nocontextgoofi · 1 month
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this is the funniest thing I’ve read in my LIFE
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nocontextgoofi · 2 months
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I have zero excuses over this pic
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nocontextgoofi · 2 months
surprisingly i havent seen anyone draw these two in this trend
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nocontextgoofi · 3 months
Teeth weak as fuck why can't you be like bones
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nocontextgoofi · 3 months
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nocontextgoofi · 3 months
Kyouji's Selflessness & Satomi's Normalcy
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The chapter where Satomi and Kyouji goes out to eat yakiniku is deeply bittersweet and melancholic for a lot of reasons.
It starts off a little tense, but starts to mellow out when Kyouji talks about his relationship with his family. He's mostly estranged from his siblings, with his sister offhandedly remarked to be just a bit more hostile towards him (i.e., Houjou saying that last he knew, Kyouji's sister basically refuses to let him see her child). In this chapter, Kyouji assumes that his brother's child is probably either around Satomi's age or already off working somewhere— he doesn't know for sure.
What he does know, though, is the last time he saw the child, they were about the size of tongs at the yakiniku restaurant. Maybe this was before Kyouji left for the yakuza.
Satomi asks if he misses his nephew/niece, and Kyouji could only say that as long as they're living well, it's fine with him.
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It does give a lot more depth to his character— how he isn't really just flightly and happy-go-lucky generally. He's probably this way since, as I've discussed previously, his life is full of people leaving. Kyouji has accepted most of the time, people leaving him is for the better, even if he doesn't feel particularly good about it.
He's a pretty selfless guy to tank the isolation, and even takes Satomi's request to not see each other again in relative stride. Kyouji doesn't mind not seeing his family again. Kyouji doesn't mind separating himself for Satomi for those 3 years. And, hell, he doesn’t even mind if it means not seeing him again forever. As long as it means they are living their lives as they should.
It's depressing, but morally, Kyouji's got a good head on his shoulders.
On the other hand, this meeting serves as a moment of reluctance to return to normalcy for Satomi. He had quite frankly stated that he wasn't comfortable getting roped up with any shenanigans due to Kyouji's presence— so he feels it's for the best they don't meet anymore.
But at their parting, surrounded by the "ideal normalcy," Satomi starts to struggle with the upcoming end to their relationship.
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We see him get anxious, his own panels are completely blank, as if lost in thought. Satomi could have just said goodbye as usual, but it eventually culminates to this:
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In a world full of just "normal" and "regular," Satomi reached out and hugged the man the most far away from those ideals.
It's an interesting dynamic, I think. One who is willing to let go, because that's for the best. And the other who has to let go for the better, but still wants to cling to that small irregularity in his spotless life.
I wonder if his request only started to hit him when they had to say their farewells. Maybe he thought he could sever ties easily, but didn't realize the weight of basically losing a whole person, forever.
I hope they can find a balance somewhere down the line.
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nocontextgoofi · 3 months
you wont read karaoke iko even when i made a cute picmix
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nocontextgoofi · 3 months
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
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Actually, I don't have any friends that I can talk to about my hobby. My life is not as sad as it sounds. I do have friends, but I don't have any friends I can discuss books with. My world as Riverbed is very special to me. It's sacred. That's why I was looking forward to meeting you today.
MUCHUU-SA, KIMI NI 夢中さ、きみに。(2021) dir. Tsukahara Ayuko EPISODE 4
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
Word of the day:
開心果 / pistachio nut
Why is it called that? Wikipedia says:
開心果(學名:Pistacia vera,英語:pistachio)是一種常見乾果,正式名稱為阿月渾子,是漆樹科黃連木屬的植物。開心果營養豐富,味道可口,是很受歡迎的零食。最早的漢語商品名是開口笑,形容其硬殼裂開如笑容之狀,但迅速被更口語化的開心果取代。富含維生素A、維生素E。
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
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There is something sinister about this order
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
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Timeless Cool: Miles Davis & Bill Evans, during the “Kind of Blue” sessions, 1959.
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
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One New York spring in the 1960’s
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
i went to the intersection of desire and suffering and everybody knew you
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nocontextgoofi · 5 months
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