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One of the many 3D printed parts this on connects the wing ends to the extended motor rod. It is the piston that moves up and down
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First we used plywood ribs but we quickly found that acrylic was stronger. For the tail section four of the cross beams feed into a holder that bends them outward. The tail section is too short so I have added a blended wire to add some area to it
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I would like to make an ornithopter to be able to have it assimilate with birds and learn more about them. I would borrow a birds wing structure and wing flapping path for my design
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Planes are inspired from birds
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They allow one to Tavel and use the birds strong wings and airfoil in their design. This is cool because flight is an amazing magical event.
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Field trip
Today we walked to the nature lab and other design stores. At the nature lab we saw animals to gather inspiration. One bird wing was very intriguing
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These images show the bone structure of a bird. I hope to use this design in an ornithopter.
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Plant Waterer
This Arduino project uses a syringe and an Arduino to water a plant. You can forget about your plant while you go out or vacation because it will always be fed. I like this project because it includes nature with a technical aspect that allows one to be lazy. I could improve this design by adding a larger water tank.
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A circuit with lights, the first is with the power running from right to left, the second has all light connected to the power source
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A simple circuit with a button to control the motor
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-Arduino’s are very easy to work with and prototype
-Use a bread board to connect wires before you sadder them together 
-You can also code the Arduino to do certain functions
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This is the final product in genuine leather and with wood to reinforce the holder
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Our first prototype was made of paper and leather-like tape, it was flimsy but allowed the user to slide the card out to swipe it. This version allowed the card to easily fall out.
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This is an idea for a phone case attachment that allows you to quickly swipe and ID, credit or debit card, or any key card
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