nocturnalmk · 2 years
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nocturnalmk · 2 years
“I want to remember you smiling in your favorite yellow shirt while staring at the ocean we saw for the first time.”
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Happy Birthday, Hange Zoe 💜
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nocturnalmk · 2 years
Not a question, but exclamation. What an outstanding analysis! I came across AOT this spring accidentally and first time since adulthood, I got hooked on a manga and fell in love with the characters. Keep up the good work on Levihan! Levi is of course my favorite in the whole series, while Hange is my favorite among humans(U know what I mean!)
Thank you!! I'm still drunk on this couple, I just stayed low-key.
Actually, I recently reread the manga, and noticed a strong parallel between Yumihisu and Levihan. It's almost fateful. I feel there is more to Levi and Hange's story than meets the eye, and their relationship is the ultimate climax of Levi's story arc. It's just hidden under the misleading "revenge obessession/I do not reget" smoke, waiting for readers to find out.
Maybe later I'll come up with a thorough analysis and it will be very, very long, long enough to make it a discovery channel, and probably shocking (in a good way for Levihan fans though hh).
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
Levi and Hange had a fight which ended in them breaking up. His friends trying to fix things take them separately to a club, there they meet but they don't talk, they just ignore each other and dance with other people while this song plays in the background but they don't break eye contact with each other.
"Hey Levi."
Sandwich halfway to his mouth, Levi froze, eyes darting to Erwin, who just sat next to him and mind scrambling to find the solution to the dilemma that had just arose. Should he tell Erwin to fuck off right away or wait until he said his piece?
Having a guess at what the topic of their conversation would be about, Levi came to a decision fairly quickly.
"Fuck off," he mumbled before taking a bite of the sandwich.
Of course, as Levi should have expected, Erwin didn't fuck off.
What's more, he scooted closer, his palm falling on Levi's shoulder, while a kind smile played on his lips.
Levi sighed and put down his sandwich. Apparently, there was no escape from this conversation.
"Levi," Erwin began in that tone of his, the one he used on new interns to inspire them to be a better version of themselves. The very same one that reeked of bullshit. Levi prepared himself for the upcoming shitty speech; from the looks of it, it was going to be a very long one. "You know that so very soon my big day is coming. And I don't think I can or want to do this without you - my good friend and best man."
God fucking no. Not the topic of Erwin's bachelor party. Not again.
"I told you," Levi tried, ignoring the fire of determination in Erwin's bright blue eyes. "It's not my kind of thing."
"But can you come to the party? For me?"
Erwin's voice dropped slightly and his smile, his whole expression became just a little more pathetic. Meaning that, unfortunately, Levi couldn't really say no to him right now.
Which, honestly, made Levi what Erwin was trying to achieve. He knew the man had the ulterior motive, he was one hundred percent sure of it. But what kind of motive? That Levi had yet to find out.
"You know, we've all been worrying about you," Erwin continued, "It's been three months since you and-"
Oh hell no. No, no, no.
Levi was wrong, he was such a fool. A conversation about a bachelor party was so infinitely better than the current one. He didn't wish to discuss what happened three months ago. Ever.
He threw Erwin a vicious glare, translating his displeasure with that particular topic. Erwin, the smart man that he was, caught on right away and promptly shut his mouth.
...Only to open it a few seconds late.
"I just want you to relax and have some fun. I really appreciate that you agreed to be my best man, and since Hange is Mike's and she would also be present at the wedding, I think I ought to make sure that you feel as comfortable as possible."
That was decided, this conversation was one of the worst one Levi had the displeasure of having during lunch. The only other one that could rival it was the conversation he had with Erwin and Mike right after Hange dump- right after their breakup. The desire to escape and hide inside his office was just as prevalent.
So Levi did another attempt at escaping, ending the awful dialogue with a curt, "Fine, I'll come to your stupid party."
He thought it was the end of it. Of course, it fucking wasn't.
"Great!" Erwin beamed, his smile turning from pleading to the one that looked suspiciously smug. "I truly think that a distraction is what you need. I mean you've been hanged up on Hange for so long that I-"
"I don't care about Hange." Levi said, voice tight.
He bolted from his seat instantly, and the loud, unpleasant sound of a chair scratching the tiles of the floor further proved his point.
