun, before adding, “But not totally useless. When I’m done with training you, your pretty little mouth and throat will take cock in so deep, it will be the star of any auction…Fuck, I will get big bucks for you!”
Claire winced in pain and fear, ‘Sell..sell me,” she thought, “Oh god please no, pleasssee noo.’ Was all that ran through her distraught mind now.
That was until she felt the rough skin of hands playing around with her tormented nipples. She couldn’t see what he was up to in any way, diabolically restrained the way she was. Her fear terribly enhanced by this horrible fact.
Claire tried to plead for mercy, to plead for release from this hell. She was ready and willing to submit to him in any way if he just would release her from this agonizing plight. But her words only came out as garbled choking sounds around the phallus drilling deep down into her slobbering mouth.
“You trying to tell me something sweetie? What’s that… you want old Jack to fuck you up some more, princess? You want to be a Pain Princess!?” he laughed as he pretended to cup his ear and listen for her response.
Her only response to his mocking taunt was a full body shudder. A terror filled shudder that made her tits shake, her one extended leg tremble. Even her fingers were clawing and marking at the wood behind her as she sobbed in her strict restraints.
Sobs that turned into shrieks of agony as he adjusted the nipple clamp savagely crushing her right nipple. He was dutifully checking the snugness of the clamp that pinched her right breast.
The rope attached to that nipple was torturously weighed down by some well used sex training tools. Which meant that over the last few days, the only relief her tit ever felt was when the disgusting tools were stuck up in her pussy…or worse.
He grinned and fisted the rope just above where it left her crushed and purple nipple. He gave a little pull upward on the rope. He was cruelly laughing as Claire’s tit pulled up along with her body and she once again suffered in trying to swallow more of the rubber cock.
“Oh look, another way to make you swallow more rubber dick. The Titty Pull method I will call it. Almost as good as fingers or one of these fun things pushing up into your snug snatch!” he said smacking the dildos which hang off her tit.
A small amount of relief came to her as he stopped his horrid tugging. But there was still a measured amount of painful discomfort in her tit as the sick tools swung about. She blinked he watery eyes, trying to look for him out of the corners.
She couldn’t see him, but now she could hear him. He was rummaging over by the far wall. Her limitless terror returning, as that’s where he kept all his really nasty ‘toys’, as he called them.
Trying to glance sideways, she could barely just make out that he had picked out a couple of nasty looking implements. She began to violently quake and make some of the strangest sounds of gagged desperation, that even surprised her.
Her mind was awash in fear and panic and all she could think was, ‘God, I want this to end’. She was desperate. She was broken. She was so ready to just submit to whatever he demanded, if he ever freed her.
She flinched again as she felt his left hand touch her soft thigh just above her quaking knee. Her body ready to collapse but unable to, due to the thick tight ropes binding her arms and ankle to the wooden post.
His hand kept travelling up her shivering skin, till it cupped her sex. She could feel him begin to run his fingers thru her soft folds, once again. Waiting for him to unleash some pain there, she squeezed her eyes shut and cried.
But within a second his hand was gone and replaced by something hard, yet smooth. He pushed whatever it was in between her folds and began harshly rubbing her clit with it. Her body suddenly convulsed as high-speed vibrations shot thru her trapped nub and mound.
‘Oh my gawd, he’s using a vibrator on me!’ Claire realized with horror.
What she didn’t see though, was what old Jack had in his right hand. It was one of his favourite ‘toys’. A small, hand-held electrical prod he called his Zapper.
‘Perfect for torturing little titties’ he liked to tell his terrified victims.
And even more fun, he had found out, when he would forcefully arouse his young captives and then simultaneously shock their most intimate parts with his ‘zapper’.
The scream fest of forced pleasure and captive pain making him sometimes cum in his pants as he pushed both vibrator and electrical torture device into some screaming girl’s pussy.
Holding the taser like implement just above the head of the vibrator, he pressured the on switch. He delighted in the high pitch gargling scream it elicited from his unwilling young captive.
He leisurely let the prod travel up and around her torso. Stopping of course, to keep intermittently shocking her body. He did this while never taking the pressure of the buzzing vibrator of her young sex. Grinding the head of the cordless vibrator hard into her clit and pelvic mound.
Claire was in utter distress, the painful zaps of his prod now pricking painfully away at her left unclamped breast. She was crying profusely and gagging around the rubber imbedded in her mouth as the worst pain yet shocked the soft tip of her unclamped nipple.
Shock after shock, unrelenting and matching the torturous grinding of the intensely vibrating head mauling her pussy, made her now scream endlessly.
Her whole body shuddered and convulsed in a restricted frenzy. An onslaught of painful and beyond painful stimulations, that she could not escape, kept tormenting her trapped body.
Old Jack looked on with an evil sadistic smile. “Damn it cunt, you are a good little pain toy!” he bellowed.
He watched with glee as Claire’s abdomen actually quivered and pulsed before him. The more he ground the head of the vibrator into her reddened cunt, the more she shook, the more she half screamed, half sobbed, even with a mouth full of rubber.
