nocchiopuppet · 17 days
Pinocchio × Puppet!Reader - Headcanons
- The first moment he met you, he'd try to fight.
- After noticing you're self-conscious and have free will just like him, he'd definitely give you a chance to prove you're not like the others.
- A lot of silence, a lot of talking, it's 50/50. You both would go out in missions and return without speaking a single word, but the moment he felt comfortable enough, he'd talk about everything, everything his dad doesn't talk to him, everything he notices around and has no one to share it with, but now, this person is you. This young puppet is also a very good listener, paying attention to every comment you'd bring up.
- Every kind of interaction he learned about humans, he would try to remake to you. Giving flowers? Yes. Doing small favors whenever? Yes. Complimenting you every time you wear something new? Yes. It makes him feel human more than anything.
- Pino wouldn't be overprotective on you in battles, he knows very well you're strong, skilled, and can take care of yourself by your own. He would disappear for a few minutes and come back with useful stuff he found on the streets. Since you're a puppet too, being seriously injured wouldn't scare him, after all, Eugenie, Venigni or Geppetto can fix you later.
- Your P organ. Everything said before is not considered here, it's all fine until you get damaged next to your heart. He'd be desperate and do anything he can to protect you while you're not in safety. Pino will protect your P organ like it is his own on. Gettingg your heart destroyed means getting his partner away from forever.
- Haha, funny, you're both puppets, you just don't.
ty for reading <33
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nocchiopuppet · 20 days
I'm obsessed with Pino edits that he's wearing Bloodborne outfits, please, never stop
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nocchiopuppet · 23 days
A/N: As usual, I didn't like the way I ended this...
Despite your situation, you couldn’t help grinning at the sight before you. A puppet, with the power to destroy almost everything he came into contact with was sulking. Not just sulking, he paced the room, his feet clunking loudly. He knew you disliked the sound, which was why he put in the extra effort. Every so often his face would dart towards you, blue eyes piercing yours, as if he didn’t believe what he saw. He turned away as quickly as he looked, but the glare remained.
You knew what he wanted from you, but you didn’t feel like apologizing. You didn’t see the point. Looking back, you would do the same thing again, no matter how stupid the act was. The hotel had been raided. Everyone ran for shelter, but you ran towards the library. It needed to be protected from those who had nefarious intentions. The knowledge accumulated would be the seeds for further trouble down the road. So you ran and barricaded the door. It worked, until one of Simon’s beasts broke in. You would have been done for if P hadn’t run in after the monster and killed it. However, in the midst of battle, his back was towards a stalker, and they took their opportunity. Seeing what was about to happen, you ran and pushed the stalker. He faltered and in a desperate act, slashed at your arm. It was a distraction, but enough for P to get his baring and act. The stalker killed, P turned to you, anger brimming in his eyes.
In silence he dressed your wound, but you knew what question hovered in the air. Why did you step in? You could have died! He had a point. Even attacked from behind, P would have taken considerably less damage then if you were armed and ready. Everyone knew to hold out until P came. To let P take the brunt of the attacks. Yet still, you ran to protect him.
“I’m not going to apologize,” you said defiantly. “So, you can be as mad as you want”.
Your voice was strong, but you looked away as you spoke. Slowly, you stepped off of the makeshift bed and attempted to leave the room. You didn’t get far. P’s torso blocked you, and there was no way to push aside a being as heavy as him. So you looked at him and give a nervous smile.
P sighed. It surprised you. He never expressed exhaustion before. Did the fight really take a lot out of him? He should really go to Eugenie. You opened your mouth to tell him this when he placed his hands on your shoulders.
“I’m sorry?”.
The words were said clearly and slowly. You burst out laughing.
“You’re not sure?”
It was hilarious, watching P hesitate for once in his life. Always he knew what to do, even if he went in blindfolded into a fight. He never wavered, never reflected much. But now, you felt his hesitation in the arms that pressed down on your shoulders. You steeled yourself to embrace the weight. If you fell, P would never open up again.
The voice was soft, barely heard. A tough word for a mechanical being to choke out. To fail meant to malfunction forever unless he was fixed. His failures did not carry human elasticity to change and grow. The events of the past few hours dawned on you, and you wondered when he began to feel this way.
He was looking down now, at his shoes. A schoolboy waiting for reprimand. For what? For saving us? The attack, the damage to the hotel, the injuries, his missing father, none of this was his fault. But it didn’t matter. We told him to be the hero.