Without even glancing at Erwin (or the rest of his co-workers who stared at him in confusion and badly hidden amusement), Levi stormed out of the break room, forgetting about his delicious sandwich as he did.
He didn't care about Hange. Not anymore.
Except that he still very much did.
He wasn't sad, heartbroken and he absolutely did not pine after her. He didn't spend as much time with his friends as he used to, because work had been piling up lately, and that's precisely why he seemed more tense and stressed than usual. And if his eyes tended to follow Hange around as she walked through the office, he didn't do it, because he was worried for her or because he was admiring her smile, sharp features or beautiful eyes. He watched her simply out of curiosity, waiting to see the sign that Hange was in any way affected by their breakup.
She wasn't. And so wasn't he.
The things between them ended, Hange made it explicitly clear after she called him heartless during a stupid, pointless fight that was caused by their too big egos, and then stormed out of the apartment they used to share. They haven't talked ever since.
And Levi was fine with it. Absolutely fine.
What he was not fine with was being lied to.
Come to my bachelor party, Erwin had said. But he had forgotten to mention that his fiance was holding his own party in the very same club.
So when Levi entered the dimly lit, stuffy room and saw Hange, who was sandwiched between Mike and Moblit on the leather couch, laughing boisterously, he had to take a second to draw a deep breath, process it all and grab Erwin by the lapels of his shiny new jacket, hauling the man to his feet and away from their friends.
"What the fuck?" Levi hissed, uncaring of how awfully affected he sounded right now. "Why haven't you told me that four-eyes will be here too?"
Even met with Levi's murderous demeanor, Erwin remained completely calm. Slowly, he raised his arms and showed a goofy grin. "Must have slipped my mind."
So the asshole had planned it all, for what reasons, Levi couldn't possibly fathom. Whatever, he'd find a way to ruin his precious plan, even without knowing its main goal.
"Enjoy your party, Erwin," he glowered, before letting the man go and disappearing in the crowd of strangers.
After his second vodka shot, Levi felt decidedly better. His posture was less tense, thoughts about how Erwin and Hange were and his persistent need to come back to his friends just to see what she was up to almost almost disappeared.
It all had changed, of course, when he made a mistake of turning to face the dancefloor and saw Hange fucking Zoe, dancing with someone.
Someone, who definitely wasn't one of their friends. Someone, who touched more than a little inappropriately.
His hands clenched tightly into fists. I don't fucking care, he repeated to himself.
But his fists told another story, shaking from anger and damned jealousy.
With a curse, Levi ordered another drink. Then he continued to watch Hange, who was fucking radiant even in the darkness of the club.
Her hair was wild, grin wide and happy, skin seemed to glow, and the tight jeans and shirt hugged her lithe body in all the right places.
No wonder that she had no shortage of admirers that twirled her around song after song.
The fourth guy she was dancing with was the boldest one yet, laying his filthy hands on Hange, whispering in her ear, making her laugh without abandon.
Hange seemed to enjoy herself tremendously, although-
Although the lighting was more than insufficient and Levi's vision was nearly not strong enough to see it clearly, it looked like-
It looked like Hange was staring at him.
He tilted his head, watched her more closely, and after a moment he was absolutely sure - while she danced, while she had someone else's arms wrapped around her, while she laughed and flirted, Hange was looking straight at him.
Feeling suddenly too hot, Levi undid the top button of his shirt and put his drink down.
Two could play this game.
And whether it was the effect of alcohol, or a childish desire to pay Hange back, he didn't let himself to think too hard about it. He picked the nearest person to him and led them to the dancefloor.
As he danced, he didn't take his eyes off Hange. Neither did she.
Truth be told, he had no idea how or when did it happen, but over the course of the night, after each of them had switched a dozen or so partners, they've migrated closer to one another, the backs of their partners now almost touching as they continued to stare in each other's eyes, gazes heavy, hot and clouded.
Hange licked her lips just as the song had ended. She spared her partner no more than a single glance and half-baked smile, before returning her eyes to their previous target.
A moment, a heartbeat later, Hange was standing right in front of Levi, lips now curled up in a grin, hair even wilder than before and face glistening with sweat.