Tossing the prod aside he tore at his jeans, unleashing his stiff cock. Grabbing it with his right hand he began to pump away at it as he continued forcing the vibrator, with all his might, up into Claire’s trapped pussy.
Her agony filled garbled distraught wails, caused him to clench his teeth and roar out an “OH YA CUNT, FEEL IT, CUNT…FEEL THIS!!” as he began shooting out hot sticky cum all over her trapped and bowed out torso.
Her bare skin was quickly decorated with splotches of white everywhere. He kept pumping his dick as he ground the vibrating silicone head so hard into her sex, that the vibrating round head of it soon disappeared right inside her abused and swollen sex.
Claire felt every muscle in her body tense, her lower torso shuddering and her right leg ready to collapse, as a series of unrelenting trembles moved thru it. An unwanted and unexpected convulsion from the forced orgasm ripping her body and mind apart.
‘This shouldn’t be happening, this can’t be happening.’ Her mind said.
But her body disagreed, betraying her as it convulsed in an unwilling orgasm that was all at once matching the pain the rest of her body was feeling, and unleashing a wave of guilty pleasure deep into her captive core.
She groaned, moaned and choked around the phallic rubber rod impaling her gagging throat as the forced orgasm blasted at her senses. Continuing for so long, as her captor fucked her with the buzzing vibrator, that it soon made her nearly pass out.
Claire’s leg still shook, she was devasted, mentally and physically. She could see from the corner of her eye, her abductor, with his dirty cock still protruding from his soiled worn jeans, slowly stroking himself with a grin.
Stepping in front of her, she lost sight of him. But she felt his fingers on her bowed out stomach. She wanted so badly to be free of his touch, but she knew that was an impossible dream now.
“Look at all this cum sweetie. Hmmm, can’t let that go to waste now, can we?” He said, as he ran a finger up her skin and scooped up the wet substance.
She could feel some of the splotches now loosing their cohesion and beginning to trickle down her torso. Her eyes though quickly glanced up at his hand as he held it over her face. Opaque goo hung off his long index finger.
“Here you go, toy, eat this up. Lord knows you need something to eat.” he chuckled, as he wiped his finger all around her quivering lips. Lips that were trying to grimace, but couldn’t really, due to the thing rammed in her mouth.
Scraping his finger up her tummy a few more times. he repeated the process. Rubbing her lips and the sides of the dildo forced into her mouth, with his unloaded semen.
Claire had never felt so powerless. Her humiliation growing beyond anything she had imagined as he finished fingering his cum into her trapped mouth.
She let out a series of mournful groans trying to convey her defeat and her acceptance of his dominance. But her sounds of utter suffering and pleadings for release, only made him smile.
“I know Claire, you’re broken now, aren’t you? You’ll do anything Old Jack now tells you…Well good!.” He said, stroking her thrust out tits and rubbing his hardened again cock across her rough shaven mound.
He could see her sobbing now and trying to strain her neck so she could nod her bent back head. Stroking her arched exposed neck, he made one last comment before deciding she needed another fuck. But this time with his real dick as she stood there stuck in those wonderful bindings
His cruel comments that made her cringe and sob even more as he growled into her face,
“Tomorrow, you beautiful young slut, we finally take you down from here! And we weld on a nice new thick metal collar around that pretty neck of yours. It’s gonna look so good on your sweet soft neck. And then I can drag you around to all my buddies for a little sharing time. A sharing time of this fuckin sweet cunt and well trained mouth of yours, before I get around to selling it.”
His final words matched the sudden thrust of his hips as he entered a screaming Claire for the umpteenth time and he used her body and abused cunt for the reason he had taken her…for a place to empty his balls.
For Loyalbutroyal
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nobodys-home19 · 4 months
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How some of the dark webs most nasty films get made… and how the makers of such classic films, handle their unwilling young stars...
Ainsley lifted her tired head as her ‘owner’ entered the sparsely furnished room. The short length of chain between her cuffs and ankle shackles rattled as she shifted her hog chained naked torso about on the dirty floor.
She moaned around her ball gag as her arched back began to hurt again. She had rolled off the smelly, stained mattress in the middle of night and being so well trapped in unforgiving steel, she hadn’t been able to get back on it.
To her relief, the nasty man who kept her as his sex slave, dropped to one knee and unlocked the padlock keeping the short lengths of ankle and wrist chains all sordidly linked together.
She was able to finally stretch out her aching limbs after a long night spent restrained hand to foot. A position she thoroughly abhorred but was made to suffer almost every night of the week. Weeks that seemed to drag into each other since her abduction many months ago.
She didn’t have much time to rest though, as the man who had paid good money for her a few weeks ago, slapped her ass and barked at her,
“Show time princess. Show me that pretty ass! Spread them cheeks so I can see right down to your tight pussy and pretty fuckable asshole.”
Ainsley brought her hands behind herself and gripped her bum cheeks. With a choked back whimper, she obediently splayed apart her own buttocks so he could look down on her puckered back entrance and the puffy rows of her well used pussy.