You placed your hand over his and squeezed.
“You did not fail”.
P snapped his head up towards you. His face scrunched as he struggled to express his thoughts.
“You had to act,” he broke off, peering intensely at your face, desperately hoping you’d understand.
“You think you failed because I had to protect you?”
P nodded.
Oh we’re monsters.
“P, I would have acted whether it was you or someone else. It’s only natural to protect your allies, those you care about”.
You could see P processing your words.
“You, care about me?”
You gawked at him. Why is he focusing on that?
He pulled you in closer to him.
P’s curiosity was always intense. No number of answers could appease him.
“Because I like you”.
He pulled you in closer, making you centimeters apart. His head bent towards your ear.
This was getting off track.
“I’m beginning to wonder myself,” you muttered.
P couldn’t snicker yet, but his cheeky smile and the mischievous eyes relayed all. The tension eased and you found it easier to speak.
“I’m sorry for being reckless, but I can’t promise I won’t do it again”.
P leaned his forehead against yours, eyes piercing once again, but the anger was gone this time.
“No. Don’t like that”.
“Then you better keep yourself safe”.
P understood you meant your words in earnest, but it still struck a chord. A puppet was never told to keep themselves safe. Sophia and Geppetto always told him to be careful, but that didn’t stop them from sending P out on mission after mission.
“I--,” his voice stopped. He didn’t know how to respond. “I’m sorry”.
It was a default action buried too deep in his heart to fully understand. So he buried his head in your neck. He didn’t know what he was sorry for, but he didn’t know what else to say. But you seemed to understand as you gently stroked his head. He didn’t see the frown on your face as his words played around in your mind.
Until a few days ago, he didn’t even have life. There was no way he could make promises for the future. The only future humans seemed to want was a puppetless one. Would he even get to be a part of a puppetless world? He couldn’t promise you anything except the present. Which is why he got so upset. You moved in closed to give him a hug, and he all but leaned his weight onto you.
“I’m sorry P. I’ll take better care of myself. So please, keep striving to live”.
You felt him nod. He couldn’t promise you the future, but he could promise to put in every effort to survive and life to see another day. If only to spend it with you.
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nocchiopuppet · 1 month
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nocchiopuppet · 2 months
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nocchiopuppet · 2 months
Headcanon: Carlo grew his hair out when he was in school to be cool like Romeo, against his father's wishes, who thought it made him look like a hippie. That's why P's hair grows after encountering the King of Puppets - subconscious defiance against his dad for giving him short hair.
Even though personally I like the short hair better
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nocchiopuppet · 2 months
Romeo is so pretty... I wish we could have seen him as human
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"Who's the puppet? You or me?"
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"Maybe this is what real freedom feels like...Thank you, Carlo..."
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
Note: Reader is a lil sick and P won't leave them alone. Pretty short fic.
You groan as you lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling of one of the hotel bedrooms. You sniff as your nose is blocked and your head felt stuffy, not only that but you had a puppet sitting on your bed staring at you.
"I'm fine P..." *you say before coughing, "you don't need to be by me constantly...' the puppet narrows his eyes a little, shaking his head. Ah yes, he was becoming more human at this point. His hair grew out although the colour still stayed the same, you eye him as he does with you.
"Watching...to make sure...nothing bad happens..." his voice speaks up, it was still monotone but had a hint of emotion in it. P had learned that humans get sick sometimes and it took not only you and Sophia but even Antonia and Eugénie to tell him you weren't dying.
You sigh as you move your arm above your head, moving a little to get comfortable. You sigh as you felt the hot flush on your cheeks rise. You then see P lean in, "don't want to leave..." it was true at this point that P had grown to like you. A lot. He thought you were lovely to look at and could listen to you talk forever.
You narrow your eyes more before sighing agian, "fine..." *you then feel your side move a little and see P laying down with you, looking at you with his legion hand under his head. You chuckle a little as you move a strand of his luscious locks out of his face, he takes your hand in his free one, you watch as he brings your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles. You scoff but feel more heat rise onto your cheeks, this puppet was getting to you...and you enjoyed it.
You let out a content sigh as you slowly turn on your side and move closer, his eyes widened a little but he smiles a little as you moved closer into his chest. When he wasn't covered in blood or oil he smelt pretty nice, which was odd as puppets don't smell...maybe it was because he was becoming human? Who knows.
