nodetpol-blog · 4 years
Solipsism is such an absurd perspective. 
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nodetpol-blog · 4 years
Additional thoughts to my post about George Floyd and police walking in protests-
I think that the individual cops who marched probably meant well- and I think that it can’t be thought of as a ‘publicity stunt’ or ‘manipulation’ OR an indication of ‘what we can expect from police departments’ becuase it’s an indication of a lack of cohesion amongst police departments- just like the governors couldn’t get organized to do an effective quarantine, the police departments are disorganized which is a weakness that activists should be aware of, IMO.
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nodetpol-blog · 4 years
Thoughts on the George Floyd protests and politics in the United States
Many people are talking about whether voting for Joe Biden is part of a leftist strategy. 
Actually, many people are talking about whether voting is something we should do, per se
and many people are talking about whether voting for a particular politician or another will alleviate all of the issues that capitalism creates due to its fundamentally exploitative nature (it won’t, because the only thing that will ameliorate the issues caused by an exploitative system is to revolutionize) 
Joe Biden is a sexual assailant, and therefore being “rah rah” about electing him (and by “rah rah” I mean trying to portray him as a hero, our best hope, etc) is, and should be criticized. 
Speaking on another topic for a moment  - 
It’s dope - and I actually think it’s not just a publicity hoax - that cops in some cities are marching alongside demonstrators to “end police brutality” (seeing a cop hold a sign that said “end police brutality” was fantastic) - the latest brutal murder being George Floyd’s (my condolences to his family and friends)  https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/05/31/in-some-cities-police-officers-joined-protesters-marching-against-brutality/?utm_campaign=forbes&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_term=Gordie%2F&fbclid=IwAR2QvGWw62RdTuBHY5djpC6w2B08BYRx0csyTUPWuWmU3RBQ7RLdcKtqvTA#4f0bb8905edb
I don’t think those cops deserve so much congratulatory awe, but it’s dope. 
A (former? it’s ambiguous) friend remarked several years ago in conversation with me “I think people would be surprised how bloodless a revolution would be in the United States” and actually cited police behavior (wanting to call off work, etc) in response to the horrific atmosphere created during protests - and that was when rubber bullets and tear gas were the weapons used- which can be very dangerous, but typically revolution has more severe risks-  “they’re not going to just open fire on american citizens” - I think he could be correct, and I’m hoping that the aspect of the protests that involves a militarized police response doesn’t determine what happens. 
which is why I actually think that Joe Biden (or some democrat or whatever, who cares) could create a climate where revolution would be much more likely to succeed - because it’s about what people refuse to get used to - and it’s also about where things are going - so if people get the sense that “things could be better than this and there are tangible things happening that are pushing in that direction” that, I think, makes people more likely to take action - there’s also some kind of material limit on that “getting used to awful conditions” thing as well, like, the human species will only allow itself to be pushed to a particular extent before it pushes back ------but we’ve gone pretty effing far in the wrong direction what with allowing climate change to continue to be unaddressed, and allowing the standard for how humans treat one another to become unfettered narcissism (really no hate to people with personality disorders who are aware and working on it, I just mean that suspiciousness, “sacrifice”, [automatic vomit] etc. have become somewhat rampant recently.
Additional thoughts; since hearing updates about protesters being killed, I would like to adjust- I think that more suspicion of the cops being in protests seems intelligent, and they’ll have to demonstrate a fuckton more solidarity actions as individuals in order to not seem like they’re just doing it for publicity at this point. Stay safe everybody!! Black lives matter!!
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