She sniffled and tried not to sob as she waited for him to choose a hole and stick his long dick in it. She just hoped it was her more her welcoming pussy, rather than her painfully tight asshole that he chose to fuck this nameless morning.
She let out a little shriek around her gag as something cool touched her starfish back entrance. Then she heard him spit which was followed by the wet feeling of his warm saliva on her snug back entrance.
“Sorry slut, I’m not going to fuck that hole today. In fact, we don’t have time to fuck up any of your holes right now. Since I have a crew upstairs waiting to film you and another special…costar. But don’t worry, there will be plenty of fucking and inserting things in your snug cute holes! once we get upstairs. Like I said, it’s showtime!”
Ainsley shuddered at the words he was using. ‘Film’, ‘holes’ and ‘inserting things’ made her start to fret, tremble and then groan around her mouth blocking gag. The groan suddenly became a drawn-out shriek of surprise and deep discomfort as he pushed the cool metal object deep into her slicked up sphincter.
“There, just a little training aid to keep that tight sexy butt hole of yours stretched out better. Plus, it should look adorable on camera.”
His thumb pushed at the base of the metallic cone now fully sunk deep up inside her aching ass. He grinned happily and told a whimpering Ainsley,
“That nice shiny base of a big old butt plug, sticking out between the adorable buns of your really tight teen butt!...That might make some horny pervs cum right on their screens as they watch you waddle around!”
Suddenly Ainsley was lifted up onto her knees. His large hand gripped one of her ponytails and yanked on it brutally to make her naked body rise up off the dirty floor.
“You gonna get up, you dumb little slut… or do I have to keep yanking? He bellowed.
Ainsley moaned and shook her head. Slowly she got to her socked feet and then with out asking she handed him the end of her leash.
“Well, aren’t you a good little slave slut. Glad to see your learnin your place. I fuckin paid enough for ya…Now come on, you got some important people to meet.”
With a further yank of the short leash attached to her seemingly permanent steel collar, he dragged a snivelling and frightened Ainsley out of the barren room he kept her locked away in. A room she lived every minute of her demeaning sex slave life in, when she wasn’t being put to use.
At the base of the stairs which led up to the real world that Ainsley was no longer part of, he made her twist her collar around on her tender neck. This so he could hold her leash from behind as he ordered her to march up the stairs.
His lecherous intention of course was to watch the enslaved teen’s, amazingly toned and cheerleader trained ass ascend the stairs with her freshly plugged butt in perfect view. The view which of course was making his cock harden to the max.
Ainsley stood trembling in the middle of a room that for all intents and purposes, looked just like the one she was kept captive, down in the sunless basement. Except in this room even more disgusting and horrifying tools and things, meant to torment a girl’s most sensitive parts, hung around the bare walls.
Her owner had left her there, just standing alone. His only threatening words to her, as he departed the room were, “Don’t even think about taking that butt plug out…or removing that gag, bitch!”
As the minutes ticked by and drool dripped off her lower lip, not far off in another part of the massive house, Ainsley could hear the rumblings of loud male voices. But as ordered, she just stood there shivering and hugging her naked self with her cuffed hands.
The cuffs that seemed to be permanently locked around her wrists, still dangled with the chain links and padlock used to lock her securely away. Securely locked up and imprisoned in that tiny windowless room when not taken out for her owner’s evil enjoyment.
The shouts and male laughter were suddenly interrupted by the brutal piercing screams of a woman in agony. This only made Ainsley hug herself more intensely and wish she were anywhere else, instead of being some sicko’s so-called ‘captive and owned sex slave’.
The laughter beyond, continued, and so did the intermittent wails of agony from the poor suffering female. At one point Ainsley could make out some pitiful begging and pleading shouts for mercy.
But those pleas were soon garbled and muted and Ainsley knew for sure that the tortured woman had just been gagged, probably quite cruelly knowing her owner’s penchant for the most large and intrusive gags.
Suddenly the male voices were getting closer to the slightly ajar door and an extremely frightened Ainsley began to fight back terror laden tears. How bad would this day get? How nasty would his perverse imagination get today? She worried.
And then a trio of men paraded in through the door. The last one in, before her owner appeared, was a huge portly man smoking a cigar. He looked at the trembling teen and grinned,
“My, oh my! What a fine looking piece of teen pussy we got here! You ready to be a star, bitch?” he smarmily announced stabbing his cigar into the air.
Ainsley didn’t know how to react. She was still forcibly quieted by the large black ball gag strapped in her mouth. She now had one arm bent up and lying across her pert youthful breasts and the other hand trying to shield her shaved bare mound.
As the towering hulk of the man who ruled her existence came into the room, he barked loudly at her,
“What the fuck, you disrespectful cunt! Arms down. There will be no covering up of those pretty tits and bald little pussy for my guests tonight. That’s not how you show these men respect!”
To emphasize his point and the amount of control he held over the trembling teen, he strode over to the whimpering girl. But on the way to her visibly quaking body, he reached out and snared a handheld electrical prod off the wall.
She knew what the dreaded device was and how it would painfully hurt her. She shook her head about and mumbled through her gag that she was sorry.  She obediently placed her trembling arms at her sides so she could let the other trio of men gawk and lustfully stare at her youthful trim body.