You wrap your arm over his waist as you bury your head into the crook of his neck, your breath hitting his skin. You close your eyes as you feel his hand press against your back, pulling you closer making you smile a little.
Okay, maybe this wasn't so bad but you swore you saw the puppet smirk a little...but maybe it was just you.
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
A Romeo figurine that I’ve been working on for almost two months
The total height of the figure and base is 30cm
Sorry for the bad photo taking but I'm really trying to show my details…
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
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for @bri-in-ur-attic
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
A few thoughts for a modern AU:
Carlo and P are twins. Carlo is the older one, by a few minutes. They are both named after the book "Le Avventure di Pinocchio": Carlo after the author and P after the protagonist. Both are college students who study arts. Carlo's main focus is music while P's is literature, especially fairytales. Their relationship with their dad is... Meeeh. They lost their mother when they were still pretty young and what did Geppetto do instead of comforting his twins? He let others do it. So they both ended up being mostly taken care of by others like their nanny, also they both grew up with Sophia who became like a big sister to them. Anyway, nowadays they are both really independent. Carlo likes to rub it under his dad's nose that he doesn't need his attention (which is a lie) while P tries to keep a pretty respectful distance towards his dad (he still cares for him, but he too is disappointed).
Carlo and P both spend a lot of time with Romeo and Eugenie. Carlo a little bit more with Romeo and P a little bit more with Eugenie since they are childhood friends. In their freetime Carlo does a lot of sports, plays music or just hangs out with Romeo while P enjoys reading, travelling around and crafting (he likes to build random funny and cute things with Eugenie on the weekend. They especially love Venigni's workshop that is opened for the citizens on weekend. He has some free workshops there, because he wants to support people's creativity).
But one thing both like to do together is helping out at their local animal shelter, which got found but Lady Antonia. They know her since they were young, since they used to live in her hotel.
Oh yeah, P doesn't talk in this AU. Not because he can't, it's more because of the trauma he developed thanks to Geppetto neglecting him and Carlo. He uses sign language and an app called 'Gemini' to communicate with others. Carlo learned sign language just for him and oh boi does he get mad when people tell P just to speak up since "he isn't mute because of a disability".
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
Breaking up with P - Headcanons
- The conversation wouldn't involve voice rising, anger attitude, or anything like that. Even when breaking up with you, he would be polite and respectful as always
- No more gentle touches, sweet looks, simple gifts, of course, just like any other break up, but the most hurtful thing will be he avoiding you, passing through, and doesn't stopping to kiss or hug you
- What a torture watch him talk normally to everyone at the hotel, but when it comes to you, only expect greeting or important information
- He's not evil, he wouldn't ever like to see you suffer, said that, he will be as much as he can outside, doing tasks, cleaning streets or just wandering around to stay away from the hotel
- No gossip or talking bad. Pino will stay silent for any question about your relationship, he thinks it's disrespectful with both of you exposing what happened or the break up reason. Also, don't expect he will say a single bad word about you to anyone else, and will not tolerate someone talking bad about you to him too.
- Extra: I can see this poor boy feeling his heart breaking in pieces, so much pain he thinks that can't handle it, although he will not show that to you, everyone at the hotel knows how much he's missing you but denies to let you know.
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
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I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
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P was probably devastated by her death without understanding how to feel that sorrow
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
it's been a couple of days since I asked myself, "Do people at the hotel notice Sophia presence? Can they see her like Pinocchio?" I played around 4 times and can't remember one single voice line of Venigni, Antonia, Eugénie or even Gepetto about her. I know, I'm pretty dumb cuz of this but didn't notice earlier.
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
The Portrait of a Young Boy
This was totally inspired by @abyzzwalker Lies of P art! It's gorgeous!
He was staring at the painting again. The portrait of a young boy. Carlo. Some would say P was staring at himself. But you knew better. It must have been another conflict, another clash between puppets and humans. With the frenzy resolved, many of the old families returned to Krat, bringing with them hordes of workers. Though they returned with a zeal to rebuild Krat, it was with a definitive notion to rebuild a Krat that was no longer dependent on puppets. They couldn’t get rid of puppets altogether, they were far too useful for complete annihilation, but there was a divide in how evolved humans wanted puppets to be.
