info: from now on this blog I'll post PT character sprites edits based on color palletes!
I hope you'll like it !!! <3
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My cringe edits part 1
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out of all the mfs for me to be obsessed with why did it have to be him
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What is happening in there
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I should post something
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I wish there was a mod where you could play as Noisette in War level
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Ways The Noise Has Died
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Lung cancer: 2
I have a headcanon that The Noise can die and respawn. (He's cursed, but sometimes he takes advantage of it.) These are just some of the ways he's died. He does a lot of stupid shit.
Hit by car: 3
Throat cancer: 1
Fallen from building/height: 2
Shot by police: 7
Drowned: 1
Execution by electric chair: 1
Eaten by alligators: 2
Smashed by piano: 2
Killed by Peppino: 15
Heart attack: 3
Diabetes: 3
Fire/burns: 5
Explosion: 22
Spontaneous combustion: 4
Eaten by shark: 1
Poisoned: 1
Internal bleeding: 2
Septic shock: 2
Execution by guillotine: 2
Bleeding out: 4
Head trauma: 5
Forgot to breathe: 18
Killed by Toppin Monster: 3
Mauled by bear: 1
Ate something inedible: 6
Forgot to eat (starved): 3
Alcohol poisoning: 6
Dehydration: 3
Eaten by tigers: 1
Strangled by Pizzahead: 2
Stung by bees: 1
Run over by boulder: 1
Struck by lightning: 2
Led poisoning: 2
Ate paint: 3
(Feel free to suggest ways he's died. Silly little bastard is always up to no good.)
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that one noisey from the update is their actual son and i won't let anyone tell me otherwise
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The Noise
The Noise
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The Noise
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How did noise get stuck in my tip jar
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Pink Noise came yesterday offering me a lemon cake, why does she keeps doing that? I don't need food that much!? Whatever.
Cake smelt really weird but she kept begging me to try it, took a bite so she could leave me alone... it isn't actually too bad, eating another piece right now.
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What have I done to her with my headcanons... :P
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The Color Pink (Noise x Noisette FanFic) (Part 1)
Hi ok so for starters, this is just my interpretation of how Noise and Noisette came to be. This is based off my headcanons and such, NO PART OF THIS IS CANON. This is fan fiction, so be prepared to be cringe. I am cringe, but I am free. Please be patient on updates and grammar/punctuation corrections. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Hazel grumbled as the sound of her alarm ringing woke her up. She sat up and stretched, rubbing her dry, tired eyes. She lived alone in a small house, but the emptiness made it seem so big. She reluctantly crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth. It was four in the morning, earlier than most people can even think of waking up. She brushed her hair as she hummed. Slowly but surely she felt more awake. She put on a white t-shirt and topped it with her favorite pink skirt with overalls. She slipped on her favorite pair of red heels, but they weren't the tallest as to not squish her toes. Finally, she slipped on her pink bunny mask to finish her look. She left her home and locked the door behind her.
The sun was starting to rise and shone through the windows of the tower. She couldn't see all of it, but the tiny amount of clouds colored pink and purple by the sunlight was enough to make her smile. Hazel clutched her purse tightly as she walked through the slum. She hated the location of her cafe, but she was still so grateful to have one. She swiftly unlocked the front door, the bell above it rang as she walked in. She sighed in relief. Another day, another dollar, she thought, as she turned on the lights. She readied the coffee makers with clean filters and freshly ground coffee. The aroma of such filled the air. The bell rang as someone walked in the door.
"Mornin', Hazel!" The Vigilante slithered in with a smile on his face. He made his way to the counter and lifted himself up on the stool. "Morning, Vigi!" She greeted him enthusiastically. "You're up early today!"
"Yep," he responded, "it's hay day. Cuttin' down the field and shuffling the hay so it can dry... It sure does take a while. By the time I finish, it'll be sundown."
"So what can I get'cha today?"
"The usual."
She grabbed a mug from the shelves beneath the counter and poured the dark silky coffee, leaving a little room for a couple of sugar cubes. She handed it to The Vigilante, and he immediately took a sip before the coffee could even cool.
He sighed happily, "Just how I like it. Thank ya kindly."
Hazel smiled in reply. "I've been thinking about serving food in here."
"Oh yeah?" He smiled. "Like what?"