“So, what do ya think, Boss? This adorable piece of tits and ass right for this movie you wanna make?”
The large cigar smoking man nodded his head, “Yep, this little cunt looks down right delicious and perfect for our nasty production. Good find…Now let me hear how she shrieks!"
Ainsley shut her eyes tight as her owner became her tormentor. He pushed the twin electrodes painfully into her right ass cheek. She jumped and then squealed loudly around her gag as he laughingly inflicted a painful ‘Zap’ into her firm right buttock.
Her dimpled ass literally shook, and her small sock covered feet danced on the spot. She fought to keep her hands at her sides as he gave her toned ass a second good long shot of painful electricity.
She knew that any reaction to fend off the shock prod or cover her nakedness back up, would result in much more painful punishment.
Then he shouted at her, “Come on, you sexy slut, get marchin! Out the fuckin door and down the hall. It’s time to put your snug hot cunt and cock loving mouth to good use…on film.”
Ainsley began to walk quickly down the long hallway. Her trip short as she approached another set of  stairs. At the top of them she could hear loud gruff male voices and the pitiful muffled cries of the other young woman. Her body obviously being constantly tormented and abused.
With one last painful zap of his cattle prod, precisely aimed at the silken little rows of flesh between her shivering young thighs, she stumbled up the stairs and through the doorway, and into the middle of a scene of unimaginable depraved debauchery. 
The electric shock induced squeal trying to escape from behind the ball wedged in between her aching jaws, was over shadowed by the muffled scream of the teen girl chained up and degradingly perched on all fours in the middle of the large room.
 A man was kneeling on one knee beside her and tightening a rope firmly around the girl’s waist. Ainsley watched, as he pulled with a loud grunt on the rope, so that it dug hard into the girl’s creamy smooth skin.
He then wrenched the rough rope up between her legs and secured it to the post mounted directly behind her. The post held a deviously long dildo that was just beginning to intrude into the young woman’s battered red entrance.
With one large hand on the rope around her waist, and another pulling on the knot securing the rope between her legs, he yanked with a vicious laugh. Two other well dressed men sitting in leather lounge chairs nearby, leaned forward and ‘ooohed and awed’.
All the men were intently watching, while the sobbing girl clenched her eyes shut in agony, and many, many inches of the thick dildo penetrated forcibly and deep into her suffering pussy.
Tying the knots off securely to the post, the large man slapped the constantly wailing teen on her lean muscular bum and then rose up to tower at his full height above the girl.
With a jerk of his foot, he kicked at something under the girl’s chest. This set off a new series screams and muffled blubbering now attempting to make it past the tight panel gag the girl had locked about her head.
Ainsley squealed and stumbled forward again, as her master applied the shock prod once again to her tender ass. It was then she was able to see the cruel weights swaying under the trapped girl’s young teen tits. Both of the heavy weights hung there from her stretched and freshly skewered nipples.
Small beads of blood trickled from the fresh holes the brutal fishhooks had ripped thru the girl’s delicate nipple buds. Her abused nipples looked purple and agonizingly distended. The pain the girl must be feeling had Ainsley trembling in anticipatory terror from head to toe.
Ainsley’s eyes began to intensely water as she stood there petrified, shivering naked in front of these large boisterous men. They all had that look of sadistic intent on their smirking faces.
A look which Ainsley could tell meant they didn’t just want to use the pair of girls for deviant rough sex, no, they meant to make them suffer.
“Okay, start filming again on this sweet little whore…Zoom in on her cute tits and girl next door face as our man gives her the orders.” Bellowed the Boss.
Cameras were swung around, and a couple of lights were moved. Then Ainsley’s owner approached her. He reached out to cup Ainsley’s trembling head.
“Good! You’re properly scared…That will look great on film…Now we are probably going to need this gag out for the next scenes. Kind of hard to suck cock or eat pussy with this in your mouth.”  He chuckled as he loosened her ball gag and let the saliva covered ball hang from her neck.
She could feel the drool from the ball dripping down her bare skin and run down between her perky teenage tits as he smiled at her. She stood there nervous beyond belief, her hands she consciously kept clasped but placed over her tummy as not to obstruct any view of her pussy or tits.
“Give me your hand, slave.” He ordered plainly.
Ainsley blinked in surprise and offered her shaking hand out to him, nervously waiting for him to slap it or whip it painfully with some tool.
To her shock, he slapped a metallic dildo made up of stacked chrome balls into her right hand.  He pointed at the terrified whimpering girl on all fours and inescapably bolted to the floor.
Then he simply said, ”Slave…put it in her ass, or…”
He didn’t say the full ‘or else’ it was implied, and she knew this.
A shocked Ainsley nodded rapidly, quietly whispering out a hoarse “Yes master…Yes Sir.”
She hurried over to position herself behind the poor girl, chained and whimpering on the floor. The girl was trying to beg through her gag, shaking her head back in forth, in a resounding gesture of ‘Please No’. 
