noirzpress · 4 years
Billie and Bobbie do Hydrogen – Hart Broudy. Free pdf. In the 70’s there was one summer when everyone’s parents split, and I mean everyone. As devastating as that was to our families, the cool bonus was that our parents would feed us homemade lightly laced Hash Brownies. The hash was from the local dealer/bully Dougie. I remember reading that Classics Illustrated version of “Billie and Bobbie do Hydrogen” slavishly, in those sun-drenched afternoons in the conservatory. After Broudy’s 1972 success with the Photo Novella version of Holy Mountain, Broudy assembled this stunning sequence in his converted apple-packing plant in Markham, affectionately called The Safe Place. Here he created many of the tropes and twists that have forged the loud, angry, visceral images that “Billie And Bobbie do Hydrogen” hammers out in 28 pages.  Am I the only one who finds Miss Marvel hotter than the Invisible Girl? Free pdf, print version when we get to it
Smash the old poems to make better poems
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noirzpress · 4 years
daniel f. bradley & hart broudy, nOIR:Z Investigates:The very rude Petroglyphs of the Confederacy. 
Famously assembled in one day, this duo’s debut work was originally released on Friday February 13, 1970 – a shambolic date. Many of the works started life as cuttings off the Currier and Ives tables. Potent example of a clearly elemental “other power” standing behind the orange Cheeto holding the bleach. But elsewhere are playful traces of art folk but none of that smelly psychedelia. The very rude Petroglyphs of the Confederacy is almost a work that spins itself together of it’s own accord like a tornado and moves of its own momentum. Who did what gets pretty thick and tricky. Keep Diggin'. Free pdf version for now. Print version when we can get to it.
Harmonious Secret Society in league with Satan controls grant process read all about it
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noirzpress · 4 years
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Goop - Brian Dedora,  for much of his photography career, Dedora has, in his own words been, “spellbound by the mystery of ectoplasm .” His images have the air of a still from a film noir séance, photographed as they were usually at night and often with infrared film and flash. Brian has been known to pay special attention to the expressions and gestures of his “goop”, who for the most part are ghostly slime that come from the lower strata of paranormal society.
Today everything exists just to end up as pictures
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noirzpress · 4 years
We have a plan. dfb, PDF file download. 
This theory, in all probability, is the scariest one and will send chills down your spine. Soon after the news of the outbreak broke. When the employees took over the plant and the talking board production began. In 1901 they started production of boards under the name "Ouija". The talking boards were named "Ouija" from an ancient Egyptian word meaning "good luck." Later the boards were popularized with the more widely accepted etymology: that the name came from a combination of the French and German words for "yes". Free download.
Unlike civilizations, viruses rarely have expiry dates.
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noirzpress · 4 years
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Franco Cortese, no mỡ, no mo, no mò.
nOIR:Z 31 2020 - I don’t know what you expected. I know it wasn’t this. A beautifully realised collection of poems set against a backdrop of irregular or asymmetrical visual leaps and code. In the direction of a simple, yet open-ended structure of disarray, which of course  go to the core values of Western Civilization and disputed the existence of single meaning. Cortese applies a linguistic tone and image so crisp and clear the book becomes a groove so very deep you can see the light clearly etched in the printed surface, gorgeous. I know it wasn’t this. I don’t know what you expected. 24 pages full colour $20 CND
   The most powerful books often start very quietly, hidden in the shadows. Remember that.
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noirzpress · 4 years
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Marshall Hryciuk – blue-hot VZWLS
nOIR:Z 32  - In both the original form and in the later revised version, this collection has enjoyed widespread use in animated cartoons and later a Broadway show, that features numerous props, including guillotines, electric chairs, fake blood, reptiles, baby dolls, and dueling swords. Hryciuk, is never one to shy away from letting his “sources” show, never shy about “showing off” his hard-earned toner-bar-craft. When composing these paper scrawls of manipulated spoken spells rendered incomprehensible to the industry standard. these compositions, some from the early heady days of the radical xerox twenty-four-hour photocopy shops, that populated the city, the way bubble tea shops do now, except we got that hardedge toner smear and smudge. Just like when the boss is out for the afternoon, and the photocopier isn’t being use. Some colour $20 CND
 “Merger money seem to be enough to buy the necessary poets to occupy positions of control over the unruly elements in their corner of literature. Support and promotion are always sold to ones who will forfeit their soul to the purse strings of an organization, that not only doesn’t understand poetry, they actually generate policy to suppress it’s consumption.”
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noirzpress · 4 years
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nOIR;Z bill bissett. taste bubs/a son gout. number 8.  seven pages plus covers. a stain upon the silence but in the silence you don't know when to stop the poem so you wander on. If there's nothing there, how can anything go wrong? cracks happening since 1962 specializing in concrete foundation crack repair. we are the giant dinosaurs without out shame for excess  
Actually, it'd be more accurate to say that for most of our history, we have been actively hostile to perceived market place virtuosity.
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR;Z -daniel f. bradley. the cheeky girls of golden autumn-number 6. 8 full colour pages plus cover card. come out of your house and dance your dance. be a man. act like you have answers. listen, smile, nod, agree — then do what the fuck you were gonna do anyway. I have a stack of hard boiled Nancy Drew mystery books (in like-new condition). When did you find out they had old school apartment wrestling in River Heights? I'm going to need to check that out. I love anthology series so much more in theory than in practice. She ended up asking around to find a someone to race vet her novel. good people don’t smoke marijuana and take that purity pledge. the last time someone ordered me to do something, I was 15. It was my daddy. twenty dollars canadian
Like my outfit? I’m going for counterculture.