Caught in the midst of this divide, P found himself in an unknown world once more. His unique situation made him a perfect middle ground to go between those who stood for puppet and those who did not. He didn’t really want to be in this position, but he wanted to help Lorenzini. And since Lorenzini stood for his puppets, his livelihood, Pinocchio found himself facing a world that silenced his voice. There was hostility about, and this time it was not a hostility he could deal with. A diplomat could hardly be trusted if he resolved his problems by plunging his opponents with the first thing in his hand, could he?
They called him names. Abnormal. Half-breed. Hybrid. Unnatural. Monster. They shunned him, stalked his path with eyes full of hate. They threw objects. Stones, mud, fish guts, rotten fruit, you name it. He moved more openly and spoke more often, but it was not his path nor was he speaking his words. He never complained through it all. Not when you heard the names people hollered. Not when people threw, they glare upon you as you walked beside him. Not even when you had to wash off the foul stench. You were angry and upset, but Pinocchio didn’t know how to be angry. He did not know how to defend himself against a harmless enemy.
But Pinocchio did understand sadness, and on days when the people’s anger swallowed him, he found himself staring at his likeness. What would have happened if he had lived? Actually lived? The answer was obvious, but still he found himself staring at the true boy he should have been. His lips would twist in a familiar way. A twist so familiar that even those who were close to P slipped and called him Carlo. P did not correct the mistake but would continue to stare at his likeness with an ever-increasing frown on his face.
You did not like this look on your Pinocchio. You would have thrown away the painting of Carlo, burnt it, if not for the fear of what it might do to Pinocchio. He was still as sweet as ever, as kind, as selfless. But his face was changing. You wondered how soon before he asked you to call him Carlo, and, as you watched Pinocchio wither away, you wondered whether you would be able to refuse his simple desire.
Desperate you tried a last attempt. You made a new commission and, when Pinocchio was away, you hid Carlo’s portrait and replaced it with the new one. Then you waited. Once again, Pinocchio slipped into Geppetto’s room where the portrait rested. Once again, his eyes drew up to the unfamiliar boy whom everyone preferred. Then he stepped back, for staring back at him this time was,
He whirled around at the sound of your voice. You face was mute of expression, difficult for him to ascertain how he should behave. Caught between you and Pinocchio, P slowly turned around to face himself.
He sat in a side position much like Carlo. The background was very similar. His hair and shirt were inspired from Carlo’s own looks and clothes. Yet it was undeniable that the young man staring back was not Carlo in the slightest. This portrait had a legion arm, and blue eyes.
“What do you see?” you asked P.
“P,” came his soft reply.
“Oh? I see someone with eyes clear with purpose but curious about the world around him. I see someone with arms strong enough to destroy metal yet chooses to lay them at rest. Most of all, I see someone who’s at peace with himself”.
You looked at him. “Is that Carlo?”
Pinocchio turned away from you and did not answer. You stepped closer.
“Is that Carlo?” you asked again.
Pinocchio looked down at his shoes. You pushed the question further.
“Should I call you Carlo now?”
A brief but very sharp shake of the head.
“You can have the world as Carlo or me as Pinocchio”.
It was a harsh ultimatum to place on his shoulders. You didn’t place yourself before the world, and Pinocchio did deserve the world, but not like this. Not as someone else.
P stared hard at the portrait before him. Then he closed his eyes. Minutes passed and you patiently waited for your lover, your best friend, to decide. Then slowly, his eyes opened, and he looked at you. He pointed to his portrait.
“It’s me”.
A small smile pepped on your lips, but you restrained it.
“And who are you?”
“I am,” and a big smile burst out, “me!”
You snickered at his wry response.
“That’s right, my dear. You should only be you for you”.
You held out your arms, inviting your dear one into your arms. An offer he gladly took and engulphed you. You could feel his presence, hugging your every corner, and you could help but squeeze him back and pepper his cheeks with kisses.
“And what should I call you?”
“Pinocchio, P, Puppet, Half-wit, Monster. What does it matter?” He asked, swinging you around. “I am me!”
He turned back to the painting once more and stared at himself. His lips blossomed into a sunny smile. His eyes twinkled. He leaned his head back a little and his curls bounced around his face. A soft chuckle burst forth.
“I am me!”
You placed moved your hand though his hair, placed it on his cheek, and gave it a small tug.
“Don’t let your identity be tied up again, my dear Pinocchio!”
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nocchiopuppet · 3 months
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Pinocchio with a soft and cute outfit ^^
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