"I don't know," she hummed with thought. "I want to do something unique. I feel like every cafe does the same thing, I want to be different. It's always donuts, sandwiches, blah blah blah."
"Hmph... Maybe somethin' like pastries?"
"Uhhh... Maybe. I don't know, that's not super special. I want to do something you've never heard of. Something like... Peas and cherries!"
The Vigilante silently stared at her in horror.
"Get it? Like peas and carrots, but instead of carrots, it's cherries!"
He smiled hesitantly. "Yeah, uh... How about something... different."
She frowned. "You're right, that idea stinks! I'll think of something better."
While she took out a small notepad and took inventory, The Vigilante sipped on his coffee quietly while he read the newspaper. Hazel was a bit disgruntled, she hated doing inventory. It was so boring to her. Even being a small business had its tolls. She always dreamed of having her own cafe that was more unique than the big corporate ones, but she dreaded the side work that didn't involve making coffee and chatting with costumers. Even worse, business was slow. Days were long and grating. She hoped that maybe food would bring in more customers, but she feared that some of the questionable gangs from The Pig City nearby would put her business at stake. The Vigilante always insisted that he would be there if anything happened, but she didn't like depending on him. What if it took him too long to get up to the fourth floor? The thugs would've been long gone before he even stepped out of the elevator.
The Vigilante put his empty mug on the counter. "Well, dear," he spoke, "I better get goin'. Fields ain't gonna harvest 'emselves."
"Alright, Vigi. Thanks for stopping in!"
He tipped his hat as he walked out the door. "Anytime."
She sighed and rested her head in her arms on the counter. Once again, the cafe was empty and quiet, too quiet for her liking. She flipped on the T.V. in the lobby. PTV was on with those BORING shows about the history of pizza and pizza people. It hadn't had any new content in so long, but it was good background noise as she attempted to scrub those stubborn stains on the counter. Those stains were there before she was, and no matter how hard she tried, they stayed. They were so frustrating for her. She felt that they made her look lazy and dirty, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
The bell rang again as the Pig City police force entered the cafe. "Morning, fellas," she greeted them. One tipped his hat at her while the others went to the booths. She walked over and handed them the small menus. The size of the menus haunted her as she felt that her cafe was lacking something. The Piggy Police quickly gazed over the menus as they found what they wanted. One by one they handed the menus back to her. "Y'know, ma'am," one spoke, "NTV has a crazy new show going on."
"Oh," she aired, "which one? I know they've got a few projects in the works."
"Ahhh, I think it's the one where he plays as the detective."
"Noise of the Unknown?"
"Yeah, that one! I think it premieres a couple times today."
"I'll change the channel," she tapped the menus on the table to straighten them out. "I'm sick of this PTV channel, anyways"
Hazel headed back behind the counter, quickly changing the channel to NTV before she began to work on the cops' orders. One coffee with frothy cold foam atop, another coffee with cream and two shots of espresso, an extra sweet cappuccino, an iced coffee with vanilla syrup. She was slightly swamped with orders, but she was happy to finally be doing something. She served those coffees to the first booth then headed to another booth to take their orders. She rushed back to the counter to work on the new orders. The bell rang as yet another customer walked in. "Be with you in one minute," she called out. She was focused intensely on her work that her surroundings disappeared. A hot black coffee with six sugars, a coffee with milk and mocha sauce, another cappuccino with hazelnut syrup and sugar. She collected the empty dishes from the first booth and rushed back to the counter. "That's a familiar face on T.V.," said the stranger at the counter.
"Well, yea, that's The-" she was struck with awe as she turned around see the tower's biggest celebrity sitting right in front of her. "-Noise... Hahhhahhh... hi."
"Hey," The Noise spoke as a smirk grew across his face.
"You, that's uh... That's you." She grinned from ear to ear, completely flustered as her celebrity crush gazed into her eyes.
"Yeah, that's me."
"So, uh," she cleared her throat. "What can I get'cha?"
"I don't know yet, first time here."
"Oh, right, um-" she handed him a menu, "here. I'll come back to you in a minute."
She went over to the second booth, her heart now racing. She could feel the blood rushing to her face as she was suddenly nervous. She collected the dishes from the second booth and then the first, putting them in the sink behind the counter. She printed out their receipts and handed it to them. The Piggy Police continued to sit and chat in their booths. She hastily made her way back behind the counter and approached The Noise, her heart still fluttering. "Anything catch your eye," she asked him. He looked up from the menu and winked at her. It took every bit of self control she had not to squeal.