But underneath it all Levi saw what others couldn't - the barely visible signs of anxiety. Her grin was just a little too tight around the edges, hair was so wild from all the pulling at it that she did and a slight blush colored the edges of her cheeks.
Hange was nervous, he realized. It meant that she cared, even after all this time, despite their fight and breakup.
Levi cared too, he always did.
So he took a step towards Hange, put his hands on her narrow hips.
A warm palm landed on his shoulder, and Hange chuckled, so quietly Levi almost didn't hear it. He leaned closer to make sure he did hear it - he had already forgotten how good that sound made him feel.
"Should we continue?" Hange asked, tracing something known only to her on the length of his biceps.
"No," Levi shook his head, showing Hange a smile he reserved only for her. "Let's start again."
Watching two of his best friends leave the party early, holding hands and exchanging hopeful glances, Erwin smiled. The little gamble of his worked out, way better than he had dared to hope.
"One less thing to worry about," he murmured, celebrating his success with another mouthful of whiskey.
"Erwin?" Mike fell against his side, already tipsy and a little confused. "What were you saying?"
Erwin pressed a kiss to his fiance's jaw, savoring the sweet taste of his skin and the feeling of his warm body against his own. "Remember how the others day we couldn't decide how to seat our guests at the wedding? Well, we don't have to worry about it anymore. It seems like Hange and Levi won't be bringing plus ones after all."
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
Hange’s Decision
So I’m on the Levihan train today, and something just occurred to me about the whole ‘did Levi reject Hange’s wish to live together in 139?’ Discourse.
The argument against this being a Levihan moment is that ‘yes, Hange confessed love through her desire to runaway with Levi, and he rejected her.’
I think we’ve been looking at it all wrong.
I think Hange rejected her own wish; Levi merely points out why she did and basically tells her it’s okay. He understands.
Let me explain:
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Here we have the original question from Hange - “maybe we should just live here together - right … Levi?”
Whether this is meant romantically or platonically doesn’t matter right now. That’s not what I’m getting at (although, as much as I may have different ships which are my favourite, I believe that Levihan is the most heavily inferred ship out of all the Levi or Hange centric ships in canon).
Anyway. She asks the question because she thinks Levi is unconscious or asleep. It’s a moment of weakness that she probably wouldn’t have indulged had Levi been awake.
But Levi heard. He just doesn’t respond. He’s not really a particularly rash person; he’s a brooder, so it makes sense that he wouldn’t respond right away even if he was feeling in any fit state to - he was likely mulling over her words. Perhaps they initially caught him off guard. Or perhaps he was still just too weak to entertain a conversation.
We have the white bar that signifies some time has passed - we don’t know how much, though. What we do know is that, by the next panel, Hange has set to work building a cart. To pull Levi.
Now. Here’s the thing. If Hange herself was really in no rush to leave the forest - if she truly thought she could remain there with Levi, hiding away from the world, why does she need a cart right now? Answer: she doesn’t.
She’s building it because she has already answered her own question on behalf of both of them - they cannot realistically stay there because they’re both too duty-bound. Levi was never supposed to hear her question; it was an expression aloud of her inner desires rather than her really being torn about what to do.
Levi was never supposed to answer. By the time Eren speaks to them and Levi addresses her, she’s already moved on in her own head.
We see later that it’s Levi who brings the question back up!
On to the next page -
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People forget that Levi heard Hange in the previous panels, and argue that ‘his first priority on waking up is his vow to Erwin, because he asks where Zeke is!’
Well, perhaps not. Levi was already awake, or perhaps dozing, because we know he heard Hange earlier. If he was so concerned about Zeke from the outset, why didn’t he try and croak out the question to Hange as soon as he gained consciousness the first time?
His concern is suddenly apparent now because - nothing to do with his vow - Eren has just spoken to them all through paths. Eren has gained the full power of the founder. We know there’s only one way that can be done - and Levi knows too. He failed to keep Eren and Zeke apart. Eren’s paths speech is confirmation of this fact.
That’s where his concern stems from. The one thing they were trying to avoid until they had more info blew up in their faces. Zeke and Eren touched.
Levi knows, but he doesn’t want to believe it. His question to Hange is a final plea for someone to tell him his assumptions are wrong.