Ainsley put the chrome balls up against the girl’s tight, starfish like asshole entrance. Just a little above where the fat fake cock disappeared into the girl’s stretched pussy.
She surmised correctly that there had to be at least 8 inches of thick phallic rubber already uncomfortably stuffed into the bawling, stuck on all fours, girl’s sex. And with her hips so brutally anchored by the ropes, Ainsley knew the girl had no hope in hell of easing off the sick thing.
Ainsley could actually see the entire girl’s body tense. The muscles around her tiny ass quivering in fearful anticipation of the assault to come. When Ainsley touched the tip of the anal dildo to the girl’s sphincter, the girl’s whole body strained to ease away from the coming intrusion.
Ainsley eased back the tool and watched as the girl’s hips shifted back. Her speared cunt then took back in another inch of the thick dildo.
To Ainsley it appeared that the nameless girl seemed more willing to fuck herself on the fake cock, rather than let Ainsley impale her ass. This happened a few times as Ainsley hesitantly touched the tip of the chrome balls to the girl’s spasming asshole.
The girl’s self fucking got plenty of laughs from the surrounding and lecherously onlooking men. One man even moved to within a few feet with a camera to get a more dynamic closeup of the sobbing girl’s impaled pussy.
Finally Ainsley’s hesitation caused her owner to grab one of her pigtails and force her head back up to meet his eyes.
“Do you want us all… to fuck your tight little ass, slut, instead of hers? Or do you help us make a great video of us all breaking in this snivelling young slut’s virgin ass… right now! WHAT’s IT GOING TO BE…YOUR ASS… OR HERS?” he roared.
With immediate response and plenty of guilt, Ainsley stuttered out, “No Sir….her ass, Sir…Please, let’s fuck her ass…Sir.”
Ainsley had already been fucked too many times in every hole by her master and some of his sick friends. She wanted no part of a sure to be horrific ass ripping gang bang.
So without a moments more of hesitation, Ainsley leaned forward and pushed the rod into the flailing girl’s ass. Her whispered, “Sorry” not heard at all by the now howling captive girl.
Grabbing the girl’s snug waist rope with her small left hand, Ainsley leveraged her own small weight to solidly push the meta balls into the girl’s spasming and unwilling rectum. She had the sordid tool in about half way when she heard her owner’s gruff bark above her.
“DEEPER…you stupid slut! Get it in there deep!” he ordered a shaking Ainsley.
He grabbed Ainsley’s tight bum with his own large hand and he placed a finger right at her own tight little well used entrance.
“Deeper cunt, or me and the boys are going to start shoving all our cocks into this lovely little place.” He growled,
Then he pushed that one finger into his teary eyed sex slave’s sweet ass, well past the first knuckle.
Paying no attention to the muffled screams of the captive girl, Ainsley, in dire fear of him inserting his finger any further or having every man in attendance, fuck her abused ass, closed her eyes and gave one last full body push. Till her hand gripping the end of the shaft of chrome balls was wedged in between the girl’s shuddering as cheeks.
The resulting wail of agony was intense. So intense that Ainsley jumped back, right hard against her Master’s solid muscular bare torso.
It was shaking itself from the fits of laughter he was having with the other sadists present. She stood there shocked as she looked at the small amount of handle sticking out of the now howling and shuddering, girl’s ass.
Ainsley had thoroughly impaled this innocent teenager. All to protect her own ass. All to try and avoid the sick and excruciating torture the men around her could surely inflict on her.
Her moment of shock was short lived as suddenly her pigtails were pulled down hard and she was forced to her knees. Whipped around by her hair, she came face to face with a bobbing erect cock. With his left hand still gripping one pigtail, her Master began to slap her face… hard.
“Open up you stupid slut..Start sucking!” he commanded. “SMACK….SLAAPPP”
Two more massive slaps to her face had her mouth wrapped around his cock. She reached up and grabbed his large sack with one free hand and began massaging his balls as she pumped her teen mouth back and forth on his shaft.
She was sucking, slurping and plunging the long hard flesh deep in past her lips and over her tongue, until it was banging at the back of her throat.
“Take it deeper cunt, or should we start hanging fish hooks from these pretty little titties of yours?” he threatened.
Ainsley, even with her mouth stuffed full of cock, shook her head side to side, and then proceeded to put everything she had into ramming her mouth onto his bulging shaft. 
Fighting back her gag instinct, her eyes full of watery tears, she forced his shaft to slide down into her throat. The whole sordid process being aided along by his forceful grip. A grip he had on both her pigtails, which he jerked forward with.
“OH FUCK YES,…YOU FUCKIN GREEDY LITTLE WHORE!” He yelled as he erupted deep in her throat.
He slammed his hips repeatedly into her face as he kept emptying his balls into her. Flinging her head suddenly off his cock with strands of cum and drool flying everywhere, Ainsley had no time to even re-focus her tear-filled eyes as another pair of hands grabbed her hair.
“All right cunt, you ready to eat my cock…ARE YOU? Or do we fuck you up like her!!” the other man shouted at Ainsley.