"I'll have an iced coffee," he said, "shot of espresso, sweet cream, three sugar."
"Got it!"
Hazel rushed over to the freshest pot of coffee and poured it over ice. The Piggy Police came up to the counter to pay their bills as she quickly finished up The Noise's drink and handed it to him. They all paid but didn't tip, to her disappointment. A few cops tried to chat with The Noise, but he put his hand up and spoke, "Sorry fellas, I'm off the clock right now. Business only happens on the clock." They nodded to him and went on their way, their radios suddenly beeping in emergency. Hazel tried not to stare at Noise and kept her focus on washing the dishes. He finally took a sip of his drink, and his eyes widened. "Holy shit," he exclaimed. Hazel turned around in panic. "This coffee is amazing!"
"Oh, please," she smiled, "you're just saying that."
"No, seriously! This is the best coffee I've had in this tower." He took another sip. "I mean, a lot of the coffee you get in this place is pizza-flavored... I usually brew my own, but I have that little machine with the cups."
"I used to have one of those. Ironically, of course, heh..."
"It isn't the best, but it gets me going when we film early in the mornings... Or afternoons." He chuckled.
Hazel went back to doing the dishes and tried to give The Noise some space.
"Ya know," he started again, "I wanted to ask you something."
Hazel's heart dropped and her eyes grew wide. What was he going to ask? "Yeah? What's up?"
"The name of your cafe... what's up with that?"
"Oh... Oh! It's French for hazelnut! It's pronounced, 'nwa-zett', but everybody thinks it's 'Noise-ett'... I promise it's not named after you, no offense."
Her heart started racing again. Oh, god, is he mad, she thought.
"Hilarious!" The Noise laughed. "I can't believe people thought your cafe was named after me!"
She giggled with him, "Yeah! I thought it was silly. I corrected a few people, but it gets tiring."
"I can imagine." He drank his coffee. "You serve food here?"
"No. Not yet, actually. I'm hoping to serve food here soon enough, but I'm still debating what to put on the menu."
"You thinkin' pastries or somethin'?"
"No. Well, maybe. I want something unique. I don't know, though. I'm completely stumped. I mean, what hasn't been done?"
He listened to her as he continued to sip his coffee as if he hadn't drank anything in days.
"Funkin' Donuts and Farbucks have pastries and sandwiches," she rambled, "but I don't want to be like the big corporations! I want to do something different. I want my cafe to have a catch!"
The Noise's phone began to rang. "Sorry to interrupt you," he apologized as he answered the call. "Yeah, what's up? ... Ugh, really? I haven't even eaten anything yet... Alright, fine. I'll be there in ten minutes." He sighed in frustration. "Sorry to rush, but it looks like we're starting early today. What do I owe you?"
"Oh, don't worry about it. It's on the house!"
"No, please, I have the money, let me pay you."
"Alright," she handed him the receipt, and he paid her in cash. "Thanks for stopping in!"
"I'll be back eventually." He winked at her, and she giggled.
"I'll be here." She turned grabbed his glass and took it over to the sink to be washed with the rest of the dishes. The bell rang as he walked out.
With all the coffee pots washed and the machines cleaned, it was finally time to end her day at work. Hazel sighed as she went over to count the cash in the register. She glanced at the tip jar quickly, expecting it to be empty as usual, but... "Oh, my GOSH!!!" She exclaimed loud enough to echo through the cafe. A $100 bill sat in the jar, it was the only tip in there. She squealed as she took the money out of the jar. It made no sense to her; none of the police tipped. Hold on... That tip had to be from The Noise! She squeaked and hopped around. While her day wasn't close to ending, it was just made whole and complete.
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Drawing the Noise until he's playable Day 16
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Flowers for Noisette, prompt from @fatfeet42! 8D
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💕 ~Welcome to Noisette Cafe~ 💕
🩷Opening hours:🩷 ❤️Monday to Friday: 08.00-19.00 ❤️Saturday: 09.00-18.00 ❤️Sunday: closed 🩷Menu:🩷 ❤️Chocolate corncob ❤️Peanut butter spaghetti ❤️Jelly bean soup ❤️Ice-cream with ketchup ❤️Pistachio cheesecake 💕I hope you enjoy💕
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