nocarnivalsnogames · 5 years
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DUSTIN SUMMERS  ⧉  24, strawberry farmer, d. montgomery
born and raised on a farm in wisconsin / like literally born there his mom didn’t believe in hospitals / a “mind over matter” ass household / youngest of three, convinced he’s still the most mature / actually thinks he’s the token “dad friend” and more responsible than he is / i.e., slurring a lecture at u and helping drunker friends into the uber / the most tragic thing to ever happen to him was when his family lost the family farm when he was fourteen and he cannot tell the story without describing it as DEVASTATING / its ok bc he eventually found work at a strawberry farm / ever had somebody mansplain strawberries to u? well ur about to / gets mad when mistaken for southern but is known to occasionally wear cowboy boots so / an idiot who genuinely believes he’s smart / chronic bad advice giver / submitted an audition tape for the bachelorette w his friends as a “joke” but like he actually made it / was on the show 2 seasons ago and was dumped after what he thought was a romantic line dancing lesson / blanco brown’s the git up is unironically his favorite song rn / loves attention almost as much as he loves strawberries and blanco brown’s the git up / “ok here’s what u have to do” every time anyone mentions even the smallest non-issue 12 ft away from him / always flexing, denies it
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