Is this real?? Rofl
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CultureHISTORY: #FergusonOctober - The Movement
Incredible scenes from the 'Weekend of Resistance' in Ferguson and St. Louis. #BlackLivesMatter
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Jessica Williams 
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me: *searches "queer fashion"*
me: *immediately finds 6 million pictures of people wearing bow ties*
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Wangechi Mutu Takes On Transmutation As a New Form of Existentialism
On the eve of Wangechi Mutu’s solo show, ‘Nguva na Nyoka’ (Sirens and Serpents) opening this October 14 2014 at London’s Victoria Miro gallery, the artist shared candid thoughts and insights on her latest body of work with Another Africa’s Joyce Bidouzo-Coudray much like what inspired her to delve into Kenya’s rich folkloric mythologies:
"The fact that women have this option to turn into these myths, these powerful, indefinable creatures – especially in a place like the coast of Kenya where the traditionally patriarchal cultures of the African Mijikenda tribes prevail – is such a testament to all the possibilities of what a woman can do in a place where she is not actually permitted to do much. That is completely inspiring to me also as an artist. So that is why I dug into it."
Wangechi Mutu
Source | anotherafrica.net
[© Wangechi Mutu. Even, 2014. ]
Image courtesy of Wangechi Mutu and Victoria Miro, London.
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#WeNeedDiverseBooks YA Flow Chart!
Like thrillers? Contemporary? Romance? Graphic Novels? Humor? We’ve got recommendations for you!
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‎’Slut’ is attacking women for their right to say yes. ‘Friend Zone’ is attacking women for their right to say no.
And “bitch” is attacking women for their right to call you on it.  (via madgay)
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It Is Expensive to Be Poor | The Atlantic  (via america-wakiewakie)
Reblog this forever. I’ll never forget how many of my students in the school I worked in with a 100% free and reduced lunch rate lived in residential motels and how many of them relied on the school to get breakfast and lunch and how often those were their only meals for the day.
Or how my friends who have older cars have to spend so much money repairing them but an older car was all they could afford in the first place.
And how you literally have no safety net because if you already fixed one thing on your car and something else goes a week later, you’ve already spent the little bit of buffer you saved up.
(via raindropprincess)
“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes ‘Boots’ theory of socioeconomic unfairness.”
(via moniquill)
[I]t is actually more expensive to be poor than not poor. If you can’t afford the first month’s rent and security deposit you need in order to rent an apartment, you may get stuck in an overpriced residential motel. If you don’t have a kitchen or even a refrigerator and microwave, you will find yourself falling back on convenience store food, which—in addition to its nutritional deficits—is also alarmingly overpriced. If you need a loan, as most poor people eventually do, you will end up paying an interest rate many times more than what a more affluent borrower would be charged. To be poor—especially with children to support and care for—is a perpetual high-wire act.
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NYC in the 1980s. Love. Memories. ”After picking up a camera at the age of 15, Jamel Shabazz has been unknowingly become the first “visual documentarian” of hip hop. For over 30 years he’s captured the world around him. Every frame  of that world is a time portal that sparks emotion stemming from the scenes they represent. And if there is ever a glimpse into the foundations of street wear and its surrounding culture, it can be found in the pages of his first book.
“Back In The Days” is real deal documentation as it pertains to the origins of hip hop, not to mention hip hop fashion. No 2oK a day models. No makeup artists. No food trucks. The models in the book don’t need runways because they lived the life of style. Jamel Shabazz was there to capture it all.” Purchase here: http://www.jamelshabazz.com/monographs.html
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Reblog for future watch
Catastroika - English Subtitles 720p HD Documentary
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High School Reading List
Back in May, the #weneeddiversebooks campaign lit a fire to fulfill the desperate need for diverse books in children’s literature. Behind the Book has always championed efforts to find diverse authors and protagonists that will appeal to students since we serve communities of color. For your enjoyment (and enrichment), we’ve created an epic list of diverse books to reflect the diversity in our city; here’s our list for high school students.
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Drown by Junot Diaz
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson
Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor
The Living by Matt De La Peña, a Behind the Book author
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin
The Pearl that Broke Its Shell: a Novel by Nadia Hashimi
Mare’s War by Tanita S. Davis
A Teaspoon of Earth and Sea by Dina Nayeri
The Book of Unknown Americans: a Novel by Cristina Henríquez
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah
Silver People: Voices from the Panama Canal by Margarita Engle
Naughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman
The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi
For descriptions, click the read more!
(Click the following links to be directed to the Kindergarten, (early) Elementary and Middle School lists)
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Less than 3 miles from where Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, another young black man was gunned down by police this afternoon in North St. Louis.
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"As the protesters marched through the streets, it began to storm. Every time the thunder crashed, the protesters would cheer louder and louder. It seemed as if mother nature herself were cheering them on."
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Beautiful photos
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It’s been an incredibly difficult five days with what’s happened in what I look at as my back yard. Last night watching the live feeds of what was happening in Ferguson, MO was absolutely unbelievable and I spent the entire night refreshing twitter feeling total shame and despair.
Today though, across the country there were little glimpses of light at this very dark tunnel. Being consumed by this level of anger feels exhausting, and take that with an incredibly huge grain of salt because that’s just what I with the privilege of being a white male am capable of feeling. I’m not capable of comprehending the real pain. At today’s NMOS14 demonstration in Chicago, an incredible number of people gathered on short notice. The assembly was peaceful. We listened to people express their hurt, their hope, their anger, and their drive to change things. Once my camera died (again, short notice on this rally), I biked straight to my computer to share the solidarity- if only here in Chicago.
I know this isn’t really the stuff I normally post on here, but I figure the one time I’m literally crying while taking pictures is probably a good time to post stuff. My gratitude goes to everyone organizing today, and not just here but everywhere.
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1945.8.15 ëŒ€í•œëŻŒê”­ 독늜 1948.8.15 ëŒ€í•œëŻŒê”­ì •ë¶€ìˆ˜ëŠœ #êŽ‘ëł”ì ˆ #대한독늜만섞 #korea #IndependenceDay
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