nocharmnofoul · 5 years
I think I’m closing this blog down. Thank you all for sharing in poetry with me. I grew up with this blog, and I’ll be thankful it existed. If you want to keep in touch, shoot me a message. Adios! 
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
My marble god lies broken in the garden, But I will patch him till he looks like new, So people will not guess that he is shattered, A lifeless Eros made of stone and glue. And since I’ve learned to patch, you needn’t love me If for a while you will pretend you do.
- from “Patches” by Margaret Rucker
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
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She meant nothing to me… not a thing. — I didn’t notice the way she smelled of summer, or the honeysuckle that dripped from her lips. — I didn’t notice the way sunset danced in her hair, releasing musk and coconut oil with the ocean breeze. — I didn’t notice when she would come into my room, lie next to me, and whisper poems onto my bare skin… — and her dripping lips…did I mention how those went unnoticed too? — —x-changes/so-realism (image: pinterest.com)
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
“yesterday, I was a cloud smiling next to the sun. today, I am a cool monsoon mistaken as a typhoon. tomorrow, I will pass away just like a rainy day that’s gone. someday, I shall be one with the stars; I think I’ll give up too soon.”
— juansen dizon, yesterday I was a cloud
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
“A river of wishes I am too afraid to vocalize. When we talk, I feel the sweat collect in my hands, my knees clang together like they’re full of marbles. I want to orphan my longing. I want to write your name on silver coins and throw them into the rushing water, but then I imagine the fish feeding on this feeling. I am not a spiteful soul and my hands remain toying at the loose change in my pockets.”
— Schuyler Peck, Silver Coins (25/30)
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
Letting things happen isn’t the same as Letting Go.
I let death scare the shit out of me.  I let that fear tear the love out of me. I let that love hang by a thread, by a noose until dead. I let that thread wrap you up, I wrapped you up, I tangled and tangled until I thought finishing knots was letting go of your blood in the cup.  I let that blood spill to the floor, I spilled it more, I don’t know what for.  I let the stains get into my brain, my heart and my brain, was the pain feigned? I let the fear of feigning nearly make me faint, until the faintness of our love finally shook me awake. 
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
I get lost in the babble of brooks, in too many books and too many plays, I get lost in the songs of the dark,  the wing beats of a lark,  in the hands upon clay.  I get lost in the patterns of spring and in Saturn’s bright rings and rattling things that scatter the rays at the end of the days, and let me see things for which I don’t have the words to say. I get lost in the couch, in the cushions of seats, and the things in between, in the taste of the sweets, in who I should be, or that I’ve never been,  or what we were when we were “we”. I never should’ve asked you stay lost with me.
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
Crash Course
This is a crash course in being so young, learning that yearning for safe harbor all the time, isn’t really useful in the long run.  Still, I’ve not yet to travel too far,  I still see you in the horizon,  a setting sun still lighting the world where ever you are. I think I’m going to go now, and sail away,  wave to you in the distance, hope we pass each other again someday.  Course is set, maps are laid,  and I’ll crash, and crash, and crash like I learned from the waves.
But I’ll never be lost at sea,  never broken beyond repair, I can’t stop the stars from winking at me, and the weather is always fair.
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
We were so sideways, suddenly.  A boat capsized, that flung us off as it toppled.  I hope you found dry land, fresh fruit and warm sand. You love the beach more than I ever can.  I found saltwater in my eyes, running down my throat. I’m excited the way the drowning are excited to float.
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nocharmnofoul · 5 years
Picket Fence
There’s no picket fence around this,  no brick wall to hop,  no mountain to climb, and so I sit here wondering: How am I supposed to be getting over this? 
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nocharmnofoul · 6 years
progress looks different on everyone
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nocharmnofoul · 6 years
You know what's hot.........? Consistent communication
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nocharmnofoul · 6 years
do u ever see stuff that makes u feel so gay like very strongly big strong gayness hits u and u need to take a min and just place yr palm on yr chest and breathe and just “praise the lord for making it possible for me to feel this goddamn gay oh man holy shit amen”??? do u kno
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nocharmnofoul · 6 years
If I date you
I want to know you. I don’t mean your favorite color, food, and your middle name. I want to know those, too, but I mean, tell me about the time you broke your arm learning to ride a bike. Tell me the nightmares you have, the struggles you’ve dealt with, if you ever feel alone. Tell me if there’s a voice in your head that tells you “you’re not good enough”. Tell me your secrets, your thoughts, about your childhood, how you got that scar on your knee, if you sucked your thumb. Tell me about your first love and heartbreak. I want to know everything and I won’t settle for less.
Because if I date you, I want it to last. If I date you, I’m dating you for a reason.
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nocharmnofoul · 6 years
@all the trans people on my dash today: keep doing ur thing ur all cute and perfect
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nocharmnofoul · 6 years
Admit you were wrong. Apologize. Understand that you’re fallible. You make mistakes. You hurt people. Apologize. That’s growth; understanding you did something wrong and working towards making things right.
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