noirdonna · 1 month
blake has moved to my multi account. i'll be keeping this blog up for archive purposes.
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noirdonna · 8 months
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noirdonna · 1 year
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@unfcrtunatescn sent: “My parents weren’t really into all that sentimental ‘loving your child’ shit.”
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Mercury didn't bring up the subject of his family often, but on those rare occasions he did Blake's heart bled just a little more for him. Having loving parents of her own, she couldn't imagine the pain of having a father or a mother that hated their child. It was so wrong; disgusting.
Why have children at all?
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"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Blake says softly, lifting her hand as if debating whether or not she should wrap her arms around him. She could never be sure with Mercury, and eventually her hand falls back into her lap.
"You didn't deserve it."
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noirdonna · 1 year
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@littleblackqrow sent: “She’s probably just mad at us for breathing. Repeated offenses, you know.”
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"Maybe, but I think there's more going on than that."
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The name ' Happy Huntresses ' must have been a ploy to make themselves sound appealing to those they fought for and mockingly non - threatening to those they opposed. Their coined phrased ' show your teeth ' was certainly not an exaggeration ( well, maybe in Fiona's case ), and May Marigold was certainly one of the fiercest members.
"Mantle is in desperate need of help and that is partly because of the Atlesian military, the same military we're currently allied with. I... can't really blame her for seeing us as enemies."
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noirdonna · 1 year
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Maybe it was due to his defensive outburst, but Blake can't help but chuckle. The feline could tell he and Yang were related; she saw a lot of her in him. "I guess I can't argue with that," Blake admits, setting her teacup down. Although she had never been to Atlas prior to this journey, she had heard plenty of stories about the Atlesian elites, both in wealth and occupation, from the White Fang members that hailed from the kingdom.
"Between you and me, Harriet's too brash and competitive to be a soldier. I kind of wonder what made her join the Atlas military, let alone the Ace Operatives."
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"Give me some credit. I can have tact." Especially now that he was sober, and had someone who's opinion he wanted to keep. Even if, Qrow admitted, that was only because he wanted to keep the peace with Clover. It wasn't his fault he and Harriet had seemed to dislike each other at a first glance.
"Atlas has a special talent for bringing the worst out of people."
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noirdonna · 1 year
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@littleblackqrow sent: “Personally, I think she was just born a bitch.”
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Blake nearly spat out her tea, just barely covering her mouth in time. So often she would forget that Qrow Branwen was not necessarily the well - mannered and gentlemanly huntsman she had once envisioned all huntsman to be. ( Just a silly little girl with silly fantasies of how the real world was. )
Not that it was a problem -- he certainly wasn't wrong.
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"I'm glad you didn't say that in front of her."
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noirdonna · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from a YA novel I wrote back in high school. change & alter as needed.
“Are you just going to keep staring at that thing all day?”
“This is a bank, right? …So why does it look like there’s some serious horror movie shit going down here?”
“Personally, I think she was just born a bitch.”
“Get yourself something to eat.”
“We’ve got to get this place cleaned up and looking nice.”
“It only takes sixty seconds of your time, but the peace of mind it gives you will last for a lifetime.”
“And you’re not frightened of needles, right?”
“That’s got more lies printed on it than a presidential campaign poster.”
“Remember that weekend in Los Angeles? Well, this is just like that, except we’re not using dynamite, and there won’t be any human sacrifices.”
“Oh, god, it’s trying to break the door down!”
“Did you get that off a bumper sticker?”
“No one wants to deal with your shit, [name]. Why else do you think your parents ditched you?”
“I’m fine. I ate last night.”
“Yes, a fair number of global concerns could be resolved if only people would stop ‘saying things’.”
“I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“It’s been like this for as long as I can remember.”
“My parents weren’t really into all that sentimental ‘loving your child’ shit.”
“Do you think it’s after midnight yet?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, [name], but I’m pretty sure no one in recorded history has ever had laser vision.”
“Still, it’s kind of cool, isn’t it?”
“There’s no reason to be nervous, honey. It’s just standard procedure.”
“Things will get better. They just have to.”
“We have enough to keep the lights on, or the water running, but not both.”
“Look, nobody cares about people like us, okay? They never do. They never will. We’re on our own out here.”
“Apparently, I’ve joined the ranks of the demons. That’s what the priest told me when he was trying to ‘save my immortal soul’, or whatever.”
“I’m just a fuck-up, okay?! I fuck everything up! Everything! All the time! That’s why I’m alone! That’s why no one wants anything to do with me!”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out for us, son.”
“She’s probably just mad at us for breathing. Repeated offenses, you know.”
“I’m doing this for you! For all of you!”
“We’ll leave a light on for you.”
“You’ve always been a part of our family, [name]. You just took the long way coming home.”
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noirdonna · 1 year
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noirdonna · 1 year
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born with no life, into SUBJUGATION treated like a worthless CRIMINAL
independent & selective BLAKE BELLADONNA of monty oum and roosterteeth's RWBY, penned by sarah
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noirdonna · 1 year
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noirdonna · 1 year
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