noel-phantomhive · 4 months
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noel-phantomhive · 1 year
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Reblog to make it die faster
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noel-phantomhive · 1 year
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noel-phantomhive · 3 years
The Current Crisis!!
I've fallen apart. March 20th was the second anniversary of the day i lost everything. I stopped trying to pay rent or make art.
As of now I still owe for March and now for April. My housing needs to stay intact as my mom has met her stroke rehabilitation goals and can live with me.. if i have a place to live
March Rent $500/2050
April Rent
70% off on etsy, early mother's day sale. So i can take care of my mom.
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
Jacob Blake’s sister: ‘I’m not sad. I’m not sorry. I’m angry. And I’m tired. I haven’t cried one time. I stopped crying years ago. I am numb. I have been watching police murder people that look like me for years.’
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
Jacob Blake’s sister: ‘I’m not sad. I’m not sorry. I’m angry. And I’m tired. I haven’t cried one time. I stopped crying years ago. I am numb. I have been watching police murder people that look like me for years.’
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
Thanks for following me! ^_^
You’re welcome!
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
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Details of Oscar Wilde’s tomb: Pére Lachaise Cemetery, Paris (France).
It was a tradition to Oscar’s admirers used to kiss his grave in a demonstration of love and respect for his legacy. Unfortunately, the stains were causing some demage to the monument’s structure. However, you still can leave a kiss to Oscar Wilde: now, the tradition was adaptaded to kissing the glass that protect the beautiful tomb instead — the art is preserveted and Oscar is still getting love and kisses from people that came from all beautiful and peculiar places around the world.
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
Not sure if the original post is still running, so....
Everyone who reblogs this gets a random Lazytown OR Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ screenshot in their inbox! 
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
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This new anti facial recognition outfit
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
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To all the protesters: please stay safe, wear a mask, leave, if possible, children and elders at home, know your rights and always stay on the reasonable side. ❤️❤️❤️
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
for people who are unaware of why the riots in minneapolis started happening, here’s the facts:
it wasn’t george floyd’s protesters who started reacting violently; it was the cops.
the protest was peaceful until the cops showed up in riot gear, and started using water cannons, followed up by tear gas and rubber bullets. i got videos from friends who were there, of people screaming and running away from the cops shooting the water cannons, rubber bullets and throwing tear gas at them. they were even shooting at the protesters dragging people away to get medical attention.
speaking of medical attention, dispatch refused to provide any medical attention to the protesters. people literally had to drive their bleeding friends to the hospital because they refused to send ambulances.
cops are using non-lethal weapons in a lethal way. they shot rubber bullets into people’s heads and injured them. there’s dozens of photos of protesters with bleeding head wounds from the rubber bullets.
multiple people used police scanners and heard that there were undercover cops pretending to be violent protesters who were throwing rocks and whatnot at the police, with dozens of eyewitness accounts confirming that information.
the person who instigated all the chaos last night (it was a fire at an autozone) with the looting and burning buildings is highly suspected to be an undercover cop pretending to be a protester, because the video of him keeps getting taken down. protesters tried to stop him but couldn’t because he had a hammer and they were scared for their safety.
the cops jammed cell phone towers and cut live streams to interrupt broadcasts and to prevent people from seeing what was really going on and who actually started the violence.
the cops lied about protesters being armed and about throwing rocks and are literally trying to continue the violence happening and yet no one is holding them accountable for that.
and during all this, the cop that murdered george floyd still hasn’t been arrested. he has had more than ten complaints filed against him and was involved in three other civilian shootings in the past. and yet he’s still out free along with his three other buddies involved, probably sitting on his couch while all this chaos is happening.
so don’t get it twisted. the cops just want to change the narrative to make it look like they’re the wounded and righteous party, when they’re the ones who started reacting violently in the first place and are still acting violently. so don’t you ever forget who started this tragedy and murdered someone, and who are continuing to react to the situation with violence. 
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
That “iron iron iron iron” at the end killed mE
Aaron Earned An Iron Urn
@dooleyfunny | IG
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
Meme idea
Photoshop the goose from untitled goose game into the background of a photo of a place where something bad happens, but it’s a photo of before the bad thing happening, so it’s implied that the goose caused it
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
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noel-phantomhive · 4 years
People keep requesting to add my fic to collections and I don’t know if they know this, and I don’t know if people who allow their own stories know this, but once you add your story to a collection, the owner of the collection can perform fuckery with your story.
Like, I’m REALLY glad that collections exist, and I’ve put my work into some collections when I made those things specifically for those collectuons. Collections are a useful tool for things like bangs, where the stories need to be hidden until the reveal….. but that also means that the person in charge has the ability to hide your works from the public. Like, without you agreeing, because you already “agreed” to that by submitting to the collection. Which means works you previously had available suddenly disappear from where people can find them.
What I’m saying is please stop random requests to random people to be in your random collections. I know you probably don’t have ill intentions, but there’s no way to tell. And if you’re getting requests to be part of random collections, please be aware that if you approve them, you won’t be the only one in control of some elements of your posted stories, including whether or not they “exist” to the average reader. If they mark the collection as “unrevealed,” you story stops being accessible to the public. And they have the option to mark the collection “anonymous” which I’m pretty sure turns the author from being You to being Anonymous.
And I say all of this because I have seen this happen to people. I have had friends whose stories “disappeared” because they approved a random collection invite and the collection owner turned everything “unrevealed” (likely without even knowing or understanding that it would hide it for EVERYONE not just hide the collection so no one would see they had it, it’s not like a private bookmark). And while I haven’t seen anyone do this maliciously (at least none I can prove) I can see where it could be USED maliciously. So please, just be careful out there.
I wish AO3 had a way to auto decline collection invites- they gave us a way to auto-accept, so I don’t understand why the opposite isn’t true. If I wanted my story to be part of a collection, I’d submit it myself.
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