Ainsley glanced over to the girl bolted to the floor and let out a bubbly cum and drool gasp, as she took in the horror nearby.
The poor girl’s panel gag was now gone, and one man was kneeling in front of her slamming his hips into her face, his cock buried to its maximum depth past her bruised and puffy lips.
Every slam of his pelvis into her anguished face caused her body to thrust backwards and impale her ravaged sex deeper onto the pole mounted dildo.
Another man stood above her with a leather flogger, swinging it wildly and raining the leather down all over her lower back and buttocks. Some of the strokes striking the still deeply embedded chrome rod and causing the girl to visible shudder in even more immense pain than she was already being subjected too.
Ainsley looked back up to the new pervert holding one of her pigtails. Her tormented eyes tried not to glance to the side at the multiple camera’s now filming the demonic and deviant affair.
She quickly grasped his cock in her small right hand. Then she dove her mouth quick and deep onto his pulsating shaft. Cupping his balls, just like she had done with her master, she sucked and swallowed as if her life depended on it.
Soon that feeling of hot pumping liquid ran thru her tongue as his cock pushed down on it. The flesh of his not long, but mighty thick dick, completely filled her mouth. Suddenly she felt an explosion of the salty goo hit the back of her throat as this man came.
He gripped her pigtails painfully tight, just like her master had done and he pumped furiously into her young mouth.
And as the screams and garbled begging from the other girl intensified behind her, Ainsley saw, from the corner of her tear soaked eye, a parade of men entering the room, all unzipping their flies and lining up to have a go at her mouth. It was then she heard the last words of her master for the night, before being totally ravaged by the party goers and film makers.
“I know boys, let’s have this pretty teen slave slut lean over and across the stupid cunt chained to the floor. Then we can fuck both their pussies and mouths at the same time. Heck we could go four guys at once that way on these two teen sluts!! It will make for some great movie making …Who’s all in???”
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nobodys-home19 · 4 months
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nobodys-home19 · 7 months
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Garantierte Bio Haltung
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nobodys-home19 · 7 months
@owned-deadlynightshade  A good girl suffering for my pleasure. Again, I feel compelled to point out that this was consensual. Some women just know their place. 
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nobodys-home19 · 8 months
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nobodys-home19 · 9 months
Any guys wanna message me? Thinking about getting kidnapped
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nobodys-home19 · 11 months
"The young women were having a slumber party while their parents were out enjoying a dinner. They were having a great time in their rooms, completely oblivious to the fact that an intruder had broken into the house. Their laughter and chatter echoed through the house, making it easy for the intruder to sneak into their bedroom, like a silent predator. Little did they know that their joyous evening was about to take a terrifying turn. One of the girls opened the door, intending to go downstairs and grab some snacks for the group. To her horror, she came face-to-face with a stranger dressed in black, deliberately showing his face without a mask. The girls couldn't comprehend his intentions, but they would soon find out. Without warning, he violently grabbed the first girl, dragging her into the room. He forcefully threw her to the ground, pulling out a knife and instructing her to stay put. Fear gripped the girls as he threatened to harm them if they made a sound. They were paralyzed with terror, unsure of how to react. One girl began to panic, but it was understandable given the circumstances. She struggled to remain calm, but the other girls in the room were just as terrified. The intruder commanded them to bind their hands behind their backs, leaving them no choice but to comply. With the presence of the knife, they couldn't risk resisting. He then used a rope to tie their arms together and their legs, rendering any attempt to escape futile. The girls were in grave danger, but their ordeal was far from over. The intruder produced a roll of silver duct tape and used it to silence their screams, tightly binding their mouths. They wriggled and fought, desperate to make a sound and plead for mercy, but the man had no intentions of listening. He retrieved three large bags from his bag, forcefully stuffing the girls inside, securing the bags tightly, and covering them with black trash bags. Before leaving, he captured a few photographs, capturing the horror he had inflicted. He effortlessly slung the bags over his back, displaying an unnerving strength. With no trace left behind, he locked up the house and retreated to his van. He callously tossed the bags into the back, slammed the doors shut, and drove off into the night, disappearing forever."
