nocturnalestat · 1 year
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My dragon age 2 relapse continues and has inflitrated my daily sketches 
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nocturnalestat · 1 year
Flint is an example for the dangers of opening yourself up to love and therefore loss. Silver is an example for the dangers of not accepting that both love and loss are a necessary and inevitable part of life. The lesson is that they both get hurt but only one of them is alone in the end.
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nocturnalestat · 1 year
fuck it flint tuned in freestyle
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nocturnalestat · 1 year
I just rewatched 3x01 and the scene where Silver comes into Flint's cabin... And I know this has been discussed before but it never ceases to amaze (destroy) me... Like what the hell was Silver's thought process here? 'Oh, my captain is still asleep, I'll creep closer and stand here and watch him sleep. Quite normal behavior'. Why didn't he just leave? Why is he like that? I swear, this guy
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nocturnalestat · 1 year
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anne rice about lestat. ten years later that last line still drives me absolutely insane
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
i get mean when i'm nervous, like a bad dog
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
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Honestly if you’d shown me these two with no context for Black Sails and told me that one of those characters is Long John Silver, a fearsome pirate legend who instigated a mutiny against captain Flint and the other is Billy Bones, his shifty first mate who inherited the map to his treasure, I would’ve never guessed which was which
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
do you watch black sails. have you watched black sails. will you watch black sails. when will you watch black sails.
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
when jon steinberg said 'they are so close, they are almost indistinguishable from each other' and when black sails said 'there is no daylight between you and i' and then when richard siken said 'sometimes you get so close to someone, you end up on the other side of them‘
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
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literally where the FUCK are his t’gallants!!!!!
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
a pearl / silverflint
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
Honestly the insanity and intensity with which the silverflint dynamics Escalate Immediately when you hit s2 is so fucking funny. They spend 8 episodes mostly avoiding each other and then they do one (1) dumbass high stakes scheme and become utterly mutually psychosexually obsessed with one another like. Immediately.
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
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Black Sails | XIV.
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
The Black Sails writers actually know shit about sailing which is nice, because it allows me to do things like look up how fast 7.5 knots is (which is like their super fast speed) and realize they're all sooo psyched to be going 9 mph
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nocturnalestat · 2 years
what rules about claudia being a child vampire is like. the whole 'family' dynamic is based on denying claudia because she's 'the baby' except that the being a vampire of it all completely voids all the usual excuses that are trotted out to justify the typical (mis)treatment of children by their families... for example, children are expected to physically restrain themselves, ostensibly so they don't get hurt. yet the fragility associated with youth doesn't apply to claudia, and both louis and lestat tell her not to run in the house anyway; the rule is revealed as being grounded not in child safety but in the comfort and preferences of adults.
everything that might be said about claudia's physical weakness or vulnerability is annulled by her vampirism; everything that might be said about her being lesser because she is a fledgling is pretty much equally true of louis, who for the decade of experience he has on her seems to have very little vampire knowledge to show for it. and she owes louis and lestat no kin-based loyalty or deference because for all they say they are her parents, they did not birth or raise her and she did not ask to be turned! she is a "child" but without any of the associated conditions which usually conspire to fix children in their traditional roles; and once the excuse provided by those traits is gone, all that remains is the desire for control and the willingness to enforce that control with violence.
all the perfect hypocrisy of parenthood is on display; lestat admonishing claudia for unsubtle killings when he famously loves to do like. murder-based performance art, both louis and lestat refusing claudia a mate of her own despite neither of them being able to come up with a good reason for denying her other than 'because i said so.' and for all that claudia's behavior is framed by both louis and lestat as her 'acting out' for one reason or another, they never manage to come up with even one convincing explanation as to why she should not be allowed to do exactly as she pleases. who are they, after all, to tell her what to do?
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