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Levi admits his failure to her. Hange can see how cut up he is about it (literally and emotionally 😅) so she tries to reassure him.
People here again assume that ‘but for now …’ is leading on to Hange again asking Levi to stay in the forest with her. But on the next page, she’s blushing and surprised at the idea of Levi having heard her before. He wasn’t supposed to hear her selfish wish. So why would she voluntarily ask him to his face here?
I think it’s more likely that Hange is simply trying to figure out a way to tell Levi that he’s in no fit state to personally take revenge on Zeke. He can’t even walk. ‘I’m sure you want revenge, but for now … maybe you should focus on resting and healing.’ This has nothing to do with them running away together.
As I said before, it’s Levi that circles back to her question - Levi that puts her on the spot, pushes her for more. Maybe his question isn’t rhetorical at all. Hange certainly doesn’t take it as such.
His question goes,
このまま - as it is,
逃げ隠れて - (if we) run and hide
なにがのこる - what’s left?
He asks her because he knows that she posed that as an option - ‘we should just live here together.’ So he’s asking her, what is there for us here Hange? He wants to see if she will expand on what she said earlier. Why does she want to live here with him?
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Hange recognises what he’s getting at immediately-
‘You heard me talking’.
Her expression quite clearly shows embarrassment - the blush, the sweatdrop - Levi knows he wasn’t supposed to hear. Levi is notoriously not the best in terms of social interactions - he can be a little awkward at expressing himself. It doesn’t feel out of character here that he doesn’t respond to Hange’s statement head on.
He is an exceptionally good judge of character though, as we’ve seen in the past. Poor at expressing himself, but good at reading others. And he reads Hange’s embarrassment right here, because he knows her so well. He knows she realised it was a selfish wish to begin with, and is a little embarrassed that he heard her. She’s supposed to be the commander, after all. Duty first.
And so, instead of picking at the sensitive topic more, Levi himself, true to form, also returns to duty. He points out the cart. The one that Hange really wouldn’t have needed to make if she truly intended to ‘hide’ in the forest with Levi. If they were going to live there together.
‘I know you. You’re not able to stay out of the action.’
When he says this line, he’s turned his gaze back to her, and she’s looking at him, too. Her eyes to me look like they’re filling up. Her brows are pinched up. She looks emotional. That shared eye contact as they speak feels very poignant.
It’s like he’s excusing her before she even needs to explain herself. I know you didn’t really mean it, don’t worry. It was just a wish. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. You have a job to do. (Regardless of how I might feel about what you wanted.)
No further mention of Levi’s role in this moment, or Levi needing to do anything. He’s completely focused on Hange, and what she wants to do. She started building that cart before he ever addressed her wish, because she has a deep sense of duty that no matter how much she wants to, Hange cannot run from. And Levi understands that, and goes so far as to tell her so - to reassure her that it’s okay that she would never really have pursued that selfish little wish for them both.
What we are not shed any light on here, is how Levi would have answered her question. But I do believe we get an answer for that in 132, when he literally dedicates his heart to her.
To claim that Levi rejects Hange’s ‘love confession’ or ‘selfish wish’ here does a huge disservice to both of their characters. It takes the focus away from Hange’s own selfless rejection of that wish, and Levi’s acknowledgement of her inability to let go of her duty as commander of the Survey Corps.
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
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This is my first Headcanon. A work that was supposed to be short, but turned out to be much longer than expected. I still don’t manage my colorization software very well! I hope you’ll like it !
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
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there’s no one after us now, levi…..
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
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Maybe we should just live here together🥺
I'm so excited for see them like this!
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
The scientist & the black cat of the cursed night 🐈‍⬛
After that cursed night and kinda almost a decade later… A scientist, on her way beyond the walls, stumbled upon a grumpy and injured black cat.
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They cleaned the cat's wound, kiss it better, and voilà…
Reference from withpa_ (on Twitter)
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
132 - I don’t want to say goodbye
This is an anaysis of of Levi’s line “ じゃあね”.