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nobodys-home19 · 1 year
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New life
Erin is a sexy 26 year old woman. With a nice body and big tits. She has a reputation for being tease. Erin broke up with her boyfriend nick after 4 years. Nick was a drunk and abusive asshole. The abuse got so bad Erin called the police and nick went to jail. So Erin decided to move back go her home town to get away from nick and his family and to start a new life.  Erin didn't know she was being stalked by nicks family. His family stalked her for 2 weeks watching her get dressed among other things. One day Erin saw a new club that just opened so she called her friend Annie "hey what do you know about club indigo?. Annie says "I work there as a bartender" Erin says "I'm going this friday". Annie says "I work that night I'll see you then". Friday comes along and  Erin gets ready she puts on a while long sleeve blouse with a short plaid skirt and black heels. Erin goes to the club sees Annie and talks to her she notices a older man staring at her and says "that fucking pervert over there has been watching me this whole time he just walked away". Erin gets a few more drinks and Annie says "my shift is over I'll see you later" Erin says "alright see ya".  She drinks alittle bit more then she stumbles down the long hallway to the bathroom when suddenly a hand covers her mouth and a raspy voice says "don't fucking scream slut!". She trys to fight him off by kneeing him the groin Erin tried to run but her heels made it impossible he catches up to her and knocks her out cold. Erin wakes up tied up and mouth duct tape shut. The man in the ski mask sits her on a stool and says "we need to have a talk". The man takes his mask off to revel it was scott her ex boyfriends dad. Erin eyes widen in fear Scott rips the tape off "Scott What the fuck untie me right now you pervet!". Scott grope Erin "stop you fucking sick bastard!" He unbutton part of her blouse to get a better look "black bra fucking sexy!". What do you want". He back hand Erin and she falls off the stool "you broke up with my son slut and put him in jail". "Yeah the asshole beat me so bad he nearly killed me I had to". Scott kicks her she coughs and says "you feel tough a 60 year man kidnapping a 25 year old. You're a fucking bastard let me go!"  He rips her blouse off and forces her to her knees "now fucking suck it slut" "eww NO FUCK YOU!". he start to strangle Erin when all of a sudden nicks 2 uncles  Ron and tim come in. Ron says "dont kill her" tim says"is that the slut. Damn she's hot". Scott forces her to her knees and says "suck our cocks or get throat fucked" "no fuck off let me go!" Ron punches Erin in the face. Then Scott grabs Erin and forces his cock In her mouth and throat fucks her "you had a choice whore!" Scott throat fucks Erin till he cums he pulls out Erin cough and gasps had no time to recover then Ron throat fucks her harder then Scott he cums then finally tim throat fucks her. Finally after 20 mins they stop throat fucking her. Erin gags and cough with cum and drool dripping from her mouth she begs "no more please". Scott pulls her skirt off and rips her panties off and rapes Erin "oww stop its to big oww get off me sicko!" He rapes her hard then he stops and Ron and tim rape Erin. All 3 of them take turns raping her. After 1 hour of being brutally and viciously raped they stop they all 3 say "God that felt great best sex I had in months". Erin says "that wasn't sex that was  r..rape... you raped me sick fucks!". Scott says "round 2 slut!" "Please no more I can't take much more". Scott pulls her off the bed bends her over and rapes her in the ass. They all take turns and they make a sick game out of it who can rape her the longest and fastest. When she was on the verge of passing out they would stop then start again till eventually she couldn't take anymore then passed out. After a while Erin woke up to being kick repeatedly in the stomach and back she was kicked a good 15-20 times then all 3 beat the shit out of Erin. Then Scott takes her to the basement locks her in a cage and makes her his sex slave
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nobodys-home19 · 1 year
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Private investor abigail spears was on the local radio station talking about her case's In the world of showbiz. And was working on a case that would shock everyone involved in the country when she's revealed the people involved with it .When all was said and done on her way out a producer stopped her and asked if she could look into her missing sister's case. Abigail not one to mess around told her to meet her in the morning at her office. The following morning the woman turned up and began to tell joy her young athletic sister went training and never come home but got a text message the next day saying she had somethings to sort out and would be away for some weeks. She told abigail it was not like her to just take of something was wrong. Abigail said she would look into her case but couldn't promise anything . After she left abigail had a busy afternoon planned she had become a bit of a celebrity after exposing some celebrities for cheating and fraud. A company had got in touch and offered a lot of money to do a fitness workout dvd she thought why not so that afternoon she was at studio doing her routine.
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After a few hours abigail spears left and started to look into the missing girls case .going to the track where she trained and talking to her friends she found out that she was meeting someone that night at a hotel across town out by a private airport. It was early morning when abigail spears pulled up in her car and got out dressed as if she been jogging she parked a good mile away from the hotel. The hotel was near a shopping centre with a industrial estate about 10 minutes away then the airport she did a run around the hotel and industrial estate nothing unusual there .having coffee outside the shopping centre she noticed a black van pulling up round the back of the hotel it stayed for 20 minutes then left nothing wrong with that she thought and made her way back to her car .as she was driving passed the industrial estate the van was coming out and out of curiosity she followed it .the van took about 10 minutes to get to the airfield and went into a hangar with the aid of a pair of binoculars she could see men unloading the van . 5 oblong crates about 6/feet long was carried onto a private plane. The plane was was unusual as she thought the crates would go onto a cargo plane. Then a man in a suit gave the driver of the van a lage metal suitcase and they left. Abigail watched as the plane left the hangar and wrote down the tail number which was in Arabic. She drove back to the shopping centre and watched the hotel the rest of the night .the van came back again at 2am in the morning so abigail got herself in a placed where she could see. Two men came out carrying what looked like a long leather sausage between them and placed inside the van. She followed them to the industrial estate and the van disappeared into a warehouse. She parked up and jogged round to the side of the building luckily enough there were pallets stacked up by one of the windows. Climbing up she peered though she saw the leather sack laying on a table the men returned carrying a long crate like the ones she had seen at the airfield .one of the men began to rub the leather sack at one end and she could of sworn she see it move if only for a second it must of been a trick of the light then they lifted it into the crate . One of them looked like he was doing up straps the other was fiddling with some tubes then they closed the lid and padlock it with 3 locks and lifted it into the van and drove of .abigail once again followed the van to the airfield same hangar but a different plane this time the tail number was Chinese. On her way home all sorts was going through her mind as to what was in the leather sacks and crates what were they smuggling. she'd find out tomorrow. In the morning she done the jog round the hotel. Inside the manger was watching the cctv he pick up the phone and call the the van driver "we got a problem a nosey Parker but a very fit and quiet a beauty she will fetch a excellent profit he said I'll let you know when we have her and you can do a double pickup we have a tourist ripe to be picked . He watched as abigail was looking around the back as see walked by a opened door and a arm shot out. Abigail didn't see the shoot out and go around her body and a leather gloved hand over her mouth as she was pulled into the room a second man grabbed her legs and between them they carried her into a side room .
