If anyone's still actually following this, I've started an Undertale liveblog on my personal blog. (Perhaps it would make more sense to have it on this blog, even though it's not a webcomic? Eh, whatever.)
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CRFH Deadblog Part 9: Mar. 6, 2013
Spoiler update: I read some of http://learnfromwebcomics.tumblr.com/ earlier today; it's a blog that uses examples from webcomics to give advice on how to write. And of course it turned out that one of the posts (or "lessons" as it calls them) used CRFH as its example.
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CRFH Deadblog Part 8: Mar. 5, 2013
Page for 1999-10-02
But… that doesn't rhyme…?
I'm confused.
I also don't get the reference, though I think I've seen the name "Fletcher" before.
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CRFH Deadblog Part 7: Mar. 4, 2013
Page for 1999-09-18
OK, "There are smoother ways to commit crimes" is a great line.
And of course, no surprise how Marsha decides to go about it.
But… that isn't Mike, is it? So why would he be able to get into their room? I guess I'll find out.
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CRFH Deadblog Part 6: Feb 19, 2013
Page for 1999-08-23
Sure, Roger. Just keep telling yourself that. Just ignore it; don't bother trying to fight it. It wouldn't work anyway. It's easier like this: no resistance, no bumps in the road. A nice, smooth, painless path to Pepe taking OVER THE WOOOOOORLD!!!!!
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CRFH Deadblog Part 5: Jan. 26, 2013
Page for 1999-08-11
Hahaha, "Mr. Lincoln". Nice.
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CRFH Deadblog Part 4: Jan. 20, 2013
Page for 1999-06-19
OK, this cracked me up. Just the implication that the rock got up there itself, and how they're treating it like a normal pet. Also "swimming classes together", I see what you did there >.>
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CRFH Deadblog Part 3: Jan. 14, 2013
Page for 1999-04-08
Heh, irony. So, I guess the flagpole is probably only one story above ground, right? I think that's usually where they are, though I don't really know. But it's probably not too long a fall. Doesn't help that they're upside-down, though.
Let's see what happens to them.
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CRFH Deadblog Part 2: Jan. 13, 2013
Page for 1999-03-25
Ah, so Dave has clearly become the new primary villain of the series. The rest of the comic will no doubt chronicle our heroes' torturous and labyrinthine journey to defeat their erstwhile roommate, culminating in a heartwarming finale where they learn not to underestimate the true power of friendship.
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CRFH Deadblog Part 1: Jan. 5, 2013
OK, my CRFH deadblog seems to be too long to fit in a single post, so I guess I'll split it up by when I actually wrote the stuff. Here's Part 1:
OK, it's been a couple months since I last did this, but I've decided to start another comic before putting this up as a blog, if I ever even get around to that; I'm not sure if it's worth it, to be honest. Eh, we'll see.
So, next I'll do CRFH (College Roomies From Hell!!!), since it's apparently by the same person who wrote Power Nap and I've vaguely heard of it before (though not enough to actually know anything about it).
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Oh yeah, I should probably post my unfinished CRFH deadblog too. I'll do that… tomorrow maybe? I'll probably want to format it somewhat, which could take a while.
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I’ve been thinking about this liveblogging thing, and I think it's time for me to officially call it quits. It can be fun from time to time, but the thing is, I’ve been reading a lot of webcomics recently, and I only rarely feel like liveblogging. Furthermore, I’ve been avoiding reading the webcomics on my suggestions list to keep the possibility of liveblogging them open, and given the rate at which I'm actually liveblogging, the net effect is that I'm just not getting to read all these webcomics that people actually recommended, and it doesn't seem like I'll be able to any time soon either. Unless, of course, I give up the possibility of liveblogging them (or suddenly start liveblogging a whole lot more).
However, I did do some liveblogging in the past six months; I just never got around to posting it. So here it is. One last liveblog post for the road.
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And now Maggie. In basically the same pose Ava was in… or, well, now that I look back, not really, just sorta similar.
Hey, what’s up with her hair? The back isn’t all square like it used to be!
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Oh man, it’s been way too long since I last did this. Over a month? Though I actually did do a bit earlier, but didn’t get around to posting it. So without further ado:
Page 348
Question mark?!
What’s confusing her here? The key… glowing, it looks like? Or the fact that her hair is turning red, maybe? I’m going to guess the glowing key, though, since it didn’t seem to be doing that in the last panel.
Is it glowing in response to Ava saying she hates herself? May…be…? Wrathia said she “no longer uses” it, so could it be that it’s glowing in sympathy, sort of? Or does it think she’s addressing Wrathia or something? I dunno, let’s see if it does anything more.
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OK, since I was talking about shipping in that last post, I figure I might as well delve into that a bit more!
As for Ava… I guess I don't really want to ship her at all? I initially thought she was younger than the others, and even though that's apparently not actually the case, she definitely has trouble interacting with people, as we just saw with Gil, so I still get the impression that she's not really ready for a serious relationship. (Because, you know, shipping is all about serious relationships.) Although I guess it would be helpful for her to have someone to help her get past all the bad stuff that's happened to her, and maybe a romantic relationship would be a good form for that to take? I don't really know. But I'm still going to hold off on shipping her for now.
So that just leaves Maggie, Odin, and Gil. We know Odin has a crush on Maggie, and Maggie has a crush on Gil… heh, it would be interesting if Gil developed a crush on Odin, to complete the cycle. :P Though I don't really know where it could go from there… (Wait, Odin crushing on Maggie didn't stop being a thing, did it? I guess it might have after she rejected him… oh well, we'll see.)
Just looking at pairs, though, I don't want to ship Odin/Maggie because it would just be too creepy, so it's basically Gil/Maggie or Gil/Odin. And to be honest, I'm not really excited about either of those? I mean, I know I made a big deal of Maggie flirting with Gil, but I'm not sure how well they'd actually work together, and so far Gil doesn't seem to be all that interested. So I think I'll keep it on the backburner, and in the short term root for the Cycle of Crushes, mostly on the basis of lols. :D And after that… I'll just hope it develops interestingly and entertainingly, I guess.
Wait, this post was mostly excuses for not shipping people, rather than actual shipping. What a ripoff! Here, have an actual chart to make up for it:
For anyone who's curious, the pictures were taken from pages 74, 342, 241, 313, 146, and 161. Oh, and the heart is from page 130. ;)
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That’s really all there is to say on this page. :D
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I marked a couple more places as spoilers (one for Unsounded and one for Scott Pilgrim), which I initially thought didn't really need it, but I recently decided might as well have it anyway.
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