I find it extremely interesting that Hange, when bidding farewell to 104, said "じゃあね" - See Ya - with a casual smile.  Levi most likely heard it as he was not  far away from them. It makes me wonder if that's the reason he murmured back "...じゃあな" - See Ya on the plane, out of all words in the world 
The slight difference between these two colloquial phrases is that Hange's is more feminine, while Levi's is masculine.
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When Hange said See Ya, she was alive and in perfect shape, standing right in front of 104 and Reiner. It feels like she is a mom shielding her kids from a cruel goodbye and what it entails for her by deliberately making light of it. 
See Ya — as if it's just a two-day business trip and she will be alright. But she can't fool Levi. She got nervous when she spotted him. 
(Levi was initiallly sitting on a wooden box in front of the hangar. He couldn’t dash around like Hange and 104 due to his injury). 
I will skip the heavy, angsty part of “devote the heart” as it deserves another  long  analysis.
Let’s look at the context of Levi's See Ya when the plane took off. The plane marched ahead while Hange was at the port knocking titans down.
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The plane is quite long.
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I think the following panel is a shot of inside of the whole plane, from back to front. 
Reiner and 104 were crowding at the window of the back of the plane, watching her. There are no seats at the back of the plane and it is the nearest point to where Hange is
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Next, a shot from the front of he plane. Onyankopon, the pilot, was looking ahead. It seems Pieck just came back from the back of the plane.
(Pieck probably thinking: is he alright...)
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That means Levi, having consciously chosen to sit at the front of the plane while looking down all the time (the window is already high enough), was deliberately avoiding, or hiding away from any possible sight of what happended to her.
Upon hearing 104 crying out her name in agony and Onyankopon's "take off!", he said "... See Ya, Hange" as if responding to Hange's early “See Ya".
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We know the context of Hange's See Ya - from her to kids. She most definitely wouldn't say this to Levi, because both of them know it's just a facade. A lie. She’s not coming back. They’re not going to meet again.
So who is Levi going to fool at this point, unless he himself couldn't accept reality?
Levi has never been shown in denial of anyone's death, not even his mother. I believe Kenny's memory of Levi's childhood in chapter 69 could give us an insight into Levi's atittude towards death. 
Kenny came to Kuchel’s home, only to find her dead body on the bed. 
Kenny:hey, hey, hey... you look too skinny, Kuchel...
Levi: she’s dead.
Before Kenny’s arriavl Levi was alone with his mother’s corpse. So dead body means death, he knows it as a little boy and wasn’t in denial.
After joining SC, Levi always stops to stare at his fallen comrades' dead bodies, Petra, Erwin, his dead subordinates in the forest... It probably is a silent RIP.
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In 132, for the first time in his life, Levi lost the courage to face death.
He tried to act like it's not what it is, which is consistant with his behavoir in 133.
He didn’t apparently react as strongly as he did the death of Petra, Erwin, his subbordinates in the forest because he couldn’t face it the way he did before. 
If you think about it, Humanity’s Strongest in his 30s has less courage facing death than his old self 20 plus years ago.
That’s Levi in 132.
What about Hange? 
She met her old comrades who showered her with smiles and acknowledgement of her fulfilling her duty.
But for a brief moment, we were shown her sad face looking up at the plane.
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Together our two hearts are strong
Don't you know that's where our hearts both belong?
'Cause I don't want to say goodbye. Let the stars shine through. No, I don't want to say goodbye All I want to do is live with you.
- I Don't Want To Say Goodbye from movie Brokeback Mountain.
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
Yeah. He is no longer Captain Levi. He lost his strength that used to define him as Humanity’s Strongest. He didn’t wear his cravat. He was in an exotic country reading newspaper (isn’t this new hobbie a bit dorky XD). What strongly connects him to his past is his facial scar with clear stitches and the plane he stares at. They all relate to Hange in a personal way.
Hello! Regarding the last ask I just want to add a piece of my mind. I think that captain Levi completed his duty as a soldier the moment the rumbling was stopped. That's why he gives his final salute after finally giving meaning to his comrades. However, in the final panel we have a Levi that's retired and doesn't have to dedicate his heart to humanity anymore, so I think that the one that's remembering Hange at that moment is just Levi (like a personal loss) and not captain Levi.
I totally agree!
