nocturnal-pigeon57 · 5 years
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I’ve slightly reduced my headshots and my full body commissions while my pixels still remain at their five bucks a piece! Come and grab one!
I may eventually start selling original designs and adoptables? Who knows, if that would interest you let me know in dms just so I can see the demands!!
For now though, this will do and with the expenses from my surgery and my boss unfortunately cutting back on my hours I could use the help! Reblog if you can 💕
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 5 years
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Open applications! New server! New layout! New clan info! Set fifteen moons after the migration, we’re completely run over with a new generation! It’s wild and easy to hop in to- a brand new start in the same universe! Check out the application; we hope we get to see you soon!
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 5 years
reblog if you DONT tolerate milfphobia on your blog
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 5 years
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reblog to let him know that you love him
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 5 years
Okay I’m done caring about gringos today so I’d like you all to know that Chile is pretty close to approving adoption for same-gender parents AND outlawing conversion therapy.
This shit is super important because like, our country is still mostly conservative and foster care fucking sucks, so it’s a big deal!! The government is still trying to privilege a ‘mother AND father role’ so it’s important to be loud about this shit before its voted on the senate
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 5 years
Reblog if you’re dead
Wanna see how many people are dead
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 5 years
“young adult dystopian novels are so unrealistic lmao like they always have some random teenage girl rising up to inspire the world to make change.”
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a hero emerges 
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
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Separation of young children, in fact any children, from their carer is child abuse, and I would love to see those who initiated and implemented this policy charged with this offence.
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
bop of the century
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
what a legend
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
reblog if youre lgbt+ and watched H2O just add water when you were a kid
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
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As a heads up, hotdiggetydemon is trying to rebrand because too many people know he’s a scumbag now. 
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
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Quick Tip to Draw Straight Lines & Avoid Shaky Hand Lettering by Sean McCabe
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
Dude, has anyone seen the new Wiki donation letter?
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I’m broke, but it made me feel bad enough to donate 😅
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
So, I posted a fic today, and as I was setting up the AO3 post, I found myself writing in the end notes an impassioned - almost desperate, ngl - plea for comments. For interaction.
And yeah, for validation too. Because you know what? Writing is hard - despite commonly held misconceptions, it takes a shit-ton of effort to take some blank, empty void of a page and fill it with something that lives and breathes and touches the minds and hearts of others. 
And don’t you dare wave that “you should be writing for yourself��� bullshit in my face. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been able to do that, and honestly I’m glad managed to recover as much as I have and write as much as I do. Having an audience is an integral part of the writing process.
Let me repeat that.
We fanfic authors don’t ask for much. As someone who is a published author, who has been published in a Real Physical Book™ and was paid hundreds of dollars in Honest-to-God cold-hard cash for less work than I put into my fanfic, let me tell you, a few comments will not pay my tuition or buy my groceries or put clothes on my back. Compared to the hours of labor that went into earning the money I was paid with, comments take substantially less time to create.
And yet, to us, they are priceless. Authors will create entire worlds for the sake of making a single person smile. YOU CAN BE THAT PERSON. WE WILL WRITE FOR YOU HAPPILY.
You just have to let us know you care.
And you’d better do it soon. I’ve heard too many authors all too willing to pull their tumblrs and erase or abandon their fics on AO3 because they have grown weary of screaming into the void. That fanfic you love? Gone. That chapter you’re waiting for? Never gonna happen. How many of you have bookmark lists with fics already missing? I bet you won’t even remember which one it is.
You can keep that from happening. Just write “Omg thank you for updating, I really liked _________!” and fill in the blank. Someone worked hard to put that smile on your face. You can make them smile in return.
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nocturnal-pigeon57 · 6 years
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this is a straight couple. it’s straight. you’re in a heterosexual relationship. there is nothing remotely “queer” about this in the slightest whatsoever. jesus h christ
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