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Struggling like mad she was no match for the two professional slavers the manger was waiting there with a roll of duck tape and with two men holding her he began tapeing her ankles then above and below her knees. When the hand came away from her mouth a ballgag was pushed in a strapped then she was fipped over onto her stomach and her wrists were tape behind he back .tape went around her breasts above and below to hold her arms against her back. Tape went over the ballgag as well then a piece of cloth over her eyes. One of the men pushed her onto her side and she could hear them laughing as they left the room . She didn't know how long she'd been there when the door opened and in walked the driver of the van with his partner "Joe was right she looks athletic and them breasts are lovely rubbing her arse in the spandex leggings then slapping it .abigail struggle and moaned into her gag. Leave her we'll do the tourist 1st she'd still drugged and will be easy to bag up come on he said as they left the room. About 20 minutes later abigail heard the door open .right we no trouble out of you girl or your be punished understand one said. we'll start with her head as they remove the tape then the ballgag abigail thought about screaming out but before she had the chance a fat rubber penis gag was stuffed into mouth and strapped tightly round her head but that wasn't the end her eyes widened as it began to inflate inside her mouth. Looking around wildly she saw a pile of leather "let's get them leggings of and ankles cuffs on as the man pulled them of then her panties before they cuffed her ankles a leather pair of panties with plugs were pulled up her legs ."better put some lube on that buttplug that hole looks virgin to me abigail screamed into her gag as it pushed passed her hole the dildo just slipped in no problems. Her arms were next cutting of the tape and her top exposing her lovely breasts. Laying on her stomach with one of them sitting on her back holding her arms up a leather mitten was put over each hand and strapped at the wrist. Her hair was ponytailed and she was wondering why when saw the Leather sweet gwen hood she double her struggling but the men were to experience and knew how to handle her a hard smacked on each of her arse cheeks with her own trainer calmed her down. Ear buds was pushed into her ears then her hair was pulled through the hole in the hood And the hood was pulled down onto her head then zipped tightly closed. The hood came down passed her mouth leaving just her nose and eyes uncovered the bottom of the hood closed like a collar round her neck .with her wrists clipped together behind her back and ankles cuffed the men began to unfold the leather body bag
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Laying on her back one of the men began to feed her feet into the leather sack as the other held it open kicking her legs and shaking her head one of the men squeezed her nipple hard " now stop being difficult and behave. When it was up to her hips she was bent forwards and her wrists were unclipped with the mittens still on her hands her arms one at a time were forced into sleeves inside the body bag with the leather now up and over her shoulders one held her down while the other began to do the zipper up .abigail felt the leather tightness 1st around her ankles then her shins as the zipper was pulled up behind her thighs over her arse and up her back. Her breasts were squashed against the leather her arms already secured into the sleeves gave no movement at all now they were pinned to her sides the leather collar laped over the bottom of the hood. Abigail tryed but movement was impossible the two men picked her up and sat her on side of a bed a door opened and the manger walked in " so what you think of our little bonus then .abigail couldn't hear what they were saying as she watched their smiling faces two of the men left and the manger who couldn't resist but rubthe leather covering her breasts .suddenly she could hear as the manger said your being shipped out with the other girl this afternoon by tonight your be in a display room being auctioned of to the highest bidder your sale well in the Asian Market them Chinese love European girls. In her mind abigail was screaming but no noise was getting passed that gag and hood then she saw the two men carrying a leather body bag it had to be the other women then they came for her the white noise returned to her ears and she felt something at the side of her head then everything went black the blindfold leather of course was strapped tightly then she was lifted by her legs and shoulders and carried out to the van .it didn't take long to get to the airfield and like she saw the other night abigail was lifted into a padded crate the tubes she saw were connected to a oxygen bottle and the mask went over her nose the bottle was a mixture of oxygen and a sedative with the white noise in her ears she was soon relaxing as the straps secured her inside of the crate .so began abigail spears journey into slavery and a new life.
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Abigail spears story will continue in part two.
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nobodys-home19 · 1 year
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Slave Transport 20 by Freakondo
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nobodys-home19 · 1 year
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Suspended in a metal cage
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nobodys-home19 · 1 year
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