And if I may add, it also becomes more visible it is more personal between Hans and Levi because Levi holds nothing else that ties him to his comrades deaths or the SC like his remarkable cravat for example. (He lost it at the river events, when the weight of his role also begun to turn even broader, and while he could have kept later as a memento or memorial, he simply let it go too).
The visible scar though, that is impossible not to relate to Hanji. Or the plane. It's like having a very short memory to not relate the two things. And, please, Onyankopon is RIGHT THERE.
Still, maybe it's we Levihans/Hanji fans who pay more attention to these things. Because a huge chunk of Levi's fans can just see the "I'll will kill monkey" in this second part of the story, and imo it's the writer's responsibility that this single part of Levi's narrative overshadowed considerably the other connections Levi had with the living.
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
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day and night
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
Antis can say anything, but the manga cannot be erased and their interaction neither. I don’t think is coincidence that he actually made them Virgo/Capricorn duo aka one of the most compatible signs (and he indeed thought about their birth days) and he only used a telepathy scene with them, not even EMA who are probably the closest friends. He made Hange said IFKK and later Levi with the unrequited love and he finally gave us the “dedicate the heart” with Levi’s left fist on Hange’s chest...SUS
Antis can and will say whatever they want, but there is a plethora of evidence for levihan 😌
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
Hello! I’m sending this to various accounts: At ch132, it seems that Hange wasn’t planning to say goodbye to Levi, why do you think Hange would do that and how do you think Levi would react if Hange actually would’ve gone without saying goodbye? Do you think Hange underestimate their bond or was a way to protect both of them? Also, do you think the final plane was a wink to Hange or was a way to portrait their fallen comrades? If you took the time to answer this question, thank you very much <3
Hi, anon.
Why did Hange plan to leave without saying goodbye to Levi?
Because the sight of him will resurface the desire she has been trying hard to ignore to prioritize her duty as the commander. Her love for him, her personal wish to live with him will threaten to weaken her will and pull her back.
What if Hange left without a final word with Levi?
It would be the biggest trauma of Levi's life, making him relive the pain and confusion of "why did you leave me?". It's like his childhood trauma coming back to haunt him, only 10 times stronger this time.
Here is my meta on Hange's POV and Levi's POV in 132
I will write a detailed analysis of his modified salute, please stay tuned.
As for the plane in 139, I've already done some lengthy analysis of it.
Levi's old comrades, barring Hange, namely Erwin, Petra, etc., have nothing to do with the plane as they died four years ago and didn't have a clue what a plane is.
Allies won the final war and Humanity survived. What pains Levi is Hange's sacrifice.
The very unique thing about Levi and Hange is their positions as devoted soldiers and lovers (or partners in love with each other).
The slow vanishing of Wings of Freedoms in 139 indicates Levi's journey as a devoted soldier has ended. Him and his fallen comrades, including Hange, saluting each other is a bitter-sweet closure of their duties. At least decades of sacrifices are not in vain.
The plane three years later in Levi's ending is personal. Levi has started a new life, just as Levi, not the captain. The sight of a plane brings back his painful memory of losing her, reminding him of their personal wish that could never come true. 
It could have been you who accompanies me. 
You would be thrilled visiting Onyankopon’s hometown. And I would be happy because you are happy.
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
I need to reblog this a million times.
About the steam scene, there is no reason for Levi to shed bitter tears when Humanity won and he fulfilled his promise, except that he lost Hange in the final battle. 
“Later, Hange“ - Levi was in denial of her death.
Seeing her surrounded by their dead comrades was a reality hit hard.  
Duty vs Love
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In the draft of 139, the original voice-over in bubble says “the pain that we feel”, right beside Levi staring at the plane. Remember this is Levi’s last panel. Remember the significance. 
The draft also confirms that Levi followed Onyankopon to his hometown London, far far away from Paradis where people forgot Hange’s sacrifice and were thanking Eren’s genocide. Onyankopon is unequivocally against genocide just like Hange, and is arguably her best friend after the time-skip  (we know Levi is more than her best friend ). Besides, to explore new, exotic places seems exactly what Hange wants to do if she survived.
Levi did it for her and for himself. If you know what I mean.
Back to the moment when Levi sees his old comrades in the steam, Hange is at the front and center.