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR;Z hart broudy histoire lourde number 9. five full colour pages plus covers. more like my incoherent brain-map. the histoire lourde is in fact an old con/psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of the old school concrete are rearranged recorded and then analyzed using the most stringent Templar interpretations, complex algorithms, or both. Remember leather pants can create a strange optical illusion and celebrities who are surprisingly biracial. Funding this project provides an opportunity to make true and notable improvements in downtown Roswell. twenty dollars canadian .
without doubt we have embraced anarchy but we have not let go of musical theatre
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noirzpress · 5 years
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 nOIR:Z - 16 - sacha archer - inkwells : an event poem. seven pages. remember when you worked the espresso machine at cabaret voltaire with sacha brewing what we should be brewing? recreating some of the lesser know dadaist concepts in archer’s backyard with a downpour truly a cabaret of artistic and political re-purposes. twenty dollars canadian.
in the end we strive for the ideal of the free and beautiful human being.
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR:Z-18-kate siklosi-6 feuilles. 6 pages some colour. she came from planet kate, we know she came from there, she took these detailed notes of an apocalyptic "system, man".  with the assortment of language laying about kate displays remarkable control over the page. unafraid to mess about in an informal play gets developed but i might be making that up too. twenty dollars canadian.
we know we appear as vagabonds and outsiders, but we don't lose any sleep over it.
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noirzpress · 5 years
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photos from the last weekend of the concrete is porous show / bill-fest at NAC with bill bissett showing everyone how it’s done. 
In 1977, bob wenman and a group of other conservative members of parliament objected to the funding of some Canadian poets, bill bissett in particular, by the canadian council for the arts, on moral grounds. wenman, when speaking to jean chrétien (then a minister of finance), described bissett's work as "disgusting and pornographic." 
frankly we can’t think of a better example of a poet for this country 
A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR:Z - editions loups simples pack one:
4 booklets that explore(maybe)explain where the nOIR:Z editors are coming/going. When four lone wolfs ending up in the same walmart parking lot of CAN LIT at the same time SOMETHING is bound to bounce about.
 bill bissett – th rivr is th dreem. nineteen pages plus covers. bissett drags his seminal concrete visual style from the nineteen-sixties/seventies into the end of the second decade of this century, and the results are a spectacular concrete hardscape forms. calculating just how much concrete your soul requires. The chapbook also includes linear (of a sort) poems and a full colour painting cover. twenty dollars canadian
daniel f bradley – super barely. fourteen pages plus covers. when louisa may alcott submitted her first draft of little women to russ meyer for consideration, rumour has it he quickly saw it for the avant-garde hot mess it was. by turning it into a dark and dirty cheesy erasure, widely regarded by many as the lowest of the low in poetic forms, all the while still managing to keeping it’s R rating. obviously, the golden age of can lit was soon to be burned to the ground. believe it or not there are still people who are unfulfilled and unrelieved in the midst of our state sponsored poetry. twenty dollars canadian.
hart broudy – a completely honest guy. ten pages plus covers. a full colour explosion exploiting the notion that everyone should have a good lawyer on retainer, though the alibi expressed here (saul bass) falls apart for our benefit, it is worth noting sometimes a prisoner of the advertising pens can smuggle OUT some lovely contraband. twenty dollars canadian
brian dedora – three prongs a trident. eighteen pages plus covers. one chapbook three sections the same the differences. handwritten camera. photographic binding. melon type scrapes. all familiar territory for dedora, but here, unlike so much in our world instead of contempt he breeds a particularly deep grey wonder, “an aperture / at speed”. twenty dollars canadian.
   because language will thanks us for our zeal
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR:Z -13- gustave morin - these lumber steel against concrete. twenty nine pages plus covers. gustave has the distinction of being one of the most accomplished concrete/typewriter poets in canada, if not north america, this is not an exaggeration. while the form is not new gustave breaths new life into the form by using his impressive arsenal of typewriters, while most are pleased with their singular inadequate efforts. his work is published around the world with some regularity. twenty dollars canadian
   writing is the only time you will fit in. just a sliver of time where it is acceptable to say what you thought. don’t waste it being boring.
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR:Z 3 - carlyle baker - false positive. twenty nine pages plus covers. recognize the name, probably not, and carlyle (if that is in fact your real name) wants it that way. publishing in the smallest of the smallies for over 25 years. the name changes but the exploding textures and images remain singular. so much so that often people know his work despite the intended confusion. it’s just like banksy, but the art is way better, and the whole thing isn’t just another art world scam.
publish before you get good because by the time you get good you're too old to be published
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR:Z 24- frances kruk – dig oubliette. twenty-two pages with covers, the first of our editions antheil series (dedicated to reprinting important lost works) frances, while from calgray is not of calgary or any manufactured movement claiming that city. instead she decided to learn her craft abroad. originally published by the infamous yt  communications in 2006, hackney. It’s unlikely you have seen this rare bird. it’s unlikely you will see it again. twenty dollars canadian.
  if you are the oldest person in your small press scene you probably have or have had a substance abuse problem
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noirzpress · 5 years
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nOIR:Z 12 – andrew camron-noelther – digital killed the letraset star. Thirteen card stock meditations on the fickle nature of fads in the extremely small world of visual poetry. A sample from easily the most mysterious author in our stable. andrew mocks us for our fetish driven desires but, is it from the sidelines or is it from the end zone. housed in a utilitarian quality - inter-dept. envelope, redi-tac clsre. buggles as fuck. twenty dollars canadian.
we have chosen the path of the black sheep rather than that of the unicorns and snowflakes 
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