Erwin’s and Petra’s facial expressions do not sit right with Levi’s sad mood. They feel off. You get the impression that they are long gone while Hange looks alive.
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Are Hange and Levi communicating through their eyes again (remember their telepathy)?
I don’t know.
Here Levi managed a faint smile as he fulfilled his promise and duty: The Rumblings stopped. Our sacrifices are not in vain.
But this is the saddest smile I’ve ever seen, and this is the first time Levi let his tears stream down.
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Isayma’s draft of 139 shows us who Levi is looking at, what pains him despite the victory.
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Three years later, the sight of a plane still wreaks Levi’s heart like a punch in the gut because it reminds him of her, of their wish to live together that couldn’t  come true. 
Killing Zeke and saving Humanity is his duty. Hange is his love. 
I will quote a quroa answer https://qr.ae/pGng3K here:
The tragedy for Levi and Hange is Duty vs Love.
Levi chose duty over love in 126 as a soldier, as Captain Levi.
Hange chose duty over love in 132 as a soldier, as Commander Hange.
I really appreciate how Levi’s ending is a callback to both 132 (the plane, the Levi-Onyankopon parallel) and 126 (the stitching scene): 
Love can heal, love can hurt.
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Levi and Hange acting like parents to Falco and Gabi. We see Falbi pushing Levi’s wheelchair. 
If only Levi and Hange had their own kids. 
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nocturnalmk · 3 years
What you got wrong about 132
My dear fellows, you got 132 so so so wrong.
We need another check of 132 and beyond!
This time let’s look at Hange’s inner world.
In 127 Hange was in an angry and heavy mood, unbeknownst to Levi who couldn’t move around with her due to his bad injuries. She revealed her thoughts to Jean and Mikasa.
A summary of what Hange said to them: there was a moment when I wanted to abandon my duty and escape (a referrence to her personal wish to run away with Levi). I can’t. Genocide is wrong! We need to stop it.
That’s her hardening her will. And you could tell she was guilt-ridden, blaming herself for having such selfish wish.
Note she had the image of old Survey Corps on her mind, her squad, Mike, Nanaba, Erwin... They all died for Humanity’s survival, how could you be a slut (you know what I mean) when the world is on fire, Commander?
Her mood continued into 132.
Praise Isayama the devil. Levi, courtesy of Pieck, in the worst time possible, confessed his feelings. “Your love is unrequitted only with Titans, four eyes.” 
(Here is a Japanese native speaker explaining Levi’s line). 
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Since they used to tease each other, I think Levi probably was expecting a spicy response from Hange. He wanted to have a romantic conversation.
Hange: ... We will be friends soon... Levi, our dead comrades are watching us...
Darn that’s cold.
Levi was in an once-in-a-million-year lovy-dovy mood, and Hange freaking killed it. What a joykill, girl! Understanbable though. Her mind was on stopping the genocide, in consistent with her guilty, angry and heavy words in 127 and afterwards.
This is her reminding Levi of their priorities.
Then comes the scene.
Hange made the decision to sacrifice herself. She had a talk with 104. Her telling Armin to boss Levi around is asking him to take care of Levi.
She wasn’t going to bid Levi farewell, because the sight of him, her personal wish to live with him that was still dwelling somewhere, would weaken her will! 
Even mentioning his name was hard for her.
She was on her way to jump off the plane. Levi, previously either lying on his back or sitting somewhere due to his injuries, stepped out to stop Hange in her track - don’t do this, despite knowing the necessity of her sacrifice.
Why didn’t they dare to look at each other? Because if they do, their feelings already known to each other will overpower what they should do.
In other words, they are going to kiss right there and let the Rumblings devour them all.
Hange gave Levi the order to let her go.
To understand Levi’s salute and hence Hange’s tearful reaction is crucial. I will do an analysis of this slogan and gesture. it is something I believe Isayama had in mind for years.
The thing about Hange in 132 is, she didn’t need a push. It’s not like without a push she will change her mind and walk back. Quite the opposite, Levi is the weakness that threatens to pull her back.
If she doesn’t love Levi, it would be so much easier for her.
Love is both an armor and a weak spot.
Love is what makes Levi and Hange WEAK. 
Levi’s part in 132: Love leads to fear
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